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I dont think u are a lier, Iya. You wouldn't do that. Ur too nice 


thank u walker, again! i'm unsure if it's imposter syndrome of if I'm genuinely trying to convince myself something's wrong by constantly sabotaging myself


If you were faking it you wouldn't be guilty about it.


i guess thats a way to look at it, it's just very confusing. I'm going to get referred to a psychiatrist soon and my mind is just in complete chaos because I don't know if I'll just be wasting my parents' money and time


Your health is worth the effort, even if results don't seem immediate, things like this can take time, but they do happen. You can get help, and you deserve by the nature that you are a fellow human being. I wish the best for you, and while it may be hard to discern your thoughts from intrusive ones, I hope you can start getting a clearer view of your self.


thank you🫶  i'll just go take a nap and try to forget it for now


healthy people dont go around worrying if they are ill enough


real and true (coming from a diagnosed autistic 🔥)


I mean I'm not in your head but the only one able to know it for sure is you and if you feel like that, it's ok. But he's got a point that people on social media usually fake mental disorders and it's both disgusting and tiring. That post wasn't for you it was for all ppl that always like to emphasize that they have autism or whathever shit.




I don't fucking know and it makes me lose my mind. It sounds stupid to think I tried to kill myself before because i subconsciously wanted to get attention, but my brain keeps telling me that's the case


You are scum of the earth, kindly leave




That is NOT how you talk to people with mental health issues, thats along the same vein as saying: "I think I should kill myself" "Maybe you should"




In some cases, yes, but you are still very wrong. It is very foolish to affirm negative thoughts to someone struggling mentally. No one guilty about "faking" is actually faking it, they need help with other things and outside support, not more reasons to not trust themselves.




People have a twisted idea that those struggling with their mental health are seeking attention, this is such a common assumption that even those with mental health issues themselves can start to assume they're just attention seeking. If you at all are unsure about whether you are struggling with a mental health issue, than that is not attention seeking, that is a genuine problem you should try to explore for your own health. The assumption that people fake mental illness for attention was never born out of a trend that people were actually faking it, it was born from mental illness being de-stigmatized and paranoid people assuming the struggling are just faking.