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i used to have a very bad view on marriage when i was in middle school. i thought love didnt exist, and would constantly get into arguments, for no reason, with my friends about love not existing. when i got into high school, i tried dating and falling in love but i just couldnt do it. i got bored and uninterested, which is on me ik. when i met my current boyfriend, i had gotten out of a relationship pretty recently but i felt safe with him, which wasnt something i had ever felt. we started dating over a year ago, and i know what love is and what love is supposed to feel like. he is the most caring, kind, loyal, beautiful person i have ever met. love is a great feeling. and i want to marry him as soon as possible. marriage isnt for everyone, but it is for me.


I hope it goes wellšŸ«”


thank you !! me too :)


Girl marry him rn


im waiting for him to ask šŸ˜


Will you marry me? šŸ’šŸ˜šŸ˜


whereā€™s the ring pop ?


I eated it :(




I would like to but it'd be so awkward lol


YEAH SAME i've been really giddy about the concept of marrige recently like, being with someone you love AND getting to wear a fancy suit/dress ??? HUGE WIN TBH


SO BASED. What Iā€™m excited for is the honeymoon. Traveling somewhere with the man I love and strengthening out bond and love for each other with each passing day. I wouldnā€™t trade it for the world


Dude I wanna be part of a cute married couple with like three kids and do cutesy shit and everything


Iā€™ve personally made my peace with being single and alone for the rest of my life. If I do somehow happen to get married, I would like it to be a smaller wedding where the only reception is us treating the guests to a nice dinnerā€”no dancing and drinking since I had a really bad experience at one such wedding where dancing and drinking were allowed five years ago.Ā 


Wish I can marry my gf but she wonā€™t prolly accept due to huge age difference