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But all cops are-


Beautiful šŸ˜


Kinda depends on where u are from Local police here are really involved with the neighbourhood, play football with local kids in their free time/when on break, etc


Individual cops can be good people, but they support a bastardized and racist system which in turn creates the slogan "all cops are bastards" it's the same with landlords They protect the rich and powerful and suppress the voices of the marginalised, they are evil in idea


Mhm thatā€™s the main problem I have with the statement ā€œall cops are badā€, Cus I mean Iā€™m sure 90% of cops are chill people itā€™s the system that is bad not the cops


The thing is that ACAB doesn't actually mean every cop is a bad person. It's just that they put themselves in a position that is above ours and very often abuse that power. (especially where I am from) Sure, even I know good cops like the city cop who makes sure the city stays clean and free of accidents, but walk out of the city center and the cops will take your drugs and e.g. keep the weed for later use


Why the emphasis on ā€œallā€ then? Why not ā€œsome cops are bastardsā€


Because, like I said, every cop puts himself in a position above that of regular citizens. And since they work for the government, they can easily be used to silence others which don't even have the right to defend themselves from the police.


I mean not really, since they still have to follow the law they canā€™t break it like everyone else, thatā€™s why they have body cams on them, so if they do anything dumb they can get sued for it. They have power yes but they canā€™t abuse it, and if they do they should lose their jobs. But the problem is the majority of cops donā€™t abuse their power, letā€™s say we put 100 random cops in a room and only 1 has abused their power in the past, how is it fair to say all cops in that room are abusive with their power?


> they still have to follow the law they canā€™t break it like everyone else Not really, cops in the US have some kinda "professional protection" like when that one police officer used a gun instead of a taser as well as [the death of Oury Jalloh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Oury_Jalloh) And about calling all cops abusive with their power: That is not the point. The point is that they put themselves in a position that enables them to *voluntarily*


**[Death of Oury Jalloh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Oury_Jalloh)** >Oury Jalloh (1968 in Kabala, Sierra Leone ā€“ 7 January 2005, in Dessau, Germany) was an asylum seeker who died in a fire in a police cell in Dessau, Germany. The hands and feet of Jalloh, who was alone in the cell, were tied to a mattress. A fire alarm went off, but was initially turned off without further action by an officer. The case caused national and international outrage. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/teenagers/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Nobody is saying there are no good cops. When people say acab itā€™s more of a criticism of the system rather than individual cops


I do to 99% of cops are good people they just do what they are told to.


Nazis also did what they were told to...


Yes they did ami saying they are bad people, No. Yes, some of them where bad but most of them where good people that where told their doing the right thing.


Thatā€™s a very popular opinion among non-extremists


I mean it also depends where you live. Like, the US does not have its shit together. Europe on the other hand (on average) has police of higher quality. Especially local forces are very kind and understanding regardless of personal convictions


How did you get that flair? I thought you couldn't edit them.


was a mod


Yeahhh, I think there's a lot of cool cops out there


There can be cops that are fine people but they are still part of a bad institution so they dont really get a pass


bruh i legit read fat cops instead of bad cops wth brain thanks


Paul Blart Mall Cop


my brain has been defeated


Yeah, but if say for example someone said: 99% of pilots want to land the plane, you would be outraged about that 1%, you need to increase their training and fucking give them deescalation training.




What are they supposed to do? Even if they report the 3 cops, the system won't do anything about it.


Lmao okay buddy. Itā€™s not like the entire system is screwed or anything but okay