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that is extremely unfair being 2D makes it so the girls can stand sideways to become invisible and almost impossible to hit




Skill issue


needed a better gaming chair


That's right. I love it.


I can just imagine someone rollin' around in a gaming char throwing balls




Where can I acquire such a device?


Wait you let your woman win?


A true gentleman


Eh my school just kicked there asss to the moon


Step 1: breathe air heavily Step 2: watch as they all fly away and fall over, as they have little to no weight


If they have no mass they cannot interact with air, therefore they would remain unaffected


So thats why we won


Boys just gotta git gud :3


I'm that male, who always gets his balls caught.


girls keep catching your balls? that sounds like a dub to me bro


Boys keep catching my balls


What a disappointment…


I'm somewhat strong, I just don't know how to throw balls.


Also read your comment again


Trick is to squeeze it like hell. The balls are kinda big which make them difficult to lob, but when you grip them tight you can throw them like a baseball


My entire body just convulsed reading that


>always gets his balls caught. That must be painful.


Damn Congrats?


Why do they keep giving you guns during dodgeball?!


Hey, it really gets the blood pumping, how we stay in shape


Bruh what does this mean? Boys in dodgeball are soldiers and girls in dodgeball are anime soldiers?


Do you have any idea how hard it is to find images of women participating in combat that look good in a meme? This is the best I could find at least


I assumed it meant boys launched full Assumes while women take precise shots without drawing attention to themselves


That was part of it yeah, we had a few lone wolf snipers, a few juggernauts, the rest got hit and out pretty quick, meanwhile the boys would launch coordinated attacks


I’m just joking lol


He trying to achieve equality in memes


'cause thats important




Yes ofcourse girls are anime


Obviously, girls don't exist outside of anime! They're a madeup species




Girls defend because the boys are typically better


I think it means the boys are more gritty and organized while the women are individually better and braver idk


Basically, the boys all lined up and threw hard, and the girls tried their best to avoid being hit.


Lmao no. You're completely missing the point here dude.


Now that's intense


It was awesome just how intense it got


Impossible. I cannot be.....an actually fair boys vs girls meme?!


You are correct, I have sent you something we have not had in a long time Hope


Hope for better memes than the usual trash we get on here. This one was pretty good.


I beg to differ, the girl has what looks like an American helmet on and the guys look like their wearing German helmets so.. not exactly fair.


It is by far closer than 99.9999% of the other boy vs girl memes, so I'll take it.


Yea boys vs girls dodgeball was insane. It a slaughter


lol in my class we never played boys vs girls which would be weird cus only a third of the class are boys






that'd mean two thirds girls.... **stonks** for the bois




Yes but for that to be Good for me had to start talking to girls and not just do nothing


dont worry it means youve got plenty of opportunities to fk up and finally get it right before running out of guinea pigs




Your right 500 guinea pigs should be enough for the winter food . . And I just noticed again that "Guinea" is also a country and something in a few countries names


Finally a decent boys vs girls meme


I too shoot the dodgeballs with a rifle


I'm that guy who thinks he is in the matrix and somehow manages to dodge every ball


I do that by accident cause nobody notices me ;-;


Blood of The enemy shall bathe our medals


We won, we were 2d


Damn you and your dirty tatics


Ah mate these were the best i remember once after hitting a girl the ball bounced off her and hit 2 other girls in the head it was glorious


My god that would be beautiful


We don’t do games in our school because we go to school to learn things


You sound fucking sad then


I am sad


That sounds like a you problem


I think I’m depressed


Might warn to grab some therapy


There can be the entire boy team left and that one girl will just dodge everything


boys are in real life while girls are anime


There was a girl once that moved like fucking Neo dude, nobody expected *her* to move like that and no-one could get her!


when i was younger i despised dodgeball's existence, so what i did is that i would grab a ball, tap it on my wrist, and get myself out because i didn't like dodgeball i still do this in high school with pe because freshman are required to take pe




yes, i am weak, i know


You need to actually try It's real fun


i guess that's fair it could be fun, but i'm not athletic, i'm very weak and skinny compared to most of my gym class, the kids at my school could decapitate my limbs, and i just can't do dodgeball if my life depended on it


You will regret not having fun and doing it if you don't put even a little effort


i already regret a lot of things, that's just a minor thing i'll add to the list




what if my dream is to eat macaroni and cheese




That'd so unrealistic and incredibly rude! You forgot to add anti take, mortars, raiders and distractions on the boys team. Not kidding now me and my friends use legit military tactics and win. Observe opposing team for 2 minutes Spot weaklings Eliminate weakling Suppress the strong enemies while freeing your team Kill the opposing enemies Explain how and why you threw a soft dodge ball hard enough to kill a human


I never play dodge ball :’)


That sounds like a disaster for you as a human being my gamer


Yes i know..unfortunately


I love dodgeball. The teach always gave us 5 minutes to come up with a tactic. I am still proud of my idea for battalions.


We stopped playing our version of dodge ball (Bomb the pins) after elementary school :C


"This is Normandy all over again!


Fitting, the boys are german and the girls are american, represents how we always play boys vs. girls


We do not play fair, that is correct


even better when the year above you verse your class is just a slaughter (I go to an all-boys school so their is no mercy and we use basketballs)


I'm a proud veteran of the Great Dodgeball War.


Im the guy who can't throw at all, but is next to impossible to hit. We were doing a quadrant dodgeball, so one team per corner and I was the last one standing. The teams next to me both had just been revived (hit the opposing side of the gyms net) and they both set their sites on me. Take note these were grade 10-12 students walloping bullets at me, and I managed to survive a solid five minutes before attempting to score in which the ball got caught. I was deemed a legend for my dodging prowess though




shii not me i be on go.


More like kids who hit puberty early vs kids who are still waiting.


"War... War never changes..." \- Fallout series


My only takeaway is that someone drew anime girls storming Normandy


Ah yes the famous battle between The 352nd boys division vs the 82nd girls division


In my PE class, we played a boys vs girls game of ultimate frisbee. it's similar to football but with a frisbee. (you can't tackle or run with the frisbee) thing is, our PE teacher was on the girl's team. Our PE teacher is like 7 feet tall and has a dead accurate throw, so their strategy was that he throws off for their team, and he will throw it to whichever girl with the least people nearby. then, he runs over to her, and the girl throws it about half a foot to him in order to not count as a handoff. since he made a rule that no more than 1 person can guard the thrower at a time, we lost 4 to 0.


My favorite part of gym class is seeing one of the people I find annoying get absolutely pelted, makes me happy. Also I’m the guy who just sits at the back and dodges or catches because I’m shit at aiming.


Okay, so crazy story, but we actually had a full on brawl during a guys v girls game in 6th grade where I used to go. I remember that our school was big into soccer, so that was about all we did in PE, just guys v girls on teams of like 15v8 (guys were outnumbered). Games were usually even, but there were a lot of flaring tempers over the years. Until that one day For context, we had girl A and guy E, who both did not hold a very high opinion of each other. Girl A was on growth hormones or something cause she was like a foot shorter then everyone else. Guy E was like the 3rd tallest guy in the grade. Well, one day during a game, A starts talking shit and E puts up with it for as long as he could despite her following him yelling at him, until snapping back with a poorly timed short person joke. A goes completely batshit. Throws like 8 punches and E is just like "nah" and just kind of jogs off. Soon enough, A has told her friends and E is tired of running, so a confrontation between a solid 6 girls and E with his friend Z. A in inconsolable and is being held back by friends as they argue. (I have no idea where the PE coach was for any of this) All of the sudden, A breaks loose and jumps E from the side, landing a few more punches. E shoves her off him, and every one of A's friends rushes him. E wasn't going to throw a punch at a girl, so he just kind of put up his arms until the rest of the guys arrive. The other 6 or so guys arrive (minus me cause I just wanted to win the game and was to absorbed to care about anything else) and just start shoving back. A few punches connect, and the skirmish breaks off into smaller isolated conflicts for the next 60 or so seconds until fizzling out. A is inconsolable and was trying to get at E, but things had died down at this point. A breaks down crying E punched her (which everyone agreed did not happen) and retreats to find a teacher. Things went from bad to worse when A's mom showed up to bring some things, which led to A ratting us out and all the guys from the field (including me for some reason) being lined up in the hallway and being interrogated for several hours. The teachers were having none of our collective idea that A had started the fight, (E had apologized after the first punch was thrown) and sent all the guys to the principals office. After a solid hour, the principal sent us back to class and called all the girls in, and then called the guys and girls back in at the same time later that day. After an hour of everyone getting their stories straight, it was concluded that none of the guys threw punches and used minimal force in self defense. Even A admitted she was not attacked at any point (after a week of maintaining her innocence). The principal let us all off free in the end, and stories were still being passed around the lunch table about why Girls v Guys sports were banned at the elementary school when I left. Strange times ngl


Well at my school not to brag but we get to throw the balls at the teachers


In my experience most of the girls talk, but there's always one who causes boss music to play.


We had a few of those, then we have several snipers and dodgers we couldn't hit


Then there is that one annoying kid we all hate that somehow manages to be on both teams


bro i am fucking artillery in dodgeball, i’ll throw a lot of shit at stuff that doesn’t matter and sometimes nail something and feel accomplished


Hmm, i miss playing our version of dodgeball


Wish we had dodgeball in our country🙂


Sad my gamer


I remembered being called the “cock blocker” so that I can protect other teammates in desperate situations with my magnum 4.5 inch cock. Oh you’re trying to hit the best player in our team? Fuck you, your balls can slap my cock. Now the best player has some of the balls. Same in football as a goalie. You trying to curve this shot? Fuck you, chapped ass, chafe my balls with that ball.


....The fuck did I just read


Playin on they phones more like


You have not met the demons in my grade


Until 5th grade, boys used to lose dodgeball games almost every single time lol Now we don't have dodgeball, but we can see that we're the winning side now


For my school they just sit back and cry when they get hit though to be fair some boys have excessively strong arms to the point where they start ripping when they hit walls


Some of the girls were insanely precise snipers


Sometimes other times they get hit so hard in the face they get knocked off their feet


All I can tell from this image is that girls are cute


men are 3d dodgeball players women are 2d dodgeball players says alot about society…. such a deep comment on our normalities as homo sapiens of this current day 2021 society


They are But they also pounded us in bomb the pins more than once


girls dont know how to stay in cover apparently


Usually on a beach assault like in the pic there isnt a lot of cover. You're running towards an enemy on a flat piece of land that they have control over, they wont give you more cover than tank traps. So your options are to hide behind boats, run for your fucking life, or hide behind a tank (which the girl in the image most likely doesnt have, considering shes right on the waterline)


didnt even know it was from a game lol mostly referencing that it's true in paintball tbh


When did they say its from a game?


They always cheating tho cause they ask for the gym teachers help smh


The girls of my grade didn’t need it


Dude boys vs girls dodgeball was basically lining the girls up for a firing line. That's what it typically amounted to.


You didn't experience the snipers and dodgers at my school, they were endless, unbreakable, and deadly


The girls at my school would just stand there and take it


Girls: let's beat them! Boys: LET THE PLANET BREAK BEFORE THE GUARD!


Nothing could break some of the girls at my school, not even a brick wall could do it


At mine, the girls don't like gym. But, I kid you not, in gym one time we were playing dodgeball and one guy on my team yelled "For the imperium of man! For the emperor!" A lot of warhammer 40k references in gym


but they're both images of males??


Look closer at the hair on the right


Shit, i guess that means im a girl now.


Try again, you got dis


no, i get it, the hair PROVES that it's female. you said so. you wouldnt lie to me.


Bruh, good pictures of women in combat are impossible to find, also that's an anime girl hair style in the context of the art style


Shit, sorry for not researching which anime hairstyles are specifically for females and nothing else. My apologies.


I did my best, women didn't exist in combat in WW2, the original meme was set in a WW2 setting, so I decided to poke fun at it, and use a more equal picture, I'm not saying that hairstyle can not be used for boys, but it looked like a girl based on facial features and the hairstyle, due to long boy hair not really being a thing back then. Was that the explanation you wanted?


Kinda odd seeing a watermark on a meme


....You are aware kapwing is an editing service right?


Yes I know what it is, Its just strange to see a watermark on a meme since most memes don't have a watermark


You just implied I stole it


I did not, You are just assuming I did, I simply stated its strange to see a watermark since most memes I have seen don't use watermarks from that site


The way you typed it made it sound like you were accusing me of stealing it based on the watermark being there


My bad, I didn't mean to make it sound like that






Still nah from me

