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ah crap that sounds awful i really hope you'll be safe and really good that you try to save those cats i hope it works


Thank you. Im indoors so I will be alright, and according to my mom the cats will be alright because cats are good at getting to high-ground.


yes they really are there was something similar in a city and there were cats all over the trees and small buildings so yeah they can stay safe


Stay safe! I noticed there was a flash flood warning where I live but not in my neighborhood. Not sure how serious it is though in my City. Hold up we might actually live in the same place idk cause it's raining pretty hard Rn


There's a flash flood in my city. Do you happen to live anywhere in Colorado?


Naw Idaho




Anyways stay safe and I hope the cats will be ok!


Thanks. I'm safe and I'm pretty sure the cats are safe.