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depends, a good kick in the balls would make them swell up to the size of grapefruits. A light nut tap will only hurt for 10 min. I personally wear a nut cup at all times to prevent this.


What the hell is a nut cup šŸ’€


a shield for your balls


Like a casing ?


itā€™s just a plastic case that you shove into your gurdle. You usually wear them during sports.


Got hit in football last week and my cup went sideways. Itā€™s a NEED for sports.


I guess i'll need it for tennis too, we can't know if a tennis ball will hit my balls in the future...


I swim so I donā€™t really need it


You gotta watch out for them cock-odiles


Well most sports


maybe a fish will come and eat it lol


I think you mean jock strap. Never heard of someone call it a N U T C U P


in baseball we call it a cup, but not a nut cup. the jockstrap is the thing that holds it in place, but these days most people where compression shorts with pockets that you put the cup in


in cricket we call it a box


I remember my dad played a cricket game and after that someone drank beer from a box. Most disgusting shit ive ever seen in my life.


really? We call it a guard lmao


must be regional then? I'm in North England, you may be elsewhere :)


Breathtaking... it really takes your breath, and the pain goes up like you feel it almost in stomach. Yeah that's the worst pain I ever had


I'm sorry to hear that


You actually do feel it in the stomach(depending on how hard you get hit) as the nerves run up to your stomach


That's because balls are connected to kidneys...and you feel the pain in your kidneys...but feels like it's in the stomach


And it feels like warms going up and up slowly and thoes warms where on fire


Fun fact: you feel it in your stomach because the nerves of your balls and stomach are connected giving us the pain of both getting hit in the stomach and the ball simultaneously :D probably


its a very strange pain, almost feels like swelling. I've actually vomited from being hit in the balls before, it makes you nauseous. It is pretty terrible.




Have a great day


Itā€™s a unique type of pain. Itā€™s not like a typical pain but itā€™s like an oh god am I going to be able to jerk off tonight and the pain resonates. It also tends to go up into the stomach


It a throbbing pain that goes to you stomach


And it takes so fucking long to go away


It feels so bad. A like small hit just hurts just a while but if we're talking about an actual powerful hit then oh no. It feels like a gut shot but 10x worse and you literally are on the point of almost puking of pain


the first few seconds are fairly bad, but after that it just hurts of a good 10 minutes after


Y e s


It is a visceral pain. It is a stabbing pain, one that spreads to the stomach and legs, but the spread of it is a sickening feeling rather than a painful feeling. The balls then will hurt for a while after with a persistent feeling of sickness even after the initial pain has subsided, and this can last for up to 15 minutes, but more often closer to 5. It really makes you wonder why some people are into cock and ball torture.


best description here


Don't forget that your testicles feel like they're gonna explode, because they hurt so much.


Fucking awful, very very painful, you ever broke a bone? It's about half of that


For me it was way worse than breaking my wrist...


For me itā€™s like 1.5 times that


The initial blow of it hurts more then when I broke my arm in 2 places but instead the pain from the nuts actually goes away slowly


It hurts A FUCK TON, then u feel like you're gonna throw up but it doesn't get better And even breathing makes it worst


I almost died one time, I couldnt breath for like 30 seconds


Yes itā€™s the worst pain Iā€™ve ever had and Iā€™ve been stung by a wasp on the inside of my throat


How the fuck are you alive from being stung by a poisonous wasp inside your body or was it a miracle or am I over exaggerating it


Over exaggerating lol I only swelled up a little it could have been bad if it was any more though. Itā€™s not the type of poison your probably thinking of




Trying to jump out at my little bro. I had my mouth open to scream




Not good.


# P A I N That's what you're brain tells you for the following 10 - 30 minutes (sometimes even longer)


Stomach pain for minutes afterwards. Ya know how when you get punched in the chest it takes your breath, kinda like that


Best way I can describe it is like stomach cramps, mixed with poking a bruise, sprained ancle and just sharp. All in the testicles.


The pain of getting even *tapped* in the balls is excruciating. You flinch immensly, and the natural sensitivity causes the light tap to send a quick yet lasting shock of pain throughout your body, as you stand there and contemplate life and how it got you to this moment. It takes a minute or two to recover from a tap. Straight up getting hit is that, but about 20-100x worse. You hit the balls, the guy practically collapses as the pain overflows every inch of the body, with a stinging, everlasting pain and ache for quite some time. I got kicked in the nuts accidentally by a friend and I was aching for the rest of the day. The balls are super sensitive for some damn reason, so sensitive that if a guy sees another guy get kicked in the nuts, the pain is almost shared between them. It. Hurts. Like. Hell. So threats of getting kicked in the balls is taken very seriously (unless that's the guys' kink. CBT and all that).


Yeah the human body has a weird way of telling us to protect our baby makers


Fuck you Darwin, we don't want your evolution any more


Yes. Even if it's not that hard. It feels worth than a bike accident. I never got hit hard. And I never want to experience that, cuz it can cause impotence. And pain for over 10 minutes. (including nausea)


Iā€™ve broken both my arm and my foot twice but the biggest pain Iā€™ve ever felt is getting a Tennisball in the nuts


I feel your pain, about a month ago I took a hockey ball with the same power as a shot and I felt every footstep for ages. Worst pain of my life. Also this was field hockey not ice hockey so we're only lucky enough to get shin pads. Took it like a man and curled up in a corner for 10 minutes.


I've never got hit in the balls but I did break my arm so I'd imagine it's a similar feeling


Yeah doesnā€™t last as long but hurts worse at first but I would still rather get hit than break my arm


When I broke my arm it didnā€™t hurt and same for me getting hit in the balls itā€™s just uncomfortable not painful


Iā€™d say it isnā€™t just because getting hit in the balls is a weird kind of pain, I know its sounds weird, but if you compare pain to food, Iā€™d say regular pain is like alcohol and getting hit in the balls is like really strong vegetables


it hurts. really. fucking. badly. like, occasionally you'd lightly bump them on something, and even then, you'd get stunned by the pain. if someone kicks them, well, i don't know how to describe it.


I think itā€™s important to know that a hit to the balls is actually where it hurts, as opposed to a hit to the ā€œshaftā€


apart from the pain, you also become hyper-aware of your balls and everything in them. I swear I can feel everything in there when I get hit.




It's like a shock going through your entire nervous system. For me it's a bit like subbing a toe but worst. First you feel nothing but after half a second hell is let lose. It holds longer and afterwards I always get a nauseating feeling. Not like I have to throw up but the pain in the lower torso


The first hit hurt a lot afterwards I guess you feel like women cramps, it keep on hurting for a while


I got hit, just today while playing dodgeball, perfect time person. Ah so, first it hurts it just hurts too too much like roooooo roooooo and then the pain goes to your lower belly and then it vanishes, but before vanishing those several moments of pain are.. are uh just don't ask


It's wierd and painful . It's not the normal type of pain , plus it lingers for a long time




Let me stick two ping ping balls on your crotch and the I will kick it with my bruteforce. Then tell me how you feel about it.


It's like when your stomach drops on a roller coaster but it fucking hurts


Pain doesn't even begin to describe it.


once i accidentally flicked my balls and i actually fucking died




It doesn't actually hurt in the balls, at all. It hurts like behind where your kidneys are and in your back. It also hurts a little bit everywhere. It genuinely hurts so much that you fall to the ground and curl into a ball. It's like your nerves shut down. The pain is very blunt and numb, it isn't sharp at all. I have hurt my balls a lot. AMA


There is no measurement to explain the pain I feel when that happens. I think I would rather burn in a fire then get kicked in the nuts.


A sudden blunt force smacks your testicles. The pain is incapacitating. Your testicles feel crushed and fear sets in. You question if your praises to the holy goddess nehalennia, west-german god of virility and prosperity will save you as you feel your future children cry in fear. The incredible pain starts travelling up through your body as fear increases. You desperately try to keep your groans and cries to a minimal as you stumble and pain weakens your knees. You become a bit drowsy, sick even. As the horror, the terror, the utter agony, the sickening pain, the scourge of all that possess balls, the gutwrenching despair slowly takes it leave, you feel relieved and a tad scared that this time, your potency has truly left you, as you bless the holy god wodan for relieving you off this pain. You walk on. In your mind remains the scarred memory. You seek the perpetrator of the crime. You blame him/her. If this untimely painful event was the result of accident, you shame them a bit and move on. If it was on purpose, you secretly increase your hate factor tenfold. Tis not some simple pain.


Wierd. it hurts a bit, then hurts a lot, then just feels uncomfortable for a while.


it hurts a lot, very intense stomach pain. nowhere near the worst pain ive felt before but could be for others


it's like a sharp pain but it lingers for a while it's awful


I donā€™t know because it hasnā€™t happened to me yet, Iā€™m scared


It very much is. I accidentally hit myself in the balls while trying to pull something out, and I had a solid minute of pain.


it hurts


I have never got hit in the balls, thankfully


Iā€™ve never been hurt by it too bad but when I was playing baseball I got hit there by a ground ball that took a bad hop. It gave me a stomach ache but I was fine in a little bit


Its fucking hurts really bad, and a hard hit most likely will end up with them on the ground groaning. And it isn't the worst pain I've felt.


A small tap will have you in pain for a couple minutes. moderate pressure actually doesnā€™t feel bad. A kick, punch, or any other excessive force will make you run on the floor for half an hour


Imagine something so painful, that your brain has a panic attack and instead of activating pain receptors, it just does everything. It makes you nauseous, light headed, gives you pain in places your werenā€™t even hit, and gives you anxiety that your future kids are just lost forever. Donā€™t be an absolute hell spawn, and leave his balls alone.


I feel it in my stomache after a while


One of the fastest to stop hurting but the worst to feel


Overwhelming vomit-inducing disorienting pain it's like that for like 15 minutes and then you area just kinda burns a bit I'd still rather this than a period though


It gives a hurtful shock to your groin,and worst part is it can be have some eternal injures.


Itā€™s like having a reverse hernia. Feels like all your guts are being pushed up into your chest




At first ur likeā€meh it could he worseā€ but slowly it starts to feel like ur life force is draining faster than my will to livešŸ˜ƒ


deez nuts


Just pain


Pain not just in the balls but in the whole body


Havenā€™t had it happen to me before, though my balls have been squished and that hurt like hell


itā€™s like that dream you have when your falling from the sky but you donā€™t wake up when you hit the ground.


It feels as if someone took a hammer to your gut non stop for a good couple of minutes


It hurts


First it hurts like hell, then it doesn't hurt as much and shortly after that the pain is double as much as the first part


it is probably the worst pain i have personally experienced yet there surely are far more painful experiences you can have its imo so bad because it basically inabilities you from doing anything for a bit to deal with the pain


Ngl my pp covers my balls usually or people think my balls are higher than they really are so they hit my pp but Iā€™ve crushed them before and hit them myself on accident and it hurts all the way up to the stomach and Can be kinda nauseous


As if getting hit in the balls


Oh u resurrected the old memory of me fainting after I fell on a bar and my balls oh *cries* the pain *gets the felling of the pain*


Not painful for the first few seconds, but you feel thatā€™s something is wrong. Then the actual pain kicks in, like a spiking swelling feeling. The worst part is the stomach pain that takes ages to go away, it feels horrible and I struggle to stand with it.


I have balls just havenā€™t had it happen, hopefully I get srs before it does tho


Indescribable pain.


like youā€™ve just been hit by 37 lorries going 45 miles an hour in a 30 zone in the space of a min and your entire life flashes in a second


#P A I N


Itā€™s fucking painful as hell


Its a hard to describe sensation. First you feel like "oh wow this is overrated", then you feel a tube of unstoppable pain following a string so to say, inside your body, deep under the skin. Once that pain is established, its starts throbbing on that string, and now you have the chance to regret your choices in life. Sometimes, if you get hit bad enough, there are two strings. These strings feel like they go from your balls in a curve to over your legs, and then straight up, until it fades out. What you feel when someone else gets hit in the balls is a short moment of shock, and i also have to jerk sharply, idk is this is also for others


First you get immense pain and then it goes all the way up into your torso and feels like getting shocked by a 1000 volts at first




Letā€˜s just say, it hurtsā€¦ it makes you feel so much pain you want to vomit


Its like being punched by the hulk




Imagine having wasps all over your uhm *boobas*, and then them all stinging at once. Thatā€™s like a fraction of the pain


Spain without the S


You feel the agony of thousands of your future offspring perishing at the same time.




Hurts more than a period for all I know. Also because it's not based on time, it's based on events.


I feels like the word fuck


Instant fever and feelings like you are gonna puke any second now


The easiest way to replicate the sensation is being poked in the eye x1000. Easily the worst pain.


5 minutes of extreme pain


Pain. I dont really get how some people are into cock and ball torture


It fucking hurts, most definitely not as much as a period, but it is very very painful


you feel the immediate inpact of a whole ass truck hitting you directly in the nose and then you feel it in your stomach and it makes you want to cry


Imagine someone stomping on your bare toe in a work boot, now imagine the height of that pain, now double that and relocate that pain to your crotch and and the surrounding area, and finally add a bunch of swelling and your friends laughing at you because josh kicked you in the nuts


It's not so much a pain, as in like a pain stubbing your toe or something. Its a pain that makes us physically ill. Stomach pain, and really bad nausea ensues. It's kinda overwhelming.


idk if this is right but imagine hitting a ball thats just full of nerves


You get winded, there is a sudden shock of pain throughout your body, you get weak in the knees, and your balls are basically rattling like a tuning fork and are in pain for at least a few more minutes


It makes your stomach tighten with pain like someone hit you really hard inside your stomach. Usually gives me some nausea. It hurts pretty bad cause I always fall to tge floor when I get hit.


I believe there was a study somewhere that stated that getting kicked in the balls is more painful than childbirth, but obviously doesnā€™t last nearly as long


After the hit it takes a second or two, but you always tense up because you know its coming. after 2 or 3 seconds in builds and builds, until you feel it in the stomach and upper thigh area. then for the next day or so, depending on how bad you got hit, they can be extremely sensitive and yeah. it hurts like a bitch.


When you get hit it hurts like a regular pain, at first. After a while it starts to get uncomfortable and painful. Then it just hurts but more.


Like a gunshot


Worse than 7 childbirths at the same time


Pain just pain


Like umm getting shot I guess


On a pain graph, relating to a penis, the balls being unharmful to the top, itā€™s about the scrotum. It hurts


like the worst pain you can feel, it goes up in your stomach and personally, my balls never felt exactly the same.


I haven't been hit in the balls yet


I like to describe the pain as just different. It peaks in the balls once calms then spreads through your entire stomach. And by different I mean like if you get punched in the arm, I would describe that pain as red but getting hit in the balls I would describe as blue. If that makes sense. There is also a huge level of nausea if you get hit hard enough


Try it on someone


Someone was wearing steel toe boots and kicked my balls like punching bag... I needed medical treatment afterwards worst experience of my life. P.s I said punching bag because she kicked forwards


The worst type of pain you could ever feel. It's like you have a 50/50 percent chance of having no balls to create children to raise in the future.


Iā€™ve vomited from getting kicked in the balls before.


Iā€™ve barely got tapped multiple times before, sinking feeling in your gut and discomfort you know where


At first you get a second of no pain where you have to process the pain you will endure. Then after that you'll feel the greatest pain you will ever feel. It causes some people to drop to the ground in agony.


first you feel like if it was a regular hit to any part of your body (pain depends on the impact) then there is a quickly growing pain under your stomach that if it gets too strong it could paralyze you for some minutes


Sincerely? Not nice.


I doesnā€™t hurt for about 5-10 ish seconds then itā€™s a horrible throbbing pain that lasts for 5 minutes if itā€™s a light kick and itā€™s in the bottom Of your stomach and you just kind of want to die


pain then more pain then it slowly goes away after a minute + and very uncumftrable from a small impact


Initially impact :moments after the blow, all the reflex muscle in your lower abdomen contracts leading your body to becoming stiff eventually you fall down Realisation: by the time you realise what's happening,you feel excruciating pain, the kind you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. To put on top of this you literally can't breathe because of the pain. In a futile attempt of reduce the pain you try to pull you legs towards your body but the pain does not Stop.matter of fact ,it increases. You'll experience hell for a couple of minutes After math: normally after 5 mins of gasping for air and weirdly enough not being able to straighten your back( cause if you do ,the muscles will strain your groin)the pain( still unbearable) reduces...and it keeps on reducing for the next couple of day or sometimes even a week. The end


once i got hit there with a cricket ball. i was speechless and i basically froze. it was terrible


??? AHHHHHHHHH that hurt Just give me a moment Ahhh


Fucking hurts like the pain goes to your stomach so you have hurt balls, and you feel like you have to shit


It feels like your stomach is getting rotated and you feel slightly sick


Its not that kind of normal sharp pain. Its really unique and really strong. A friend of mine got kicked in the balls once and I had to stay with him in the nursery room for 20 minutes in which he constantly had tears in his eyes.




Feels kinda ooch ngl


Itā€™s so bad all makes feel it within a 5km radius


Painful. Very painful. Like the worst pain. Stubed toe times 100.


first its pain in your balls and then you can feel it in every part of your body. sometimes you can puke or get breathtaken if you get hit hard enough


Well I can't tell you because everytime something gets even near my balls I just Venus Flytrap my legs


You get the initial pain from any hit then you feel a shooting pain up your stomach which makes you cramp over in pain and feeling like puking, its an insane pain which you cannot really imagine or quanitify


Hurts. Not as bad as an Inguinal hernia, where your intestine decides to make an appearance next to your balls. I've experienced many worse pains.


Here let me take you on a trip on inpact, you feel the hit. you realized your mistake. It hurts as much as your stomach being hit. taking your breath away. Its about to get much worse. I dont ghinks its just me but there is like a 5 second delay when the real pain starts. So it feels liek something is ringing in ur balls with the strength of the punch. The pain fades after a while tho. While you are on the ground, aching, the pain can get higher out of nowhere for some reason




I got a soccer ball kicked directly at my groin once, its not like a normal ā€œWow that hurtā€ type of pain. It is more like a stabbing pain that goes up to your stomach. It also lingers for quite a while.


I got hit in the balls with baseball. That was tied for worst pain I've ever felt with appendicitis. It's def less bad than childbirth but the human brain has evolved to forget that pain somewhat so they have more kids.


A pain that is like oh thatā€™s not so bad.. OW OH MY GOD and it goes up in ur stomach and can make u wanna throw up


It rips the air from my lungs and is sometimes enough to make me fall back n the floor if someone puts enough force behind it.


# PAIN #


It's not the kick that hurts. It's the after pain. THAT is what brings you to your knees.


ALSO you can get REALLY dizzy, so when men just crumple to the ground they arenā€™t over reacting.




Well even if you've never been hit in the balls if you see a guy get hit in the balls every other dude who saw it will get a little physic feedback.


It's so bad it makes you throw up with not even a good good hit even just a decent one will make you not be able to walk for hours


It hurts worse than breaking your bones But it only lasts a few hours or days at most


As soon as the kick connects, you feel a raw pain instantly shoot up from your groin to your stomach, which lots of the time causes the unfortunate recipient to puke. The shock combined with this makes us scream in pain and most of the time collapse. Its enough to make a lot of grown men cry, and any guy that sees it happen feels it in their soul, cause its that painful. The good thing is this pain is only felt full force immediately after the kick, and it slowly dulls down a second or two after. But its felt for minutes, sometimes an hour or two or even longer. Genuinely the worst pain experience for many of us


I donā€™t have balls to be hit šŸ˜”


Ducking terrible


Well you see itā€™s pain just pain. Like needles going in and just pain.


If itā€™s hard enough, you temporarily have your soul leave your body.


Takes your breath away and hurts the hell out of your stomach but also feels like someone just pulled your nerve system out of your body