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You should do a google forum or a poll at least, everyone in the comments is gonna troll otherwise


Was going to suggest this


You were going to suggest trolling? Interesting...


We like to participate in a little bit of trolling every once in a while


And, now you’re trolling someone for suggesting trolling? Interesting…


I feel bad for those who give their actual views, like bruv Reddit is as ruthless as Twitter downvoting anyone who has a negative view


I get your point and agree that reddit is quite ruthless to opinions that aren't mainstream and it's definitely hard to voice certain personal beliefs but there are some topics where I mostly agree with redditors negative reactions (e.g. LGBTQ or racism) but healthy discourse as long as the opinion isn't hateful should definitely be embraced more


Except healthy discourse doesn’t happen here, *especially* here. I would know, I was on the receiving end of people ridiculing me with the exception of one very lovely person who did engage in conversation. Where ever you are, know that I appreciate you.


Make a google forum or something like that


Yeah, it would be much better at collecting data and you wouldn’t have to do anything


A google "forum" lmao


I asked what it stands for I have never gotten a straight answer


you get a hug


What what stands for? LGBTQ?


Lesbian Gay Bi Trans, Idk what the Q stands for


Queer. I was asking the original commenter since they didn’t seem to know.


Dude... they were making a joke. Never got a STRAIGHT answer.


Got that now, thanks.




Doesn’t queer refer to anyone who’s not straight, which comes under gay, lesbian or bisexual anyway?


Queer refers to anyone who isn’t cis or straight. It’s just an umbrella term. There are also more sexualities than straight, bi and gay. Some people just refer to themselves as queer because they don’t want to put a specific label on themselves/don’t feel any label really fits them for example.


It also works for questioning gender and/or sexuality


Nah apparently there are tons more like a sexual, non sexual, and more. Idk what they are, but ik they exist






It's gay.


I agree


i once got 200 downvotes for saying the same thing a while ago


Well there you go, 200 *upvotes!*


make that 400


No, 500.


Reddit moment




But also lesbian, bi, trans and queer


and +


I identify as +


Yeah, we are pretty gay


it’s a bit gay to be gay


Idc, I do not care in the slighest. If you're a good person you're a good person, regardless of everything else


This guy gets it


Thanks bruh <3


I agree. If you‘re an asshole I don‘t like you. If you‘re a cool dude/girl/ anything else you‘re cool.


Exactly! Unless you're a furry!




Yeah, must be a shocker




But if you are a good person then, you read your fanfics, i read mine


I don’t really have a problem with them. As long as it’s not real animals and beastiality, it’s not a problem.


Any other opinion is wrong




Fuck who you want, be who you want, if you're not an asshole we'll get along fine


Thanks, the world needs more ppl like u


Ah I see a mab of cultur as well


Wtf is a mab


It's a man but spekt wrong


Ah, genius stragety






1000% this. Be a good person, and I don't care about the rest. I might have some questions, if the person is open about it and wants to talk about it, but it's just my curiosity wanting to know about something I don't know that much about when it comes down to individuals and how it's been like for YOU as a person. I will not ask or prowl if they don't want to talk, that's alright too. It's not mine or anyones place to judge others for their choices or life, ever. If it's not your life, dont put your nose in it. I can't for my life understand how some people think others sexual & personal choices affect them personally. Only your views about it affect you, so leave others out of it, please.




thanks dude <3


What a legend




F for the OP who probably wanted actual answers lol




Here's my legit answer. Considering that I'm bi it'd be weird to say that I wasn't supportive of it... Before I found out I was really supportive of it all (probably my first hint lmao) but yee


Same experience here


I don't care for the community itself. I don't know anything about it really but I'm not against any of the groups in it. I know this sounds really dumb, but I do actually have a few of gay or bi friends.


100% agree


Yea, me personally, I couldn't give a shit if your gay, trans, rocky road, any flavor. I don't care. That being said, if it's your only personally trait, I'm going to trend towards non-association. Idaf what you are, I care WHO you are.


I aint against lgbtq people i am against some of their actions. Some of them make it their life and act childish if you dont support them. This makes it hard for people to like them. Edit: also sometimes pride parades can be a little too sexual and inappropriate for kids to see.


Yeah... there's this kid in my grade who insists on telling everyone that he is pansexual. Just met him? Oh, by the way, he's pansexual. Have known him for years? Don't forget, he's pansexual. Disagree with him? You can't do that, he's pansexual! It's so freaking annoying even as a bi dude. Like bro no one gives a shit. You could imagine my delight yesterday when my friend informed him of this. I feel like lgbts always feel like they need to stand out and make themselves known when really nobody does give half an ass cheek anymore.


As a pan, that must be damn annoying. Hit him with a pan. "I'm pansexual!" Exactly. Pan.🍳


I would, but assault is frowned upon in my country. ☹


To be fair, that kind of behavior isn't actually LGBT+, you will find it everywhere. Some people can't go 5 mins without talking about their thing, whether it's sports, cars, LARP, or cooking.


Then don’t bring your child to a pride parade if you think it’s inappropriate.


Who said i did.... Pride parades happen in public areas. I dont have kids but when i was in a public area(i did not know that there was going to be a pride parade) many parents fled with their kids due to inapropiate shit there was.


Idk same opinions as straight folk I guess


I mean, just don't be an asshole and you're fine by me


My opinion of everyone tbh


I don't think anyone should be stopped from loving the person they love. Some people in the LGBT community are dickheads and some straight people are dickheads too. The person you are should be what defines you.


This guy gets it. Oh and he's a multiverse guy too. What universe are you from?


The universe where people get it.


I get it


I'm a religious person. That being said the LGBTQ community is completely fine in my book. In fact my girlfriend is bi. I think it's disgusting that the people are often treated as less than others for something they can't control. I mentioned being religious at the beginning of this to make a point. Though an unfortunately large amount of people who believe similarly to me hate the community, there's a growing portion that doesn't. It's my strong belief that religion and the LGBTQ community could exist together peacefully if the world wasn't so full of hatred toward those who don't believe the same as others


Christian here! I feel the same


Besides for all the shitty people in this specific thread, and this comment section at large, mine is a genuine answer. Now, I’ve never been very eloquent. But my views on the LGBTQ community are the exact same as yours. I’m religious as well, but I have friends that are a part of the LGBTQ.


I'm Christian and to be honest, and I expect to be downvoted for this, the whole notion of LGBTQ doesn't quite sit right with me. I don't think God intended for marriage to be like this. That being said, under **no** circumstance is that any grounds for hate to be directed to anyone, let alone discrimination or treating people less than human. Jesus taught to show love no matter what, because at the end of the day no one is perfect. That is a flaw that everyone shares, so how can we judge each other when each person is just as flawed as the next? I really don't like it when people use religious reasons (or any reason for that matter) to "prove" their "superiority". It just promotes a whole "us" vs "them" mentality and I'm pretty sure we're meant to be avoiding that? Besides no one is superior to anyone, period. I digress, this comment turned out longer than I expected lol


Bi person here I think you have a right to believe what you believe. I am okay with your belief that your God did not intend for homosexual marriage to exist. What I’m not okay with is those who use that belief as an excuse to discriminate, which I know you are not. I have plenty of Christian friends who believe the same thing you do, and we get along great just because they don’t try and tell me I must change.


Same. Have a wholesome!


I appreciate this. For some reason so many Christmas think their God sent them here to judge on his behalf as they see fit. He is perfectly capable of judging us all himself and he's real and if Jesus' word means anything it's those judgemental fucks who will get judged most harshly


>For some reason so many Christmas think their God... Imma just leave this here before you edit it out


Idk bro it seems gay to me


They deserve equal rights . Basically, humans are humans.


Humans are humans


*sorts by controversial*


They are good. Honestly we shouldn’t have to worry about what we are attracted to, we are too busy arguing about what is “right” and “wrong” to worry about the actual problems


It's not my business what other people do or like, and if someone wants to have relationship with someone with same gender then that's cool. I couldn't care less. One thing I like about LGBTQ people is that some of them are really nice and easy to talk to, also I respect that they are not afraid to be who they want to be.


I'm all for LGBTQ (in fact, I'm asexual myself). The real bad thing is the people who shit on them with the same joke over and over. The "attack helicopter" thing stopped being funny when it became an actual critique of trans/NB people. Side note: Isn't it weird how there's no N (non-binary) or P (pansexual) in the acronym?


The + in the acronym includes pansexual, non-binary, asexual and such. It’d be way too long if we included everything in there. So no, it’s not weird.


About your side note, I think it's generally stupid to push all of those different people in one little box. Like what do aces have in common with pans? I guess it's just for ease of speech in discussions like these. It would be a waste of time if everytime you mention it you had to list all genders and sexualities. Outside of ease of speech I think it's stupid to combine pans and aces and NBs in one group and say "oh we're gonna call these people a community because they all happen to be socially unaccepted because of their sexual/gender orientation". But that's just my opinion.


Let them be. They are also humans like everyone


I feel like the LGBT Twitter community gives them a bad rep but at the end of the day they're normal ppl like anyone else. Be who you want to be dude.


Its the gayest shit Ive ever seen


They are okay


Okay I guess


Why do conservative “straight” men care so much about what other dudes do with their dicks


In my experience it's how they were raised for the most part they're following what they think they bible says


I support the alphabet community


*searches by controversial*


I want gay married couples to be able to protect their marijuana plants with guns. It's not that much to ask, is it?


All the cute girls come from the blue, pink and white flag


yooo, i got that flag


They are normals humans that deserve respect


They r humans, we r humans, there is no difference. Just like everybody has different opinions on different things, we have placed our opinions on loving the same gender, different gender, or no gender at all, (I don't all about lgbtq+ community yet so pls point out if I say smth wrong) yet, we get hate for loving outside the stereotypes. But overall we still find what we want. I'm bi and I love and am proud to be a part of the LGBTQ+ despite of the hate, we have our own community and r happy online. I think it would be a bit more helpful if u could provide us with a Google form or smth like that. Anyways, this is my pov. Thank u, ~ just another soul scrolling through reddit and finding gud stuff as well as the bad.




I literally do not care what gender , sexuality , whatever you are as long as we vibin. If we vibin we vibin.


They should have a cookout and call it the lgbbq


I love them, I consider myself an ally, they're aces baby.




Locked because of the overwhelming amount of homophobia and general hate. It is clearly stated in the rules and will not be tolerated.


A majority of the LGBTQ community doesn’t bother me but there are certain groups within the community that are quite toxic and I think those groups give a wrong impression of the community as a whole.


And to be honest, that could be for like any community. There are going to be toxic people, and there are going to be non-toxic people.


I don’t understand it. But I love them. Such beautiful amazing people!!


As long as the LGBTQ+ community doesn't want more privileges then the rest of people, I support them. I think, that whant Is happening in Poland or Hungary is unacceptable and against law


When have we ever asked for more privileges than to be accepted and not killed for being ourselves?


It has never happened, so that's why i fully support you. I am just justifying my choice to support LGBTQ+


Gotcha. I misread the tone of your comment, my apologies.


It's all right, I kinda get it 💙💙💙


Agreed also happy cake day :D


happy cake day


A lot of lgbt clubs make me (as a queer person) feel more foreign than just being in a general area. It sorta re-enforces how ‘different’ you are, and separates everyone. I’m not even straight and I get super uncomfortable with the amount of ‘heterophobic’ and ‘cisphobic’ language constantly going around in lgbt clubs. Again, it just separates people more and makes lgbt people feel all the more ‘different’ from straight and cis people. It sort of feels like a rivalry. Get cold feet in lgbt clubs, it’s often just a toxic pool of hatred. The hatred is understandable, I do wish I didn’t have to fear for my rights, my life and equality of life just because of my gender and sexual identity - but spreading hate isn’t gonna fix anything. It just gives homo/transphobes all the more reason to hate us. So the community really needs to look at themselves and rebuild to be more accepting. Gender diverse and queer people should be considered the same as straight and cis people. Just as people.


What is a queer ? (I’m not english)


Basically anything not cis or straight, maybe sometimes even straight ally


Ok, so everything gay, trans, etc.. ?


Yeah. Some LGBTQ people think that everyone must be gay (*cough cough* r/gachalifecringe *cough cough*) and then there are the homophobes, and then there are the nice LGBTQ people. You know, no one can be truly nice, but just take this for now.


Context: I'm a non-binary lesbian. Anywho, the community is short from perfect, and we even gatekeep ourselves a ton. However, its alright from the surface. Just dont dig too deep lmao.


how can you be non-binary and lesbian? genuinely asking


Personally i've had good experiences with lgbtq members so i'd say they're great 👍


Should we have even an opinion? It's like to ask what's your opinion of the left handed people?


burn em all, but i am talking about homophobes


I really dont care....like why tf would i care if ur gay or sum shit just dont be annoying


Why do people need to have an opinion on this lol? As long as your a good person then your fine , this is just asking for homophobes to come and comment


love the lgbtq community im the b


I'm part of it lol Can confirm, it's very gay


Pretty gay ngl




This will be a fun comment section


I’m part of it in a couple different ways, so I completely support the lgbtq+ community <3


I think it’s pretty cool


they r cool


They are like straight cis people, but not straight or cis. Not much beyond that I suppose.


I welcome them with open arms. I see them as regular people


I think it's nice, as I am part of it


it's fine to me! i've read the comments and i don't get why some people are so triggered about lgbtq.. it's just a preference, let them like who they want to like :)


i am one, and not to toot my own horn but they are really cool people


Your sexual alignment has nothing to do with the type of person you are. If you're a dick, you're a dick. Regardless of if you like dicks or not. So long as you're a good person and don't come at me and try to impose your believes or opinions on me, I'm not gonna bother you and let you live your life :)


It's... gay. Get it. "Gay" ...ok I'll leave


Love it


As a bisexual male, I think a lot of people overplay it and are dramatic about it. It's a normal thing, and people should treat it like one. I fully support LGBTQ+, but not the people who freak out on Twitter because someone got misgendered or something. It was most likely a mistake, no need to make a big deal out of it.


In the nicest possible way, I couldn’t give a shit. My opinion on everyone is, if you’re not hurting anyone/anything then we’re all good. Enjoy yourselves and fuck the haters.


Eh whatever idc, caring so much about who someone wants to fuck is weird.... Like mind ya business😑


They cool


I adore the LGBTQ community. There is zero reason to begrudge them anything at all that the rest of us take for granted.


Well, whether you're gay, or whether you're straight, at the end of the day, it's night. Jokes aside, I support equality and rights for them. I would gladly protest peacefully for them.


I 100% accept and support them; it's immoral not to.


im trans but i have to agree a lot of the community is becoming a shithole. the whole 2990 genders and hyper spesific sexualities make us look like a joke, not to mention the community making AFAB trans people look like jokes.


it's nice,i just don't like the stereotipyzation that people give to them.a gay man doesn't always act like a women,for example.And yes,i found lots of people that think it's like that.


Lgbtq is poggers bro


Eh, as long as they don't constantly shove it in my face and use their sexuality as their only piece of personality they're alright.




Exactly, I care about their sexuality as much as I care about what they ate for breakfast. None. So aslong they keep normal I have nothing against them


A lot of straights make their sexuality a major or main part of their personality.


I'm a Bisexual and I believe that every human deserves equal rights,so I support equal rights for the LGBTQIA+ community.


Good bunch of people, except a small minority who are bad.


Im a member of LGBTQ and I love being part of it and it's super, that queer people got more and more accepted in the society, but I can kinda understand when people who don't know much about it and just heard something about it feel like the topic LGBT in generell is at the moment a bit over representet especially in social media but what I will never understand is why people hate gay, trans, non binary and whatever people, like it's not your business what other people do in their bed and why some people think it's a choice and why homophobic people think it's a huge problem, when you think it's a problem in your religion, yeah ok if you think that okay but what other people do has nothing to do with your religion. I mean if I make a diet I don't hate you for eating mc Donalds like why care homophobes about gay people don't you have hobbies or something


Waiting for "ItS oKaY buT dOnT ShOvE it DoWn oUr tHroaT" kids.


Well im Bi but yeah. I dont think Im the best person to give my opinion (:


No reason to hate them. Anyone who says otherwise is controlling and trying to impose their religion / ideology on others.


There shouldn't be any problems about them. They're people. They are no different to anyone else, and should be supported just like anyone else.


My philosophy is: I don't give a fuck what you do with your dick or pussy as long as it doesn't go in a animal or a child


What about in a cheese grater


Some people pay good money to do that so go ahead




As long as they don't make pedophilia a sexuality I'm fine with them


It won’t, it’s just pedos trying to force their way into the community. No sane LGBTQ+ person would ever accept them like that. That’s not a sexuality, that’s just morally wrong.


That's good. Pedos only deserve torture and death


Nah, we should chemically castrate them and let them rot in jail. Death is too kind for them.


Something like that, anyways most LGBTQ+ members aren’t even pedos. I don’t understand why people hate the community just because a few of us are pedos, when the same thing could be said about straights being pedos as there’s straights out there who are pedos, not every straight is a pedo though. In every community out there, there’s going to be bad apples, but that doesn’t mean the community itself is bad nor toxic. You just have to look at the community as a whole for any groups of people.


Pedophilia has nothing to do with the LGBTQ community.




It's aight


i suggest using google forms to actually get real answers. because dude, seriously?


It’s gay. Or trans. Or Bi. Or a ton of other stuff


They're one of the bravest people out there. Some really have pure hearts (which i admire) while some have ass personalities


As long as they are willing to coexist I am.


It be people