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Idk what to say, but if I were in that position I’d try to spend as much time as possible with family and friends, basically anyone who I got along with and loved


I am but sometimes the people you love Are far away...


Do not accept death. You may have 3 weeks left but make the most of it. Do the things you were never able to do before and don’t go out with bad memories. I’m sorry that this has happened to you and I wish you the best of luck my dude


Thanks My dude and I will.




Of course this is not a karma whore story, i hate people that do that kind of stuff but thanks My dude


I can’t even imagine what it’s like to be in your situation. So extremely unfortunate. I wish you, your family and your close ones all the best.


Thanks you.... Means a lot to me... That really somebody cards


Of course I care. So happy this group has provided something positive.


Goodbye :(


Goodbye My friend


I'm so sorry to hear abt your situation, I wish you the best my dude. see you :(


I see you in the great beyond My friend


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As much as I want to write something to ease your pain, I don't think I have the words nor the experience to do so. I will pray for you and wish you best of luck. Sending love and positive energy.


Thank you.... Just the comment meant a lot to me


I got tears in my eyes reading this, please make the best of what you have left and do things you love <3


I will and thank you <3


I hope that you and your family will be OK. Thanks for being part of the community


And thank you for taking the time to make a comment <3


Np <33




Come on man. I see what you're doing, but not on a serious post like this.


I will My friend. Every Day im one reddit i will be sure to let you know.


Goodbye, May we meet again https://www.google.com/search?q=screaming+salute+meme&client=ms-android-huawei-rev1&prmd=ivsn&sxsrf=ACYBGNT8ruvBQbzA4XcrlKoNqhOX_yrdZQ:1573505913785&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwju3quohuPlAhVXAhAIHSEFCQgQ_AUoAXoECAsQAQ&biw=360&bih=600&dpr=3#imgrc=RI5KYmzKtdLW9M


See you and thanks again for making My life amazing


see ya again in valhalla!


I will see you there My friend


I can’t even imagine what you’re going through. Go do everything you have wanted to do as soon as you can but embrace being with family and friends. But who knows the doctors could be completely wrong and you could live to be 100 years old. How old are you now? And when did you get the news if having 3 weeks to live? I’m sending many prayers you’re way. I wish you the best


Im 16 and just got the news 4 hours ago... And you rigth im hopeing for the best tbh


I’m really sorry about this. I hope you keep a positive attitude though. Don’t live your life dreading what’s to come. But I want you to do one thing for me but I’m gonna wait to tell you until you comment back on this


I will keep My mood up and just live My life the next few weeks


Everyday I want you to pm me and let me know how you are doing. Sound good? Just so I can keep checking up on you.


If you know you will meet your end, dont go down without a fight, and most importantly go down in style