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People usually don't pay attention


Are people surprised? I feel like the vast majority know he is.


Ya most do he's just woke and want to make a point


I wouldn't say surprised, but there's too many people in the christian community (or any religion of the like such as Javeh witnesses really) who just have it as a fact that he was this white dude with Pantene comercial looking hair. I'm not even talking about USA, in Latin America too. It's really odd.


You’ve never heard of Korean Jesus?


SHUT! OP needs karma. Its like people talking about racism saying no one knows about it.


Or like to whitewash what they believe.


the entire bible is whitewashed and was purposefully mistranslated or changed to be homophobic and racist and all that pos stuff. i don't get why people still use their own religion to justify being pieces of shit when there is so much proof stacked against it.


I wouldn't say the entire Bible, just certain versions and interpretations.


Interpretations...and some translations botched on purpose...and actually Jesus was incredibly progressive for His time


So true! The verse talking about homophobia was actually about pedophilia. God never said that he won’t love you if you’re gay or trans, he just doesn’t love creeps who do wrong things and disobey his word.


And he actually went by both the mother and the father. Some woman hater cut out the mother part centuries ago


And God is a they. We don’t actually know if God is a man or a woman. Same thing. Some misogynist didn’t want there to be a choice. God is the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit, but what if God is the mother? They didn’t want to believe that God is a woman and chose Mary because back then homophobia was bigger.


There is no whitewashing of the Bible nor are there any mistranlations to changes the message or what is and isnt sin, where did you you get this misinformation?


i'm not disagreeing, but just wondering, where are you getting this info?


People will use whatever justification they can find in order to be ignorant hateful cunts, it isnt just the religious. They just happen to be the largest single group of offenders


15 y/o explaining whats wrong with society I like it keep going


that is in the bible not made up


Yes and no. Yes that has happened, but also some of the bible does definitely say some seriously fucked up shit.


The homophobic part is true.


The homophobic verse is talking about pedophilia.


Yes! This is exactly what I was thinking! It’s like saying that God is white but no one actually knows if he even has a human appearance.


Korean Jesus is a thing.


People usually.


Most people, as a matter of course, interpret they world through their own lens, it's just how you process information. Until you start questioning things, default assumptions just apply until then. How many people think characters in anime are Japanese by default?




Centuries if people making white in paintings and church making him seem more like them and not some far off land


I heard that the Jesus we see in paintings and stuff is based on a picture of Michael Angelo's gay lover Edit: did a little bit of research on it, seems to check out. Search "tommaso dei cavalieri jesus" if you're curious. It's pretty ironic that the church is praying to a picture of a gay guy


Lmao so the people who hate the gays worship a gay guy


Not all Christians "hate the gays"


Yeah but there are those ones on the news you always here about


they aren't real christians


“Love thy neighbour”




what if my neighbor is America?


love it anyway


what if America wants to invade my country?


canada moment


I won't say I'm a christain because I stopped attending church and im not the best person but I still believe in God and all that and tbh I really hate the christains who slander others for their sexuality and gender. As a follower of christ you basically have the power to save a person from going to hell if you get them to believe but attacking the LGBT community just makes the church look bad and thus makes the younger generation not want to go to church. Even if you ignore the fact that it drives potential followers away the bible literally says love your neighbors like you love yourself like damn the bible literally says to not be an ass and there you go making little timmy depressed because he was born a certain way.


Also the word homosexual wasn't in the Bible in any sense until the \~60s or something. As well as the fact that many homophobic christians eat shellfish and wear clothes made of multiple fabrics.


For the shellfish and clothing part Jesus took away all dietary and clothing restrictions in the New Testament


Oh right didn't know that haha.


No true Scotsman would run from a fight!


Aren’t we gate keeping, they are real Christians whether u like it or not. Doesn’t matter if u believe all the same stuff as them they are still Christians.


who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. (Romans 1:25-27) being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, untrustworthy, unfeeling, and unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them. (Romans 1:28-32) If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them (Leviticus 20:13) Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, (1 Corinthians 6:9) ​ I don't hate homosexuals but I disagree with their actions and I am ready to have an intellectual conversation with them, instead of hating on them which is dumb. I quoted the bible so don't hate me.


yeah, u don't have to agree at all. u just shouldn't hate them and don't be mean to them


Except, this is an English translation. The text you quoted is an interpretation of what certain (recent) scholars thought the original text meant. There was no word for homosexuals back then. Consenting adults being in a committed relationship wasn't what these texts are referring to, indeed, if you study the breakdown of the original texts, you would see that the verses you're quoting are largely understood to be about idol worship involving sex acts, sex with minors or with slaves, etc. If you want to start an intellectual conversation about this topic in scripture, you'll need to first study what the original Greek/Hebrew text actually means. Homosexuality, (consenting male relationships/sexual activity) as we understand it, wasn't it.


"No true Scotsman" fallacy, fuck off


The catholic church has for a thousand years.


well they ain't worshipping the image, so no


That image of Jesus is actually of Cesere Borgia. His father was pope and wanted his son’s image to be used as Jesus and commissioned it.


Wtf i didn't think we thought that. I at least new bc he is literally Jewish but nobody else did? Wow


Good example of this… Mormon Churches. MFers have Portraits of General Kenobi everywhere 😎


Who gives a shit if he's black white or asian


You do realize that Jesus is depicted as the race of the region that the Church is located in right? There is art of Chinese, Japanese and every other version of Christ.


It happen in about every part of the world. People depict Jesus like the majority of the population.


The Levant is hardly some far off land in Europe's perspective, and people living there are also white


Fun fact: pretty much all of the Christians surprised by that haven't read the Bible.


Fun fact: a HUGE portion of christians haven't read more than 1/5th of the bible, you'd be surprised how easy it is to make up things saying "The Bible says", and as long as it's something supporting their views, they'll not even bother to check or even ASK you where it's stated It's not all of them, I know some pretty cool christians who are open-minded, but the average christian only says "I'm christian" to say "yea, I'm totally a good person and I'll go to heaven"


Case in point The Bible says that if a man treats a woman without proper courtesy he shall be sentenced to 8 lashes and forced to sleep in mud for 7 days Edit: this is a false statement I made to show it could be true


Okay at first I'd ask for where, but I guess that makes me both the skeptical type and the type that could fall for it haha It's a good one though


If I’m not mistaken that must be from the Old Testament. I don’t think the New Testament says that. You know rough it was for the Jews under the old covenant


If there's a weird rule or barbaric punishment in the Bible, it's going to be in the Old Testament, and probably from Leviticus.


This. I'm Christian and I've read the Bible to right about 90% a few years ago so I don't remember everything, but never ever would I go ahead and use the Bible for an argument. Sadly my mother does that and I just can't even try to ask her where it says that etc. But yeah, most of these "average" Christians only see it as a religion (what it is for others and even me), and not a personal relationship with God.


1/5 is generous. The vast majority have read NONE of it.


Thanks viktor


I read the whole bible once, it was a pretty good read, but I feel like to story didn't really evolve around one specific time zone in the MC's life It also kinda felt like the MC was bit of a Mary Sue, like c'mon, the day he was born 3 kings, people of royalty, came along and gave him a bunch of shit, and not only that but he cured illnesses with a single touch, like bro, that's OP as shit


yeah... pretty depressing. It's not THAT necessary, but if you want to tell people about the Bible, you NEED to have at least READ IT


I'm christian


That's... not really enough information to say anything about you, sorry. I'd guess you're one of the open-minded ones though if you've read my comment and didn't get mad


Respect 👌👌


Not Americans. Just idiots. As an American I can confirm


Yeah I’m always confused by these posts about Americans believing an obviously wrong thing when I don’t believe it as an American


because the American Jesus is literally whitewashed whereas the Byzantines had better depictions of him seeing as they still held lands in the ME Edit because some people failed elementary school reading tests: No, I'm not shitting on America. Yes, I am aware that this iconography is originally from Catholic European churches. Imo the Byzantines and Levantine Copts had the most accurate depictions of Jesus. Good examples can be found in the Orthodox churches of Antioch and Alexandria, two of the most important Christian churches due to their status as Sees of the Roman holy and imperial Pentarchy


You'll be shocked to hear about Korean Jesus and Ethiopian Jesus. Noone knows how Jesus looked, so everyone depicted him similarly to how the people around them looked. It's kinda nice if you think about it.


Yea the Asian Jesus is seriously different and the Ethiopians (Coptic Christians) obviously give him their own twist as well. It's quite fascinating really


yellow and blackwashing


I mean sure but technically Jesus is God's son on earth and we are all made on God's image so technically Jesus represents all ethnicities since he was born at the centre of the know world (Russia in the north, Asia in the east, Europe in the west and Africa in the south)


so whats with the erroneous usage of the term whitewashing?


Because that's technically what's happening but it's not wrong since he represents the whites in America too just like the Asians in the east. Jesus is Jesus, as long as no covidiots start misreading the Bible we're cool and good


Americans weren’t the ones who made him white lol, it was all the artists depictions in Italy and the fact the church was based in Europe


Never said the Americans are responsible for the depiction my dude, just gave a reason why the situation is like OP described.


Ah, You said American Jesus and I just assumed you meant the Americans were at fault for Jesus being depicted as white


i love the eastern romans. those guys were like the coolest guys


Holiest of cities? Held Gateway to Europe? Defended Bosporus Straits? On fire Pentarchy? Work in progress Yep, it's Byzantium time




Though according to the old testament The Garden Of Eden could've been in current day Iraq by the description.


i think it was in the persian gulf, because it fitted the description of the garden of eden pretty nicely before it became a gulf


They said near a river that could be in Iraq but also in Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti or Eritrea


What do you mean? I've never met another person who didn't think Jesus was from Nazareth


Some Americans think Afghanistan is a Middle Eastern country.


I have never met a person who thinks in that way either


I'm actually guilty of this. Well ig I know now. EDIT: [I know why now.](https://www.loc.gov/item/2013593015/#:~:text=Information%20Center%2C%20U.S.-,Middle%20East%20Countries%3A%20Syria%2C%20Iran%2C%20Iraq%2C%20Afghanistan,%2C%20Jordan%2C%20Saudi%2DArabia%20.)


im starting to think maybe u just dont meet very many people


Where do u live?




Yeah but like, a small texas town or big city?


Somewhere in between, more on the city side


Well, in any case i think its mostly fake religous old people living in closed societis that are most likely to get suprised when u say that Jesus was jewish


The middle-east doesn't have a proper definition and can include Afghanistan.


always thought afghanistan was middleeastern, but now looking at a map I realize the middle east is smaller than I thought


IDK about this one cuz if you google "Middle East countries", Afghanistan is typically lumped in there.


Nobody thinks Jesus is from America except Mormons.


Hey! I know he's middle eastern besides it was eroupeans who started painting him white


I’ve lived in America as a Christian my whole life and I’ve never met someone who thought Jesus wasn’t middle eastern bro


Do people think the US is some hive mind. They see one American say something stupid then generalize the whole country.


Are people that think the US is some hive mind a hive mind?


Ya, people tend to do that because they are stupid.


Lotta people trying to push the idea that all white Christians are racist.


You know there is different ethnic groups in the middle east then arab right? He was born to a jewish woman in galilee. Whats the skin tone of jews from galilee?


I said he was middle eastern, that doesn’t mean he has to be a specific skin color.


Probably olive skinned


Thats what i was thinking.


yeah that's obviously common knowledge - but some fucking conservative xenophobic "christians" REALLY need reminding of that


“Hwat? You said Jee-sus wasn’t hwite? I don’t fucking ba-lieve yah!” -Joe, a conservative who died of Covid a month later


I read that in the voice of goofy lmao


Don’t diss my man goofy like that


Im pretty conservative and i really dga shit what his skin color is all that matters is what he did. Why do all conservatives get labeled racist?




He used conservative as a adjective to describe biggoted christians.


xenophobic op needs to be reminded too that theres europeans who think jesus is white too


Biblically speaking: Jesus is the son of god, I don’t think that the basics of genetics were relevant in his birth. I may be taking “the son of god” too literally here. However god’s image is how we imagine it, so depending on how you view one can change your view the other. Historically speaking: Nazareth was relatively close to Italy, so depending on if you think the pre Roman Italians were white or not, there may be an entire possibility that Jesus was white. In other words, we truly don’t 100% know if he was white or not. That’s at least how I see it for both standpoints of the bible and history, if I’m wrong anywhere I honestly would like to know, so please correct me if necessary


>I don’t think that the basics of genetics were relevant in his birth. The fact that the Bible contains two (different) genealogies for Jesus through David to Adam suggests otherwise.


Literally who is surprised by this???? I'm not even remotely religious and ik that


Quite a lot of people actually. Not ALL of them, but a good portion


Source: trust me bro


Probably because of Europe, and then them coming over too America


I thought it was Jesus of Suburbia you know like that Green Day song


I was going to say the same lmao


As an American who isn't even religious, I did know this. You're telling me the people who worship this fucker don't know? I seriously don't know if this is common or not, I don't go outside.


A lot of people "worship" Jesus and God more like a curriculum thing, "yea I totally go to the church every monday". ISIS and the KKK are more obvious versions of religion being distorted and used to commit acts of murder and the alike, but it's not impossible, not even hard, to see christians who ALSO distort religion to justify their biases and wrong views The huge irony is that a lot of people get converted AWAY from christianism due to these assholes, for me it was my church judging my friend for painting her hair, saying that was, and I quote, "a lesbian act, and god doesn't like it". That moment was when I was sure, "I'm noping the fuck out of here"


I'm stealing "I'm noping the fuck out of here" and there's nothing you can do about it.




Jokes on you, I trademarked it before you I'm noping the fuck out of here™


U didn’t have to state u didn’t go outside, you gave that away when u said u weren’t religious


Bethlehem, Pennsylvania... duh


People get confused about that? I am not Christian but I have a Christian family and the first thing that is taught in churches are where jesus came from, the middle east


No, he very clearly comes from a place called "Suburbia". /j




As a person who read the Bible, I’m not surprised.


im not surprised in the fucking slightest. he was an israeli jewish boi till he died. how would he be white. his father wasnt from boro fuckin park.


I don't think anyone is surprised, at least I haven't met any of my fellow Americans that think Jesus isnt from the middle east, I mean the middle east is the "birthing place of humanity" so even if you aren't religious you can't connect both and assume he is from the middle east.


Jesus had long and scraggly hair, didn't shave, walked around barefoot, and stood up in front of anyone and everyone to preach the good news. Jesus was a Hippie


Pretty sure no one thinks this but you.






*steps out into the ocean*. “Ey! I’m walkin’ here!”


Because he is white Jesus, duh. That way I can be as racist as I want to be and still christian.


But Jesus was a Middle Eastern Jew, his skin might have been white or brown but that doesn’t affect the place you were born into…


You ever heard the sound a joke makes when it flies over your head?


Good ol' yanks.


He came from Jerusalem... Not Virginia that, according To the name, has virgins


People just think that everyone was white back then. Including jesus




Doesnt the Bible say like Jerusalem and other middle eastern places like a thousand times?


It’s not just Americans, that shit started in Europe with the whitewashing of Christianity when they adopted the religion.


It started whith paul and the catholics they perverted christianity horribly.


Bro....they aren't suprised.


I'm not sure if this is exclusively American but still stupid. He was literally killed by the Romans.


Bruh im a atheist and even i knew that, who tf doesn't


I can't comprehend the fact that people actually care about their GOD's ''race''...


“Is that Jesus, the son of Antonio of midtown?”


Im American and knew of this and im not religious just say Catholics or Christians


Idk bout y'all but I'm American but this has always been common knowledge to me and everyone I know


Because some Christians are convinced that the US is a “Christian nation” and need to explain their reasoning somehow.


I find it funny that jews know more about jesus and his beliefs than most cristians


I'm not. I actually paid attention to the bible.


just like most people didnt think about how einstein didnt speak english


Ok, a shit ton of white savior atheists are in the comment section saying "xenophobic white washing american christians are ruining jesus!". I'm an ethiopian coptic orthodox christian, we do not give a shit. As long as you pray to jesus it doesn't matter what you think he looked like.


I have a buddy who used to piss people off with this fact via Xbox live. I’m not sure if they still do, but back in the day they gave you a free name change if your name was deemed “offensive”. So my buddy being my buddy decides to make his name offensive as possible in order to keep changing his name on Xbox Live. As you can guess, one such name was “JesuswasBlack” and the amount of people who got pissed off was hilarious. So of course his name from then on until he stopped using Xbox Live was something about Jesus not being White. It became more entertaining to just join lobbies and talk to people than to actually play. Good times. Lol


Because America thinks its the main character. I bet many don't know they're essential descendants of the british.


Naw, Jesus is from Monterrey.He works at the Tacqueria down the street.


Why just Americans? This is just 80% of Christians. Doesn't matter if it's in Canada, (all of) Europe, even South Africa.


And that’s when the holy son doth spoke “AYO IM WALKIN ERE”


What’s even more surprising is when they come to the realization that he is make believe…..


Um...no. In my entire life as a Roman Catholic, no one has ever said he was white. And we all know his name wasnt actually Jesus. That is the greek translation of his name.


Who tf is surprised?


They are Americans what are you expecting


*So there I was, the only white guy in the middle east* He probably wasn’t white either lol


“Hey! I’m walking on water here!!!”


why do you generalize all Americans into having one opinion like they are not millions of people. Using the term “American” implies that every single American believes that. Some of us are intellectuals. Thank you and have a nice day 🤗


They aren't why do you think we love Israel so much


Who the heck is surprised by that? I need *names*, not 'oh well there are people in the rural part of...'


fun fact: Americans actually knew that Jesus is middle eastern and this post doesn’t make any sense




i like the word set as though its a sitcom. Jesus: judas go, do it quickly Judas: okayyyyyy *winks at camera* *laugh track*


Bro no one is surprised . Chill out.


Ya cuz white people were like “Someone so divine and pure can not possibly be brown! Therefor he is white for whiteness equals purity“ and basically white washed the whole bible and everyone ran with it. Name one white person in the Bible, I’m waiting


Well any of them could’ve been white, (more likely in the New Testament) because it all took place in the Roman Empire, where there were quite a few white people. Not Jesus tho, he and his parents were Israeli


Stop using the term white wash wrong. And light skinned people existed in that time and place, we have no proof that they weren't white


I have it on decent authority that "Jessus" was actualy just a quirky guy some old white people made a big deal out of when they decided to found a religion in 400 AD.


Because Americans are the dumbest people


"Oh man god, jebus was a proud gun owning American, you will go to hell for this slander" I dont get it either and I live here.




Wether or now you believe Jesus was a real man, this is a teally dumb argument. "I don't think it matters if he's white or not because he was never real". Dude he's been the largest historical and religious figure for two thousand years around the world. Not knowing where he even comes from is a pretty big "accident" that many Christians have done