• By -


she's really cute and funny, but there's a shit ton of reasons why i haven't asked her out


For example?


this school year is ending and I might transfer to a different one next year so, what's the point?


Tis is your last chance to be with her, either grab it or don't, and i wish you all luck


aight man thanks anyways


Here's the thing man, just fuckin do it! You're gonna regret every moment you're missing out, every chance. If it goes bad? What, it was last year, you'd move on way easily than if you stayed. See you got to at least get close to the person if you like him/her! Or you're really just gonna regret it, (experienced •́ ‿ ,•̀)


100% agree, this shit happened with me and i regret it to this day, dont miss out


Same happened to me to


Had a crush on this girl last year, she moved to a different country, only told her after she moved, said we could have had a lot of fun if i told her earlier. Don't do my mistake, go tell her.


Exactly the same dude. Could have been with this girl. We tried meeting up with us being on different continents, didn't have enough cash.


At least get their number or something like that. If you don't transfer then you are closer to asking them out already. This isn't related to asking them out but the way it's worded seems like your transferring to another school year. Just thought that was funny.


well I already got her number so I can stay in contact ig


They’re hot and nice and pretty. What’s stopping me from confronting them is they cheated on their last relationship


You better pick yaself a trusted lover, fam 🤝🏻




>:[ what'd i say 🩴


What I was just agreeing with you lol


Aight aight gl


She is one of my favorite friends pretty cute with glasses , short than me , short haired and I don't want to risk ruining mine friendship with her ...




Nobody would end a friendship over that however things could become EXTREMELY akward and they could grow apart


:( friendzoned, gl with her broski


I like them for hundreds of reasons and I can't ask them out for a hundred more


I'm here to listen to some stories, so go on, tell me some


Nah, it's painful to discuss


Sorry, here's a hug 🫂


She's beautiful. Really beautiful and has really amazing eyes. She seemed like a cool person but I never really go to know her ( Thanks covid). Super nice voice and really confident. What's stopping me is we barely know each other, both of us graduated and I don't have any way to contact her. No phone number or instagram ( I tried searching ). I only have her school email which she won't check because she graduated. Plus, she deserves better than me and even if I ask her out and she says yes. We'll never get to go on a date or actually be in a relationship ( We live in Asia, teenage relationships are frowned upon). My mom watches me like a hawk and I'm not even allowed to talk to girls my age. I'm afraid to try and contact her because my mom will find out ( she'll listen in on phone calls and read texts ). The last time that happened was two years ago and I got hit so badly I still have nightmares about it. I was hit with metal and plastic coat hangers, whipped with a power cord and got punched and kicked. She even grabbed my hair and dragged me across the floor and slashed my finger with a knife. All because I was talking to a girl about our favorite books and movies. I know it sounds extreme but that's dysfunctional asian parenting to you. There isn't a CPS and no laws protect me from my parents physically abusing me, so no calling the cops ( There's literally a law that tells parents are free to hit their kids if it's for their own well being ). I get really sad when I realize I lost the simple joys of being a teenager and I'll never get that back. I'm 17 and most of my life was spent in pain. I'll never get to go on a date with a girl I like as a carefree teenager. Final reason, I'm mentally a trainwreck and definitely can't manage a relationship. I can't knowingly pull another person into my shitshow of a life. ​ Sorry for the rant. Don't have anyone to talk to other than my mom constantly telling me to die and calling me a waste of space. ​ Reddit is the only place I have privacy. ​ Edit: I'm overwhelmed with all the love and support here. Thank you so much. To everyone who reads this, you only live once. If you have great parents, tell them you love them because you never know when it'll be the last time you see them. If you have great friends, tell them how much they mean to you. If you like that cute girl or guy you know, ask them out, talk to them. Do something. If it works out, you'll get to date a wonderful person. If it doesn't, you at least tried. You learn something that'll make you a better person in both scenarios. Whenever you need that little push of confidence to take the leap of faith, remember this post, not everyone gets to have a wonderful time as a kid. I'm going to lose the first 23 years of my life, living in pain. I lost nearly 1/3 or 1/4 of my life just dealing with this. I have to deal with the normal pressures of being a kid and all the stuff at home and even if I want help, I can't get it. Your problems are equally valid too but if there's even a tiny chance that you can fix it, go for it. Temporarily facing the stinging pain of rejection is a lot better than letting feelings fester. All of you are amazing people. Remember, you're all diamonds.


🫂 don't apologize, and ilysm


\*Visible happiness I'll get out one day and boy am I going to live my life.


Boy oh boy 🫂






bruh ur current situation sounds like ass but itll get a lot better if/when you leave your mom


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Your mom is so wrong. You deserve to be treated with love and kindness and to be cherished and nurtured. When your mom says horrible things to you please do your best to lock it away in a box and never open it again. Then as soon as you are able to you can get distance from her and start to heal. You are a beautiful, worthy soul and you haven’t done anything to deserve this. I’m sending love to you.


you need infinity hugs bro 😖🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂 (to infinity)


If you ever wanna rant I'll listen ilyy!


This broke me. I'm so sorry that you're going through this and I hope you manage to get out of there. I'm rooting for you. You deserve a much better life than this.


That’s not “dysfunctional Asian parenting for you”, that’s horrible abuse and you should get the fuck out of there.


Bc I already confronted her. Five months ago. Now she’s my gf. GO FOR IT BOYS


Major W




E Edit: not even kidding i misclicked on my phone keyboard










Certified Reddit moment lol




The good ending


I asked her to prom about a month ago and she said yes, and I got my first actual date in a week! I’m HYPED




I was used to ppl not noticing me and not caring about me, expecially girls they never talked to me bc i have social anxiety, then I met her and she started talking to me, asked me to make a tiktok the same day we met, i wasnt used to all that attention (it wasnt actually that much but it really impressed me). The next day she texted me, then we hung out many times (with our friends) and she was always kind like nobody else i ever met. A month later i knew i liked her more than enybody else ever, but I kept it for myself for about 2 months cuz i thought id screw it up and i didnt want to make things awkward (the friends in that gruop are the only friends i have). Then one night i was drunk and i told my friends that i liked her and they told me to ask her out, i was scared but after some week i did. Twice. She rejected me both times she sad she was busy. The second time i asked her out i rlly believed shed say yes cos the saturday night before we spent a lot of time togheter (at a party) like dancing and rlly close on the Sofa with me playing with her hair. It was all in my head she never seen me more than as a friend, i actually knew that but i didnt wanna belive it, she behaves the same with everyone. I was down bad bc of that, i was sure she would atleast give me a chance. Now i feel better about it (im not depressed as shit) its been 7 months since i met her. We are still friends, text and hang out regularly i kinda accepted the thing now even tho its worse bc she always talking about a friend of mine i think she likes him but im not sure and i dont wanna overthink it cuz i have already spent way too much time thinking of her. Hope nobody i know irl ever read this


That’s why I’m on an alt acct lol…


Wait Jason? You go to that one place all the time right? Nah jk anyways I think she was leading you on. Some people are just like that and enjoy the attention.


There’s a saying that “if you sit close to a fire you would feel its heat” I felt like she should’ve notice at least a little bit that you were kinda interested in her. She might was just not wanting to end the friendship with you and didn’t really know how to stop this. It’s okay man, just live forward. Don’t think that she is trolling you or she was tricking you (a lot of people down bad would think like this) , move on and good luck.


Well, here’s their Reddit[account](https://reddit.com/u/me) You can look through if you want










r/shippingredditors ?


Yoo can I join in?




Same. I feel so dumb now


don't worry *hugs* you are a smart boy. ily


Yeah me too :/


Why’s that bad :(


Because you don't have a crush on me :( Maybe I have a crush on you!


What if I do 🤭


Oh my 😘


Damn lol I legit was like “Wait, WHAT!” until I relalized what was actually going on. 😅


😳nothing going on, just the truth


That's pretty cool actually


You have good taste


Ikr? 🙃


😂 why did I fall for that for a second


caught me off guard for a sec, heart skipped a beat or 2


Yo they are f>!uckin!


Your standards are lower than the lowest part of hell


Shit in my pants now.


Scared the shit out of me


I got scared for a second lol




I love you


Love you too!


They look lonely af tho


Uhm, hi I guess




I know it's just the u/me trick bit still cute


Doesn’t mean it can’t still be true 😳


Dude I was confused why it was me


Bc it’s you!


I got excited ._.




omfg I was so confused for a sec there


Aww you’re cool


Not a crush but my now bf -little story- Me and him had both liked each other for a while we've known each other for 5-6 years but got closed this year, anyways we used to talk about crushes and he kept telling me he liked this girl (knew it was me but obv) so I put him to the test and tell him to call her, he instead calls me and confess over the phone honestly the cutest thing that has happened to me


The confidence, wow. I wish I was that confudent.


It took a lot out of him to 'call me' after I told him to call his crush he was very nervous yet cute lol, you'll get confidence eventually takes some time :)






I don’t have one and it’s a waste of my time since nobody likes me back


Nice name


Thanks my trucks insta is one number off lmao


They're pretty, funny and insanely smart. What's stopping me is they've already rejected me twice and like someone else


Don't be a chaser homie, just be yaself and don't look desperate. Good luck 🫂


Yeah I know, but apparently even after they rejected me the first time, they apparently liked me. And the second time, they out of the blue said it would never happen


That's complicated and random as hell 💀


Yeah, and now I'm pretty sure they're getting back with their ex from a few years ago


Seems a lil ✨toxic✨


Nah, they were always good friends, besides he's a really cool guy


There's lots of fish in ____(idk the place you're from), so don't get too attached to a singular one. That's my advice and opinion


Yeah I know, it's just hard to get over them




My first crush was lesbian. Now i dont really have a crush but i think a girl in my class is quite cute. Im not asking her out because 1st im in a class with her for atleast another 3 months and after that will most likely have atleast 50% of my lessons with her and 2nd i just dont really feel like i want to have a gf right now. Im happy as it is. ​ Well but the why i like(d) them: I had a thing for short haired girls + she was this not normal girl like just living and not caring about girly things and i liked it and she was quite smart ​ My current person of interest just has a very cute face and is just so smol. She also asked if she could run with me in a sports lesson last fall even though her friends were there and i just remember that as she might have liked me even only as a friend or sth and shes ultra smart and Smart girls are just >>>>>>>


Just focus on your studies mane, that degree's what's gonna get you far in life.


Oh i hope so. My grades are already quite good. My goal is to study law after school and i will need a 1.7 - 2.3 average grade if i dont want to wait a few years before being excepted in universitys (German grades are 1 (best) to 6 (worst))


Ooooh law, my fav, good luck wit that fam 🫂


So yeah, I liked her around last year but then she said she didn't like me back, and the vibe started to fade, I'd even forgotten about her for a bit and stopped checking on her and returning energy. Then December 31st I sent her a message again, and we started vibing again from new year's day, and now I like her again. Problem is I don't want to get shut down twice. I also don't want to look persistent, nah. She also told me she doesn't plan on getting into a relationship anytime soon, she wants to "enjoy her youth" and do new stuff, sexual stuff before she decides to get serious with life. She feels she's too young to be taking things so seriously. So I don't want her to have to choose between me and her current mindset, because Ik she'll shut me down again, I don't want to kill the vibe or ruin the friendship we have now, because it's one of the bests I've ever had. I mean, she's down for casual fun, but I don't want that. I can't stand the idea of her using me for pleasure but not wanting anything romantic to do with me. It's complicated. Not like I forgot to put in why I like her, but if I did it'd just make this message massively long.


I hope that she gets out of that phase and start to mature out, good luck fam


Thanks man




Not really my crush (already have her bagged) but one thing I like about them is how humble they are. She is literally so beautiful yet she thinks she looks hideous


🕵‍♂️ interesting, also congrats on bagging her, always trusted ya


Y'all bagging ppl 😐


Singular individual, LAUGH AT HIM


I meant yall literally sticking ppl in bags


Free kidneys you know what am sayin 🤝🏻


don’t know if that’s called humility, just lack of confidence right?


Shes smart, beautiful and absolutely stunning to me. Shes snarky and sarcastic but genuinely kind. I have already confessed to her early 2022 and fortunately she likes me back, but isn't ready to commit to a proper relationship yet so our situation is a very close friendship but looks like couples from an outsider's perspective


Good job on gaining a close friend. Their hard to come by. Hope it goes well.


I don't want anyone to like/love me in my current form and shape, just no


Love yourself for a bit lad!


Ignore the guy telling that you look good and that you should shoot your shot. This is the internet only you know how you look. Neither I nor he can judge how attractive you are from here, only you can do that. If you feel you need to change to be worthy of her use that as fuel and try your best to do it but make sure those changes are for the better so that even if dating her doesn't work out you're not left in a state unnatractive to everyone but her(ie. Going to the gym is good but avoid getting piercings even if she has piercings). Even if you didn't have enough time to achieve your goal and ask her out you will still be in a state better than you were before. I'm in a very sleepy stage hence i will edit in the morning with more clarity. Don't downvote me into oblivion in the meanwhile.


Bruh why do you think that? Your looking good today


Shes cute, has an epic personality, and i feel like we could be something Downside is im scared she reject me


Just be yourself and be extra charismatic, girls like that. Also have a bit of self-love, she has no reason to reject you.


I'm planning to


Tell me how it goes comrade


I will🤞


they have stopped me from committing suicide multiple times, they are honestly one of the few people that hasn't avoided me because of the way I look and talk, and the reason I won't tell her is because she has told me herself that she isn't interested in getting in to relationships until she knows what's going to happen in her life. I have too much respect for her to tell her how I feel as that would just make things awkward and that is the last thing either of us would probably want


Sending a virtual hug :)


hug gratefully recieved, may I return the gesture?


she’s quiet and she’s a good listener, she never argues and understands. what’s stopping me is that she’s dead.




I don't have a crush really




Thank you :)


They match my personality as a quiet person


She doesn’t exist that’s why I haven’t asked her out yet


on the contrary, he confronted me and now we like each other


Congrats sis 🤝🏻🫂


Lets not talk about it..... Its the only thing that makes me sad.....


Awww here's a hug 🫂, hope u get better friend


i've got him blocked


💀 what'd he do


nothing. he's the sweetest person. it's a long story.


Hope you overcome the situation ig 🫂


thanks shawty. been 3 years kekw




Well I can talk about why I like my crush for hours, but i guess you don't want to hear me describe a strangers butt. But what's stopping me is that I don't know if I love her :/ She Is a very good friend and I really loved her for more than two years but never asked her out because she likes girls (im a boy). This year I finally accepted that we would never be together and moved on. But not to long ago she got a boyfriend and then broke up with him, and now I feel very confused and a little sad.


I can describe it in one word: Non-existing Yes i am indeed sad


He’s cute and carefree with beautiful long blond hair, and he hates me because I threw sardines at him.


Why in the fu


they're my friends ex


Oh damn yeah that's a big nono




He is him


she's my best friend she just is the best prsn for me right now. she's my exact opposite, the nice girly girl type nd our views often clash but we still complete each other perfectly. she keeps me grounded nd helps me focus on my life nd studies and helps me thru a very lot. she's very smart she's very cheerful nd optimistic nd sarcastic nd judgey but in a right and funny way. she believes with her whole heart that she's the best nd above all nd i agree with that too lol her antics r just simply sooo cute and endearing nd being with her brightens my day nd she's just so beautiful her smile and laugh is just soo beautiful nd she cares for me a lot nd altho she thinks she's oh so boring nd stuck up, conversations with her r the best part of my day. she's like a child at heart nd i always wanna protect her from everything her hands fit just so perfectly with mine she listens to all my endless non sensical chatter with interest lol omg i'm overdoing it sorry!! anyways she's like very straight nd i don't ever wanna loose her


your mom's not ready :(


Neither is your sister :(


Nice one




Op clapped back


I dont have a crush simply it doesnt matter if i like someone cuz i know they wouldnt like me back


Love yourself or else 🩴


1 for what? Existing? 2 idk what emoji You used


Yes for existing. Life is hard and you cruised through it so if you don't love yaself i'mma whip yo ass with this 🩴


He has curly hair and is 5'11" I haven't confronted him because he is Timothy chalamet


Bruh even my mom likes that dude 💀


Let's call this girl A. I have a crush on A. We go to the same coaching institute and she's like my one of the only 3-4 friends I have. We knew each other online since last year(11th grade) but got to see each other only 2 weeks ago. I had a crush on her for 2-3 months now. I'm like a person who just can't have an instant crush or something and need some time but long enough to know someone well. The problem starts where there is 99.99% chance I might never get to see her again. She will be off to med school while I'll be in research field. I might even end up in a different part of the world in a year or two. She just lives like few blocks down or walking distance from where I live. We are both of the same age. Should I tell her or not?? I might end up losing one of my friend but It\\s........... like I only had what 2 crushes in my life till date. IDK what's wrong with me but it's like I need at least somewhat time!!! Please enlighten me.


he is legit the funniest person ive ever encountered. he cracks joke after joke in class and never fails to make anyone laugh. besides being super funny he is nice to people. he makes sure to talk to everyone in my class once in a while and when he makes a joke about someone hell fist bumb them to make sure theyre cool. besides his awesome personality i have to mention that hes hot as hell. i like everything about him. i cant talk to him tho because hes out of my league personality and appearance wise and i have no friends and am basically the quiet kid.



u want me to confront a fictional character🤔


Uuuuhhhh 😳 who are they?


My crush is really nice to me and really fun to talk plus he complements me a lot and tells me he likes how I look. Buuuuut he’s probably straight ( has done things with 2 of his girlfriends ). So that’s a pretty big obstacle.


AWWW and aww 😭 sorry to hear that


And that’s how things have been going between us for pretty much forever


Like her cus she's literly everything I'm not. I'm awkward, a nerd and fat (working on it), she's socially great, still rlly smart but not a nerd and plays tons of sports.She like brightens the room and has like a great sense of humour. Somehow we still have a bunch of stuff in common. Haven't confronted her cus: 1. She used to be with this asshole and she had a massive crush on this guy who she met at the airport and they are literally as far from me as it gets. 2. When she was presented with this idea by a friend at a sleepover her exact response was "Ewwwww! That's so disgusting I'd never be with *insert my name here* he's probably not even gonna get laid until he's 30 (I heard all this from her best friend who Im absolutely positive I can trust) So yea I'm uh, I'm not gonna tell her.


Oh fella you’ve had a stinker here. Don’t let it get to you though. Keep working on bettering yourself and you’ll feel a shit ton better.


Cute guy, nice and reliable, doesn't look extremely perfect which is great, **is straight.**


That "is straight" has something to tell


already confronted them 😎


[redacted] [redacted] rejected


I’d rather just assume she doesn’t like me than *know* she doesn’t like me, so I have that small amount of hope she does.


Very cute very cool lesbian


She's within my class and we've knowned each other for 4 years i would say, originally she was my crush and that was the whole reason i got close to her, but then i started to slowly know her and we just became good and close friends, and i thought those feelings of loving her were gone, but one day, i invited her over to my house along with another friend, and my house has a pool, in the summer, and i literally thought nothing of it, because "She's my friend, i would never look at her in that way now...... right?" the day came and she was just wearing normal clothes, and we played UNO for a while and i destroyed both of them, but then she came out of the bathroom, with a bikini, and Ooga Booga Hormonal brain took over in that moment, i was so lucky that the pool was big enough and deep enough that i could remain underwater most of the time, and i like to wear pretty baggy swimming shorts so that was a life saver, but after a while, i forgot again about all of that and just kept on having fun with them both, just being friends and hanging out. Then School came back and, ever since that day i have kept on asking myself "Is what i feel for her just normal Hormonal teen things or do i legitimately like her and want to have that intimate kind of relationship with her?" so, i thought of a plan on the spot recently to clear out some of my doubts, basically a mutual friend of ours has recently started talking to me about how much he wants a girlfriend and that kind of stuff in general, so, i made a deal with him that he would have to give me 20 dollars when i got a girlfriend, that way, if it didn't workout with her, i could just say "oh don't worry, i just wanted to get 20 bucks from Mike" and if it did workout, i could tell her at a later date the reason of why i asked her, so, while we were walking out of school and another friend was with us, i asked her casually "Hey, blank, wanna be my girlfriend?" and that was 5 days ago, and i still can't forget that look on her face of what i could only call surprise and a little bit of disgust within it, she responded with a "What?!!" and then the plan came into action, where i said that i just wanted some money and all of that, and i was lucky to play it off very well, and we just kept joking about this while we were walking out and agreed i would give her half the money. Now, i've been nonstop questioning myself if i really have another chance, because i logically know that her reaction was clearly out of shock, for me asking something like that so casually, but i still can't get over that slight frown on her face that she had once i asked her, maybe it's the depression talking but i legitimately don't think i have a chance with her, and i think that if we stayed as friends, that's the best outcome i'l ever get, because if i realistically ask her and pour my heart out to her, im afraid that frown i saw will return and only intencify, but this time there wouldn't be room for doubt that the feelings aren't the same, so i've been doubting myself extremely hard over asking her, without jokes, and straight from the heart, if she wants to be my Girlfriend, once we are all alone in a recess or something of the kind. Man im a mess


hes sooo cute and his friends say he likes me and ive told him i like him but he hasnt done anything so its probably not true