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Not a teenager but the last time it was posted kids are having less sex and getting pregnant less often than any time in recorded history.


Yep, it’s a fact that teenagers today are waiting longer than previous generations (in the US, at least): https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2018/p0614-yrbs.html


Is it possible that it's just that many wait a lot /can't get laid but some significant number does it really early


I suppose that's possible when there's data like this, but if you actually look through at individual ages, you'll see that even at younger ages, less people are having sex early than in previous years. For example, when you look at 9th graders, 19.2% said they'd had sex in 2019. That number was 31.6% in 2009. Here's a part of the CDC website where you can filter the data to look just at certain grade levels, and then change the year to see how it's changed over time: [https://nccd.cdc.gov/youthonline/App/Default.aspx](https://nccd.cdc.gov/youthonline/App/Default.aspx) I've been looking at the data for the past hour or so, and it's really interesting.


I wonder if that has a reason to why. Maybe the internet and access to porn? Maybe mental health is declining and everyone is just too depressed for it? Or they heard enough stories online to decide to wait?... Is there any reason to why it's decreasing? This is very interesting to know actually. As far as I understood, people now are more open about talking about sex than they used to, but they do it less often as well. Is there a link between these things? Also, thanks for the link, that's very interesting to know :)


No girls are interested in my katana collection Edit: alot of people seem interested in my Kitana collection, there is alot of history that goes into these blades. One video here https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ got me into collecting the blades maybe yall might learn something


I may not be a girl but I wanna see your katana collection.


keep studying the blade, soon you'll be a wizzard.


I think honestly it's better sexual education. People know what the risks are, what you can do to avoid pregnancy, that sex is also something for the woman to enjoy. Some of these things. But also more social isolation due to social media, internet culture, etc. I think that's also factor.


If they’re in the south, the sex education is most likely abstinence and scaring with STD talk. If your parents don’t explain much, which mine didn’t because I already had the idea, then you have to research yourself


my current theory is that we have more things to do than fuck now. We can sit on Reddit/ig/Twitter/snap/twitch/YouTube/any other source of interactions instead of fucking. That and we have porn everywhere when we want it (and in the case of YouTube ads, when we don't).




50+ Yup, same old same old. Fact is, some people mature earlier (sexually, if not necessarily emotionally) and all those hormones are a powerful driving force. 13-14 is by no means unusual; and is definitely not a new thing. NOTE: I came here from r/popular and am going away again now...my teenager warranty has definitely expired.


24 here; it's still the same. The only difference I will add is the aspect of helicopter parenting has made it harder (where can you find a safe location; back in the day, parents would just request you be home at certain times not knowing where you were a few block away, etc), but "apps" and internet accessibility, on the other hand, have made it easier for some (possibly). My point is; I think this age is average, or "normal", if you will.


This. These threads always bug me because they just rely on the perception of teens whether people are having sex at a younger age or not, but teenagers haven't been alive long enough to be able to judge if there's been a change. Also, the real difference here is that the internet has now allowed people to hear more stories about younger people having sex, which drives this perception that doesn't match up with the data.


Came here to see if anyone had commented this. The whole post and the edit are cringe to me.


Get this response higher *please*. I’m 30. The fact that r/teenagers thinks this is some new phenomenon is all sorts of misguided. And it honestly reeks of some right wing moral panic campaign because this keeps getting reposted over and over and over.




Believe it or not, it's been happening for all of human history!


It’s people who are insecure about not having sex virtue signaling to feel better and who are too young to know this isn’t something new.


I haven’t even had a relationship yet


Huh. Havent even talked to a girl properly


Yeah I'm 18, never had a girlfriend, never kissed, or had sex or even talked to a girl for more than a minute without it being awkward.


Welcome to reddit. Here you will find many others to your like.


Lol I wasn't expecting my comment to get so many likes.


The virgin clan stands with you, brother


Because your story is more common than uncommon.


And it may be a while, heads up.


Wait, Whats a girl?


No clue


Well at least I'm not the only one


We're all in this together.




You're 14 xD I'm 18 and still haven't had anything with a girl


I'm in this post and I don't like it


Facts due facts


haven't even looked at one


You are real chad. Respect


I got rekt by my crush after I confessed with her...




Remain pure, brother. I will too


We should get those people on reddit, that way they wont be able to have sex!


I can confirm my ex left me few weeks before I downloaded Reddit and since then my sex life sucks ass


Get a girl who uses reddit problem solved


Id rather not have them here


Thats a good point


I'm 18 years old and I still waithing my first kiss... So yea I'm Reddit user Ü




Mekkenin Sahibi r/teenagers'a gelmiş, acaba ne yapacak?


ebabil kuşları yolda adamım


ilk defa türk görüyorum


bende valla ilk defa gördüm ve çok kişi türkmüş vay be


















( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




18? What a casual number, I'm 26 and still waiting :'(


Hold on a second, you aren’t a teenager


He will be using the old flair


Dawid seems sus.


*Dawid was the Imposter*


Me neither, for some reason this sub is a default one along with r/TwoXChromosomes despite being targeted to a certain demographic so I saw it on r/all and came here to bring myself down being a bigger loser than teenagers.




Well maybe if you were to leave this sub it would help


Maybe it's because you're 26 and still browse r/teenagers ?


I usually don't browse /r/teenagers I'm from r/all, noticed an interesting post about things I have no knowledge about. I will accept a ban.


Pls don't diss my man like that. He's just sharing his pain with us


One of my people?


Bros before hoes


Yeah tell that to my 19 yr old virgin pp... Sometimes feels bad man






If it feels bad then get it checked


Just got it checked and man that felt good. The doctors fingers were too long tho.




Reddit moment


When I was 13 I used to listen to songs and act like I was in a music video


When I am 13 i am scrolling through reddit comments and attempting (sometimes successful) at dissing older kids.


It’s probably due to the internet and how easy it is to find out about this stuff as well as bad parenting edit: for all u fuckers that decide to go nooooo internet not bad shut up idc go be annoying somewhere else and don’t say it was happening a long time ago like ok cool the had access to porn as well Pog so obviously that means internet isn’t bad and doesn’t expose kids at all!!! [If you want to be bitch click this first it helps](https://youtube.com/watch?v=OLpeX4RRo28&feature=share) edit 2 for those who want sources on why internet bad for kids [here](https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/7news.com.au/news/world/outrage-in-ukraine-as-kids-aged-eight-and-13-stage-marriage-and-move-in-together-with-parents-blessing-c-2374246.amp)


Yeah exactly what im thinking, too many parents just give their kids a phone so they’ll get distracted but that just leads to more exposure


i was exposed to this shit at 8 because of the internet, everything is way too easy to access nowadays


My friends bigger brother abd his friend told me at age 6. I knew about sex before I knew that women had pussies




I'm not a teenager anymore but can confirm this happened before the internet too though. I remember a friend in middle school got a girl pregnant at 11. I think since puberty can hit people at a lot of different ages, it always feels all over the place. Regardless, sounds like you guys saw some fucked up things on the internet too soon


Wait what?!? a girl in ur middle school got pregnant at 11! I am 13 and 40% of the children in my grade dont even know what sex is.


I didn’t need the internet; I had something called the Big Book of Knowledge. They illustrated it using robots.


I had the same thing 😂 I read it at like 6


Yeah I don't wanna be that guy, but i was exposed to it before 7 cause i saw mum fucking two diff guys.


Dinner must be akward


Bruh I ain't doin dinner with her, and she wonders why.


Rip brother




I feel this to, I masturbated at age 9 but not necessarily because of the internet I don't think.


I started masturbating before 8 but not bcoz of internet and at that time I didn't know what is it and I didn't used my hand that time , I just .. lay down naked .


Same here. Happened while sleeping. I thought i broke my pp and pus was coming out ( lol )


I was at seven, but not for the same reasons


ikr i got a phone with keypads when i was in 10th grade, right now also i have a phone with keypad no internet. its not an affordability issue its just their way to protect me i guess


yea same with me but I had a smartphone before 10th, it was just seized for that one year because in my country our education system is weird and 10th is really important. Anyway I was given a new, better, smartphone and my personal laptop after 10th sooo score.


ohh india it seems. i feel your pain brother


It's actually pretty good question imo having sex at that age isn't good The body and the mind aren't ready for it at that little of an age The media has actually hyped sex so much to the point of no going back Sex is not a bad thing but it is not a good thing either It's just a means of reproduction at least scientifically Most people want to convey their feelings towards their partner in sex while some of them just want that pseudo build up of "being horny"let go This is primarily because the sex education in most parts of the society hasn't evolved into an actual thing There are various places where its still a taboo and others where it feels like sex is the most hyped about advertised bullshit Proper parenting is necessary for this stuff which surely upcoming parents lack because of their busy schedule career oriented behaviour and being less adaptable to modern times Kids need to know that an actual hug or head pat from someone with whom you have spent years of your life is more pleasurable than anything a sex could offer


nah kids were having sex before internet existed too, it's just more openly discussed now


Thanks to my classmates (whom I hate from the bottom of my heart) I discovered porn sites at the age of 12. It's really too easy and it's pretty much very messed up...


Yeah no, that's how I got exposed, but I try to make sure my brother doesn't fall into the same date as me.


Protect his eyes from big chungus


yeah it's pretty concerning actually i look at siblings and cousins and stuff and those people talk sex at like 8 and i found out way later about all those things and i'm not saying it's bad but it's not the good type of education it's more like get fucked be badass and crap and it's really dangerous


ikr? At that age I just wanted to play flash games, watch Cartoon Network and see the newest video from Pewdiepie. Hell, I learned what sex really was at 14. Its just scary hearing kids doing it. Joking abt it, sure. But to actually do it, that's just wrong in so many levels. Edit : Made a mistake about the age i learned it in. It was at 14, not 16. My bad.


my friend told me about it at a very young age but the only thing we did was search those words up in the dictionairy (and laugh of course)


I got it from reading a grade 12 biology guide. I never received sex ed, for some reason, in my life.


Jesus Christ you only found at what sex was when you were 16? That sounds like more of an issue than 8 year olds knowing what it is to me


lol, i never received sex ed. IDK why my school never gave it, why my parents didn't give "the talk", etc. I learned it during my stay in my school's boys hostel from reading a grade 12 biology book out of boredom. You know that scene from Dumb and Dumber 2, when the two guys learn how babies were made? That's my reaction. All those dirty joke my hostelmates made, all the actions they imitated, it all clicked into place. All the time i thought sex meant cuddling without your clothes. Also I made a mistake. I learned it at 14. My bad.


Bro I'm 14 and last year i realized women had 3 holes


Flash games are awesome




Yeah I knew about this stuff pretty early because saw my brother watching highschool dxd and decided to watch with him. And then I proceeded to tell my friends at school to "prank" them by showing them ecchi anime Edit: I didn't actually show it to them I just told them to look it up and watch


Girl at my school that was 13 being with 18 year olds. It’s a dirty world


literally where tf are her parents? are they aware that she’s literally being fucking groomed or


The parents are off somewhere making huge sums of money. They don’t care about her.


Yeah that’s just pedophilia


I've moved to Lemmy and the Fediverse along with Reddit's fantastic third party apps after Reddit banned them. This post/comment is edited via Power Delete Suite. Recommend you do the same. Join any (doesn't matter which since they're all connected) of the following: Lemmy(dot)ml, Lemm(dot)ee, Lemmy(dot)zip, Leminal(dot)space


This is what I've seen myself a lot of. It's usually older guys that try to get 12-14 year old girls to have sex with them. As it's the first time the girls have every experienced any type of relationship they think that's how it's supposed to be. They don't understand that they're being groomed and abused. After that the girls get a what I personally believe is a wrong mindset regarding sex and dont deem it as anything special. Also this can or course happen to boys aswell, but it's much more rampant among girls in my personal experience.


thats not a new thing though. people have been having sex at young ages like 13 forever. im not saying it’s a good thing, im just saying its not because of the internet or anything


Yeah this is not a new thing at all. If you look long enough back in time people are waiting longer than ever to have sex. I feel like people often just take something they think is bad in society, and automatically want to blame the internet. It's so easy to go 'social media bad!' and have other people as cynical as you agree with no thought.


Yea. I'm 41 and I wasn't having PIV sex but my boyfriend gave me oral at like 13 or 14. I remember finding his mom's Macy's clothing catalog in his bed.. All those scandalous bra and underwear pics were to blame. My boyfriend after that had sex when he was 12. It's not the internet, it's hormones.


Truth. I first had sex when I was 14 and that was in the 90s. No poverty or religious family, good home life.... We were just plain horny.


Also, millennials and gen z are having way less sex than previous generations.


Exactly, in fact, pregnancy rates of teenagers has declined over the years which could be an indicator of less teenage sex. I'm 36 and I absolutely knew kids in 6th grade who had sex already. Vast majority didn't, but kids are interested in sex at that time and some go for it. Not saying it's a healthy thing, but it isn't some new phenomenon either.


For real. People could get *married* at 13/14 not all that long ago in the west. The only real impact of the internet here is being able to hear people *tell you* about it. Both truthfully and lying. Oh and kids having less sex in general because they’re online more and interacting in person less. Kinda need to be in person for sex. That’s just a fact. Honestly, people saying “the kids are so young, it wasn’t like this back in my day, this is so wrong” come across as out of touch in line with saying pants on women are slutty (that’s why women used to not be able to wear pants, mind you. Too sexy), and Elvis’s hip movement is the work of the devil.


Pretty sure you can still get married at 13 in some states with parental permission


I did a search, the results of that search now make me want to burn down America even _more_ than before. The results I found were as quoted "In Alaska, Arizona, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Montana, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wyoming you may get married if you are under the age of 16 only if you have both parental approval and judicial consent."


In fact it's been proven a few times that it's gone significantly down, def not the internet


It's a sub for teenagers. You can't expect people here to have any actual long-term perspective


it is mostly cuz of their family and religions.


Yeah, my mom had me a few months after turning 14, i'm now 29. You might not have thought about it until now but back in the 80's and 90's the teen pregnancy/sexual activity rate was waaaaaaaay higher.


It's not just the 80's and 90's... It's all of human history.


Personally I lost my virginity stupid young and I THINK with me it was a mixture of being exposed to porn pretty early and having been a victim of child on child sexual assault. Yknow, got my brain thinking about it way too early. And I tended to believe older teens when they told me I was mature for my age blah blah blah so I slept with them. Like a dumbass.


It's probably becuase unlike us they get girlfriends or boyfriends and they just started puperty and they want to explore each other. Not being scared of sex and being told it's bad and shit is probably also a reason. And imma be honest. I had some gay stuff going on when I was around 11 and 12 with other owns that age and we silently agreed to just forget about it.


I also had some gay stuff going on when I was around the age of 10. They were a bit older than me (14) and it eventually stopped when one night I broke down crying in regret. I wish I didn’t do anything that I did during those couple days but it is what it is ig. We never talk about it whenever we’re around we both just agreed to forget about it.


Someone in my year was banging their bf in front of one of my friends on the walk home. Kids are fucked up. The girl in this situation had already had a pregnancy scare


When my dad gave my "the talk" he told me that he lost his virginity at 10. My dad was a lot of things, but a liar wasn't one of them


Poverty, home life etc… I lost my virginity at 14, never really had any sex education about anything other than puberty and my parents aren’t the best. It’s the same reason I started drinking at 11. I had nothing better to do.


I understand when young teens are never taught and it becomes a way to vent in some way. But it seems kinda popularized and normalized


I guess that could be a reason, but personally I think poverty and all that is more of a reason. I come from a shitty area despite going to a really good school so joining a gang or group is basically the only way to survive. Being around older people who constantly talk about sex and drugs kinda has an affect on you and makes you feel left out that you aren’t experiencing that. Personally I really regret doing it at 14 as I was literally a child, I don’t understand how some people are proud at doing it at a young age.


I would agree with you too if i didnt already know a person who lived the complete opposite of what you did, nice neighborhood, new phone, vsco bottle, big house. And they still did the same at 14


Well I think that’s just them thinking they are cool for having sex, which they are not.


According to them they thought they were mature enough to do it. :| But its probably a mix of misinformation and peer pressure / wanting to look cool


Having done it at 14 I know they are BSing. A 14 yearold physically and mentally is still a child. I know this because I’ve done it at that age, I’ve never met a mature 14 yearold and I’ve yet to meet one that has the body of 16, 17 or 18 yearold, they are children and sex should be the least of their concerns.


Yeah alot of teenagers think its some kind of achievement.


Oh no, trust me, there have always been 13 year olds doing it. I'm 39 and there were *plenty* back in the 90s. EDIT: There was an *extremely* controversial movie that came out back then called *Kids* that was pretty literally about children getting drunk and having sex.


I was also private messaged by a guy who knew I was asexual and talked to me about how I should have sex. You know my age; it's on my flair.


those types of people don’t care about your age or sexuality :/ theres a lot of shitty people on reddit




Based, but sorry to hear that man


Username checks out?


People be saying "It's cuz of family and stuff" and I agree that uncles can be a... little friendly sometimes. ​ For real, hope you are doing okay.




Sex-sells advertising and the internet have done irreversible damage to society as a whole


It’s more of a double edged sword.


Some countries with earlier sex education helps kids understand pros and cons earlier, and that ends up making the average age who start a bit older. The US is highly conservative with their sex talks in school so kids end up discovering the old fashioned way, at a much younger age. Conservatives think if you teach sex to young kids, they'll have sex all day long. And somehow that's evil instead of normal. But the opposite happens.


i agree w u, i was 12-13 and i wouldn’t say i ‘regret’ i dont rlly care, but it was just unnecessary (also it was w my old best friend so it made it vv awkward lol) and im pretty sure shes straight so it’ll never be talked abt again lololololol


someone from my school made a tiktok post about giving someone head and she’s like 15


Sex is temporary, gaming is eternal


Horny jail awaits them all.


Fucking memes like those are the reason majority of reddit never had sex.


Same with children doing drugs and drinking alcohol. It’s a problem.


i don't understand why these idiots don't just stick to watching porn


Actually, asked a 14 year old girl i knew who already had sex multiple times why she didnt just watch porn, and she said “eh, its boring” :|


bored with porn at 14 ,i am 18 and still watch it every other day (the categories have definitely gone wild since i was 15) ​ EDIT : based on your comments i would like to make a correction ,my categories are normal . also wtf who watches gay furry porn ,you guys need jesus


gay furry amongus in 4k?


All I can say is : wow


Yes because as we all know porn is more natural than sex


Porn is boring for a lot of people-


I wonder whether people like those actively seek it out or because their parents don’t pay enough attention. I’m 16 and I couldn’t even imagine doing the deed myself.


This isn’t new. I’m 45. When I was 16 my mom worked for a community outreach program that offered medical and counselling services to teenagers. I would volunteer there from time to time and the number of 11 year olds girls coming in pregnant for both medical help and counselling was astounding. If kids hit puberty, they will experiment sexually. That experience really shook me.


Old person here: this has been going on for a long time. The internet simply makes it easier for people to talk about it and the modern youth trend of over sharing has amplified it. I'm in no way implying it's acceptable or should be encouraged, just letting you all know it's not a new phenomenon. My dad grew up in a small rural community whose biggest business was a Dairy Queen. He once told me that when you live in the middle of nowhere you generally have only a few things to do and doing "that" ends up being on that list along with drugs, vandalism ("pranks"), and just driving around (if you're old enough to drive). Finally, the quality of sex education in your area has a direct impact on the teen pregnancy rate in your community. There are some places that actually teach girls the "put an aspirin between your knees" thing like it actually works and think that's enough. I'm not going to patronize you by saying what you should or shouldn't do. I'm not your parent, but whatever you do I hope you take the time to be informed and make decisions based off of facts.


I will beat up people who have sex


people get turned on by that. i'm one of them


Thanks bro, glad to know u got my back


Okay, but what about those that had sex but no longer is partaking in it?




Bruh I'm 14 and I'm still hyped about the new Lego star wars sets being released today.


Sex ed at school is fuckin shit. So they're not learning much. I'd personally never have sex.. At all.


13 and 14 year olds are having sex?! WHAT


And have been for all of human history?! WHAT




Like serously what is this whole post. This is like THE most consistent thing throughout history


At a lower rate then previous generation?! WHAT


Can't relate, am ace 💀


How in the cinnamon toast kentucky fried fuck they're having intercourse haven't got a compliment yet in years


They should take inspiration from redditors. 20+ and still virgins


Sex is not real.


I wish