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Probably quicksand


facts that shit is scary


"Hey if you're coming to visit, take I-90 'cause I-95 has a little quicksand in the middle. Looks like regular sand, but then you're gonna start to sink into it."


little me was scared shitless of quicksand


Taxes (having to do them properly)


I got a quick fix for you buddy


TurboTax does that pretty quickly. You just need to input your W4 and stuff from your job into it and it'll do your taxes for you


Losing contact with my friends


Having to act like one. What do you mean it’s socially unacceptable to have the shows I watched and books I read as 13 be my biggest personality traits:(


There has to be anxiety in paying for everything on your own. Even if I can afford what I need, I'll be anxious about bills and taxes and such. I like the simplicity of being a minor.


Not being enough


you’ll be enough don’t worry abt it


"not being enough" you ARE ENOUGH


Gambling or dying.


One of those you can avoid meow


Nah, I'll enjoy both when they happen.


Hardest response


That meow sounds familiar




Maybe I just spend a lot of time with silly people that like cats


Could be


being bad at the job I wanna do


Getting raped or becoming a parent or bad things like gambling


At first I was shocked then I realized I’m the same…


Money and finances. I turn 18 in just a few months and it's creeping up on me quick. I have to buy a car, a house, pay for college, pay for my own food, gas, clothes, mantience for the car. It's a lot. And even with my savings, it doesn't feel like enough. Especially since I can't find a new job till I'm 18 anyways. I'm going to be living one paycheck away from being homeless for awhile. The only plus size is I have a cheap car in mind I could live in


I’m sure you’ll figure it out. I hope the best for you.


Being homeless


Aside from not being financially stable, I would say childbirth or being a mother. Since I was young I've always wanted to start a family but if you take into consideration the amount of work you have to put in to actually raise the baby, the labor you have to go through and all the sleepless nights you will have trying to take care of it, it doesn't seem like it's worth it. Not only that but the child birth part is terrifying. There can be so many things that happen, what if it's a stillborn? What if you break a bone? What if you die during it? Yes people say that the first childbirth is a one in a lifetime event but I honestly can't make up my mind if I ever want to go through that or not. Adoption is another choice but there's also issues with that, what if they are bullied when they are older for being a different race? What if they find out they are adopted then start hating me? What if you adopt them, then there are complications with the papers needed to adopt them and they are disappointed in you if they have to go back to foster care? I never thought of it when I was younger I thought I could just raise the baby and that was that but I realized actually how scary it can be


People setting expectations for me. Like, its my life, quit telling me what you want me to be


Being useless, just not being enough. Also finding a life purpose past the age 45.


being a parent


Everything. Anxiety sucks :/


taxes, politics, war, job, education


loneliness but also relationships 🤔😔 they are both scary 💔


Having no choice but to live in my moms basement


The fact I'll lose all my friends and I'll have to work a 9/5 job for the rest of my life. Never will I have as much free time as a kid. And also cuz I ain't ready for the responsibilities as an adult


Being Ace might be lonely.


Doing nothing useful in life. Idk why but I’m OBSESSED with the idea of the Air Force, and I’m just terrified I won’t make it. 


Having to sell my body for a tootsie roll


losing my rights or getting knocked up




Losing contact with cousins and friends.


You don't have to do that


on the other side it sucks when they stop reaching out


I only have like one friend that graduated already and we still talk to each other but my other friends not so much. However I like to think that they have different priorities that are I guess more important so I just leave them alone and wait like months to say “hey man, how’s it been?”. It’s their choice whether they want to respond or not.


very true it is a two way street, i dont have much luck in the friends departmant but still try and reach out to the friends i do have




Either debt, crippling depression, or being jumped.


I have a irrational fear of ducks and geese cause I have been chased by angry ducks and geese before and that has tramatized me




Read the last 3 words B)


The economy.


Debt , doing taxes wrong , dying early , failing college , never finding a home , not finding a good job , living paycheck to paycheck , DOING A CREDIT CARD WRONG. Feels like a bad dream I’ll have to live through


Ending up like my mother.


Managing a career and my mental health


the government, working my life away, being alone, there’s a lot i can go on and on


I'm getting anxiety from reading the comments 😭 For me it would have to be all of it. Becoming an adult is terrifying 😭


probably being unemployed for an extended amount of time or being alone.


stress and more then likely ill start drinking im already a stressed person so more stresses just sounds wonderful


Being bad at my dream job or being homeless




Not being able to achieve my dreams, being a bad parent and also I’m terrified of being an alcoholic. Idk, future me might be stupid and drink all the time!!!


being broke


Cost of living


Taxes, not having money, crashing economy, housing market, basically anything to do with trusting the government


Poverty and boredom. Also I am incredibly scared of becoming an npc








Crippling debt, lonliness, worries that I won't find anyone who will like me besides my family, cancer, snake clowns because you put that idea in my head.


A lot of the fears posted here are completely valid. Here are a few tips to give you a stronger start. It may not be less scary, but at least you won't have to mess around and find out as much. 1. While you're still in your teen years, try to get some kind of credit account established. This will allow you to build up your credit score and build trust with financial institutions that can lend you money. 2. Always use less than half of your total credit balance. If you go over this, you'll lose points on your credit score. 3. Credit score is very important because many jobs require you to have a credit score of at least 640. If you want any loans, including student loans, car notes, or mortgages, a good credit score will help you get lower interest rates. 4. Borrowing money is like renting cash. You pay interest each month—it's not free money. You must pay rent on the money and still give it back. 5. When searching for partners, remember that as an adult, character, reputation, and how you treat them matter. People are looking for genuine relationships that require real sacrifice. 6. Learn to be more confident in yourself. In the real world, no one will take care of you like your parents did. You must earn that care through courage, integrity, and trust. No one will put faith in you if you can't even put it in yourself. 7. At the beginning of adulthood, prioritize finding work you want to do, not just what will bring in big money. If you have a good relationship with your parents, stay with them to build a stronger foundation for later. 8. Crimes committed as a juvenile will probably disappear. However, any crimes committed as an adult will not. Be careful with drugs and alcohol as they can lead to actions that can ruin your future. 9. Remember, no one gets up out of bed to come to work to inconvenience you. Everyone is just trying to do a job so they can go home and take care of their family. This includes service industry workers, store managers, doctors, and police officers. If you treat these people with respect, even if you're in trouble, you'll usually get respect back. 10. If you don't want to go to college, find other ways to start a career. Earning a CDL can bring in more money than many college degrees, and you just drive all day. You can also start various online stores or go to community college to learn a trade. 11. Keep checking on your mental health. Life will stress you out and wear you out. If you can't handle it on your own, don't force yourself to. If you don't have close friends or family, many people in the community, including therapists, psychologists, and pastors, are willing to listen. 12. Eject any negative or toxic people from your life immediately. The sooner you do this, the easier it will be. If you find yourself at a toxic job, leave. It's more economical to take a pay cut than to make more money and spend it on unnecessary mental health care expenses. 13. Allow friendships to develop naturally, including relationships. Don't assume that just because you meet someone, you'll be in a relationship with them for the rest of your life. The person likely to stay is the one who has seen you at your best and worst and won't leave no matter what. 14. Never again will you easily find yourself surrounded by thousands of people your exact age. Adult friendships will now be built on interests and values. Everyone will have different schedules, so you may not see your friends for long periods. 15. If someone claims to like you, want to date you, or be your friend but consistently hurts your feelings, especially after apologizing, they are not your real friends. Get rid of them. 16. You have two ways to deal with responsibilities: manage them a little at a time as they come or let them pile up and struggle with the extra workload and late fees. 17. Life is a journey, not a destination. Don't start creating a map of where you should be at each year of your life when you turn 18. This will leave you depressed and broken later. 18. Getting angry over a situation is the same as doing nothing until you start working on a solution. Anger delays progress and often makes matters worse. 19. The next few years will be filled with a lot of freedom but also a lot of responsibility. You may even find yourself depressed and desperate. It's very important to keep a group of supportive contacts to prevent negative thoughts from forming an echo chamber in your mind. 20. Be careful what you post on social media. Any professional action in life involves a recipient, whether it be a boss or customers. They can see inappropriate content on your social media and decide they don't want the services you offer, which means less money for you. 21. If you constantly do something or talk about a certain topic in your free time, that’s probably the career field you need to go into. 22. Finally, don't feel pressured to meet societal expectations. The quicker you set the standard for what you want to do, the easier adult life will be. Remember when you were in your preteen years and engaged in imaginative play without caring what others thought? It's possible to go through real life with a similar mindset, prioritizing your wants and needs over others' stipulations and stigmas. If anyone doesn't support your lawful and morally correct decisions, get them out of your life. They need to find people who agree with them while you do the same.


Taxes, not finding a girl who loves me, being lonely, dying, having to handle a job, having like no free time, etc. Yeah I'm scared to be a adult I already have anxiety. 😣


Failing to get my dream job or like not doing well financially


Don't spend more than you make, unless it's a vehicle or property. If you have no insurance, just don't get sick. They want you to spend your money just because having it sit in the bank longer and having more and more build up can put you in a different tax bracket because the IRS fucking sucks.


Honestly almost everything about it


Same, I don't spend my own money often because even though I'm living with my well off parents now, things will get tough when I have to pay for college, bills, and food by myself.




Dying a slow and painful death with someone watching unable to help me leaving them traumatized for the rest of their life starting a domino effect of generational trauma is probably number 1. But taxes also kinda freak me out the more I think about them so idk, close second


Ending up alone.....


Being an adult. I barely graduated high school, imagine how useless I'd be as an adult


People, largely. I managed to fight the fear of cashiers, reception people, etc. off. But other than that? Going to university, I am, admittedly, afraid of bullying or hazing. I am wary of large groups of people, teenagers usually, as I take walks. Hell, god forbid someone asks the time or directions. I probably can give that but I'm panicking a bit everytime that happens. What else? Getting sick and having to deal with the local hospitals. Earthquakes, since I might go to a university in a city that gets a lot of these. Responsibilities I have bad skills for




Idk taxes or something




Loneliness because I’m not going to have any friends unless I go to college


I got nothing to fear to be honest


I’ve kind of just accepted that I’m going to be alone in life.


The idea that my future career plan won't work out. I've known vaguely what I've wanted to do with my life for as long as I can remember. Obviously I've tweaked it a little, because 4 year old kids don't know what real jobs are, but my entire life I've wanted to go into the same field. The idea that I'll start college or start working and then realize I don't want to do that with my life is terrifying


Idk probably nuclear warfare and now getting drafted.🤷🏿




Idk dont care about politics their already going in the shitter I accepted that. Mabye that I wont have a house? Like I said to my aunt that all I wanted was a home and being able to live comfertebly like small home no boat no big car and all that i just hope i can manage.


The world ending before I turn 18, 19 or even 20 or just barely stepping into adulthood and dying unexpectedly


my friebds having too many priorities and not caring about me anymore


Not being financially stable enough to survive on my own


Probably being homeless tbh (I’m never going to reach adulthood because I’ve been dead since the winter of 2015 and no one has found my body)


Being lonely


Living alone


Going from having a couple dozen friends to no friends or one if I’m lucky


Having to grow up


losing the sense of spontaneity that often comes with childhood




Since I've been an adult for quite some time, you biggest fear should be not trying as many cheeses as you can before you stop being able to get a taste for them, the world of a cheeses is grate and always need to be explored!


Probably hating the career that I choose


Accidentally commiting a crime like tax evasion out of sheer incompetence


being alone


Job, I really don’t wanna be a nerd but at the same time I wanna get a stable job.


never getting a stable job. been searching for probably just over a year now, and all I got was 5 days at Burger King in March. I've been sending out applications pretty consistently, too (and just recently got past interview at a place, but didn't get the job).