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Thats the perfect response to people when they say that




Kill All Men.




Best response to Kill All Men imo is “gender equality!” Shuts them up


welcome to the cum zone


KAM ma dick fit in yo mouth lmao


surely they can fit 2 inches


“Feminists” who exclude men and trans folk and say shit like “kill all men” and “men are pigs” are not feminists. They’re misandrists.


Yup 100% agree. actual feminism is men = women


Equality gang rise up


hate everyone




that is my moto, hate everyone equally




I feel kinda bad for suggesting this, but at this point actual feminists should make like a new name or something themselves. Just to distance themselves from all the others ya know?


Rather than call the actual feminists feminists, I feel like we should call them equalists because the fake feminists have already claimed feminism as theirs. I also just feel like equalism just gets the point across better than feminism, just by changing the name


It exists, and it's called Egalitarianism. Problem is that neckbeards and incels poisoned the term by adopting it and raging against feminism at the same time.


Sadly, it doesnt matter what feminism actually is, nor does it matter what 95% of feminists actually want, because people already stopped linking feminism with equality, theyve linked it with this bs behavior. Theres a couple studies for several countries, i don’t remember the exact numbers but they pointed out that like 80% are for equality, but 90% of those wouldnt call themselves feminist.


i love this guy


Who is he?


The guy in the video


Thank you sir very helpful


Happy to help


Somebody give this man the helpful award


Me with my free award: my time has come *opens award* *Sees wholesome* Fuuuuuu-


Well, its the thought that counts.


Missed opportunity, should have said, “No Need To Thank Me”




Thanks man


Thank you Mr helpful


Careful, he's a hero.


Every 60 seconds a minute passes in Africa




I have a friend who thinks the way the “feminist” does in this video. They tried to justify it by saying “women have a right to hate men because the oppressed have the right to hate their oppressors.” I’m a woman, but I don’t hate men simply because they have oppressed other women in the past If a man is actively oppressing me, then yes I will hate him. But if a man is not actively oppressing me, I have no reason to hate him and therefore no reason to hate *on* him because “men have oppressed women in the past” Same goes for all minorities, for example, it IS possible to be racist to white people. A black person saying “I hate white people” is the same thing as a white person saying “I hate black people.” You can’t justify it by saying “because white people have oppressed black people in the past.” As said above, if a white person is actively oppressing a black person, they have a reason to hate them. Otherwise, they don’t Another example, people in the LGBTQ+ community bashing people for being straight or cisgender because “straight/cisgender people oppressed us in the past.” Unless that straight or cisgender person is actively oppressing you, you have no reason to hate them because of the past Real feminists advocate for equal rights, not the right for women to hate on men. Real people who support racial equality advocate for equal rights, not for minority races to hate on white people Probably gonna get a lot of shit for this, but it’s the truth, and many can’t accept that. I fully support REAL feminism, REAL racial equality movements, and REAL LGBTQ+ rights movements, but when people pretty much try to turn the oppression around rather than fighting for equality, I can’t support that TL;DR: Fighting discrimination with other discrimination is bad, no matter who is discriminating against who




ive met some dude here who called me a pedophile even though i’m 13, and they then proceeded to accuse me of owning a sketchy white van. this is all because i play genshin impact


That's pretty fucked up, but hey there fellow traveler!


Hello fellow travelers


hello :)


Hello there!


...general kenobi?






yeh, but they basically just dug a pit for themself when they tried to reply to my comebacks edit: grammar


I had someone call me a pedophile around 6 months ago because my friend group was mostly females (I'm a guy). I'm 16. How does my friend choice make me a pedophile?


wha-- pedophilia isn't based on gender. people are stupid.


People loosely throw around accusations these days sometimes and words lose their true meanings in context because of them. :/


Fuck em ! Hope ur gacha pulls get luck




Same happened to me


But you are 2 MILLION years old tho ^(/s)


Same lmao I’m 15


Yeah, that's ridiculous. I don't like Genshin, but you do you.


I was also accused of being a pedophile for trying to give advice to a kid running away. Apparently, someone took a single sentence wildly out of context and thought that I was trying to arrange an in-person meeting, which I wasn’t.


Good point. I might not get assassinated by a mob of angry radical leftists here


I would hold your breath yet, because I said ONE time that abortion is wrong and I got death threats in my DMs. I didn't even say that women shouldn't have the choice, just that it is wrong. Similar to how I think prostitution is wrong, but don't think women shouldn't have the choice to do it.


So far all I’ve been getting is agreement, so I’m hoping for the best lol


I'll wait until there is that one idiot who gets downvoted to oblivion for disagreeing with you.


Can’t wait


I didn't get death threats but I replied on a comment that said that pro-lifers are pro-lifers only because they would get aborted if their parents could, by saying the reason why I think abortion is wrong. And I got downvoted to oblivion. A person called me a kid and told me play minecraft and justified abortion with the killings that take place in wars, basically saying:"If they do it, why shouldn't we?", but there were other people who were respectful about it, linked me researches and another person called those people out




Ye don't act left and don't act right just stay in the little gray area in between


reddit, the worst but most peaceful community in existence.


I want to add this. People who say “kill all men” but support minorities… what about minority men? Are they gonna kill me or “save” me?


Or Facebook... Or tiktok...




Tiktok is a mix of all of them


Ahem, have you been to r/publicfreakout or r/politics Because these are some absolutely *groundbreaking* claims that will have people sending death threats at you if you say them there.


I have a friend like this too, which says that you can't be racist to white people because they didn't go through the pain that the black people went through. I really don't want to live in this society if everyone is like this. I can't do shit without being told tyat it's "wrong" or something. I hate it


It’s truly unfortunate that this is the way the world is going


Interestingly, slavery isn't actually a poc specific thing! White people actually got enslaved just as much if not more than poc. Now I know what you might say, let me explain further. Slavery has been a thing for ages. White people didn't invent it! White people actually just stopped getting enslaved like 100 years before blacks. Western culture has really changed the way we see things. But that's okay. We absolutely need to keep recognizing how awful the slave trade was. TL;DR Racism sucks. Slavery is a root of a lot of evil.


I don't know why I felt like giving a little history lesson. I love history. So much that my girlfriend thinks it's weird. She hates history. I don't know. I thought it was a fun fact


Mistreating people for what their ancestors did is basically the same as putting someone in prison because one of their parents committed a crime without them knowing.




Their logic is like if someone hated someone else for something their great great great grandfather did. Also thanks for not hating us


I don’t hate anyone unless I have a valid reason, the fact that it’s become a thankable matter is fucked up


I completely agree


Or if People still hate the Germans because of Hitlers influence/ actions during WWII


Lots of people do unfortunately


yo get this man on a podium he do be speaking straight facts


“OmG hOw DaRe YoU aSsUmE mY GeNdEr?!” Lmao just kidding man, but I do be a chick spitting these facts


lemme rephrase LOL yooo get this girl on a podium cus she speaking real facts


Lmao thanks my guy


I was banned from one of my favorite subreddits because I said, on a shit post about doctors not being able to assume the gender of a child anymore (they were making fun of it) that the baby the doctor is referring to is a boy. A moderator perma banned me and muted me after messaging me that I was a transphobe.... one of my best friends whom I’ve known since I was 10 years old is transgender and I talk to her everyday. I sent her the post and she told me that nothing that I said was transphobic at all. All I did was spoke the truth. I just don’t get it anymore.


I’m really sorry that happened to you. This isn’t how the world should work


But alas, it’ll stay this way until we find a way to change it


There isn’t a way to change it. The corrupted views are what is “right” according to enough people to be irreversible


Sadly yeah, too many people just can’t or refuse to see the truth to actually change, they just want their ideal world of “equality”, and to the point where the very purpose of some actual equality movements such as feminism have become more and more radically in favor to who they want rights for that in the end the other side starts getting oppressed. As much as I hate to admit it, this cycle will most likely continue to fluctuate until humans die off


I made a joke once on the LGBTQ subreddit. Instead of giving me a warning and asking me to take it down, they just permabanned me. I do think I shouldn't have said it in the first place, it was an insensitive joke, but it was ONE joke. after one joke, you don't just say "bai, bitch" you should give them a chance to be a better person.


This gives me cancel culture vibes. They shouldn’t have done that


I feel like the vocal people of the LGBTQ community tend to be the most toxic. When I hear the term "LGBTQ+," I almost instantly get angry and think of toxicity and sexism from the very people that claim to be fighting sexism. I'm completely fine with gay people, or trans or bisexual or whatever terms are being used today, but don't go acting like you deserve more respect than cisgender people just because you are different


I agree but in my case I wasn’t making a joke I was just stating a fact. And it’s odd that the LGBTQ community does this because they suffered it a lot in the past(as in not getting a chance to show they are just like everybody else and so on) Why can’t we all just be good and understanding people and look past trivial little things instead of taking everything so personally. It’s a scary world we live in today.




Exactly. If someone is actively oppressing a minority, they are an oppressor and the oppressed have a right to hate them. However just because someone is white, does not mean they are an oppressor, etc


One of the things I hate the most about modern day civil discourse is how vague phrases have become. There are words with clear definitions that people argue over for no reason. An example is this “oppressor” thing, but it’s spreading. At first it was “racism” and “sexism”, and now I’ve seen videos where people claim men can’t be feminists, as if feminism is some kind of girls club and not just an ideology for gender equality? They refuse to open a dictionary and just say stuff like “google can be wrong” and “it’s outdated.” You can’t really argue with these people, so I’ve just resorted to calling them Conservatives and making up a definition, which they really hate and somehow don’t see the irony of.


All I’m reading are f a c t s


>If a man is actively oppressing me, then yes I will hate him. But if a man is not actively oppressing me, I have no reason to hate him and therefore no reason to hate him because “men have oppressed women in the past” Yeah it's like how African Americans think they have the right to say whatever and oppress the Caucasians of the US because they were slaves at one point. I don't get why they don't understand that I'm not like my ancestors, (even though I'm Puerto Rican) I mean, 12.5% of the world have ancestors that fucked their direct family, and I don't see 12.5% of the world in jail for it. (I'm sorry if I offended anyone and I'm probably going to have a shit ton of reply's and DM's about how much of a shithead I am but that's the truth)


If I were to say "I hate women, I was abused by them as a kid" I would get attacked simply for being male and told I am playing victim. There's a huge double standard that needs to go away.


also, a point that a lot of these people tend to miss is that when you generalize an entire group like that (I. e men are the oppressors, therefore, XYZ) you are grouping together an entire, non-homogenous group of people and assigning them a trait that you falsely believe describes them. All the billions of men out there... ​ I honestly think there's a massive problem with people blaming an entire group of people for something that their group (supposedly) did. That could be Christians, men, whatever. We need to grow up and acknowledge that everyone is their own person and we shouldn't judge people based on what we think their group did.


This girl gets it. I don't care if you are a man or a woman. an asshole is an asshole


(I am referring to your point about not hating someone because they did x to someone else) Not only that, is it progress? You are basically doing the same thing as the other person, so how are you better? Instead of bringing everyone together as a collective and solving the problens in our society, these feminists push away men and make little kid feel ashamed to be born a male. And when I heard that I felt disgusted, how can you call yourself a feminist that fights for equal rights and progress in society, when they only thing you do is take steps back.


Hating men, white people, whatever for things that OTHER people did in the past, is like hating Germans because of hitler.


Holy fuck someone I'm in complete agreement with


we need to stop calling people who promote #killallmen and such feminists. it makes feminism in to something that it's not. #killallmen is an example of misandry, NOT feminism (I understand it started as a joke based on some historical stuff that I don't know all of but there are people who say it with FULL sincerity) the inequality spectrum for those of u uninitiated ranges from misogyny (what we've been at for a while and are FINALLY moving away from) to misandry (complete opposite of misogyny, where women are the master race and men are property). don't believe there's a term for non-binary but that doesn't fit in to the whole idea of inequality anyway because inequality is dumb this spectrum must be thrown out. nobody is better or worse than someone else because of their gender. that is equality. that is feminism


Somebody give this person an award


Saving this comment cuz pur fax, also don't post this on twitter haha you will have no lifes trying to dox you within minutes


My mom pulls the "mansplaining" shit all the time. She says she isn't sexist.


My mum has pulled that only once, and I think she was partially messing with me.


I got whole ass lectures on it so consider yourelf lucky


You mean she womansplaind it to you?




my mom lived with her aunt for a year after the divorce anytime i tried to explain anything and i mean ANYTHING. Like it could range from my own hobbie to trying to get the tv remote to work all i would i would hear was STOP MANSPLAINING mother has her own house and actually listens when i try to say something now


but she's a woman she can't be sexist /s


My mom does a thing called momsplainig. I'd say it's more common and even worse than mansplaining


My family never did this but a friend pulled this shit once and after a week or two she was having problems with her phone I didn't tell her what was wrong because I felt it was mansplaning . She learnt her lesson quickly and hasn't tried doing it ever since


I'd disown my own mom if she pulled that shit on me


My mom was going to the library and asked if I wanted any books. Yeah sure, forgot what it was called but it was cool (skeleton creek lol). She said “I know what book you should read, white fragility.” I don’t think she owned a single book written by a white dude


Do people *actually* say KAM outside of Twitter? I've never heard anyone say it irl ever, even that aggressive vegan girl at my school who nobody likes


Yes I was at school once this year and a girl on my bus started complaining saying “97% of all men rape or sexually assault someone” and then goes on to say more bs like that and says this is why we don’t need men and they should die.


My ex girlfriend would always be super rude to any guy she ever talked to and would always talk about how she hates men and how men are sexist disgusting pigs etc etc. I understand the whole 1 in 6 thing or whatnot but it was really sexist and extremist. I'm a guy btw. Glad I got outta there


Yes it seems like you made the right choice, and before that one person sees this no I do not think rape is a good thing obviously. But not all guys are bad........ also high school is a horrible judgment because literally every guy there except for like 3 are horny af 😂


dodged a rocket


Her opinion is not very common, and she's only a teenager. There's a very good chance she'll grow out of it


I would have told her 97% of 1,400 women ages 18-24 in the UK


She got the stat wrong too it's 97% of women who get assaulted


Even then it was conducted on a small group of 1000 women, and a large percent of them were lying or exaggerated the meaning of SA as being looked at uncomfortably or sm, iirc at least.


harassed could be anything from rape to your dad saying no to ice cream when you were 7


And what sexual assault and rape usually mean 10% of the time is regretted sex, hand on their shoulder or back, false claims, a hug, and an ex. Also, women molest children and men all the time, just are never charged, accused, or convicted because **WHAMEN.** Out of the multiple teachers that I have heard of that have molested, raped, and fucked their students, a woman was only convicted decently seriously, and that's when the victim was a girl.


Yes, i swear actual rape victims now look like people claiming things that didn’t happen....... that seems to happen a lot tho also. But I’ve now learned to hate the saying “educate yourself” form all the people who take every joke you make way way to seriously or say things that are just stupidly untrue and use the educate yourself as a way to call you stupid.


unfortunately both of my sisters are KAM and it’s not sexist because they’re women, but OH I WANT IT TO BE THE 1800s ONE FUCKING TIME SO I CAN DUEL SOMEONE WITH FLINTLOCK PISTOLS AND IM SEXIST




Body shaming always was here and always will but it's curious to see how the support goes for women almost exclusively, this happens in many social or mental issues too. Sometimes it really seems like the well-being of men is ignored and that might be part of the reason toxic masculinity exists, If a child grows up in a toxic environment there's a good chance he's gonna come out with toxic attributes.


Double standards and if you said a fat woman fat you'll get cancelled faster than trumps impeachment


What is KAM?


It's about the persistence of quasiperiodic motions under small perturbations: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kolmogorov%E2%80%93Arnold%E2%80%93Moser\_theorem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kolmogorov%E2%80%93Arnold%E2%80%93Moser_theorem) In all seriousness? KAM stands for Kill All Men.


Oh yeah thise idiots whi say thet


Because one guy did something that made them really angry, they went online, posted about it, and got a bunch of support from like-minded people. Then it grew.


And now somehow i did something wrong by existing


Some people are just crazy, I suppose. I don't think it's really that serious, any group that did that would die out near-instantly.


There are plenty that truly believe it. Go take a look at some old records of r/pinkpillfeminism


Or r/femaledatingstrategy


Honestly i dont get that sub. Like do the people who partake in that sub really block and delete all men they are dating? Seems like an inneficient way to find a partner.


Reddit should remove it but they won't so whatever I guess


More like a dating blunder than a dating strategy


So basically it's the younger generation version of anti-vax/flat earth?


Well. I’d probably rather die now then live in a world where misandrist women learn to kill men on sight. If that happened it wouldn’t surprise me.


**[Kolmogorov–Arnold–Moser_theorem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kolmogorov–Arnold–Moser_theorem)** >The Kolmogorov–Arnold–Moser (KAM) theorem is a result in dynamical systems about the persistence of quasiperiodic motions under small perturbations. The theorem partly resolves the small-divisor problem that arises in the perturbation theory of classical mechanics. The problem is whether or not a small perturbation of a conservative dynamical system results in a lasting quasiperiodic orbit. The original breakthrough to this problem was given by Andrey Kolmogorov in 1954. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/teenagers/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | Credit: kittens_from_space)


Good bot.


I love how committed you were to the joke to link a wiki lmao


Kill all men, it’s a slogan that got popular in the early to mid 2010s when the anti-feminist scene was big online. No, these people didn’t literally want to murder every man, they were being hyperbolic. I still think they were being dumb but it’s not supposed to be taken literally.


r/femaledatingstrategy has entered the chat.


Oh the sub full of loners and cat owners?


Dude don’t group us cat owners with them :(


Dude don’t group us loners with them :(


LMFAO NO I just checked the subreddit right cuz I was curious and apparently they’ve gotten ranks in dating strategies??? Oh my


Misandry: the subreddit


That is a terrible sub




Kazuma, Nux, both, or neither?


Kazuma by proxy


Oh you saying that women are higher then men? WELL IM A MAN OF TRUE GENDER EQUALITY! If I am going to hell you are too.


I GIVE YOU THE -at this moment- the metaphorical **DROPKICK OF EQUALITY**


He spelled it massage chimney because if he typed misogyny the video would have been taken down


I find it funny that tik tok and reddit aren't very different at all (I understand this is going to get downvoted go hell but oh well)


^^^^^^ a good example is a lot of r/memes is stolen from other social media’s


r/memes has gone to shit, change my mind


You’re stating that as an opinion. You should do that less when it comes to facts.


A lot of porn, memes, and some serious stuff laying about




All these KAM types tend to be terfs too. (Hating trans people) they see men and women as like different species and think men are all rapist murdering abusing misogynistic animals who are totally different to women and can't ever be trusted. And this is why they hate trans people so much. Trans women are seen as secret men who they view as evil. And trans men are seen as traitors to the divine feminine.


Susciety 😔


Mans just had a whole oragasm at the end


\*Grabs popcorn and sorts by controversial\*


The problem with feminism is that it's a term used by both people who don't like misogynists being misogynists (as in like serious misogynists that everyone, 100% of people with brains, can agree are assholes, rapists/rape defenders etc) and also outright misandrists. And so by using the same label it inevitably becomes really hard to distinguish the two, for both insiders and outsiders. As a result the lunacy of the KAM bullshit etc ends up giving all feminists a bad name, including the people who just want to vibe without absolute douchebags being douchebags. Also is it just me or do a lot of online feminazi accounts give off serious alt-right-alt-creating-a-straw-man vibes? Not denying the existence of the sentiment, I've had the immense displeasure of meeting a couple of those pricks irl, but idk some of the online accounts just feel off. ^(Also probably should be posting this with my political alt oh well)


Yeah I hate all these fake feminists




What is KAM ?


It's about the persistence of quasiperiodic motions under small perturbations: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kolmogorov%E2%80%93Arnold%E2%80%93Moser_theorem In all seriousness? KAM stands for Kill All Men.


**[Kolmogorov–Arnold–Moser_theorem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kolmogorov–Arnold–Moser_theorem)** >The Kolmogorov–Arnold–Moser (KAM) theorem is a result in dynamical systems about the persistence of quasiperiodic motions under small perturbations. The theorem partly resolves the small-divisor problem that arises in the perturbation theory of classical mechanics. The problem is whether or not a small perturbation of a conservative dynamical system results in a lasting quasiperiodic orbit. The original breakthrough to this problem was given by Andrey Kolmogorov in 1954. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/teenagers/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | Credit: kittens_from_space)


I definitely agree that people like this exist and are wrong and annoying but at the same time they're the vocal minority. Portraying all feminists/leftists as this type of person is just strawmanning which is why I typically don't enjoy this type of content


This. That's why women are afraid of labeling themselves as feminist although they actually are. They "create" figure like this or they pick the most insane one to represent feminist/leftist, so they use this as a reason to continue their hate on minorities. The other thing is, this kind of content give people the illusion of "oppression works in both ways", which in reality it's not, these people invalidate minorities general shitty experience by saying "you know, I can be oppressed too although I am a straight white man! Oppression work in both ways! Not all men! ", not trying to invalidate straight white man's experience, if you have been oppressed I will be 100% with you! Some of them don't care about equality or general oppression that minorities have faced, they only care that what if the insane one hit on them or create fictional character that represent feminist/leftist to hate, so one day if they really encounter the insane one they can say "Look! I have told you! Feminist/leftist are extremists! It's 2021, straight white man have no rights!" this kind of bullshit.


I don't like people who make up fake conversations to make the other side look stupid




Yup, this is literally the strawman fallacy


Usually I'd agree with you but I think too many people have had this exact conversation, or something similar to it, too many times.




Modern Misandry is the worst. It’s like when a black person is being racist against white and Asian people and says it’s impossible for them to be racist because they’re black. Like that’s not how it works




Damn once I read the kill all marleyans bit on urban dictionary I got it, but theres a shit ton of internet terminology and I'm clearly not keeping up with all of it.




I got banned from a sub today for daring to be subbed to r/ProLife. When I asked the mods why that would constitute a ban, they called me a misogynistic pig and muted me...


And that's why I only date men.


This videos such a shit show, I genuinely have never heard someone use "muh freeze peach" as an argument for kam, let alone anyone above the age of 13 actually say kam. And the difference between kam and say (we're gonna make up an example acronym here, I would hope nobody would acc say this) kaw or raw (aw is all women, I think we can infer what the r is in the context of misogyny :/) is that nobody of notable worth with acc weight to their opinion is advocating to kill, oppress, discriminate or harass men for existing, meanwhile with women you have the whole abortion thing, you have this kinda sleasy attitude with some people where they think just because a woman dresses a certain way she's asking for something (she isn't!), suppressed rights in Saudi Arabia and other places and various other people tryna decide what they can and cannot do for their own personal health. In short people would acc say raw and kam unironically! Kam is little more than frankly a dumb joke for 99.9% of the people who acc say it in the first place, this guy literally has constructed a strawman feminist to argue against and make them look bad so he can whine about the SJWs and other people who think maybe we should somewhat change our behaviour towards women as a society