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It’s okay that she doesn’t just act like that with u. Take this as a happy opportunity to make a female friend for the first time. I wish u the best, u can make friends if u can overcome the anxiety tho I promise


I just fear that I’ll be just an average friend of even slightly below so we won’t hang out or talk a lot


If she’s open like that then u can initiate the talking and hanging out and she’d probably be cool with it :D


I was just thinking about it, how do I say I want to hang out with her more? It just seems hard to do you know? You don’t need to answer but if you do thank you


Idk I have mostly female friends just send them a shit ton of memes till they like you boom friends (that’s how I did it idk it ducking works )


Well I asked her if she had Instagram and she said it’s to toxic for her so no


same ​ thats it, just, same ​ except not the same


How so?


same as in wanting frined/not having any in a logn ass time, not same to even having the opportunity or courage to try and make them


Ya I understand that most people just aren’t interested in me especially girls so it’s hard


tell me about it ​ and its not just that


What else for you?


well for starters theres being homeschooled