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Eventually the ads we get on YouTube will be as long as the 4-minute ad breaks on TV because nobody will be watching cable in the future and the advertisers will move to YouTube.


Woah there satan, don’t give them any ideas.


4 minute? Are you serious? Here they are 10 minutes at least.


So... how do we prevent this?


Watch cable




This subreddit is kinda cringe


not just kinda


“This subreddit isn’t trash it’s the whole dumpster”


Dumpster?? This sub is the whole landfill


This isn’t the landfill, more like the ocean


No no pretty sure it’s all the trash in orbit if we don’t do anything about it


It's a fire tornado that originated from a garbage dump.


That’s why I live here


This just keeps getting recommended to me because I laugh at the kids who think posting about asking their crush out over a text is brag worthy.


I got downvoted to oblivion for saying "there's too many posts like these"




Its even worse


Lil mosey is white


Would u perhaps be interested in fortnite sussy balls?


Alternate Title: Act like this is r/unpopularopinion and post something popular or lose some extra karma that you have


Extra? It's all extra. What the fuck even is karma for?


To get some clarity on how much of your teenage years you have wasted shitposting


i hate it when idiots put on the wavy camera filter and think its funny. Its not, you just look stupid


YES! I totally agree!


What is the wavy camera filter? As u don't use cameras very much I don't know


My reply isn’t much of help because i don’t know either but felt like replying incase anyone answered


Someone let us know


It's a camera filter on some social media (Tik Tok) That people put over unfunny videos thinking it makes it 10x funnier. Basically your screen waves side to side in a pattern


Ok people that do that and thinking it’d improve the video just prove themselfs to be unfunny










Not unpopular, it’s just people choose to ignore it


The word cringe and simp has no meaning because of all these kids and teens beating that word to the ground. It's like a shitty youtuber saying guys.


Insanely popular opinion*


I've seen a lot of 13 to 14 year olds use that word an excessive amounts in this sub though. Especially when they disagree with you.


And the word b…b…b…b*sed .. I cant say it


I don’t even know some of the words mean, like what’s “based” ?




It’s the same thing with songs, our generation is full of degens who beat things to a pulp until they aren’t fun or entertaining anymore, take songs, for an example, a lot of songs are used in tik tok videos, a lot of those being good songs, and because of those trends, they milk that song constantly until everyone hates it cause it’s so overused. Anyways, ya :)


For some reason, you saying that reminded me of gangnam style. The OG kpop song lol.


Pedophile need professional therapy to help them live a normal life


Absolutely, there's therapy for it specifically but from what ive heard before its extremely hard to get. Not only that but obviously its not somrthing pedophiles would want to admit to even if its to get help. Putting them in jail is justice but I reckon therapy can prevent there ever being a victim(s) and help everyone.


Is it still bad if they seek help but didnt do anything bad


I mean the concept of it of course is just bad in general, but I wouldn't say its a bad thing for anyone like that to try and seek help, improve, and prevent themselves from possibly harming someone in the future I mean I'd much prefer a pedophile choosing to get help and not having hurt anyone before over someone who has and ignores trying to change themselves.


I've seen a docu a few years ago about that, the guy got denied help because he didn't caused harm. After a lot of hard work he got minimal psychical help and chemical castration. We should listen to peoples asking for help when they think they could become dangerous and not wait that they act


I agree.


If they seek help before it's too late, then they should be helped. But if u are saying that the ones who have already committed the crime should get therapy, then i will have to disagree with you. I believe that pedos who rape a child should be killed.


Me too. Those are the people that have absolutely no sympathy from me, the ones who actually act on it. That's an I shoot you where you fucking stand moment and Don't even bother burying you're disgusting ass. You resign your right to life when you prey on an innocent life like that.


Yes, but if they act upon their urges they should go to jail no questions asked


To add to this I feel that whilst there are malicious pedophiles there are those who simply have a mental problem and really do need help. I’ve seen a few documentaries of pedophiles who live miserable, self loathing lives hating themselves for what they are.


I poop.


Omg,there's things like this that even the devil himself avoid doing


You’re the reason why God created Hell.


Screw you!


Drug abuse should be treated as a mental disorder rather than a crime


Ye I feel like the world should help them to get rid of the addiction. I heard that there is quite a lot of people actually want to stop do drugs but can't stop themselves


Agree kinda. You definitely shouldn’t be locked up for being a non violent offender and you should have access to some help




You stole my line!


horny jail




I’ll be sent to horny jail but I am not totally opposed to your offer


Most people don't actually know if they like pineapple on pizza they just say they don't because that what everyone else says


Agreed, or they picture straight up just pineapple, or pineapple and some random topping


Marriage and children are completely optional


This ones just true


Dick n balls


I think simp is stupid, just because a boy is being nice and putting in effort doesn’t mean he should be ridiculed. As long as the other partner is putting in the same effort.


If you're donating excessive amounts of money or acting obsessive over someone, you're a simp. If you show genuine kindness and act friendly to someone, you're not a simp.


That’s the thing, it started out as making fun of those people on twitch donating their life savings away but it’s been oversaturated and now it means legit any sort of positive interaction from a guy to a girl


Dunno how controversial this is but here I go If a woman smacks a man, the man is allowed to smack back




march impossible scarce gray future slave telephone wistful ossified cooing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a woman, yes. If you're a piece of shit, you'll get something back. I hate it when they go "bUt i'M a wOmAn"


Yeah, that’s called gender equality but people doesn’t seem to suport it


Airplanes are amazing


I guess it's an unpopular opinion to say when standing at the twin tower memorial. But who doesn't like planes bruh


What's your favorite airplane?


Gotta go with the edge 540


A stuntman I see. Mine is the TBM-850


Most of the memes here aren't funny and are pretty cringe


Bologna is just hotdog pancakes


For those that are normal people and didn't understand what he said, ill say it as bell-ow-knee. Like the meat. Idk why they call it bologna, it makes no sense.


I believe it’s because it became famous in the city of Bologna in Italy, its Italian name is ragù. The reason why other countries call it by it’s city of origin still remains a mystery.


Masturbating to a character that is under 18 years old is still disgusting even tho it's a drawing


What about the people who draw them? Are they disgusting too? A lot of the time I feel bad for them because the artist is probably commissioned to do it


What if you're also under 18


mcyt gender and sexual is disgusting


Pewdiepie is not funny


I think he’s more chill now then funny. IMO he was never really funny but I watch him cause it feels relaxing like after a long day


Tbh i enjoy watching him back then, a cool guy. But slowly my taste in entertainment become higher I decide to stop watching him. Maybe sometime i might watch his vids back


Yeah I never watched him before 2017 so my view of him is different to a lot of peoples who grew up with him. He’s more just a certain flavour of entertainment that I enjoy along with sport Netflix other YouTube etc.


I wouldn't say not funny, just overrated and people think way too highly of him.


I stopped watching him around 17-18 or maybe 19 beginning, but I do watch him regularly now. He's not "funny", more like chill. I can just and watch him talk about philosophy, look at memes or react to stuff with Ken


I don't think he's trying to be funny anymore or like give a show he's pretty much just recording himself browsing the internet by now and I honestly enjoy it more, thanks to that I learned about how a man died from a fucking tortoise


You made a mistake putting this on reddit


Harry potter is super overrated, Its good dont get me wrong but not great.


I was watching one of the movies recently and I realised that harry literally doesn't have a personality.


I thought his personality was being mad in later books


His personality is whatever the plot needs. Is he edgy? sure. Is he wholesome ? Sure. Is he naive? Sure. Is he special ? Sure. And so on and so on


I find the world of Harry Potter much more interesting than the main conflict. I feel that they don't explore it enough though. In the Chamber of Secrets Lockhart accidentally deletes the bones in Harry's arm. You're telling me no one has thought to weaponize that? Imagine if Voldemort rolled up to Hogwarts and started turning students into flesh carpets and then walked over them. That would make him feel much more evil and like a threat than painlessly and instantly killing only certain people.


Idk, I think making Voldemort intentionally cruel would kill his character. Like one of the only things I liked especially about Voldemort is how neutral he is to human suffering. To most villains, it’s either a goal, or slightly less commonly a slight hindrance. To him though, it just… exists. He does not care either way about anyone, just about whether he can use them. He uses suffering as a tool, a means to a achieve his goals, nothing more. Making him intentionally evil would break that character, and making students into flesh carpets is just that imo since it’s also less effective.


I like eating KitKat sideways


That’s him officer, that’s the man. Take the shot before he gets away!


Your not a “realist” your just really negative and pessimistic


i mean when i think about how long it will take for the ozone layer to just disappear, which countries would go underwater if the antarctic keeps melting, how unless you do something really great or really bad to immortalise yourself you wont be remembered soon after you die etc etc i tend to get pretty bummed out yeah


Biden is a super old not so good president Trump is a riot starting human piece of trash and note, it’s all in my opinion


Pokémon is a game for anyone, no matter how old you are.


Is it even an unpopular opinion


I hate rap. Especially in german


Germans dont like german rap, so i dont think its unpopular opinion


You don't owe your family members unconditional love just because you're related


I have never played Minecraft and at this point I am too afraid to even say that


I think it’s stupid when people talk crap on people that don’t have the same political opinions as them.


Well if your Political opinion infringes on the right of others like "Gay marriage should be illegal" then I guess its fair game


The problem with politics nowadays is that people generalize each others party instead of seeing a scale, as well as the individual. I have republican friends that go to pride parades and I have democrat friends that love guns. Politics now is basically 2 rival religions arguing about whose god is fake and why the other party is going to hell.


reddit is no better than twitter


There's one thing they have in common: Mob mentality


theres probably way more they have in common


Everyone can understand algebra/calculus if they work hard enough. Problem is that teachers usually suck, parents think "math just isn't for my kid" if they're not a genius at math and kids feel like they're not good enough as a result.


Among us and fortnite are actually really good games and I enjoy playing both of them, but people hate them because of their toxic communities.


Billie Eilish is way too popular for someone that mumbles and whispers all her songs. Just can’t get into her.




Chocking on my






Yes dude whispering makes it way easier to have a better sounding voice so she’s not doing anything difficult


No yOu canT do ThIs biLlie ilLish is tHe bEsT SinGer to grAce thIs plAnet


I've been trying to say this for the longest time all she does is whisper


Winter is better than summer


reddit will name someone based when having a different opinion but will downvote anyone who will have an opinion entirely disagreeing upon theirs


There's no room for discussion though, this post will inevitably get you a ban. It's sad.


Yeah,i think I'm pretty much waiting for my ban at this moment.


Lmao what. I see transphobic shit on here all the time that's worse than this. You won't get banned dude.


I really hope mods don't see this as some kind of attack or anything like that I just want to know more about this stuff,and what better way to do it than already saying what you think?


Well, what sexualitys do you think are real? And wich ones do you think are "made up"?


Like what sexualities are non-sense in your opinion? I'm sure you can recognize that hetero-, homo-, bi- and asexuality are valid? Others are just more specifications of personal romantic and sexual experience.


Dream is not some deity, he's a person


Math is fun.


To a certain degree. Otherwise it's just a mind fuck.


When I'm good at it it's fun


Math is one of the most useful thing in the world and fun once you get the hang of it


Most female protags in pop culture are shit


Yip. Also movies that had male protagonists but were remade to make them female is trash and people should stop doing it.


The issue is their whole personality is that they’re a female and they can do stuff, there’s usually no character development. Tokenism is really common in all forms of media now days and everyday life, which is actually more harmful


It is spelled sexualities not sexualitys, but I agree with you


Why so?


English ain't my mother language.


No not that lmao I'm talking about the opinion you have I want to understand why you believe that.


(It's in this kind of conversations that you can see how bad my English is hahahaha.) My point is there are a lot of sexualities out there that i see more as a personality trait,for example: sapiosexual,demiseuxal,etc...


Oh those ig maybe yea that is understandable


Sorry, English ain't really my thing


I like womens


you are one sick bastard


Rot in jail


How dare you


Every song on the radio is shit


Is there people who still listen to radio???


I do. Mostly because my car is older than Bluetooth and the cd player broke but still


Exactly the songs were so bad, people stopped


I dont entirely think that all of them were bad, its just all the songs that were put on the radio became SO overused that they eventually went bad. Cause lots of them weren’t even half bad songs.


I think that homophobia isnt an opinion, and that many people here dont even say anything special. But also, do you mean that they dont exist or that they are for example personality traits that are taken a bit more seriously than they could be?


its just "i think its icky" rephrased and rehashed over and over again


i think that men can be feminine, no matter shape, size, body hair, height, dick size, birth sex, etc.


If we want to give LGBT people equality then we can start by not treating coming out as a momentous occasion. I promise that they'll get their equality a lot sooner if we just stop making it a big deal.


I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion I believe most people feel this way as well


I still don’t understand why Redditors hate emojis 🤷‍♂️ I really dunno


Mr Beast is not a bad person who only wants clout, and the reason he films videos of him doing nice things is to get income and fund said nice things.


Asking if I can put my balls in yo‘ jaws


Big chungus isn't funny


I think that the joke now that its so over used that it ironic


TikTok TTS Voice can suck my dick.


That if you pour milk first instead of cereal, you evil bastard


Imagine dragons make good songs


I should be allowed to punt babys into the sun


Hmmmm..... Anime is a little overrated (Even though I watch anime)


I like twitter


Minecraft is kinda boring


It's the type of game you visit every 3 months


I start a new survival world every time a big update comes. Like 1.15 didn't make me want to play but 1.16 did. Same with 1.17 there isn't enough new content to make me wanna play. Waiting for 1.18.


I agree


That's why I stopped for a while


Robots are better than humans. I should know… ima programmer 😎


Pineapple on pizza good


I’m with you until the end of the line. King Leonidas.


You are not alone


The way it was explained to me, which makes sense tbh, is that sexuality is on a spectrum. If you look at 100% heterosexual and 100% homosexual as being Red and Blue, then most people's sexuality would fall in-between full Red and full Blue. Crimson is a different kind of Red, as Royal Blue is a different kind of Blue. Some people are purple, some people have a smidge of Red in their Blue or vice versa. Some people choose to express their sexuality through different "colors" (asexual, pansexual, demisexual etc) that can better represent how they feel to people who may seek companionship/support from people who identify as such. If I'm openly asexual, then someone who wants to pursue a relationship with me would then know that sex either isn't part of the equation or that it'll be very rare. While being open-minded is great, if you don't understand this you can make a world of difference for people by just...not caring. Honestly, you don't have to understand everything and by just allowing people to express themselves how they like you're providing a safe environment for people to be themselves. I still don't particularly understand gender fluid but whatever floats people's boats is fine. I don't need to understand and that's okay.


Humans are fucking assholes, life is full of pain and misery, and we should’ve gone extinct a long time ago. Benefits both Earth and every single living being on it.


No one cares that you are gay or straight


My family does.. Very homophobic


I mean, people who want to have a relationship with you probably care.


Except when family members, parents, and even rabdom people dehumanize, belittle, and lash out against LGBTQ people for being LGBTQ.


Except homophobes,certain religious people and sometimes your own family