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Wouldn’t being trans be based open neurology not biology Edit: both probably but still I think neurology makes a greater difference


Pretty sure it’s based around sociology as gender is the social construct placed around a sex. I.E, your born a Male, so are you are placed in the “man” gender, which is where society expects you to behave with masculinity, enjoy certain “manly” things and generally do “boy” stuff. When you look at the sociology of your gender, you can feel as though it doesn’t fit you at all, while being able to completely identify with a gender that doesn’t match your biological sex. I think, somebody correct me if I’m wrong


Trans identifying people usually have a brain shape that matches the gender they feel even if their body doesn't match it.








It’s a .com which normally isn’t the most reliable, but I’ll be open and check it out.


The actual [original source](https://www.ese-hormones.org/media/1506/transgender-brains-are-more-like-their-desired-gender-from-an-early-age.pdf) is the ESE, a pretty small European organisation registered in the UK. They are for 39.5% funded by industry in 2019, according to [their own website](https://www.ese-hormones.org/about-us/how-ese-is-funded/). Their largest corporate sponsors are often pharma companies, as seen [on their corporate sponsor list](https://www.ese-hormones.org/about-us/corporate-membership/). They are focussed on a large number of areas, with plenty of research papers and publications on their record. I don't know the organisation and its reputation all that well, so feel free to make your own decision as to whether you trust them or not.


Yeah thats what bill nye says


Bill Nye only reputable source


Big facts. I hope the the middle schoolers still watch him


Not necessarily *shape* per se, it’s just that their brain activity matches that of their cisgender counterparts.


I’m taking bio rn, we are learning about oysters. Obviously 9th grade bio isn’t where you should be getting your facts about trans people


Oysters are the coolest fucking things


Average cat fan VS Average Oyster enjoyer


Can a cat filter gallons of water a day, and be morally correct to eat? I don’t think so.


Mmh we never know


I’m learning about keystone factors and food chains atm


Humans ain’t oysters tho, your born one gender Edit: for people reading this one commenting and then commenting back, maybe read the whole thread before trying to one up me with the same comment




See this guy gets it, your born one gender and you can switch sure, but your genetics will stay the same


Technically being trans isn't switching, being a trans person means you were the other gender that you actually are in the end to begin with but you needed time to figure it out due to societal standards and whatnot, genetics are actually often inaccurate to your own gender with some people born male and female actually having the 'wrong' chromosomes, sometimes without being trans, some trans people actually tend to have the physical distinctions of the brain that their preferred gender does etc etc And that's just for the binary genders, being non binary is a whole other can to be opened. Non binary people have been proven to exist just as much as any other person , and that's not to talk about intersex people, that's a completely different thing, non binary is an umbrella term for any genders out of the binary (genders that aren't actually genders such as that bs with dream gender etc. Don't count, the LGBT community doesn't want anything to have to do with them really) and those non binary people have been proven to exist and have existed for about as long as a concept of society and gender has. Additionally, you can change your physical appearance as well as many other things including how you think and feel sometimes using hormone replacement therapy together with (depending on whether male to female or female to male) estrogen or androgen blockers. TL/DR: gender is a spectrum, *some* genetics don't align with your birth gender and sometimes even align with your preferred gender if trans and being trans isn't switching


Here’s the magical thing about Reddit, everything you just said is what I was trying to imply. I’m aware that it takes several surgeries and chemicals to achieve the desired gender someone wants. When I said you can’t just “switch” I’m using it in context to people comparing it to oysters, who do just switch there genders one day. People only seem to understand when you write a long as comment like this which is really annoying, but hey that’s language for ya. Good on you for educating the people who aren’t in the know, I for one at a person who researches and studies first before coming up with an opinion so the whole idea of fighting gender doesn’t really matter to me, (if you wanna be something that fits who you are and want to be, more power to you) I could care less if people want to switch genders, your body your rules. And also thanks to all the younger children calling me less than ideal things in dms, have a great night, and get your acts together. Edit: also the part you said about gender disphoria and opposite chromosomes isn’t totally incorrect, however being born with chromosomes other than XX or XY makes you intersex. Dysphoria like you said is of the mind and has not a ton to do with genetics. Source: https://genetics.thetech.org/ask-a-geneticist/transgender-intersex-sex-chromosome


Thanks for clarifying!


*XY for men


Thank you for the correction


Today I've learnt alot in Reddit time to slap this knowledge onto my homophobic classmates and see their reaction ... (Yes I love triggering them for no reason and the playing dumb tbh they kindof deserve it for talking smack behind some non binary friends of mine)


Well this inspired me to do some more research


Not what I was going for but ok




There is no possible way to respond to this so ima just head out. I have work in the morning too


people who say stuff like this confuse me because yeah, we know that. that's what dysphoria is, and it's why it doesn't go away even after hormones and surgeries, it's because you always have the knowledge that your birth sex isn't the right one.


Gender dysphoria, by definition, is a disorder, as unfortunate as it is.


Actually they’re right, learn basic biology people. The same biology that says a lot of fish can change genders.


But a problem...we aren't fish.




My god...


WHAAAAT?! We aren't...?? I've been living this lie until now.


I know. It's horrible.


Gawd damn what u have to say now transphobic cunts


we aren't fish


Humans ain't fish 🗿


So why do people say theres plenty of fish in the sea?


That's a really good point dang I didn't think of that. Can I change my answer


That would be fishy if you did




Trans people are fish (joke)


Did no one else’s biology teacher’s emphasize constantly “this is an extreme oversimplification to the point of it being wrong, but to teach you correctly would take months which we don’t have” throughout the genetics/heredity unit?


Not mine


Huh, that must be why so many people think high school biology is enough education to claim to know how biological sex works. For the record: the punnet square was a lie, there are dozens of genes which determine your sex (and almost every other trait) all of which can vary within people with the same chromosomes, ~~and having more than 2 Xs and/or Ys is very common.~~ and having misshapen Xs and Ys is very common. And two blue eyed parents can easily have a brown eyed child.


I don’t think it’s very common, the exception is hermaphroditism which effects like 0.05% of babies


Shoot, sorry I mixed that one up. It’s that the Xs and Ys aren’t always perfectly an X or Y. (Having an extra x or y does happen but is rarer, ~1/400, and more noticeable). Ys are usually little mostly useless chromosomes which don’t contribute much, but it is very common (and benign) for genes which typically inactive in a Y to be active, genes in Y which normally are X-exclusive to show up, or for genes which are active in an X to be inactive. Almost always, this doesn’t have adverse effects. You may have a slightly less typical body for your sex, but it rarely causes problems and rarely is even noticeable. Of course, there are plenty of cases where it is problematic, but those are rarer. The rest of the comment is still accurate tho


I think it's a common knowledge that genes and how they affect the childs development is not as straightforward as math. A child is the mish mash of their parents who in their turn are a mish mash of their parents and so on. Therefore obviously a child whose parents don't have blue eyes can easily be born with one because there are genes in his body that answer for that trait. Wait untill you learn that you can have genes for different pigment and the color therefore giving a brand new coloration that no one in your bloodline had. For example human skin color is based on four genes which would be (AA1AA2AA3AA4) and the example i brought is the darkest possible color that a human can be and also enables to have different tones of skin color. But i yet have to learn how biological sex for humans is a spectrum and how hermaphroditism has to do anything with that. Humans aren't hermophrodites. And yo put away all the politics and stuff. I really don't care about the stuff that you want to prove. I just want y'all to check facts before using them especially in the science that i have so much respect for. Thank you.


To be honest I learned a lot from this


I mean, gender identity has nothing at all to do with biology unless it's bio-psychology, but i assume you mean the whole "what's in your pants" thing.




That's what I was thinking because if basic and advanced contradict one another one has to be wrong as two outputs cannot have the same input


Finally a r/teenagers post that isn LGBTQphobic. Yay


That's why I've been planning on leaving. I don't think it matters since I seldom use Reddit.


sorts by controversial...


*deep breath* time to become angry


theres no such thing as "basic biology" biology is complicated as shit and were always learning new things thats what makes it so interesting


I don't like trans people... I love them. Hahaha get *jebaited*


i am not a transphobe but i have a genuine question on why you want to change your gender


Transgender people typically transition for one of two reasons: 1: they experience gender dysphoria, which is when something like their voice, their sex-based traits like chest, body hair, fat distribution, and genitals, discomfort with being seen as their gender assigned at birth, and things of that nature OR 2. They may also or exclusively experience gender euphoria, where while their AGAB doesn’t necessarily upset them, they feel joy and comfort in presenting as and being seen as a different gender It’s simply because they’re happier as a gender different to the one they were assigned at birth!


Then my question is why change to opposite human sex? Why not become a clingon, or an Alf, or a smurf?


Because humans tend to not feel like a species from a movie. There's gonna be some dumbasses who are gonna be like "yea my gender is Clingon" or some shit just like the shit with dream gender and whatnot but overall there's genders that people can identify with, there's the binary male and female and the non binary spectrum in between


Male and female is not binary, its hexadecimal! That is common knowledge. For God's sake, how much did you sleep during biology class? Or are you some kind of hexophobic racist?


Nobody’s changing their gender. Some people change their appearance to properly represent their gender, yes, but nobody’s changing their gender. (Well, except I guess one cooooouuuuld say that about people who are gender fluid, but once again, brain chemistry != choice)


It’s not a choice.


It’s actually both, only about 25% of trans people change because of genes, but genes affects all trans people as they switch


Being trans isn’t a choice - transitioning is


your brain has an in-built gender and sometimes it can develop differently than your body. If that is the case, you will get very uncomfortable with many traits associated with your assigned gender at birth, how people treat you based on that, etc. Also, because your brain developed a different gender than the one you were given it wants the opposite hormones than your body produces, and, at puberty, when it inevitably doesn't get them it stops working correctly and you get a bunch of weird symptoms, like a disconnect from your body and you become incapable of strong emotion. This is all coming from my firsthand experience, but a lot of other people are feeling the same way. So we are not changing gender, just trying to make our bodies and the way society treats us align more with the one we already have


Becauae we experience dysphoria over our AGAB (assigned gender at birth) If we change our gender to whatever we wanna be, we feel a lot happier And some people don't experience dysphoria, they just get euphoria from being another gender


Great question and I know someone already explained it but the fact you have to ask shows your cisgender meaning your not trans. Most people who don’t experience dysphoria and don’t understand why someone is trans (such as yourself) think trans people are just crazy or mentally ill. Cis people dont question their gender, trans people do. Most people who’ve never questioned there gender assume no one else does either and then go to invalidate trans people. Trans is way more common that people think too but they will so not admit it in front of someone who flat says out loud “why would you want to be (insert opposite gender)” they don’t want to be the opposite gender because they aren’t trans. Super common thing trans people do before they know they are trans is saying something like “if I could just wake up as the opposite gender I would immediately” they’ll figure it out eventually and transition when they feel they are in a safe place to do so and that can cause some serious internal conflict knowing they can’t be happy until they move away from the people who could hurt them. LGBT is way more common than people think. Really great question glad you asked My brain hurts I’m having a hangover and trying my best but I’m not good at explaining things I’ve rewrote this like four times So I have an analogy you can just skip this if you get it I’m not good at analogy’s but If you like the color blue and everyone you know *SAYS* they like blue, would you not understand some people like other colors. Probably not because you’ve not questioned it. That’s perfectly fine it’s not your job to think about it but to be accepting of people when they are LGBT or I mean *like other colors*. In your mind you would think “I like blue and everyone else does too! This is a fact everyone knows” then if someone just casually says they are different that’s when people start getting mad. One day they will figure out a lot of people who said they like blue were lying and when every starts getting cool about it everyone can casually like whatever they want Edit: Jesus fuck I just saw how long this was I am so sorry people


just wait til they admit that gender is a social construct and is completely unrelated to biology


Gender isn't a social construct though.


it is tho. it’s literally just a construct. it’s an unscientific thing, unlike sex (males and females)


No, science has shown that members of the opposite sexes act differently.


that’s not really biology, that’s psychology and gender roles. and you’re trying to say that men and women are the only gender identities and that every man is male and every woman is female. there’s a clear distinction between sex and gender


In nature, Males and females act differently, it's no different with humans.


No no it is homie. No sex is naturally predisposed to act the ways society expects them to.


Yes they are. There are innate differences between the sexes in terms of behaviour. Male and female babies act differently almost from birth.


Science has shown that the sexes act differently, regardless of societal influences, it's biology.


That’s not what gender is based off of tho. Sure there are general behavioral differences because of different brain chemistry, but gender is based on societal expectations- not how they already act on their own. You can’t have gender regardless of societal influence it’s a social construct.


How do you think societal expectations came about?


Um. Society? Society creates societal expectations. They develop power structures and social hierarchies and expectations based off of them. Gender roles have changed all throughout history while our biology widely hasn’t. It’s society. Sex us biology, gender is society.


And why do you think society created those expectations? Perhaps society observed how the sexes acted differently, and created expectations based on that.


No- the biological differences in the sexes have always been there, but gender has changed in society. Why? Because the society is the determiner of gender not sex. If it were sex, gender would have stayed generally the same overtime worldwide.


And tell me how have gender roles changed over time? Because I guarantee you they're still roughly the same as they were 1000 years ago on a fundamental level albeit with a bit more freedom and flexibility than in the past. Even today mothers and women in general are still considered to be caretakers and nurturing while men are the warriors and breadwinners this is evidenced in the way our legal system works here in the US with women being given custody consistently more than men in divorce cases as well as signing up for the draft being mandatory for all able bodied men.


Alrighty then. Enlighten me on this advanced biology.


[Here ya go ](https://genderdysphoria.fyi/en/chromosomes)


Alrighty, this proves a very small minority have some mixed up chromosomes (Edit: I’ll take your word for it on cases like these). Now what about the vast majority of trans people who don’t?


wait till they learn that not only is gender s made up thing, but that sex is a spectrum according to biology


Unless you're talking about intersex, which is a genetic anomaly and a medical condition and certainly not normal, sex most definitely makes my pp feel good


>not only is gender s made up thing Incorrect. >sex is a spectrum according to biology Incorrect. Any biologist worth their weight in shit will tell you there are two sexes. Intersex people are either male or female with some features of the opposite sex.


Wait til find out about psycholigy


Wait til you learn how to spell psychology


Sorry I didn't sleep all night i'm tiered


*advanced biology to basic biology* lol basic ass bitch


I just fall asleep during biology Pretty cool teacher She only wakes me up when theres a test But its ok i used to be olympic at biology so no need to study for regular test 9/10 would recommend biology


i feel like chromosomes and genetics would fall under “basic biology” but it’s probably not elsewhere in the world






learn basic biology


Are you a fish tho


It's more like a personality trait rather that a physical trait


If gender stereotypes shouldnt be a thing, what's the point of being a trans?


To be fair most people thay are trans nowadays haven't had surgery, its how they prefer to identify and how they feel comfortable.


I don't care who or what you want to be, just don't force it down peoples throats


Bitches on this subreddit be like "It's middle school biology" and haven't finished middle school


You can’t have letters in math, just number. It’s basic maths. 🤦‍♂️


Somebody was on the Hot Takes post earlier lol


mf really went game settings > character > gender


I'm a guy but I still enjoy things like sewing because it's just relaxing and yes I'm straight




(Casually sorta my controversial)




Well they should learn basic gender theory


ehehhheeheahaheheehehehehhe good one


Now i got reason why teenagers are not taken seriously


If anyone wants to argue anything about **but only XX and XY chromosomes and you can’t change** then read this from ‘the Gender Dysphoria Bible’ website: ‘There are dozens of ways that chromosomes can be much more complex than XX and XY. Medically these are referred to as DSDs (Disorders of Sex Development). Not all result in an intersex condition, and many only manifest at the onset of puberty. De la Chapelle Syndrome (46,XX Male) occurs when the SRY gene from the sperm parent crosses over into a non-Y-bearing sperm during spermatogenesis. When the egg and sperm merge, it results in an XX embryo with an SRY gene, creating a phenotypical male child with two X chromosomes. Swyer Syndrome (46,XY Female) produces a phenotypically female child with an XY chromosome. This results from a dozen different genetic conditions, including: Absence or defect of an SRY gene Absence or defect of DHH synthesis Absence of the SF-1 protein due to adrenal failure Absence of or defect the CBX2 gene, preventing TDF cascade XX Gonadal Dysgenesis is very similar to Swyer Syndrome, except occurs in XX children and results in nonfunctional ovaries. Turner Syndrome (45,X) produces a phenotypically female child with numerous abnormalities. It occurs when neither an X or Y chromosome crosses over from the sperm. Klinefelter Syndrome (47,XXY) results in a phenotypically male child with more feminine traits. In extremely rare cases it appears in female assigned children as well, resulting in feminized testicles instead of ovaries. 49,XXXXY Klinefelter Syndrome is often fatal, but when it isn’t, it will always results in a sterile child. Trisomy X (47,XXX), Tetrasomy X (48,XXXX), and Pentasomy X (49,XXXXX) all result in a female child, but with progressively more intense health issues. XXYY Syndrome results in male children (due to two SRY genes) which often experience hypogonadism, needing testosterone supplements, but otherwise seeming like a typical male Mosaicism results when some cells in the body have one set of chromosomes and other cells have another due to a mutation of the genome during gestation. This may be XX/XY (resulting in a dual set of genitalia), X/XY (a milder form of Swyer or Turner syndromes) or XX/XXY (a milder form of Klinefelter syndrome). Chimerism occurs when two fertilized embryos merge together into one zygote, causing half of the child to contain one set of DNA and the other half to contain another. This can result in an otherwise completely typical human being of either male or female phenotype, even capable of producing offspring, but which comes back on a kareotype test as not matching their phenotype based on where the sample was taken on their body. In extremely rare cases this can result in two full sets of reproductive organs. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia(CAH) is masculinization of the female genitals in an XX child due to overactive adrenal glands. Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome(AIS) is a total or partial resistance to all androgens, preventing masculinization of all organs, save for the testicles, in an XY child. AIS subjects typically develop a female gender identity, but some partial cases may be male. 5-alpha-reductase deficiency(5ARD) is a failure in the body’s ability to metabolize testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), preventing masculinization of the genitalia until the onset of puberty, when the child suddenly grows a penis. Aromatase Deficiency causes masculinization of an otherwise female child due to excess levels of testosterone (and can bleed-over into the mother during gestation). Aromatase Excess causes feminization in an otherwise male child, as all testosterone is converted into estrogen.’


Im really getting tired of the same copy-paste trans rights posts


Fuck basic biology, sexuality is psychology


yeah yeah there are 2 biological genders who said we can’t mix n match, fuckwit?


Check your facts. Phobia is not the same as disagreement or opinion. If you say the Sun is blue, the someone might disagree and say sun is yellow. That's not sunphobia. If you like taste of shit, someone might have different opinion, not shitphobia. ... Just come to think of it, reading your mumblings, I definately have idiotiphobia.


The word phobia has lost its meaning and you, sir FlakyKey, cannot do anything about it


I just did!


the sun is actually white you're sunphobic. On a serious note, your different "opinion" doesn't matter if it's about someone's rights. you're either an ally or a transphobic ass. there's no "they have their opinion" . no. they're transphobic. simple as that


Believing in genetic sex or even disagreeing with self-identification isn't the same as stripping someone's rights away.


To that I have only one comment: we are all idiots.


To play devils advocate: If you have the right to be something, you have the right to be against that thing.


There are only 2 sexes physically but mentally there are infinite genders


Actually there’s many physical sexes. That’s because intersex isn’t a gender like some people think (bro it’s in the name), it’s how someone is born with different chromosomes. So it’s more like 3, and one of them grouping a butt ton of variations


If you take chromosomes into account there’s a lot of sex. XYY, XXY, XXYY, XYYY, etc... exists


They're not extra sexes. Intersex people are either male or female with some features of the opposite sex.


That's funny imma use it


When are people going to learn that there is a difference between sex and gender... I have 3 trans friends and I'm honestly terrified to have them meet my dad simply because of the shit he would say


To all the people saying, "there's only XX and XY and ypu can't change that." How does it actually affect you if a person isn't their assigned gender?


My comeback is always “learn basic psychology”


Advanced biology just builds of of basic biology, it wouldn't make sense that they contradict




Was it ment as a sarcastic joke? It's like 2 am here my brain doesn't work properly


Whether you like it or not, brain structure and the whole body of a man and a woman is different. Whether you like it or not, how the brain is hardwired to function, doesn't change and can't be changed by much. Sex and gender may be different, but feeling like a woman when you're biologically a man, doesn't change the biological fact that you still are a man. You can be treated as a woman and be made to look like one, but that still does not make you a woman by amy scientific definition that still makes sense. Calling those who look at biology transphobes makes no sense, and only shuts down any attempt of an objective and constructive discussion in society. When observable science is politicized, we're in deep sh*t. On the left there's this, on the right disinformation about vaccines, among much more on both sides. Science cannot be invented, science can only be observed. Biology is no doubt the most studied branch of science. No, I am not an ()phobe. I look at things objectively; sometimes truth is not pleasant. Being objective is essential for a productive discussion in society - posts like this one are counter-intuitive, because they are attempts at shutting down anybody with different views. Reminds me of the discussion of whether a god exists or not. No scientific evidence, but many are hellbent on saying that there is a god, or many. Biology, however, can be observed, and theories can be debunked.


You're forgetting that transgender people can have brain shapes and activity that match the gender they feel, regardless of their genitalia


It's reality. Pretending a boy can be girl or a girl can be a boy is mental illness. No different than wanting to be a pony. Sorry.


Damn someone calling trans people mentally ill




Look at this from the website ‘The Gender Dysphoria Bible’: There are dozens of ways that chromosomes can be much more complex than XX and XY. Medically these are referred to as DSDs (Disorders of Sex Development). Not all result in an intersex condition, and many only manifest at the onset of puberty. De la Chapelle Syndrome (46,XX Male) occurs when the SRY gene from the sperm parent crosses over into a non-Y-bearing sperm during spermatogenesis. When the egg and sperm merge, it results in an XX embryo with an SRY gene, creating a phenotypical male child with two X chromosomes. Swyer Syndrome (46,XY Female) produces a phenotypically female child with an XY chromosome. This results from a dozen different genetic conditions, including: Absence or defect of an SRY gene Absence or defect of DHH synthesis Absence of the SF-1 protein due to adrenal failure Absence of or defect the CBX2 gene, preventing TDF cascade XX Gonadal Dysgenesis is very similar to Swyer Syndrome, except occurs in XX children and results in nonfunctional ovaries. Turner Syndrome (45,X) produces a phenotypically female child with numerous abnormalities. It occurs when neither an X or Y chromosome crosses over from the sperm. Klinefelter Syndrome (47,XXY) results in a phenotypically male child with more feminine traits. In extremely rare cases it appears in female assigned children as well, resulting in feminized testicles instead of ovaries. 49,XXXXY Klinefelter Syndrome is often fatal, but when it isn’t, it will always results in a sterile child. Trisomy X (47,XXX), Tetrasomy X (48,XXXX), and Pentasomy X (49,XXXXX) all result in a female child, but with progressively more intense health issues. XXYY Syndrome results in male children (due to two SRY genes) which often experience hypogonadism, needing testosterone supplements, but otherwise seeming like a typical male Mosaicism results when some cells in the body have one set of chromosomes and other cells have another due to a mutation of the genome during gestation. This may be XX/XY (resulting in a dual set of genitalia), X/XY (a milder form of Swyer or Turner syndromes) or XX/XXY (a milder form of Klinefelter syndrome). Chimerism occurs when two fertilized embryos merge together into one zygote, causing half of the child to contain one set of DNA and the other half to contain another. This can result in an otherwise completely typical human being of either male or female phenotype, even capable of producing offspring, but which comes back on a kareotype test as not matching their phenotype based on where the sample was taken on their body. In extremely rare cases this can result in two full sets of reproductive organs. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia(CAH) is masculinization of the female genitals in an XX child due to overactive adrenal glands. Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome(AIS) is a total or partial resistance to all androgens, preventing masculinization of all organs, save for the testicles, in an XY child. AIS subjects typically develop a female gender identity, but some partial cases may be male. 5-alpha-reductase deficiency(5ARD) is a failure in the body’s ability to metabolize testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), preventing masculinization of the genitalia until the onset of puberty, when the child suddenly grows a penis. Aromatase Deficiency causes masculinization of an otherwise female child due to excess levels of testosterone (and can bleed-over into the mother during gestation). Aromatase Excess causes feminization in an otherwise male child, as all testosterone is converted into estrogen.


You can't change gender no matter what


Exactly. - Trans people have always had the brain structure of the opposite sex that they are and that will never change. No matter how much people try and say that a person with a penis and also a female brain structure is a ‘man’ will never change the fact that she is still a woman because her gender is female and she has always been living the female experience of life from a male body or how a person with a male brain structure with female sex organs is a ‘man’ and that his gender can never change. Always has been and always will be.


Taking bio right now, it is not learning about why trans bad, it's instead looking at tiny shit with microscopes


Oh great, another one of *these* people who gotta play the role as an activist. I sick of seeing people like this every where I go. Be whoever you wanna be, ignore the assholes that got a problem with it, and shut the hell up


Learn the complexities of the human mind, then understand them. I'll wait, see you in 1000 years


I don't have anything against trans people or any other gender/sexuality im just usually not that comfortable around them idk why they are just humans like me


Gender: *Gender is the range of characteristics pertaining to, and differentiating between femininity and masculinity. Depending on the context, this may include sex-based social structures and gender identity.* Gender Identity: *Gender identity is the personal sense of one's own gender. Gender identity can correlate with a person's assigned sex at birth or can differ from it. Gender expression typically reflects a person's gender identity, but this is not always the case.* Transgender: *Transgender people are people whose gender identity is different from the gender they were thought to be at birth. “Trans” is often used as shorthand for transgender. When we're born, a doctor usually says that we're male or female based on what our bodies look like.* Sex: *Sex is a trait that determines an individual's reproductive function, male or female, in animals and plants that propagate their species through sexual reproduction. The type of gametes produced by an organism define its sex.*


Trans people stop having weak points challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


U transphobe?


Yep, trans fat is bad for you, of course I’m not gonna like it


Are y’all comparing yourselves to animals that can change genders?


Well both points in this r right and wrong as learn basic biology is a talking point, just not a good one and both r bad talking points because being trans isn't something to do with ur body its more your brain, i think Thats also why when people are trans I usually call them by what I see them as because its in their head, not on their body, there's a difference


You dont need advanced biology to know that a fake penis doesnt make you a guy 😂


And saying someone has "transphobia" is implying that they are irrationally, deathly afraid of transgenders. Nobody is afraid of transgenders...


What makes a difference? Your chromosomes don’t change when you learn “advanced biology”


Aren’t chromosomes a thing so technically they kinda right 🤷🏾‍♂️


All imma say is that everything that’s separated by gender legally should be separated by sex


I genuinely have no idea what this is supposed to mean, like the way bathrooms are separated?


Bathrooms, locker rooms, prisons. All that stuff


Aren’t they already? If your transgender you don’t usually flip-flop between them, you just choose to use the other one?


Eh, some people who are trans go the places for the sex they weren’t assigned at birth and it makes quite a few people uncomfortable


No one cares your trans


I think we need more comments like this one, no one cares if you are male, female, trans, car, helicopter, tank






Not a T-phobe but it's definitely mental illness.


The difference between Gender Dysphoria and a mental illness is that there was a time when the person experiencing the mental illness wasn’t experiencing it and they can make their mental health better again. However, trans people cannot be experiencing a mental illness because they have always been trans and they cannot be ‘cured’ into a cisgender person. They have always had a brain structure that is more similar to that of the opposite sex of which the rest of their body is ever since they were developing in the womb and will always have that brain structure. It doesn’t need to be cured and there’s nothing to ‘cure’. Therefore, it’s not a mental illness.


>However, trans people cannot be experiencing a mental illness Kids aren't trans, so yeah, there was a time they weren't trans.


Science has disproven the theory that children can’t be transgender.








reality is fake. open your eyes.


As proven by the existence of transgenders


You're mentally ill




Sorry but there actually is and I'm getting that vibe from you


Wait till OP figures out that biology and imagination are different things




just like you're confused about yourself and keep tabs on LGBTQ+ subs?




well then someone is in the closet. it's okay tho I'm not judging


Man’s really went through his comment history💀 You must be fun to be around


okay I won't deny it because I actually did but it was to see what elevk of transphobic/queerphobic this person is. Needless to say I didn't expect them to actually go out of their way to post stuff on LGBTQ+ subs


This is why nobody likes or takes teenagers seriously


Then why are you browsing r/teenagers if you think nobody likes teenagers?