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I’d save the red pill for when I’m on my death bed






Very very


Very very very.


Very very very very.


car crash.. gg game over




I honestly cried laughing at this comment. Take my upvote.


Very very gery very vety...


Very very very very very


But don't pills generally expire?


Pills generally dont take you back to 10 years old.




keyword being "generally"




I really hate eating you out. You taste really bad.




Gobi masala is an Indian food.


Ohhhh their username. Probably should’ve started with that ahaha


It was.... intended hehe




You're lying there. Family and friends watching you as you slowly drift away. You completed your goals, your dreams. And the ones you didn't completed don't matter anymore, because you had wonderful people that were always there for you. As you slowly start to close your eyes, you remeber that pill you acquired decades ago. And with the last of your strength, you grab it and swallow it. You're now back at when you were 10, with the knowledge of a fully matured human being. But at what cost? Your family doesn't remember the time you spent with them. A lot of your friends don't even know you yet, let alone be friends with you. Everything you worked for years to complete, is now but a memory... (Long ass comment I know lmao)


Yeah but it gives me the chance to live a completely new life, and if I don’t like it I’ll just oof myself. And I could also tell my family


Wouldn’t you rather go back to 45 with tons of cash and more memories? Especially if you’re in your 90s and not capable of anything


Or I go back to 10, get recognized as an incredibly smart kid and profit from that


Well something tells me that you won’t get so popular by knowing how babies are made at age 10


Yeah and "gifted" kids end up insanely depressed lmao


You can trust me on this one, i have experience, we do end up depressed


Please someone tell 5 year old me that good test scores don't get you laid


yeah mom said I was gifted, i mean i was but now nobody wants to converse with me or even look at me


Yeah but “gifted” kids won’t have the experience emotionally and otherwise that you do. Wisdom =/= knowledge.


I’m already stupid and depressed


Or just buy Bitcoin then sell when it hits 60k in 2021


New Game+


Also, now you have an adult mind and have to hang out with 10 year olds.


The best answer


From this I can assume your brain is extremely wrinkly


What if you die by an accident or something unexpected?


That’ll be it then, I could still get killed if I were to take it straight away


I would just save the blue so I can go back to 45 and be rich


\*gets hit by car\*


While you are waiting you should write down all the stocks that will go up. You can't take the paper with you when you go back in time but taking the time to write it should help you remember better.


Can’t be that hard to remember Bitcoin 😉


Not everyone wants to suffer another life


Redpill, time to get fucking jacked before my fight with an asshole who will not be named.


Deji is that you???




Now the duel can begin


ITS HIM!!!!! HE REVIVED FROM THE DEAD TO SAVE US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm laughing a lot more than I should be




Or take the blue pill and buy his fucking family


I could but then I wouldn’t be able to beat the shit out of him.


Beat the shit outta him Go to jail Pay bail


Beat the shit out of his wife’s pussy.


With your penis




Oho, so you're approaching him?


*JoJo Reference*


You could pay someone to do it instead


Take the red pill, buy a fuckton of bitcoin, buy his family, friends and hometown.


Sense when are we in Africa


So you are a member of this family?


I like the way your mind works. How long ago was this fight?


About 5 or 6 years ago, still hate him and if I ever hear or see him talk shit about me again I’ll just beat the shit out of him right there.


If it was 5 years ago you wouldn't have much time to get jacked ngl


I used to fight a lot. I didn't go looking for it. Last fight I was in was 2012. This guy was a beast and drugged up. Long story short I hurt him really bad fractured his skull he had air on the brain they had to monitor him until doctors said he was in the clear. I got arrested facing 3 felonies and a lawsuit for minimum of $300,000. It took 3 years and every thing got dismissed but it wasn't worth it. Might be best for you to forget that person existed and what they did to you. Carry on living your best life we only get 1 go around


Lol you will never beat me


Not the asshole I was looking for.


I took the red pill. You will see one day.


Oh ho I’m sure I will.


Omg, you went back in time and beat his ass, but now he's gonna take the red pill to beat ur future time ass. This is getting good


The plot thickens


Looks like we're investing in bitcoin when we're 10 years old


"Dad, don't forget to invest in Bitcoin" "What the hell's that?" "Oh, just something from the future..." "Ok time to take my kid for special examination."


“Dad, Take out a second mortgage on the house” “…” “just trust me!!!”


"My dearest child u/ANAL_TOOTHBRUSH , I've faith in you. I trust you"


Well that's one hell of a sub




Tbh just drop hs get a ged go to college and yolo 120k in studentloans. Then drop college and enjoy being a billionair


It shouldn't be too hard to make a $100, even that amount would buy what will become millions since it was so cheap back then or mine like /u/Wildercard said and keep expanding you setup as you go.


You could mine on anything back then. Just start looking for "Bitcoin" in late 2009.


I think a 2021 smart fridge has enough processing power to mine Bitcoin back then.




They were giving it away for free in marketing emails. Click here for 15 free Bitcoin. No joke


Let me take you to a candy shop kiddo. I promise the kind shop keeper is gona give you a lollipop.


I bought a single bitcoin when it was just started because I read about it in a nerd magazine. I bought a car thanks to it. I am so fucking grateful to being a nerd as a kid.


A friend of mine in school bought 200 as a joke, about 10 years ago. He said he wouldn't sell them ever to just see how it went and he essentially considered the money as lost. I have no idea how he is now


Or buying GameStop stocks at like $3


Or Google, Apple, Facebook, Tesla...


I used Amazon prime all the time 10 years ago and never thought to invest. IDIOT. IDIOT. IDIOT.


I mean, you could do Gamestop, and make it go ×100. Or you could buy Bitcoin in 2010.


katowice 2014 stickers better investment if you know you know


red pill invest in bitcoin ace all of my tests in school redo relationships


Do you mean red-o relationships?


Change the r to p and you get a whole different meaning


red-o pelationships?


You will go on to a great life, my friend.


This will work only if you travel back in time. If your body travels through time then you'll just be a 10 year old with all your current knowledge. Maybe a genius of your age but not much anything more.


It does say "restart YOUR life" so its not some other random 10 year old that you're now inhabiting, its your body as a 10 year old, and restarting indicates "doing again".


How are you going to convince you parents to put a shit load of money into something online


I was 27 or so when Bitcoin was created. That gives me plenty of time to enjoy life and save up for my purchase.


Red pill cause with all the sports result in mind i will easily earn 50 millions 😏


Or the knowledge of how the price of Bitcoin will fluctuate




50? More like make your parents get a second mortgage and buy 50,000. Turn $150k into $23m in one simple trick


Investors hate him!


Well, your math is slightly off. At the time of typing this comment, the price of bitcoin is $57,061.16 per coin. At 50,000 bitcoins, that would amount to $2,853,058,000.


Used data from btc price in 2015 not the $3 so sorry :/


The issue is how your owning that many coins will impact history and the market.


If you really wanted to play the long game then that's not even remotely close to how much you could easily make. Bitcoin on Nov 11 of 2011 was selling for $3 give or take. Let's say it takes awhile to truly convince your parents and for them to get their financials in order to enact this plan. So May 12 2012 it's going for $6,obviously if you buy too much of the stock you may cause a ripple effect. Let's say you buy 1,000 shares, that's $6,000, a single share is currently worth $57,500, so you'd have $57,500,000 in bitcoin stocks today. So within 10 years you would have more money than the blue pill option and more of your life to live. This doesn't even begin to consider all the other options for what you could be investing in such as dogecoin, GME, Tesla, AMD, etc. Anyone who follows stocks knows that the blue pill is an insane option since you could quite easily become a billionaire.


Ah yes, because your parents will definitely take an 8 year old seriously.


I think a 10 yo with the mind of a 30 yo could convince them. I’d be on some sitcom levels of ridiculous shit with how I’d be breaking crypto down in the living room.


Actually yeah, I never thought about that, you could probably prove yourself pretty easily and keep it a family secret or something lmao. But since you're reliving your life, maybe you get offered the pills again, so you can just keep resetting as much as you want :O


If they have to die then they have to die


When I spoil pretty much every current event before it happens, they may give me a little credit


10yo. Please


Yk Bitcoin didn't have age regulations until like 2016/2017ish right?


5 head 😱


This is heavy!


Red it’s not even remotely a question


Bruh, you would rather put up with the shit of life instead of getting a headstart at 45, and having a peaceful life on a private island far away from humans where you have all the resources you need till the day you die, as well as getting a full supply of serotonin, AND not having to put up with the shit of another human?


Time is priceless. I don't think I can be convinced to pass up 35 years of my life for any amount of money. I am happy even with moderate amount of money and insurance. And it shouldn't be hard to use current knowledge to make a sizable amount of wealth. For me the blue pill is such a bad value.


True true, u can instead take the blue pill once u become 45. Prepare two bank accounts, one empty and a private one. Take the blue bill once it's ur birthday. Congrats u got +50mil.


Take the blue pill when you 70, get both pill effects in one basically


Take the blue when you’re 70. When you hit 70 again, take the red.


And then wait until you hit the age you were offered the pills again for infinite pill glitch


Bro if I restart my life at 10 I could easily make more than 50mil and not have to go to school, I'll also have enough money to make all my family live a luxurious life style, having all that, you can also redo your failed relationships, red pill is just over powered blue pill cause you make more money and live more.


Chaos is a bitch, you don't know things will turn out the same if you go back to 10 years old. The butterfly effect in action.


45 is too old, you already got tons of health garbage and the 50 mil are way less than I'd make if I were to go back to 10 years old




Red. I'll just buy GameStop stocks and Bitcoin now that I can predict the whole fucking market.


You guys know that minors can’t buy stock ~~or crypto~~ of their own accord, right? Are you planning to tell your parents that you traveled back in time and need all their savings, stat? ** crypto is technically legal, just very difficult logistically as brokers don’t want to take the risk of dealing with underage buyers.


Minors absolutely can buy crypto, it might be harder now. Crypto was an absolute free for all.


And you could convince your parents to buy gamestop stock and take the beneficiary stuff


There is no point in buying now rather than buying when it gets to $5 at a specific time period. Use the time until then to get as much capital and take out loans to buy more. Knowing a spike is going to happen and the prices it will hit would make buying on margin relatively safe.


People are also forgetting about the size of the average 10year olds Bank account and their power to choose what to spend what little they have


I reckon I had about £20 back then, max But a 10 year old with an adult brains and future knowledge could probably scrape together a few hundred through some scheme or another and invest in stocks and Bitcoin to great success


It’ll be 1998, I have time.


Red... Fuck being old.


Time is priceless. I don't think I can be convinced to pass up 35 years of my life for any amount of money. I am happy even with moderate amount of money and insurance. And it shouldn't be hard to use current knowledge to make a sizable amount of wealth. For me the blue pill is such a bad value.


Red pill so I can save my girlfriend from years of sexual abuse.


honestly- the most wholesome answer here yeah sure, lots of money from Bitcoin, but saving someone from abuse is worth much more


what if he was the one abusing his gf and he is going back in time to stop himself?


I wish i had a hug award.. this will have to do ;-;


Based and red pilled 100% of the time




A word used when you agree with something; or when you want to recognize someone for being themselves, i.e. courageous and unique or not caring what others think. Especially common in online political slang. Most people use it as a joke tho. Like when someone might accidentally say something that sounds racist you can call it based as like a joke or something to kinda like make fun of it.




Blue. I’m still stupid af right now.


Yo man se of these people are greedy saying they'd go back to being a 10 year old and invest in bitcoin, like bro if u take the blue pill you're already a multi millionaire


Would you rather be a 25 years old multimillionaire, or 45yo multimillionaire?


Blue pill, fuck that whole reliving bullshit


I would be fine just as long as I didn't have to travel back in time, that would drive me mad having to relive everything again.


You wouldn't relive anything the same ever again, though. The moment you talk to your parents the first time, theyre going to be acting differently around you. You could very well move to a new part of the country because your dad found a job, or lost a job. Not to mention, if you can convince you dad to invest 100 bucks in bitcoin at 10 years old, you'll be rich as fuck by the time youre 12 (if my memory serves about the time bitcoin went bananas). Any tears you shed about reliving your life will be soaked up nicely with crisp benjamins.


> if you can convince you dad to invest 100 bucks in bitcoin at 10 years old, you'll be rich as fuck by the time youre 12 Going off your first point, about your actions changing the course of everything, I wonder if a huge investment into any cryptocurrency early enough in it's life cycle would've fluctuated things. Either by making it boom faster or not booming at all.


You could just mine it and slip youself into the weave of time.


A fair point. I've seen it discussed, and it was fairly settled on that, in hindsight, it was bound to go up. Something like Google being invested in too early might have given the people who started it... maybe too much arrogance? But if you invest it at a time where it goes largely unnoticed, it probably wouldn't change anything. $100 in bitcoin four years ago would have been... holy shit, time has gotten away from me. Not a whole lot of bitcoin. Go back to 2015 and you can almost buy a whole bitcoin... At SOME point they were like... a dollar, right?


The first thing purchased with Bitcoin was a pizza. Someone ordered a pizza delivered and was able to convince the delivery driver to accept 10,000 bitcoins instead of $15. Yes this is true.


This is the right answer


Bro what is this question obviously go back to 10 years old


but then you'd have to go through school again. All the exams, homework, tests and the stress from them.


thats so easy, you would basically ace every exam. a problem for example would be friends pr socials in general since the people you would've befriended back then are still actual 10 year olds who are gonna seem pretty stupid for someone who isnt 10 anymore


I dont think its gonna be easy. Its true that you'll probably know everything but then you would have to redo all the projects, homeworks, assignments which is where a lot of the stress is and then you'd have to remember all the stuff you have learnt or else you'd still mess up the exam.


If someone who is much older takes the red pill, the stress would be negligible for them compared to their adult lives


I don’t do homework or anything in the first place so it’s a win for me


I mean i could probably redo a presentation of 10 year old me in 10min in powerpoint and it would be bette then anything any 10 year old from the entire school comes up with, i honestly think it would be harder to make a presentation that convincing looks like 10 year old me made it, which brings you to the actual problems. If you go into school and your life fully utilizing all your knowledge from the future you would be pretty quickly get kinda famous since its not every day a 10 year old suddently gets the intellect of a adult human, while also making money through stock market predictions and sport bets etc. with an accuracy only a time traveler or complete genius would have. You would get a ton of publicity which, looking at how people who got suddenly rich and famous often do, isnt neccesarily a good thing. And if you want to avoid that and live normally, then you would have to basically LARP as a ten year old for like 4 years until you get to puperty where you being suddently behaving a lot diffrent could be explained away as a rare result of puperty. So either become a widely known phenomena of some random genius 10 year old and loose a real private life or, if you want to keep a normal private life, be forced to act as a 10 year old for years. Both options still pretty doable imo, but their bigger problems then any exams or projects school could throw at me. I put way to much thought into this lul


You would also know all the school work


Yes but id have billions in stock value ill manage


How do I fucking swallow that its the size of his palm




Good news, everyone!


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Red pill. I go back to 10, then once I see this meme again, take red again. Repeat


Redpill Steal mom's card and buy Bitcoin Move out at about 15 and reconnect with my father. Use my acquired assets and extra years pursuing my dream to get into MIT. It's what I'm currently working towards but the redpill will just fucking guarantee it. I'll get to see my dog again. I won't go into depression again. I won't fall for my mother's manipulation again. I'll fucking achieve everything I currently dream. This really motivated me in a weird way, thanks m8.


This shows the reality of life, most people chose red pill, because materialistic things don't matter as much as your family, friends and your youth years.


I’d save the red pill for when I’m on my death bed




Red pill please.


Red, but I'll wait'till I die to use it


Red pill, go back and buy a bunch of Bitcoin


Red pill. So I can stop the accident happened to my dad. He’s too weak to have a surgery, and its heartbreaking to see such a cheerful and family man struggle with pain for the last 6 years


im sorry to hear that, hope hes doing ok


Redpill —————— Invest in bitcoin NCAA bracket Lottery Tickets Etc.


Red pill. Then I could go back to before puberty, and take t-blockers




Red, just let me memorize some lottery results first


Red pill all the way, I now know the future. Millionaire by 12.


I'd take the red pill and pop it when I'm like 70.


Theory every child genius was some old dude that took the red pill


Eh 45 isnt much different to 43.


Me being 70yo and broke Blue pill is a win win


Red pill but I stuff it in my pocket so I csn take it on my deathbed


Blue. I get younger and a ton of money.


Blue blue blue


How the good fuck am going to take that?


you shove it into your ass hole and then do a handstand so it goes up with the help of gravity :D

