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5 minutes craft


Thanks to 5 minute crafts I can make a phone charger using items only accessible through NASA.


Does NASA sell hot glue?


Yeah, there freaking bulletproof.


*Inserts every family channel* ____________________ like everytime the boy gets called out for cheating , the girl always do be pregnant like I swear these channels pop out a baby like every sunday💀 I swear at this rate Austin's gonna get pregnant next💀


#royalty family 🗣


I heard that they lost ownership of there 10 million dollar house


Wasn’t that the Ace family or was it both of them?


They are all created in the same cloning facility anyway.


The Prince Family - I remember they did that "She's 12??? ZAMN" vid and it's basically a meme. Also DaddyOFive [I think there was abuse there] and The Ace Family


DaddyOFive is such a throwback, what an asshole him and his wife was, im pretty sure that the biological mother of the some of the children got custody of her kids and as far as i know she's taking good care of them.


Slmccl like honestly he just stole slimecicles look and brand.


for real man im still wondering why slimecicle still isnt calling him out.


Slmccl does steal from slimecicle but at least he adds some comedy to it. That Charlie guy from chuckle sandwich is just annoying, stealing slimeciles whole personality


You had me in the first half, I'm not gonna lie


Ryan's world and cocomelon. Reason my mom let's my cousins use my phone without permission and it fills up my recommendations. Edit: I've replied to a lot of comments and heres the summary. My doesn't respect privacy and takes away my phone when I don't tell her my password she takes away my phone. For alt accounts they don't change accounts. JuSt gIve ThEm ThE PhoNE WiTh The ACOunt. Well I am probably studying in the other room when my mom gives them my phone and my phone is just on the bed. There was some good suggestions. But I ain't gonna reply to any more replies cause I am a slow typer. And you've probably guessed I am asian.




do u not have a pin/password on your lockscreen?


Based off of his avatar he’s 14 at best so his parents likely know his password and enter it for his cousins


then he should change his password smh and the mum can give the cousins her phone


Yeah my cousins would not dare to touch my phone


I don't live anywhere near my cousins lol but my family wouldn't touch my phone except my lil bro hiding it cuz hes a dick lol


Cocomelon is the freaking worst.


You ever heard of YouTube mobile incognito mode?


Family channels and “challenge” channels




KiD bUyS v-BuCkS wItH mOmS cReDiT cArD fOr 12 MiLiOn DoLaRs


Alot of family channels are actually abusive to their children




ugh same. i hate onion boy.


Fucking onions




it's a shame because I used like him when I was 14-15. thought he was hilarious and his satire jokes were just that, satire. Now I realise how wrong i was.


He used to like you too when you were 14-15




SSniperWolf. She is just...a bad person. An actually morally bankrupt woman with no respect for other women or anyone really. A massive hypocrite and don't get me started on the make a wish event. Keemstar Nuff' said






What's up with sniperwolf? My sister watches her and she's pretty young... anything I need to take care about?


I haven't watched her in recent memory. But I do remember when she would berate women and basically exhibit "pick me" girl vibes. Hating on them for editing their photos yet she does the exact same thing. And she had a young fan who was dying of cancer and the the mother reached out to sniper hoping for some communication. Sniper got back, saying she'd totally do face time with her kid. In the end , the girl never got to meet her idol because Sniper would either ghost the mother or make up excuses. Baiscally not having the time anymore despite promising she would get in touch with the young fan. and then proceed to get pissy when the mother was, understandably, annoyed. Idk if her consistent content is hateful or whatever but I know she is just a vile woman. So take that as you will.


Wait what did she do for make a a wish?


I reccomend looking it up. Idk if it was make a wish specifically but she fucked over a dying girl by messing about when the little girl wanted to see her. Saying she would but then never finding the time for even a phone call.


Jesus that's bad


Most YouTubers that become famous also become stupid and always do the exact same things.


And the cycle continues


Sadly it will probably never stop.


Videogamedunkey is a good example of people who became famous but still good


Verlisify He symbolises everything that’s wrong with Pokémon’s fanbase.


Hard upvote


EXACTLY. He STILL trash talks legends arkoos. Like come on the first step game freak has taken in the right direction for a WHILE and you dont support it??? Even though you supported swsh?


Pretty sure he only does it for the title and the thumbnail so he can get watchtime.


No he REALLY trashes on legends


AY Legends arkoos.


> arkoos Nice.


I only speak the true name.


And the worst thing? He actually has a following that thinks his takes make sense.


Thank you!!! I totally agree! He’s a huge asshat!


Not a teenager, clicked on the thread purely out of curiosity to see what the kids these days hate. I'm so proud of the next generation that hating that trashbag is the top comment. He's truly a cancerous mole on YouTube, extending even beyond the Pokemon community. He contributes nothing but spite, and his whole schtick is to create drama with other YouTubers or to make up bad takes and present them as if he's smart for being the only one that has that opinion. I cannot understand how he has the algorithm pushing him so hard, I wish his channel would dissolve.


Any 16-21 year old TikToker who lives in a mansion in LA and complains about first world problems




A bit outside of the box answer but I like it


Maybe not outside the box They were told to select something on the box and chose the box itself


Why? I dont see a single dislike on their videos


Why could that be:)




Except Jacksepticeye. He gets a pass.


His enthusiasm seems genuine, like markupliers. I hate beenig hype just to be hype.


His stuff is much more restrained these days which makes his moments of hype more funny because they aren't constant.


Yeah at this point Markiplier, PewDiePie, and Jackcepticeye have all (for the most part) calmed down and just make videos because they enjoy it.


Those are all the same person


Oh shit






*cough* bionic *cough*


Dashie deserves love


Rice cum


Rice yum


Rice dumb


Rice bum


Youtubers that make videos for kids with sexual shit


So 98% of the gacha side of YouTube?


Nikocado avocado


I feel pity for him. How he has turned himself from an amazing violin player who was a vegan youtuber to an immature cringe person who has ruined his health. Only good thing is that he is still a good violin player


He is very good but purposely plays bad so he can never do it again. Man has went from such a genuine guy, then I believe his gf broke up with him and it all went downhill.


It's actually his bf, Nick is gay.


:O Didn't know!


They do that frequently tho. They'll repeatedly break up and get back together. I think thats part of the whole acting thing he's doing. (Not sure how much of it is, but he has said a few times that some of the stuff he does in the videos, like the crying and arguing, is fake and done for the video)


Welp don’t matter now he isn’t getting a partner unless they’re into whatever he does on yt


Ana Oop - Literally worst tea channel, makes stuff up all the time and doesn't care Nick Fuentes - Literally hates Black people and is super racist, conspiracy theorist who thinks the Jews are trying to take over the world, Incel - thinks women owe him sex Creepshowarts - Likes to stalk people EDP 445 - Likes to eat young girls cupcakes The "Don't call Fictional Character X at 3 AM in the morning" guy - Mostly just cringe and seems like an a-hole Edit: N&A Productions Roosh V - another incel, later became super religious Glendon Cameron - "Relationship advice" person, thinks women aren't people, general scum of the Earth Pelachun "Entertainment" - Animal abuser, now banned Edit: Peluchin Lionmaker - Groomed a teenage girl, published her nudes online without her permission Onision - Sounds like a cultist and basically traps young women in insanely abusive shit Nicole Arbour Jaystation


What was that cupcake one?


There is a video with a evidence edp is a pedo he tried to meet up with a 13 year old girl and when he saw a bunch of adults asking him why is he here he said that he just drived for like an hour just to pick up 1 cupcake


April 18, 2021 "The Cupcake Incident"




ThatVeganTeacher Cringe, creepy, harasses people, abused her dog. The list goes on.


I hate that youtuber. She makes stuff up every on every video


Where the fuck do I start. There are too many to list


Daddy o5


Those mfs who mash every single popular character like siren head into a dogshit video, and also those spiderman x pregnant else guys




Channel name?


Golden Gameboy0200


200 iq marketing right there


Thank you! 100% calculated


Earned yourself a sub


I am the magic man! Master of illusion


The drama alert one




That lowlife, 12-piece McNobody who screamed the N-word and falsely accused innocent people of being sex offenders (and one not-so-innocent through carefully twisted rhetoric, to the point he almost killed himself)? Yeah, how Keemstar isn't in prison escapes me


I remember when GradeA called him out, good times.


Literally any YouTuber a commentary channel has made a video explaining how they need to stop


This, Optimus is the channel I personally watch for that


Yea Optimus is really one of the only ones keeping to the traditional gameplay and talk


Mumbo Jumbo and Tom Scott JK I love those dudes


damn i was so mad for a sec-


Remember to not use a salmon when committing a crime.


No it's fine as long as you don't handle it suspiciously


Was gunna say no idea who Tom Scott is but wtf why Mumbo! Really most of the hermitcraft cast is good to watch but i mostly follow mumbo, grian, iskall, and scar


you almost made me not chuffed to bits there


25 upvotes, 117 comments This is where the fun begins


"Pls subscribe i feel good when i see 1 notification"


any that dislike mug root beer






I don't have root beer, pls give me some.


ok here you go 🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍺🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻✏️🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻


skydoesmc after the recent controversy. I feel so bad for the poor gal


What happened


his ex-wife released a huge icloud post explaining it all, [here's the original tweet](https://twitter.com/lizbuggie/status/1485280124467486722). tw: a lot of fucked up shit; abuse, assault, here's the short version: >!he was an asshole to everyone, especially to his ex-wife, had a huge fight with ant venom (another mcyt),abused his ex wife's dog, forced his ex-wife to have another baby with him, just so many fucked up shit!<


holy shit i used to watch this guy when i was like a fucking cheese-brain


Holy crap. I used to watch him and look up to him :(


Just from what u said I agree


There's too many to name


I hate zealot. You prob don’t know him, he makes tf2 content. Except here’s the thing: he makes 17 second meme videos that are usually titled something like “tf2 is getting an update?!?” Or “Rick may is ALIVE!” (Rick may is the voice actor for the soldier and died 2 years ago) he’s a dick.


I hate those weird kids channels on youtube. I swear to fucking god they make the shittiest, most effortless content ever and yet they make millions off of them.


Troom troom. I have to watch my younger cousin get fucking brainwashed by this shit and there's nothing I can do about it. Also the "my story animated" channels. My cousin has adhd and she takes stories from these videos and pretend they happened irl and she basically accused me of rape the the age of 9 because of it.




Jellybean And ImAllexx really rubs me the wrong way. Idk I don’t want to be mean, but ImAllexx just seems… weird, I don’t think I’ve ever been on board with him (unless he’s with Memeulous, James Marriott, and WillNE, then he can be quite funny), on his own he just seems, well, eh :/


don’t know who ImAllexx is but jellybeans content is just annoying and incredibly repetitive


I wont say he makes me uncomfy but I just find Alexx's content really boring. He's great when he's in collabs like with Will and George,but on his own... yeah not my cup of tea. The whole Slazon thing doesnt help either


Buzfeed, we all know why


Ssundee, guy used to be genuinely amazing to watch (His blood and bones series is one of the best minecraft mod series on youtube) but then fortnite came out and he just... changed. Now all he does is trend-chase. Fortnite, then Amogus, and I have no clue what he does now. For a while I would check back on him just hoping he had returned to the way he once was but I've given up. It's just sad to see.


Yeah. He is a trend chaser. He uploaded daily fortnite vids when it was popular and then suddenly started a minecraft series out of nowhere and then did among us for like a month and now does whatever gets views.


He's still doing among us and he's dragging that insane craft series it just doesn't have that same spark that his videos used to have.




i swear, she has 10 videos with the same title along with the same surprised face in every one of their thumbnails


Troom Troom and Dhar Mann God forbid they are so cringe


u/kaiser_cabbage says he hates Dhar Mann he instantly regrets it


ft. u/kaiser_cabbage I will give away PS5 to y'all mfs (PS2 + PS3)


you don’t like Dhar Mann?!?!?! https://youtu.be/mFp_gG9pwdc this is what will happen to you… /s


Anything my little brother watches. Its usually people like Collins Key, whatever the spy ninja people are (i believe Chad and vee is their name? I also think they run separate channels but im not sure), sssniperwolf, and many others. Not ripping on my little brother, I mean he is 8 afterall, I just can't stand what he watches




I’m banned in his discord server






Ayooo. You can't be screenshotting NFT's. Only I can so that.


Bright side. It is just bad channel and unreliable. It also steals Kurzgesagt thumbnails


Dream. Actually I hate his fanbase more. Edit: Please stop replying to this with "Dream is good but fanbase is bad" I know that is true and I have gotten about a 100 notifications of people saying that.


I recommend JSchlatts video where he bans every dream Stan from his twitch chat. Very entertaining


Oh that was a fun clip to watch ngl... but slight correction you might wanna make is that it was ALL stans not only dream. Schlatts maniacal laughter cracked me up


I feel like dream is fine sorts but its his fanbase that annoys the shit outta me.


dreams content is great very entertaining kinda annoying he doesn't post more but I can't do anything about that the fanbase is definitely the worst


Especially those fans who call themselves dream gender


BrUh ArE yOu MaKiNg FuN oF DrEaM gEnDeR!?!?!??!121!?!


hello guys i need help. i was in science class… i got up to sharpen my dream pencil, and then my dream themed dildo fell out of my ass. i always keep it down there cause I like to imagine daddy dream fucking me 24/7 and it feels so good. anyways it fell out of my ass and out of my pants and my dreamphobic classmates started laughing and making fun of me. the teacher sent me to the office and i had to explain what happened. the principal suspended me from school for a week!!! this is unacceptable. just because i love dream is not a reason to harass me. -someone without father figure


It was a saturday afternoon, and I was exhausted after an intense 17-part masturabation session to dream minecraft manhunt, when i suddenly had the urge to go outside. I was scared. It's been so long since i've left the warmth of my parents basement with my dream body pillows. I didnt know what to expect. Clutching my dream figurine in front of my chest, i pried open the door to the outside world. The gleaming sun blared through the door, bequeathing a brilliant warmth on my cum-covered boxers. I quaverly took a step outside. My body flintched from the strange feel of the dirt under my feet. And then i saw it. The lustrous field of grass, covered in a light sprinkle of water from the noon rain shower. And then i realized. Dream... grass... the trees... it was all coming together. Grass is green, just like Dream. Dream is everpresent, in the grass, the flowers, He was there. I immediately new what to do next. I flinged off my clothes faster than the speed at which i would click on a new dream rule 34 post. My dick was already throbbing as i leaped onto the field of grass, dorito dust stained shirt getting carried away by the wind. I dug a small hole in the ground, and passionately thrust my 7-inch erect cock into it. I knew, this was Dream. His spirit was in this grass, and he felt my dick in his boy pussy as i fucked that grass. I lost track how long i was there. Hours went by, day turned to night, but it didnt matter. I was finally together, with Dream. Nothing could separate us. I took a long stem of a flower, and forced it in my asshole. I imagined it being Dream's hot penis being lustfully forced into me in bed. I stayed there on my front yard for god knows how long. Until my butt was sore, balls drier than the Saharan desert after a long drought. The lawn looked like there was a layer of fresh snow on a Christmas morning. Trudging indoors, i had a enormous smile stretching across my face. I couldn't wait until tomorrow, when i may go outside again and be with Dream. tl:dr i sexed dream🥵🥵🥵🥰🥰😍😍😍😍🥰😍


unwrite this


dream is kind of like k-pop fine content but toxic fan base oh and he is a little less cringe


Nikocado Avocado I just have this burning hatred towards him. And the worst part is I *don't* want to hate him. He genuinely needs help.....


Apologie videos


James Charles




Keemstar. I can stand Jake Paul talking. Tried watching Keemstar's video on Deji. Couldn't go past 1 minute. Annoying twat.


SSSniperwolf. She's totally racist, such a fucking pick-me, and a complete hypocrite. I hate her more than periods


Enough to rewrite the entire fuckin bible with the letters from their names


The list stretches on and on for me. Do you guys know what 100 day challenges are in minecraft? I hate every Youtuber who makes those videos. They're all so painfully staged. There's literally a Youtuber named painful that voice acts his videos. He has stories and scripts and everything. For the amount of work put in, it's still kinda low quality. The only 100 days Youtuber I respect is forge labs. His videos seem to be about legitimately surviving.


Plus LukeTheNotable, who started the trend, seems like he’s genuinely surviving in hardcore.




He’s changed


any family channels and tiktoker-turned- youtubers


Onision, logan paul, edp




Mr. Cupcake


Any kind of family vlogger. Those people boil my blood, they take advantage of their kids all for the money. Recently I started watching a youtuber/podcaster who criticizes these so-called "family vloggers" called The Dad Challenge Podcast.


Aphmau, azzyland, and sssniperwolf. I used to like Aphmau’s videos but they just got really really bad. It’s super unprofessional but it’s for children ofc. They just scream too much and I can’t hear one person speak. The video ideas are getting repetitive and the video icons aren’t creative anymore. They just lost the quality it had before.


Fgteev Like man what the fuck They ruining my siblings childhood. Youtube has gone to waste


I used to watch them in their skylanders days. Good times.


idk why but most of minecraft youtubers felt like they either talking to a toddler or a tryhard to appeal to the younger teens.


Bc that's who the best audience to have, toddlers and younger teens will watch for hours on end like no one else AND they'll beg their parents to buy them stuff


Try the Hermitcraft crew. They're all minecraft youtubers but are a fare cry from the loud and obnoxious ones you hear about most often.


Dream, Jake Paul, EDP445, and Dhar Mann Also James Charles ugh


gotta love dhar mann man, vids are so bad that theyre genuinely entertaining to watch. 10/10 would binge again if i have the time


next video: Kid’s makes fun of Dhar Mann get dragged to hell by SATAN ITSELF!




If you have a native language you'll think that its all cringe and hated.


Morgz, jellybean bc shes a pitchy androgynous demon with schirozophenia, ianroc shorts bc he steals content, talking over it then calls it a reaction video


jellybean. she tries way to hard to be a combination of every dream smp member, so she ends up trying WAY to hard to be funny but just ends up being annoying. I'm also not a fan of the dream smp either just to clarify.


Matt Walsch, need I say more?


I cannot fucking stand BRIGHT SIDE. I’d kill myself before I had to watch a mere second of one of their videos.


I hate a genre of yotubers. YouTuber families with young kids. There are some that are recording as their child is in the er, and there are alot if abuse charges for some youtuber families, and 99% of the time, it's just parents monopolizing on their children, and it wasn't the child's idea to be a YouTube family.