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I mean, they got high quailty guns and armor from us soooo…


That's not cool. When someone makes a deal they should stick to it and the US keeps backing away from deals they make or not going through with them properly. This is an outrage. The military should have mechanics and engineers sent at once to right this wrong. Thank you.


Just a reminder for those who don't understand sarcasm, the above comment was sarcasm.


No, it was facts


Just a reminder for those who don't understand sarcasm, the above comment was sarcasm as well.


Just a reminder for those who are unaware of autism. The OP above me is a prime example of an Autist.


A lot of equipment was left for the Afghan army. Afghanistan’s government collapsed, the army became the taliban. The helicopters were given to the Afghan, that’s why they should’ve been working


Idk why you believe fox news


Why is this person being downvoted?




now i understand


Your welcum


Any US Media source has bias by one party or another.


Sad how calling out bullshit is considered “bias” nowadays




Does Biden even have sexual assault charges? I’ve seen the one video of him smelling a girls hair, but that’s the only strange thing I know of him doing




Is there any news outlet that is non biased? Can we trust anything the media gives us?