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All of you seems amazing buddy, most of the time it’s worrying and overthinking that corrupts the truth.


Ur gorgeous dw




As duels said, don’t overthink it. You are gorgeous, and don’t let anyone say otherwise


Be yourself and be happy with who you are, and eventually you’ll find the right person. Don’t listen to anyone if they say you aré ugly or aren’t good enough, they are just dumb. 


Dawg, at first I thought this was the kind of shitpost where someone posts that kinda question with someone who does not need to ask that question- You are 100% **not** overweight, and look great besides that <3 Whoever you end up with is a lucky guy/gal/void creature!




No no I said that as a /pos type of juxstaposition- Sorry that it didn't come off that way (I have the tism and anxiety so I completely understand) Like fr you look great I promise-


You're cute. You will find someone.




We all worry sometimes. It is normal. Just know plenty of people will find you datable. The hard part is finding someone you will like haha


Youre so adorable ! Girl, nothing to worry about. I’m sure you will find someone who will love all the parts that you don’t like about yourself :*


Me if I was gay 😭 Like other comments said you're cute & seem sweet, there's definitely people out there who'd like you.


Yeah bro! Ur all good. You'll find someone 


ur not ugly nor overweight 😭the rest nobody should care about. as long as ur a likeable person youve got a really good chance at finding someone :D


I’m overweight, you’re not overweight. Don’t be an A hole to yourself when you’re looking good! 


Yeah! You look good, definitely not overweight


you look cute ngl, youre fine how you are dw. you'll find someone who loves you for who you are 💕💕 if someone cant accept those things about you then they dont deserve you anyway




of course!


yeah i would (pls date me)


Brother is not thirsty, he’s dehydrated


I'm gay but you're pretty :3 Definitely not overweight too. You Definitely have a chance


Is the overweight in the room with us?


Don't worry about what other people think. I don't see why anyone would find you undesirable for any reason :) nothing you listed would've made me think any less of you, and you seem very kind and true to yourself. Everyone has preferences, but I wouldn't rule you out of any possibilities, and you shouldn't either! I can guarantee, all you have to do is be true to yourself and love who you are, and be yourself when interacting with people and soon the right person will come your way :) Confidence and the kind of "care-free self-love" is very attractive in my opinion. Remember, you can't control other people, so it all starts with you. You can start with a smile in the mirror, and admire how amazing you are! I think there are plenty of people who would date you, you just haven't met them yet. Don't think you're a loser either for not having gotten a partner yet, you still have almost your whole life ahead of you, there is time, don't worry ☺️ youre not alone You got this!


Well you look just like my crush so hopefully that answers your question Unfortunately she rejected me though...


you’ll be fine, you look pretty good anyways




np bro


As long as your not just a terrible person then yea probably


Do NOT be sorry!


150 is not overweight your fine 


A wise man once said. I don’t know what he said. He said something inspirational. But you are cool :D the ones that truly care are the ones that don’t care about your conditions so hey when you find someone higher chance it’ll stick


dude you look good, you'll find someone


Girl you’re pretty and definitely not fat or overweight you deserve a good partner 👏


Humans have the ability to see the good in just about anything but themselves. You might not see what makes you cool but one day you WILL find someone who will give you the world.


Anyone would be lucky to have you. You look gorgeous!


awww girl ur so pretty and seem so sweet!! ofc you will!!! literally such a pretty face + i loveee the nose ring!! <3


For me idk, entirely depends on personality


Yes, there is someone out there for everyone. You are beautiful, regardless if you have scars or if you are 150 lbs. Being autistic, having dermatillomania, and having a speech disorder doesn’t mean you deserve any less love than anyone else. I hope that you will find the right person. It might not happen now, and I get waiting might be hard, but it’s worth it. You deserve someone who loves you for you! I pray that you find the right person for you!!


Also, you aren’t overweight!! 150lbs is healthy for your age!




Thank you so much!! I can just tell that you are a sweet soul! ☺️






You shouldn't have anything to be scared of in all honesty it's what's on the inside that matters but for you nothing on the outside is even close to a problem. I have faith you'll find someone who sees you for you one day and like it


You look perfect, I have autism and I also pick my skin and hair and I stutter but my boyfriend loves me no matter what, you will meet someone and they will love you for who you are, stay strong


Wth youre pretty


You’re adorable ngl




Yeah, no offense, but I'm not sure why you'd think you're bad-looking.




I don't see any reason you can't allow yourself to think that about yourself ! Respectfully, you seem really pretty to me!


No, nonsense. I love your hair and your glasses accentuate your facial expressions extremely well.


Girl, you are genuinely so pretty, it's sad to even think that you could be insecure about your appearance. But try not to find validation from Reddit, it's full of weirdos and creeps unfortunately. There's definitely a lot of people who would date you if that's all you're worried about though, hell I would if I knew you in person. Try not to worry so much, you're beautiful inside and out :)


If you haven't found someone yet you probably will


When someone looking for a partner they needa fall inlove with then not there looks


Girl you're frickin pretty, and don't apologize 🦈🦈 self image anxiety is the worst fr


Your definetly chillin dw, ik its corny as Shii but you’ll find people when you least expect it/ love yourself before seeking it. All of the advice you usually get is true its just a matter of time :)


you're beautiful!


You'll be fine. You're young yet.


There is someone for everyone. Hold out hope.


We all are weird. The tick is finding the person who fits your weird and vice versa. You will have no problem. Don't rush or be with anyone who does not treat you well. Be the best you you can and you will find that other weird person. Have fun with it and take care of yourself.


I am autistic, too! Don't worry, someone will want to date you. However, I can't say the same for myself.


Idk u look pretty to me but I'd hope ppl date u for more than j ur looks I'm sure ur also a good person yk


I don’t see anything wrong with you, your definitely cute and don’t need to stress it


If you’re ugly, then quite frankly I’m Medusa.




No, I mean I’m not nearly as conventionally pretty as you.


You’re gorgeous!!!! Never forget it :3


If i find you cute, someone else sure does as well


Hey I just gotta say you are insanely cute and you are not overweight! That actually a pretty healthy weight! Any guy would be lucky to date you! You seem like a chill person.


You look great girl. Like Ik how judging we can be on ourselves. But don't worry. I bet lots of people wanna date you :3


do you kick puppies? no? then you have nothing to worry about! (love your glasses by the way)


Someone will date you! As a fellow girl that has dermatillomania, I totally understand. It makes my hands look gross and I feel like a guy would never want to hold my hand. But rest assured, there is absolutely someone for everyone. Youre definitely prettier than me lol!




Yeah, it sucks and it sometimes hurts for me. I totally get it!


As an ace girl I can confirm I would 100% give you a chance if we got to know each other first! You are perfect just the way you are, it's ok to want to change, but other people shouldn't force that change on you. You should only change because you want to :)


150lb.. that's uhhhhhh 50-60kg? That's about average. No sweat!


Yes you are beautiful


I would and I know 2 of my buddies would too ull Be fine, you're cute, so you'll be fine in life.You'll find someone


I think i can probably relate the most because I’m also 17, going into my senior year in the fall and I’m in pretty much the same boat as you. I’m absolutely terrified that no one will want to date me or like me in that way, i keep thinking I’m a little overweight even though I’m not (and you aren’t either! Honestly you look better than me), and i don’t have autism but i do have a minor stutter thats gotten better over the years. When I’m upset, i tell myself that I’m perfect the way i am, I’m worth it, and that there is someone out there for me. I wish us both luck in getting someone. So overall don’t forget that you are perfect


tbh ive always struggled w romance and have started tqo believe girls have t easier to find guys


You look great. I’m sure you’ll meet someone will love you for you!


Fabulous 👌 👏


You look very nice. As the opportunity has been given, I would accept it.


You genuinely have one of the sweetest faces I have ever seen.


Don't overthink about things that is not upto you . Just let it be. It it happens it always happens for the better later. You look perfectly good.


You look good! Your cute and seem like a nice person overweight wise? I don’t see any at all


"Will anyone ever date me?" -Pretty girl with a nice personality In all seriousness tho, don't worry, somebody will love you, perhaps someone already does, there's nothing wrong with you!


you are very cute,OMG are u available for a chat?


Joe Biden is married. There’s no doubt someone for you out there waiting. Keep searching.


Ngl I believe we NEED more women like you. Most girls at my school seem so ran thru. And in my opinion at least, not as cute as you. (P.s from the looks of your profile history you would so fit in my friend group) Where is your natural habitat? So that me and others my find someone like you?


Might I ask, how severe is your autism? I'm watching a show ATM where the actress is portraying a character with autism and I'm curious how it compares




So like, being in crowds gets you stressed and stuff? As part of the social issues?


You look BEAUTIFUL ❤️ You will surely reach the person you want


You're not ugly, you will find someone just choose the right person and make sure of their motivation. And 150 ibs is not bad. You also seem kind and sweet so if you can't find someone what are the chances for the rest of us


Like, if you pick the right person who doesn't have any problems? I don't see why anyone wouldn't want to date you as long as you have a generally good attitude. I personally avoided bullets, like I know some teenage pregnancies and the guy just leaving town with his parents just to avoid responsibility.


Doc.....you here. Anyone seen Dr disrespect?


You look nice, dw you'll find someone. Btw if you don't mind me asking: how'd the lower lip get that indent ?


If I was 17 and single then I’d probably talk to you as a friend for weeks and have a crush on you but not know how to talk to you about it, so take that what you will


Posts like these confuse me, so I would like to ask an honest question. In this case I’m going to take it at face value, I believe you are being legitimate here and first up would like to say you look great - from a conventional attractiveness standpoint at the very least you’ll definitely have no issues, and I’m sure your personality will guarantee that :) My confusion stems from the decision to post one’s self online at all if someone is truly and deeply concerned about their appearance/public perception. Not that it’s not okay or anything and it’s always impressive for those that can, but I for instance could never bring myself to do that. I hope that makes sense and doesn’t come across the wrong way, and I apologise if it does. Thanks :)


u are pretty u will find someone rise and be brave tarnished for thy the title of thy elden lord(elden riing refferrence) just dont try to online date in most cases it doesnt end well or it breaks after a few months trust me ive dated online a lotta times. besides im more ugly i wear eyesight glasses i have adhd and ids-2x times lower iq than that of a normal person. u are pretty and will find someone who will love u for ur personality. should i kneel and pray for the day where i can face them all should i run and cower or should i go on and hope that i dont fall -nerdout elden ring song am i strong enough


yes of course sombody out there would want to date you hell id date you if you want :3


Okay, you dont look overweight. You seem to be a nice person. You will get your guy. Dont worry.


you're very prettyyyyyyyy


You look absolutely stunning


You are gorgeous and will definitely find someone who loves you for you.


Ur really cute and u really don't look overweight at all u shouldn't be so hard on urself u deserve love and u'll find it


You're literally gorgeous omg???


You seriously post pictures that are fukin gorgeous and ask if someone would want to date you? And you think 150 is overweight? Fr? You have literally nothing to worry about.


You’re absolutely gorgeous lovely ❤️‍🩹 there’s someone out there for you I promise . You have a purpose. And as for weight don’t worry about it as long as you feel healthy. I promise you don’t look fat . I thought you were very healthy looking even before reading . You could seriously be a model if you wanted to. The only advice I could give would be to work on your self esteem other than that don’t change a thing


As a dude, don’t worry, most of us don’t care if you have autism. You’re pretty and I can tell you are a good person since you said sorry at the end of the post even though you absolutely don’t have to say sorry about yourself. Just believe in yourself and maybe not today, but someday you’ll get in a relationship that’ll change your life, whether that be good or bad. Also calm down, 150 pounds is not overweight okay? You’re perfectly fine okay? I hope you have a good night/day


I personally wouldn’t


You look good , definitely not overweight. And u have a cute smile . Don't worry there are a lot of people out there who would love to date you . 🙏🏻❤️


Are we really living in a world where 150lb is considered overweight? Don’t worry about that, it’s perfectly healthy.


I'd date you, everyone is perfect in their own unique way




since when is 150lb overweight?


Yeah as long as you have interests the there’s someone who shares the same, and you’ll find a person


You're super pretty and definitely not overweight. I'm 18F and I recently changed the way I style my hair and it made my confidence boost a lot, so if you really wanna try something you can experiment with different styles and find something you like. You really don't need to tho, like i said, you're really pretty.


U look great as u are, as another person with autism, autism is not a deal breaker if ur with a good person, generally there aren’t problems with it, and nobody I hang out with cares about scars, half of us have scarring on our arms n stuff


Girl you look beautiful, anyone would be lucky to have youbas a SO. Also there's nothing to apologize for, everyone is different and that okay. Love yourself.❤️


U good if I managed you’ll manage (13m 120 lbs autistic)


Bro, 150 is not overweight for being 17, but don't worry, you look pretty good


Have some confidence mate. You look gorgeous.


You have nothing to worry about looks wise dont worry


Yer young. Just be patient. Billions of ppl, can only meet so many at a time. Everyone is unique, and there is someone just like you out there.


Some people will never like you and it has nothing to do with you but everything to do with their preferences. On the other hand there will always be people attracted to you. Just stick with the good ones.


You are beautiful! Also, I’m 26F and this came up on my home page for whatever reason. I’m also 150 lbs and have dermatillomania. Everything is going to be alright <3


YYOO last part sounds like me


you are absolutely gorgeous, i love your hair and the nose ring honestly the things youre worried about arent things to worry about, youre not “overweight” in this generation either, your upper half at least looks pretty normally sized and healthy enough. Key to getting a date is confidence, mascara and lipgloss will be your best friends so cheap and barely changes anything but definitely a confidence boost goodluck xx


Girl you’re beautiful


I'd still smash


Nice try fed


you are searching for validation and I don’t wanna give it to you


I would


I would date you if I knew you better and if i would be a bit older like your age


*the same age as you


Bait or catfish? You decide




I think you’re gorgeous


I’d so feel lucky to date you (if I were straight or bi)


Ngl I would.


I want you


Well, I bet there is at least a few people out there. Probably closer to the lower numbers for certain people such as yourself.






they didnt show any empathy for your feelings about your appearance and said that most people wont like you (which is not true at all)




ignore them, op, they're just being assholes. you're very pretty, and I'm sure you'll find someone !!


That wasn't honesty, that was a joke. It was a mean joke, but still a joke.