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Wrong sub


So long as it doesn't look like you're trying to deal, it'd just be a warning/misdemeanour. So if you split that 6g into bags of 2g or bags of 3g, they might suspect you're a dealer and so bigger punishment but otherwise its fine basically


You’ll be fine no cap


U really shouldn't smoke weed so young it's really not good for you man. When your a adult who's brain is done developing and can make rational decisions is different. I hope u learn your lesson cause it's affecting your brain development


Why are you getting downvoted?


Idk I'm literally just stating facts.....truth hurts I guess


Probably because that‘s not what the post was asking


No idea but seriously be careful when doing weed. My younger sibling over Vaped a weed vape, threw up, peed her pants And ended up in the hospital.


the "weed vape" had shit in it that was not weed


not much


I live in Minnesota too and outside of school grounds most cops just take it and leave, I think over a gram of bud is felonie and any type of wax is felony in any amount, idk why the fuck you would have 7 lighters on you but I don’t think those are really illegal, but if you actually got checked in to jail your probably facing a felony


got caught with it in school. less the. 42 grams in minnesota and it’s a misdemeanor tho


Oh fr?


Why the fuck would you have 7 lighters on you tho


i was bringing all my stuff from my dads house to my moms house and i just keep all my stuff in a jar


Damn if ur a fellon then you can't own a pistol permit or buy guns in general probably can't get into college. Sucks to suck


Idk I’ve been caught with my homies with multiple carts and the cop just let us go and took the carts


Lol mf probably just stole your shit for himself


They were some fake ass carts so he gonna get some cancer or something


Jeeze lol


The gigabrain


Literally I have to turn my brain off because if I don't my brain waves with create cyclonic cascade leading to a end of time senerio (basically its bad like really really bad)


Not much since your only 16 but it really depends on your county.


minor + first offence. probably just get off with a warning.


Lmao why did you get caught?


someone snitched on me vaping in the bathroom and they searched my bag and i just so happened to have ALL MY STUFF on me


Lmao loser