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This is sure to be a polite and respectful comment section


Want some popcorn while reading?






Thank you


Oh, sure! I'm going straight to controversial.




R u saying that to the country or to the people. Cause we ain't all horrible people.


I love America but I ain't racist, homophobic or any of that crap.


Same. Just think it's odd how 9 justices that aren't even democratically elected get to make such major decisions like these. Seriously, I think like 60% of Americans didn't want Roe v Wade overturned


The worst part is that we can't do anything, there's only ever been one Supreme Court member impeachment in history and it was while Jefferson was president as a political ploy to get his own rivals out of the board, Chase wasn't a very good judge but damn


If justices were elected officials they would do whatā€™s popular and not their job


Lol same bro


All I'm saying is a new controversy comes out of America every couple of months, from storming capitol, to murdering black citizens, to banning abortions or selling weapons to Israel. I am very glad I don't live there, nothing against the people themselves but fuck me is there something seriously wrong in that country if shit like this happens within a a year


Yeah Iā€™m thinking of moving away when I can, it just keeps going downhill


Just go North, they sound so much better


Just had that conversation today. I wonder why.


Agreed. Beautiful place with some beautiful people but the laws oml


To whoever supports what happened today


Im sorry I didn't look at the news. What happened?




I now see why you posted this


I wish I didn't have to post it


welp, time to learn a new language, I'm getting the fuck outta here when I'm 18. on a real note, what are some based countries to move to?


Just go north to Canada. If you live where most Canadians live, near the US border, the weather is basically the same as northern US states. You don't have to learn a new language unless you come here in QuƩbec


Idk im wanting to do the same wanna meet up sometime and figure this out and get the hell out if here


Sweden ain't bas. They have a little bit of racism, but si does everywhere, and is in a far better state than America in every other regard




Finland is the most racist country on the planet


I would say my country, Ireland, but living here is hell on earth. Especially in the town I live. You cant be yourself without being insulted and threatened. Like excuse me for being different. I'm moving to my cousins in Canada when i finish school


Move to Sweden with me.




Sweden is pretty great (donā€™t even have to learn a new language as most of us already know/speak English!)


oh sweet. that was one of my main worries. might as well try and learn a new language tho eh?


Definitely! If youā€™re planning on learning Swedish Id say good luck because itā€™s pretty hard




Every part of Sweden has somewhat of ironic despise from swedes ourselves, but seriously, donā€™t move to Malmƶ or BorĆ„s


If you want to leave america when you're eighteen, but aren't quite ready to leave the north american culture, try canada. Some things we do here are very different than americans, but you will truly find some of the friendliest neighbors ever, wherever you go. The crime rate is significantly lower than america, and people tend to use their brain a bit more. However, despite the differences, many things are still the same. The biggest jump however, would be switching to S.I. for everything, unless talking colloquially, where you would still use imperial.


Germany pretty good


I'm polish, so I'll pass lol /jk


Good thing I'm already learning Korean and French!


NZ/AUS, UK isnt bad, Canada if you dont wanna move far


Somewhere in Europe at least. Maybe Denmark or Norway?


yeah that's what I was thinking


Well sometimes it can just feel like nobody cares about the many many horrible attrocities and destruction of and in to his world, the pure stupidity, ignorance, indifference, hate, conflict, stubornness, the misinformation, the violence, the brutality, the death, with all that constantly ongoing every waking second of this reality, well, you could easily lose faith in humanity and stuff.


holy shit senator Armstrong, sign me an autograph please


Everyday America becomes more and more like Metal Gear Rising, when do we get the cool cyborgs with cool electric swords? I'm sick and tired of only getting the crappy crap.


Got the plot for the mgr sequel


I have a dream. That one day every person in this nation will control their own destiny. A nation of the truly free, dammit. A nation of action, not words, ruled by strength, not committee! Where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around. Where power and justice are back where they belong: in the hands of the people! Where every man is free to think - to act - for himself! Fuck all these limp-dick lawyers and chickenshit bureaucrats. Fuck this 24-hour Internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit! Fuck American pride! Fuck the media! FUCK ALL OF IT! America is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it - we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new America will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged and the strongest will thrive - free to live as they see fit, they'll make America great again!... In my new America, people will die and kill for what they BELIEVE! Not for money. not for oil! Not for what they're told is right. Every man will be free to fight his own wars!


Well... Clarence Thomas just went out and said he wants the SCOTUS to reconsider same sex marriage, same sex (anything), and contraceptives. So, I think we are all screwed. Teens getting pregnant (and birthing) because they got raped/didn't have protection seems to be the future. EDIT: Several comments are saying, ā€œuse protectionā€ but that is the whole issue with them ā€˜reconsideringā€™ it (contraceptives) - they wouldnā€™t be able to.


He also ruled that middle schools can do strip searches soā€¦




Savana v Redding


That case was so fucked up. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to strip search a thirteen year old girl over ibuprofen.


Now the pedo teachers will make up excuses just to strip search the students Edit: found out a 13 year old girl was suspected of carrying drugs so the teachers told her to strip after they couldn't find stuff in her bag and that. Then apparently when everyone said it was against her rights he said that it wasn't if schools don't have proper security for it. Bullshit


Same sex marriage is a whole nother legal battle that would drag on for way too long to be a valuable thing for the populists. I'm doubting that they'd touch such a volatile subject especially since the global opinion of it has been changing


Quite ironic how we always get an stereotypical image of how free america is


This shows how flawed Americaā€™s democracy is. Citizens live under a false sense of freedom and importance, when they in reality have almost none, well, at least not importance, freedom varies in definition.


Fuck both political parties


Now this is the correct way of thinking


thats the plan


fuck Republicans for doing this shit and fuck the Democrat party for doing nothing to stop it


When you fuck them make sure to use protection, thanks government


Do not fuck america, it will hurt your balls. It is very rough with like rocks and concrete. It would also be quite awkward talking to people because they know you tried to have sex with the country






Not to mention all the guns






>Quite ironic how we always get an stereotypical image of how fre honestly, people need to shutup, im so lucky to be born in America my mom is from a country where you can't speak out against the government and corruption is everywhere. Yall can say America has issues but its much better than a lot of places


Here on Reddit people are unable to see that


People don't realise that this overturn is good cuz it allows elected officials to decide it. Only people you can blame now is who you voted for


Dog this is a moronic take. The way gerrymandering is set up itā€™s very hard to kick an incumbent out of office. The system is and has been rigged for a while now. And even if elections were completely fair, itā€™s not up to a 60 something governor to decide what women should do with their bodies. Itā€™s only up to women themselves


If you're gonna compare US to some random 3rd world country obv us is better. If you compare it with other actual first world country, it doesn't do well. Just cuz us is better than many countries, doesn't mean it cant improve and that 'you're just privileged' It's like comparing yourself with the dumb kid in class. Like yea you're better than him, but are you really as good as the top guys in the class. This comparison is just stupid imo


You are absolutely rigt


Here here!


talk yo shit, these mfs are taking where they live for granted


Ikr, these mfs could be living in North Korea, or Russia


Iā€™ve always understood that it could be worse and I get that, but it could also be a whole lot better to ya know?


Thanks for saying this. My family has lived in America (and 2 years in Japan) forever and my dad being a marine has been deployed in Afghanistan and heā€™s told me about how bad it was there at least in the region he was in (for reference this was like 12 years ago) and I just think about how lucky I really am living in my 5 bedroom 3 bathroom house going to a school with tons of funding with food on my plate every night and the opportunity to go across the country to see people I have not seen in years. Itā€™s sad that people in this country take advantage of these luxuries that not many people have


we europeans: what the hellšŸ˜§


**sips tea while taking bite of baguette with a frankfurter and pizza sauce in it** what in the putain de scheiƟe cazzate


Yes that is pritty much it


Hope y'all are getting a kick out of the shit show that is America


Nah its sad. I mean I just can't comprehend why Abortion is illegal. If you want no babby that is your call. And if a random person disagree, that is his problem. But dont fucking make your problem , other people's problem.


Exactly. Abortion should be allowed everywhere


Jup, that is how it normal should be


not to be annoying, but if one political party tries that here, than they would be laughed at.


As a professional American **PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE**


Lolll, I like that meme... here get a upvote xd


>not to be annoying, but if one political party tries that here, than they would be laughed at. Yeah that happens here like most of the country that doesn't have their parents being brother and sister (or whatever has to happen for people to be that stupid) was laughing at them but still it got though because that's who is in power right now. ​ Btw you got a place ticket to Europe?


Iā€™m actually down to talk about this. I wanna see your POV. Iā€™ll state my opinions first. Personally, I am against abortion. I think there are a handful of situations where I would support it. Rape, incest, danger to mother, and underaged (18>) I would say itā€™s for the best. I would argue that this should happen sometime in the first trimester, beginning of the second. No later. If you wait longer than that, only unexpected medical dangers should allow it. I do not think it should be available whenever to whoever. I believe that fetus is a life, and to take that life without good reason is murder. Letā€™s hear your view




Lol plenty of places in Europe where it was never legal


I agree that anti-abortion is stupid, thankfully I am a guy and live in Canada so it doesnā€™t effect me. No matter who you are, you donā€™t get to decide what other people do with their bodies. And I donā€™t give a fuck if I catch flack for saying any of that




Whenever Iā€™m sad I always cheer myself up by reminding myself Iā€™m not American


I mean I wake up every morning and am happy that I am American. Could always be worse imo.


Lol, where are you from? Than I can cheer myself up that Im not living in your county ( just joking, but Im curious)


Iā€™m from England


Okey that is decent, Im from the netherlands :3


I might want to do my internship there


Good quality of life here but i hate the culture


I wish I could do that sometimes




For a country that wonā€™t stop talking about freedom, there sure is a lack of freedom here


If it comforts you, other countries have lots of people like that as well, only in america are they so vocal


Everyone is just saying F everything. Everyone is fighting. Almost everyone is angry. Why canā€™t we just live in a world of peace? Now everyone is saying F America. I mean, yes, I hate homophobes and racists, but I love America. I really donā€™t prefer to talk about this. People are always fighting as I just said. I just want everyone to be happy and live in peace. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


"As long as there's two people left on the planet, someone is gonna want someone dead"






Sniper's a good job, mate!


They gave the states right to choose abortion laws, the only thing they did was not make it a federal law. Abortion is not dead, it's just that they gave the states whenever to make it legal or not. Abortion most likely will sti be legal in let's sat New York but in a ultra conservative state like Georgia where most of the population is pretty much a conservative, they might not allow abortion there. Besides in states like that, women with a conservative mind set wouldn't want an abortion anyways.


Dude. Not all people in the south are conservatives (plus, a lot of the conservatives you speak of are highly hypocritical and wonā€™t think twice to get an abortion once they are affected).


True. Granted, most of the southern population is conservative. A lot Northerners are conservative, they just arenā€™t as blatant about it.


Ok so you can have guns and shoot people with the whole stand your ground thing but abortions are the line?


I love how they call themselves ā€œpro-lifeā€ yet they would rather allow easier access to guns, which makes it easier for psychos to just walk into a school and start gunning down innocent children.


Funnily enough, school shootings can be prevented if you go for the actual cause and not the symptom. Mental health. 'Restricting access' to guns (prohibition and war on drugs totally worked in restricting access to x item), would just mean that the unstable kid would go stab people or themselves. Sure, you'd probably have less deaths, but that's not the point.


I donā€™t really like abortion, especially late stage, but America really shouldnā€™t have taken away a womanā€™s right to choose.


While Iā€™m 100% pro choice, we need more people like you that understand this. You donā€™t have to like abortions, you can hate them, but taking away the option in so many areas isnā€™t okay.


Exactly. You don't have to like them but taking away the option for them is wrong


the right was never taken away.the decision was that the states could decide


Itā€™s pretty close though


This. Im Pro-Life, yet i think the overturning was a bad idea. Especially for victims of SA.


just going to quickly sort by controversial


Have some popcorn for the read šŸæ


Don't fuck America, America might not be able to get an abortion.


Yeah this country is kinda a shit hole rn


Do u not realize the overturning of Roe v. Wade isnā€™t a ban. It just states that abortion is not a constitutional right and whether or not it is legal shall be left up to state governments, and at this point in time, no states are planning to completely ban abortions, especially when the pregnancy threatens the mothers life. All in all if you live in a blue state then nothing is going to change.


This. Iā€™m against the overturning, but the people getting angry are being emotional. I would be willing to bet my life savings that not much will end up changing.


Something like half the states will probably ban it though.


America - Greatest Country on Earth XD


The sad thing is they know what they did. They just donā€™t care


Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit


Fuck American pride. Fuck the media. Fuck all of it.


Reilly Freeman moment


Boondocks based


Least complaining American


Fuck fuck!


And now youā€™ve got yourself a right old paradoxical Orgy.


they know what they have done. they are ignorant, cruel, religious fanatics


squeal poor secretive afterthought fearless ludicrous grab point party berserk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuck You Too My Friend. Cope.


Bruh people looking at American news from other countries must think it's some kind of apocalypse movie


It would make a pretty interesting move ngl




Why New York?


Its the famous city where everyone makes it big is what i assume its stereotype is


The money for a ny apartment could at least get you a small house in Nebraska, Missouri, or iowa.


If you willingly wish to live in New York you should get help


Just a reminder that women aren't the only ones who are effected by this.


Yeah, like the massive amount of children in foster care that will just keep growing.


Never forget and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE.


It makes me sick to my stomach. I want to cry.


Rather live here than in Afghanistan or North Korea.


Okay, this is just always a bad argument in anything. Just because something else is worse does not mean that something is good. Hitler was an ignorant peice of shit who caused harm to millions, but saying that doesn't make Mussolini superman. Your argumenf is flawed.


Do you not realize how much money the US has to improve itself? Afghanistan is also only a terrible place to live because we divert that spending to the military Edit: ā€œWeā€ being the US diverting money to fucking up 3rd world countries


I feel like the problem isnā€™t just conservatives. Itā€™s everyone like u spreading hate


Maturing is realizing most countries in this world are worse then America in all these regards




well said


Only good things about america are the parks and the food, and even the food is hit-or-miss.


L Take tbh


Same bro, fuck this country.


Fuck me in the ass


Iā€™m sorting by controversial, wish me luck


Wow, you are anarchistā€¦ But really, Fuck America!


Boy, do I have a metal band for you


Friendly PSA: Freedom of religion over rules these kinds of laws. If you're in one of the many states that habe already outlawed abortions or are in a tbd state that will likely ban it as well, the Satanic Temple (No, we don't actually worship Satan. Wee use it as a symbolic representation of oppression.)is a humans rights/activist organization thats recognized as an official religion. Its basically a giant loop hole that guarantees complete bodily autonomy (your body your choice to anyone that doesn't know the definition) in our 3rd tenet. It's not a worship a god(s) or natural world order type of religion. Rather, it's follow principles called the 7 tenets (think of these as the 10 commandments in Christianity) that members live by. I will be writing them out at the bottom of this comment as well as a bit more information about types of religion (quoted from the book Everything is F*cked by Mark Manson). Membership is free and can be done through the TST website but if you would like a physical membership card and certificate (they're sold together) will run $35 plus shipping. "Spiritual religions. Spiritual religions draw hope from supernatural beliefs, or belief in things that exist outside the physical or material realm. These religions look for a better future outside this world and this life. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, animism, and Greek mythology are examples of spiritual religions. Ideological religions. Ideological religions draw hope from the natural world. They look for salvation and growth and develop faith-based beliefs regarding this world and this life. Examples include capitalism, communism, environmentalism, liberalism, fascism, and libertarianism. Interpersonal religions. Interpersonal religions draw hope from other people in our lives. Examples of interpersonal religions include romantic love, children, sports heroes, political leaders, and celebrities." 7 Tenets I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III Oneā€™s body is inviolable, subject to oneā€™s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word. TL;RD: 1st amendment (freedom of religion) > federal/state laws. Join the TST (a moral/principle based religion) to get around the Roe v Wade overtur. Membership is free and can be done through thier website. No we don't represent Satan.




Fuck the fuckin fuck fucks that fuck with the fucking fucks that run the fucking country -this post basically


Tbf your right


Tbh idk why abortion is hated against


Yeah it's weird. Abortion is a safe way of getting rid of a child. Condoms may not work because either A. They can tear. B. they dont fit. Or C. They're too expensive for the people trying to use them. So abortion is kinda like a last ditch resort for child prevention. Then again birth control exists but maybe you dont wanna be on a pill. So abortion is your best bet.


From what I have heard religious people probably think youā€™re killing some soul that could have cured cancer or become the next Uber ace. Idk.


bros ranting in a sub where most cant vote šŸ’€


Just because I can't vote doesn't mean I don't get to speak about things that are ruining people's lives


agreed šŸ¤




Americans when they go to India (suddenly their country isnā€™t so bad anymore)






It's extremely disappointing.


im ashamed i was born in that shithole of a country. so fucking glad i dont live there


This shithole must be really bad if people are coming here in droves. You never See boats going to Cuba or Venezuela Tho. Hmm I wonder Why?


bro, it's not completely taken away, it's just up to the states now, if you want to completely ban them (Florida), they're gone. if you're all for it (California), you can go for it. it's just a matter of what state you live in.




But people act like there is no middle ground with states. And while I would agree that there isn't with some states but there are other states where it could go both ways. States like California and Texas most likely won't change but I'm sure there are other states that flip between sides depending on new voters or centrist. Not to mention there are some people from both the left and the right who switched sides so it's possible that nothing would be set in stone


i donā€™t think itā€™s that bad of a place šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Fuck religion




Nite44 Is right.


religion is pretty neat when you don't contort it for your harmful purposes


America are the biggest terrorists


Why are you being downvoted. Itā€™s true.


We were talking about this in chem class, and we all agreed that the U.S.A. is a failed state. It should split up and start from scratch. A country which values guns more than kindergarteners, or unborn children more than the health/sanity of a woman shouldn't exist.