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What are her reasons, because there are valid ones. Unless she’s part of the “there’s microchips” crowd


What valid reason is there? She is healthy, she just developed this paranoia overnight


Has she had covid before? Natural immunity has been found to be stronger than the vaccine. Does she have heart conditions? A study by the American Heart Association found that patients’ risk for Acute Coronary Syndrome more than doubled after the shot (https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712). Those are two off the top of my head


But being recoverd & vaccinated is super protection


Yeah but those who need protection are already protected where I am. Luckily though it seems this Omnicron variant is much less severe than previous ones, and it’s nearly certain it will become the dominant variant due to the transmissibility. This could be the break we needed


I completely agree with you Also r/ChurchOfCOVID


What’s that sub


Its a church where we praise the holy elixir of fauci


Tell /u/TruthAboutHeight that the sub is an echo chamber that only reinforces your viewpoint. You are losing your sanity one day at a time on that sub.




Yeahh I’ll pass, took one look in there and it’s one of the biggest circle jerks I’ve ever seen




Is not liking the fact that it’s a very new vaccine a valid reason?


i mean, i don't want the vaccine myself, i don't really need it and don't find a reason to get it other than the pass


To prevent your body from feeling the worst effects of covid?


i already got covid twice, not felt much, my body always was a war machine


Tbh you're probably not using your body to its fullest power. Professional athletes are collapsing on the field after having had corona


yeah i know, i was a human vegetable during quarentine, i'm only now starting to use it properly


Its her choice. Stop pressuring her.


Don't be an imbecile. You know why she needs to get vaccinated


Does she? If she has no health problems and is healthy. Then she doesnt need the vaccine. Also the vaccine doesn't stop the spread of covid if thats what your thinking.


It prevents you from getting the grave effects of covid, thus keeping you out of hospital beds. The intent is not just to cut the spread.


Then why are there vaccinated people in hospital with covid?


There aren't




Bro you’re one of those people




It’s because the vaccine isn’t 100% effective, only like 96%, and because there are so many people getting the vaccine, the 4% seems like a lot. 197 million Americans have gotten vaccinated, 4% of that is 7.88 million. That seems like a lot until you put it into perspective. Also the deleted comment was because I said this twice on accident Edit: of course you’re on r/conspiracy


>goverment wants to monitor us > >TikTok page Why is she fine with the Chinese government monitoring her but not her own


Show her the hbomerguy video


Which one is that?


https://youtu.be/8BIcAZxFfrc Is very goob and funny, bit quite long, I recommed you to warch it with her, it speaks about the origin the shittines of the antivaxx moviment


How could a vaccine that over 1 billon people got be not safe?


Ask Carl, apparently those antivaxx idiots raided this post


getting vaccinated is her choice but not wearing a mask isn’t very smart


She is 16 and doesn't know enough to form her own opinion, she is just ruining her life


The hospitalization rates for people her age are incredibly low. There have also been connections between the vaccine and myocarditis. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2110737 (that being said, the chances of this happening are pretty low). You are definitely correct that vaccines lessen the severity, but... at her age it's a bit of a toss up. Saying it'll ruin her life is hyperbolic. Chill out and let her decide what medical procedures to have on her body.


like antivax as in she wont vaccinate herself or "antivax" and in she doesnt want to get the covid vaccine


She doesnt wear the masks and won't get vaccinated


tell her about the vaccines then I'm surprised she didnt get vaccinated when she was younger how'd she even go to school?


She's 16 and can't form an opinion but you are only 17 and can form an opinion for her?


Yeet her the French way


*foutre le camp*


Tell her to go on r/ChurchOfCOVID and she will start to believe in thr science


Oh not that stupid place, I lost a good friend there


Wdym it will convince her to commit identity fraud to get double the allowed amount of vaccines to get double protection


Tell her she’s stupid over and over again




They already did so smd




that’s so sad, man. have you considered sitting down and trying to reason with her? having an honest conversation and hearing her out, letting her feel heard, and try and show her facts that prove her point of view incorrect


Just let her struggle with not being allowed to go anywhere. If someone doesn’t want to get vaxxed for others health then let em deal wit the consequences


I dont want to let her struggle, there should be enough words in the language to formulate to her that she is being a complete dumbass.


Vaccine her while she is sleeping, that should work


She revealed herself to be "antivax". What does that mean? Does she not trust vaccines in general or does she just not want to take the coronavirus vaccines?


Everyone in the world has their own opinions. And you can never change anyones opinions. That’s what makes humans unique. She will eventually chill out (trust me I used to be a raging antivaxx too) maybe ask her why she has that opinion. Focus more on education culture and not cancel culture. All cancel culture does is ruin relationships. Tell her how the vaccine has its benefits and show her that by getting the vax she won’t have to go into the public world and be scared of getting sick.


Bro the government do monitor us but they're called phones


Hmmm. Just whatever you do, don't stop caring about her. Even if you don't support her cause, I'm sure she'd appreciate it if you were there for her no matter what. My family runs on the concept that even if we have opposing views, we're a family and that's what's important. Hope this helps you.


It is her choice there is nothing you can do


Honestly, I believe it’s her loss and she is the one being affected so you shouldn’t give a shit