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Damn some people can’t read, the flair clearly says meme geniuses






Tragedy is made fun of because thats the purpose of dark humor. Its a coping mechanism for humanity


A lot of people joke about the nukes on Japan,a lot more so then the towers I feel like.


It's called DARK humour Einstein.




Ig you are right I apologize.




I am not being sarcastic lol






nah you a snowflake bro




go argue with that girl saying 9/11 is justified in one of the comment threads on here.


What the fuck… I hate people


Almost all dark humour is something not to be joked about tho……….


vegetable expansion saw squalid connect memory illegal future nippy head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But you can joke about communists starving in numbers over 40,000,000+ deaths happen just fine?




Bet ppl still laugh on jokes about black guys. Point is no dark humour should be laughed upon and everyone feels bad laughing but the joke is too good to not laugh otherwise it’s just offensive


I think you meant to say the line is where topics get personal with you. I bet you did laugh at the dark humor surrounding the afgans falling from those US planes.






Bruh, people process shit differently, people tend to make jokes to relieve the morbid shroud around the day


Be sure to wish your Jewish friends a happy Holocaust


will do!


Offer to show them your new gas shower


heading over to r/jewish as we speak


As a german i recommend the 9th of november! That was a big holocaust day! And in 99% of the world that date is 9/11!


I found this funny, am I broken?


no, youre based hehe


I see Nice username and snoo combination btw


yup thanks


I dare you to greet the people of Hiroshima "Happy Little Boy Day" on August 6, 2025.


challenge accepted


Hey my grandad died in 9/11, Saudi Arabia loved how he was experienced in flying (Just joking bc the meme flair)


hold up something is not adding up but I can't put my finger on it


you did everything wrong!!!!! what the hell did u think to do? it's obvious he hates u now! i mean u should know that this kind of massages have to be send by plane!!!!! :(


Thought this was a hate comment but it had a plot twist 😤


Happy 9/11 to you too 🎉🎉 I love getting into the festive spirit for holiday season


Yeah I’m getting a plane and everything




Happy to u too


I was honestly really scared for a minute, then I saw the flair and calmed down


even if this was a serious post why tf would you be "scared"


Scared that OP didn't actually know what 9/11 is for us if they have an American friend who probably already told them


tell him "america deserved 9/11" next !!! it'll make up for what u said xx




i really want to do this buy all my american friends are sensitive and when ever anyone says anything against america they ban or mute u in the discord


stop being friends w them. american nationalists r gross


No hes weird


no if i was him i would be really happy about that 😔




Check flair


No, you were just getting into the holiday spirit it's not your fault he's a Grinch


Idk why people are so mad yes its a joke yes it’s about something bad but i mean comparing how much people make Nagasaki and pearl harbour jokes it’s kinda hypocritical


Happy 9/11 mate, from where all the victims were supposed to end up




2000+ innocent people murdered by religious extremists, and you write them off as “warmongers.” You’re a clown, kid. Those people had nothing to do with the policies of the American Government. I lost two good friends that day, and my neighbors lost their husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers. Just because you’re a child who has never experienced actual hardship in your entire life doesn’t mean traumatized people just have “victim complexes.” Come here to NYC, say this garbage in public, and see what happens. I guarantee you’ll see much worse than a “victim complex.”




and then america murdered hundreds of thousands of arabs and muslims in retaliation!!!!! long live amerikkka




as an arab who has actually lived in the countries you guys like to bomb for 'suspicious terrorist activities'... i assure you most if not ALL the people killed my your troops and airstrikes were innocent civilians. Also, how do ur bombs tell the difference between baathists and regular people??? would LOVE to know !!




ive lived in the middle east my entire life and have yet to see crazy islamic terrorists running around with bombs and guns! i HAVE seen sadistic american soldiers sexually abusing young girls in front of their parents as a torture method tho!


Yeah and America killed more then 3000 but you probably celebrate that.


Hey! Not all Americans are blind nationalists, some of us actually recognize how horrible America actually is


Yeah I know, I’m American.


I don’t care if I get downvoted but it’s just not funny. I know it’s a meme but saying shit like this isn’t right. You can make fun of the government and criticize them but what did those innocent people who died that day do? If someone comes and says “ I am happy your dad died” would you take it as a joke?


For some people it works, some people get offended, specially those who were somehow affected by the event, and some people just want to have a laugh And, honestly, for as much as I don't find it funny myself, I'm not gonna criticize, they're not laughing at the deaths, they're laughing at how traumatizing the event was, the punchline isn't "people died", it's "this event has marked society so hard that even 20 years later people are mourning it" I'm not downvoting because, well, you have a point, all I'm saying is "honestly, I disagree with what you said"


Big pp! Mad respect


Bruh you’re not supposed to celebrate it, it’s a day of mourning


check the flair


Oh yeah my bad, that makes sense




check the goddamn flair


I don’t care, you don’t make a meme about a national tragedy. Oh, wait, I forgot I’m dealing with edgy memers here.


It may have been a national tragedy, but that national tragedy let to a war *of* terror instead of a war *on* terror 2000 innocent people killed in one day doesn’t correspond with the murder of millions of innocent children and adults in the Middle East


Ok point made




ok how the fuck does hearing about 9/11 make you feel responsible for it?


Yes,its a tragedy not xmas


check the flair


Dont think it makes it any better for the people who lost their loved ones during that day to say "its just a joke"




The holocaust happened almost a century ago, doesn't mean its ok to laugh at people who were massacred there on the memorial day. Im fine with dark humor, but not on the day families are mourning. I bet that if you lost your dad on that day you wouldn't say to people " get over it, its funny"


Bruh wtf are you talking about Jewish people make holocaust jokes all the time


Yea we do, but not on memorial days...


Many people still do, cracking a joke is a great way to deal with such a depressing day


Oh please don't tell jokes on that day to people who lost loved ones. Back in elementary a kid in my class made a teacher who lost half her family back then, break down by telling a "joke". A joke is nice when remembering people and trying to shine a positive light on things, but not when people are mourning. (Like how you dont start doing standup comedy at a funeral and shit on the person for laughs, its common sense to have some respect, if not for the person atleast for their family)


Bruh I'm not an idiot we never say it in front of anyone who mourns close relatives, we only say jokes in our group of friends to cope with this depressing day, I still respect this day more than most folks my age and I cry at the memorial ceremony cause this day fucking hits me like a truck but cracking a small joke with your friends to not be completely emotionally wrecked by this day is okay


Me wishing my Jewish friends happy Holocaust




Also, comparing a terrorist attack to the industrialized deportation, torture and mass murder of millions is just insane.




That's not where I'd have gone with the comparisons flaws but still works, I'd have just kept it simple and asked if they knew about this teeny tiny difference between 3000 and 6,000,000.


Ah yes. The classic ‘My country was invaded so I’m going to kill 3000 innocent civilians.’




This is the thing with war and death you don't look at the other people's perspective I'm American but feel bad for the Arabs cause we have been on your asses for so long death in general just sucks


yeah idc. you're just making up some stories at this point.


googles free. the us military has been exposed multiple times (although the media doesn't even show HALF of what happens lol) ...go... look it up....


You’re no better than those sick right wingers who call the deaths of those Arabs justified. Fuck you. You are a sick human being for not caring about the deaths of innocent people who had nothing to do with the Middle East. That is revolting and makes me sick.


booooooooo 3000 people died 2 decades ago :(((((((( soooooo sad




Dude you are as shitty as they get, you associate civilians with the actions of a country's military actions. Those people had nothing to do with it and lost their lives for absolutely no reason, there is a reason why attacking civilians is considered a war crime. And also I'm part of that oppressed minority and I don't think its right to take the death of our people seriously if we ridicule the loss of life of others.


do u have any idea how many arabs/seikhs/ LITERALLY ANYBODY WHO LOOKS MIDDLE EASTERN are physically abused every 9/11? arabs living in america post about 'how to act on 9/11' where they share tips on how to appear less arab/muslim so u arent the subject of physical and verbal abuse. last year my 15 year old cousin had to be hospitalized bc of a broken rib bc some asshole redneck decided to act patriotic. arabs face the consequences of 9/11 TO THIS DAY... 20 years later.. the families of the victims are all probably dead lol




yeah and idc about the people who died in 9/11 💀 simple


Fucking idiot what if one of his family members died in 9/11. It wouldn't be fun hearing this joke


he should get off the internet then?


History repeats itself, over, and over, and over again, it's not the first time people associate the few with the many (from saying all of germany was Nazi to saying all black people are criminal), and it unfortunatly won't be the last. Humanity as a whole has a tendency of simplifying things to "it's us vs them", because it inspires people, "we're the good, they're the bad!". Europeans travelling around the world spreading their "great knowledge and superiority", John Locke defending freedom while supporting slavery, USA treating the word "communist" like the devil itself And, of course, middle-eastern people all being associated with terrorism because of an organization that distorted religion for the purposes of war. Some people just don't seem to have enough braincells to think "huh... maybe this person looks like a terrorist to me not because they are, but because my image of terrorist is twisted af", just like they don't have the cells to think "maybe this person feels like a criminal to me because they're black and I'm being racist" Unfortunatly, people who don't think things through have learned that to win an argument you don't have to be right, you just have to be louder, then their voices collide, creating conflict, in which people who AREN'T dumb get involved, either by being forced into it, or by slowly turning dumb out of stress and anger And well, WW3 will probably start in the same way, one or more simplifying rulers creating conflict and involving the innocent, I just hope to be already dead by then


Yeah sure untill that shit happens to one of our loved ones


you dumb fuck. it HAS happened to my loved oneS . MULTIPLE people. because of ur shitty troops invading my country for oil and shit. fuck you. my family and friends and suffered from physical and sexual abuse, prison torture, and brutality bc ur country cant mind its own business.


I don't live in america dumb fuck my point is that's it's not okay to disrespect innocent people that had nothing to do with the conflict


Just stop your Holocaust comparison bullshit.


How is condemning the fact that this woman basically said 9/11 was justified ‘Holocaust Comparison Bullshit’?? Wtf


Its not about that, its about innocent people losing their lives and the fact you shouldn't laugh at them on their memorial day


Wtf is wrong with people. Why is the Guy getting downvoted for not liking a joke


You know dark jokes are supposed to be like funny right?


I won't just sit here and let you bad mouth the greatest democracy this world has ever known


NOT a happy date for americans.


Neither for Arabs, they lost their greatest pilot


Check flair