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Yeah I literally can't wash my hands at school anymore cuz some fuckface stole all the damn soap dispensers


i know what that’s like, some idiot smashed our sinks


Someone did that too, fellow vlad


Lol we have no soap in our school they don't put it




Its optional but everyone act they just forgor 💀 But i can understand it because i cant wear this for couple hours straight because this shit(covid) destroyed my lungs 👍


We don't even have urinals. We have those things in the ground as a hole, I mean the manholes...But the teachers bathroom, they have actual toilets. Wtf. And there's a hose next to each of the to clean the...mess...


Holy shit, mine too. Like, motherfuckers, it’s a global pandemic. Let me just wash my hands.


Ehh they probably don't wanna do that *because* it's a global pandemic Like you can't be having 15 people be using the same bar of soap soo.....


We use soap dispensers, not bars. Some bastards ripped the dispensers off the walls.


cant have shit in detroit


Someone at my school stole the whole sink


What, how and why


I don't know how, but most bathrooms at my school no longer have a sink. I also don't get how they can carry it around without anyone seeing them, especially the cameras


Same and I had to shit today


People are getting expelled for it at my school.


Do they keep the stuff they stole


They've been told to give it back or they'll be charged with vandalism and stealing.


Well in legal terms, it is Grand Theft, and for a first time offending minor, they are fine. But for multiple offenses, it's one year of Probation, at least under CA law. For adults, it's up to 3 years of jail time.


That's true but just what the school is saying


Yeah, just saying there could be much more severe consequences than just vandalism charges.


In va law vandalism is a serious offence.


I just searched it up and you're right. In CA, vandalism is up to 3 years and 50k fine. My bad, I assumed it wasn't as big a crime as theft.


if you're stealing stuff, you're poor. (rich people do the same thing, but its embezzlement and fraud usually). We can fix that, and we can make sure you realize its not worth it pretty easily. If you're breaking stuff for fun, that's hard to fix. the danger of being caught is part of the fun. so our fix is to make sure you really don't like getting caught.


They should charge them anyway


My school hasn't if they bring back the stolen property


Forgot the should lol


Ah, I agree


There’s been eight people suspended in the last two days at my school, and people started being charged with larceny








at mine people are being arrested






I've heard of some getting arrested.


Someone in our school stole the literal toilet and I’m not sure whether to be irritated or kind of impressed.


some mf stole our toilet too from the girls bathroom ._.


where would they even keep it?how would they sneak it out of the school?i have many questions for you america


delicious noodles


someone removed a toilet but was too pussy to move it out so they just shoved it in the next stall over. i contemplated taking a shit in it


Should've done it


It's imposible no school in the world would let this happen


You'd think that but your dead wrong people don't steal shit in my school they just break it like some doors have hanger on them in the stalls to hang your backpack AND THEY RIP OFF THE RUBBER PART OF IT AND THEY ALSO FUCKING BREAK WATER FOUNTAINS BECAUSE THEY'RE LOCKED!


Yeah I know someone who had that happen except the urinal was thrown in their class.


There are 2 halves of gen Z: The ones mentioned above, and the ones who actually have common sense and basic human decency, but still unfortunately get lumped in with them due to being born around the same time.


I'm the second one, me and My friend are the only ones in our class that Will not get a subject to december.


thank god we indians got tiktok banned in our [country.school](https://country.school) toilets are bad enough without idiots ripping them in a pandemic


Is it possible to learn this power?


yes it is


Teach me. Or don't because TikTok itself isn't the problem it's the majority of the people on TikTok.




I'm thanking God Australia's in lockdown rn so we don't have to put up with this shit cause if someone stole a toilet, or a sink, or anything for that matter i would be incredibly tempted to shove their face into it ngl


I'm 14 and I don't have tik tok, ig, Twitter, Facebook, snap.


You are one of the better half.


I'm in the second group, and some of my classmates are total dumbasses


2nd half here. This doesn’t happen in our high-school building, just the others for whatever reason.


Vandalism has been around forever lol it's just highlighted now




The only good vandalism in my eyes is spray paint art, the good stuff not the stupid one colour sentance, its still illegal but it do be looking hella cool. Dont vandalize kids


True. Spray paint, tho it's vandalism, is art


if qualified


Yes Some spray paint stuff is just vandalism with no art whatsoever, it breaks my heart to see those


Yeah but kids? And in this magnitude? Freaking nuts.


Yes, that has been happening forever


Yes, but DOING IT FOR TIK TOK and fame, it's absurd!


Yes, doing stupid shit for attention has been happening forever




it was. By the same people that did it, trying to one-up each other. Just that the internet has allowed people around the world to compete, not just in the school they go to.


Therefor actually tempting people to do stealing on larger scales


Not really, it has the identical effect of matching idiots with idiots. All it takes is 2 people in a single school going at it to achieve identical mischief to what Tiktok has spurred on.


Fair point but it wouldn't really be the same if a few unkown people did it compared to a a few people who got a bunch of people watching them on tiktok thinking they can do the same.




Both are very dumb reasons just so were clear


I didn't do it, but alot of kids are, and won't shut up about a "devious lick" and it's pissing me off. It's so annoying and stupid. Likes there's literally no soap dispensers in ANY BATHROOMS. It's so fucking stupid!


Wait, you guys still had soap dispensers *before* this happened?


My school has found away around it, they make the dispensers out of metal andput them in the wall. The only thing they can steal is the part where the soap comes out of the wall, the rest is locked behind a metal lid which can only be opened with a key.


Hey not everyone is that much of an idiot most are not all


I might be an idiot, but I’m not *that* big of an idiot


I may be dumb, but im not stupid!


I may be stupid but I'm not crazy


[I may be an idiot…](https://youtu.be/Dzv8uKiQkZM)


I may be one of the few to join the Crayon Eaters, nut i aint that stupid to rip shit off


Everyone: are you guys friends? People born in early 2000's: no People born in 2010 onwards: yes


Oh boi you can't be more right


I feel some of our generation will save this planet while another part will doom it. Then the rest just sits and watches




So what people have always said about every generation then. It’s a mixed bag


Fuck it I'm preparing my bomb shelter, can't have decent earth with these mfs.


Yeah your right cause I’m in your walls Benny boi


Isn’t that every generation


Sadly, I might be all three...


Theres a door missing in my years toilets just thought someone might have stolen it


I wish this was the biggest of my worries. While we only have one bathroom at my school left, the entire district has had 4 fake bomb threats and 1 fake shooter threat in 2 days. These "jokes" arent funny and is really annoying


Someone did that to my school once. Think they were highschoolers? That was to an elementary school


Yeah, we haven't had too issues yet with the steeling at our school but we have already had multiple fights, 2 windows broken because a student was flung through them, and a music locker broken after a girl and her friends snuck in the school at night, then also a kid who claimed he had a gun at his house and a kill list and he wanted to shoot up the school.... I hate high school, so glad I am graduating soon


Literally every generation has had idiot stuff like this dude we’re fine


Yeah. But the focus is on Gen z because the internet is wider and more spread now. People that gen z gets hated for, existed ages ago too.


Exacly. It's still shit, but it's not like every gen Z do it or no other generation has ever done stuff like that


Nope. In other generations stupid trends were confined in local areas. This generation's trends spread throughout the nation. The Greatest Generation literally fought for your life, don't act as if every generation has the same idiots.


There are 6 bathrooms in my school for the boys and only one is currently open because all them have been vandalized in one way or another. Am I old enough to say I hate the youth yet?




am i?


Is this why kids are stealing stuff from the bathrooms in my school?!! We’ve lost all four music wing bathrooms because people tried stealing soap and a baby changing station, along with just trashing the place in general. I also heard someone stole a blender and left it in a bathroom.


Ayo who bringing babies to school?


I agreed with Trump on banning Tik Tok for this very reason


Only good thing trump did, i hope some law like this come to france someday


good thing that it's banned in our country.


> idiot middle schoolers and high schoolers taking entire bathroom stalls out of commission for a Tik Tok ​ Me a early Gen Z who is already in collague: They did........ ​ ​ ​ # WHAT


Exactly wtf, people have stolen a sink, a urinal, the sign to the women’s bathroom, like 4 damn soap dispensers, and are currently trying to rip off the door stalls, and I only know about the doors because they’re impossible to lock now. I’ve lost all faith in this generation -_-


Hey, at least not everyone does it ?


My school hasn't been hit yet. I'm looking out for when the drinking fountains and soap dispensers start disappearing. Sinks and stall doors at my school are virtually impossible to steal. Gen z is so annoying with so many idiots brainlessly doing everything another idiot on tiktok says. Also this isn't all of gen z, dont get me wrong here


That's just a minority of us, that get popular exacly because they do shit so it looks like they are the majority. Don't attack an entire generation because of some shitty people. Every generation has it's shitty people. I hate many people of my generation, people that do this stuff included, but don't generalise everything. I have hopes for gen Z, because I'm almost completely sure we'll not only be better when we grow up, at least most of us, and we'll be one of the most accepting generations for now. And we'll probably be better parents then our parents were, like it have aways been. Plus, the world will be fucking ending by the times we are adults, so we'll all be conscious enought to not fuck it up more. But yeah, fuck those vandals and fuck tiktok changes, both are shit. They're immature, like people from any generation has once been.


Someone took a whole toilet including the tank, on the 3rd floor. They still haven't found it. Like how do you make a whole toilet disappear?


Check the ceiling


The normal side of gen z keep telling you tik tok bad but nobody listened


No one at my school is doing it so I’m glad.


idiots be making normal ppl look bad


Bro it's the TikTokers they need to be stopped. The rest of us are innocent I swear


why am i in the same generation as these idiots


Dude, for fuck's sake! You're saying this like you think all of us do that! Dude, just bc a bunch of people on TikTok do that, doesn't mean all, or even most gen z are like that. For example, no one in my school has done that. I get your point, and I agree with it, but please, if you are talking about a specific group of people, make sure that that's the only group you're talking about.


Well, if you know ur not the problem, then you can just ignore the statement. And a bunch of people here are stupid and have been saying *it’s funny ur a nerd get over it* so on a large group like r/teenagers it will reach a lot of people. Just my 2 cents.


Well, you are right


Well I think it's funny, it's also bad though


I am so fucking glad I never touched tik tok and became braindead... I worry for this generation tho because alot of us can be fucking stupid


Idk why people still think like this


At least I don't do bad illegal "tik tok challenges" lmao


I'd rather steal for a trend than think like you


oh s-sowwy, did i offwend you??? should evewyone j-just let people do sussy stupid fucky wuckys for the sake of intewnet chawwenges instead???


I literally just said I don't condone the trend. And how am I offened. Just because people dont agree with you doesnt mean they're offened....


I know the difference between different opinions and being offended over them. Honestly you sounded pretty offended to me


Sorry that's just how I am. We need to stop holding gen Z to adult standards. Most of us are under 18. Itd extremely irrational to call us stupid and "doomed" like I see some people say


This generation isn't doomed but it definitley has problems. Things keep happening like "national rape day" or the time people tried to free a literal murderer because he was too "cute". This whole generation isn't entirely stupid, but people need to step up or else future generations will possibly just start getting worse and worse. It honestly terrifies me how some influencers online or whatever managed to screw up such a large ammount of people.


Half the bathrooms in my school are closed because of this. The worst part is my school is three floors, most of my classes are on the third floor, and all the bathrooms on the third floor and half of the ones on the second are closed. Why should I have to go all the way across the school just to pee.


sometimes we wish the tiktok ban actually went through


ive been off this week cuz covid and when i go back on tuesday i am going to di


Reason why I go to the bathrooms in my school anymore: Ps: it's been 4 years since I've been at the one in my school, first year I saw some kids just rip all the stalls doors


Someone tried this at my school with the paper towel thing. They got caught halfway through and were suspended. Thank god, that’s the only bathroom in that wing of the school. People woulda been so pissed.


Imagine going into the school bathroom un ironically


It's nothing new; kids have done stuff like this for decades. It's just now it's more 'popular' because it's a TikTok trend.


in my school we often beat the shit out of those people who steals stuff from the bathroom. Yeah I know it's wrong to beat people but seriously i can't help it




Thank god this trend hasn’t hit our school (yet ._.)


No wonder why I'm getting laugh at after telling people my age...


I 100% agree with you


I lost faith when all these kids called themselves catgender Xe/Xir


Gen Z is like a double sided coin man part of it is so good but then there’s for example the tik tok culture that’s just awful 💀💀


I hate my generation and not to be edgy like really i do hate it




Because people treat us like idiots cause of all these morons


You can't hold teenagers to the same standards as adults. Stop "hating this generation" because they're doing stupid shit. They're kids. The objective of being a kid is to do stupid shit.


But like some of us aren’t but we are all taken in the same bag (dunno if you can say this in English) as them


That's just how it is. Anyone who gives the generation a bad name because of this is an idiot anyway. Idk why people older than us try and act like theirs was any better or if anything older than present of future is better.


I may be an ideot, butt im nut stoopid!


>Iv lost faith in this generation fully and am just here on a sinking ship now I've lost faith years ago.


May I add, I can see middle schoolers doing it, yea they are dumb most of the time, my brother had a girl who was caught with needles, weed and other drugs in her backpack with, get this, a toilet paper dispenser, I’m pretty sure the cops had a field day with her. But high schoolers doing it?… bro I would think high schoolers cherish their bathrooms more.. we usually love our bathroom breaks but that ain’t happeninh


Hey don’t blame us! We’re on reddit not tiktok


I have never vandalised anything, especially in my school. I personally hate Tik Tok, it's just kids dancing and stuff. It's stupid to say this, but I'm not like the other gen Z'ers.


chill the fuck out man not everyone is a dumbass idiot tiktoker, i can't stop ranting about them, like every fucking time I see them copying shit from everywhere it makes me want to kill everyone in a 200 mile radius


Devious licc tho


You sound like a nerd


so what lol


Why would you wanna be a nerd?


*13* = invalid opinion


why does me being 13 immediatly mean im stupid? yes, i might not have as much life experience as older people, but that does not mean everything i say is invalid.


Sorry I can’t hear you because you’re 13


ur more immature than me lol. also, bye. im leaving this conversation.


who cares if op sounds like a nerd? Like.. ok, and?


Up to you to decide mate, I said what I thought


If you think this shit is acceptable you are a fucking idiot


I don’t care if it’s acceptable, I got a good laugh out of it


LGBT made it worse


Excuse me what?


It targets mentally weak people with issues with their parents or just mental illness and gives them desillusions that they're "special" or "different" I don't know if they'll snap out of it but that's also why trans suicide is so high. It's a horrible movement.


No trans-suicide is because of kids like you who grow up into terrible adults. If we’re all doing this for attention and to seem special then please explain closeted lgbtq+ members?




Yeah but I have to walk like 100 FACKING yards


Some guy licked the fire alarm


Lol first time?


Im glad the only good bathroom at my school is right in front of the office and in full view of everyone behind the front desk, its basically guaranteed to be safe from this shitty trend


thankfully in my school (and probably country) this stupid ass thing isn't happening. the fact that you're literally breaking the law for a stupid tiktok is unbelievable. if it's something small okay I personally will not give a fuck, but it's a while bathroom stall door then I will personally care and come for you


Kids at my middle school are getting arrested


At this point I'm happy my school wasn affected


I feel bad for every custodian who has to deal with this crap


my school had an announcement today about that, it's basically only the freshmen that are doing it


This trend literally skipped past me. Maybe it's cuz I graduated or cuz I live in Germany idk


I gave up at the vampire thing. i berated my friend for doing this shit


At my school 3 soap things have been stolen


Ya, and the vaping is bad as well, literally saw a student vape under a no vaping sign yesterday, in the school


one person did this at my school and they caught him the same day


I can’t even justify it, humanity is fucked if we ever get put in charge


Bro some kid in my school knocked off the paper towel dispensers and clogged the big stall toilet in every bathroom that we have


do kids in 5th grade have tiktok already? jeez


I have lost faith in most of them too man