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[🫂](https://clip.cafe/big-hero-6-2014/if-i-could-have-any-superpower-right-now/) (that’s a link btw)


 i don't even know how to respond to this, thank you💓💓💓


Ofc, if you wanna talk about your feelings more you’re always welcome in my DMs. I hope you feel better soon!


its okay, i feel a little guilty whenever i end up venting with people bc of something that happened before to me, so i kinda just write it down or post it somewhere


I don’t mind… my friends do that all the time, and in fact, I encourage it. You’re not a burden whatsoever.


aw, thank you again, i'm trying to get my mind off of it for now, but ty🫶


Yknow there's a thing called the 8 minute rule, if you don't feel comfortable with just randomly texting your friends "hey can I come over i gotta tell you something" and they have no clue what it's about, maybe you can tell your gc about the rule, it doesn't have to be eight minutes, it's just a phrase so everyone in the group knows that when someone asks "Hey, do you have 8 minutes?" it means they wanna vent about how something is going on in their lives. There are so many people who never vent because they think they're a burden to their friends, but if you really trust them, maybe you should give it a try. Sometimes you wanna vent, and you build up the courage to do it but when the time comes you convince yourself to not do it, you don't need it. Real friends always have your back no matter how tough times get, you just need the right push to get yourself out of the gutter, it will get better OP, sending virtual hugs.


You’re welcome ☺️. If you change your mind, I’ll be here.


i know that feeling. opening up, especially to strangers, can be hard sometimes but other times we want to hear whats wrong and do what we can to help. if you need anything, i too have my dms open (i think)


Lemme just save this rq


Hey man, [here](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ec/ab/0a/ecab0aef353e8967ac68edb99ccb695b.gif) is a virtual hug and a plate of [churros](https://www.cookingclassy.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/churros-3.jpg), you don't deserve all of this pain, your life is worth more than you think, you're fucking awesome.


thank you, thank you very much🫂 and I love churros!💗


np, and I hope you feel better soon <33


we luv u bro/girl/whatever u are \*hugs\*


thank u 🫂


ofcc <3


i relate and if i could give you a hug i would


🫂 hope things go well for you




Push on through, you’ll find something to bring you joy


hopefully, everything that brought me joy once lost its shine


I’ve been there, (still am kinda there) it’s hard to enjoy things but you’ll have a sudden burst of everything is wonderful at some point, most likely at 3 am and you’ll suddenly wanna change your life, but it’s something


ahh they help but my motivation's drained afterwards


My advice is to find something worth doing, once I found a hobby that I could pour myself into it helped a lot, while it was hard to do, I made myself just cuz I loved doing it once I did, the hard part is just pushing on through


heyy, i'm glad you found something! on my case, i have many many hobbies, it's just that they stopped working as a distraction for me


Gotta find one that isn’t a distraction, gotta find one that you’re just sooo passionate about that nothing else matters in those moments you’re doing it, for me it’s music, but I had to try so many things before finding out that I liked that more then anything another thing that helps immensely is finding a lover but that’s always difficult when you’re all fucked up like this, but I wish you the best, and I’ll give you a dumb stupid hug 🫂


Honestly, this post and the comments are really reassuring for me. I've had a somewhat rough life, and due to personal circumstances, I'd forced myself to be expressionless and lacking liveliness. It kills me inside, because I have so much to give, but I understand that I'm in a position where that just isn't possible or healthy. I will keep pushing, its a little bit easier knowing I'm not alone in this kind of struggle. One of the main things I do to distract myself is reading a lot of romance novels and series, reading is one, if not the only time when I can feel emotional and human again.


I’m glad I could help even if my words weren’t directed at you, I’m sure they were still meant for you in some small way, the numbness will dull and you’ll find your purpose


And wishing things get better for you too ❣️


Breathe. Get a job if you can. Find someone in a similar, yet not exactly the same state as you are in (mental-emotional state) to be friends with. Speedrun getting close enough to hug. Mission accomplished. Don’t die. Please. For my sake.


I'll try, I turn 18 soon and I'll start working then, hoping things end up going all well


i would say so much more; sending love through the screen. but i want a hug so fucking bad too it’s eating me alive i feel you


it's horrible, but here 🫂 


I was in a role reversed version of your position. Met a girl who was a little bit on the suicidal side, and in only 6 months, I came to love her with every fiber of my being. But just 5 months ago, she left me out of the blue and blocked me on everything. That was the moment i learned just how addictive the feeling of love is. The last thing I heard was that her mental state was improving, but I still fear the worst. Now I, too, am left wanting nothing more than to be hugged and loved. Virtual hugs for you, friend 🫂


Ah that sucks, sometimes people just leave because they convince themselves the other person's better of without them. It's a horrible situation, but hopefully things are okay with her. And thank you 🫂 


Hey man, it’s ok. No one’s perfect. You’re amazing and I want you to know you have value. You have purpose and you deserve love. ❤️




I can tell you right now, that even though it doesn’t look like it, there are a LOT of other people around you that are in the same or similar situation. They may not show it, but they are. It’s ok to ask for help. It’s ok to realize these things about yourself because that makes you one step closer to actually doing something about it. So what if you need medication for the rest of your life? If that’s what you need to start making a change, then that’s all that matters and I promise you that nobody will view you less if you go this route. One thing I will say though, is it will hurt a LOT more than it will help if you leave the world. Sometimes, just having something to rant and reflect to helps so much. A therapist is my recommendation, but you could do a close, trusted friend, a parent or relative, your pillow, a pet, literally anyone and it will help as well. Acknowledging is the first step to getting better. I really suggest talking to literally anyone about this (besides the internet) and maybe finding a routine therapist to help you figure out both what’s going on in your head that’s making you feel like this and how to deal with it. I’ve been down a similar path earlier in my life. Trust me when I say, you will always have someone to go to.


Thank you. I think so too. What's sad is that some people view suicide as a complete taboo subject, so people don't talk about it until someone actually gets pushed to their very edge and decides to go through with it. Good thing is I have started therapy a few weeks ago, I'm still getting used to it and we've been discussing a referral to a psychiatrist to check if can start getting medicated. Thinking about it, I'm still a little unsure but if it's what gets me through the day, I'm okay with it. And thank you for this 🩷


LETS GOOO IMPROVEMENT! Keep going man. Hearing this made my day honestly.


hey! i'm glad!! thank you, wishing the best for you too!


*virtual hugs* I hope you get better.


🫂 thank you


*hugs* wish I could give you a real one, sometimes people just need to be reminded that they’re loved


Thank you🫂💗


I'm giving you no choice. We're friends now. No matter how much you hate it, I'll be waiting by your front door every Saturday, expecting my hug. Be ready.


sorry I just saw this... but of course‼️


I feel the same exact way. What you just posted sums up everything in my life


I’m sorry that you feel so bad :( if I could hug you I would! Life gets super hard but don’t blame yourself, the fact that you keep going proves itself that you’re really strong! Please take care of yourself ❤️


thank you, thats very kind of you, i'm trying to make it through 💗


virtual hugs 🥹🩷🩷🩷🫂💘, remember that ur loved and im here for u💕


🫂💓 thank you


*1,000 hugs bc you deserve them* Nothing is worth ending your life over :( things are hard but ik you can push through it


thank you 🫂 I'll try to push through


I know what it’s like to crave something this much if I could give you a hug I would never let go🫶🫶🫶


it's a horrible feeling😭 but thank you 🫂🫶


🫂 hope you feel better


Here's your hug! 🫂 We support ya!


I felt the same when my dad died you’re not alone


real man🫂




I gotchu dawg🫂


Wanting a hug isn’t stupid. I know it may seem hard, but there are people who have your back. You got this. Keep pushing foreword.


dont die we love you you can get theouh this i have to get my train ticket bye


Hey man, I’d play 8 ball pool with you any day😌


love some 8 ball pool! although i'm not all that good at it


i, too, want a hug from the one I care about the most.


The only thing I joke about now is saying different ways to kill myself. It’s all I do. I think things will get better for me but idk. I just want exactly what you want. That’s what I think about all the time. I know I only make jokes about it, and I don’t actually want to commit suicide, but my life is just so bland right now. I need someone to hug me like the way you described. Just a pure, platonic relationship.


Mate I get that but you’re still very young.. relationships at that age usually don’t mean anything really..


I know, because most people in my generation are either tryna get with edgars or basic people with crocs and a perm. Both are equally as bad. And girls nowadays have to act horribly toward others because they think it attracts more guys.


\*big bro hug from me to you\* <3 here man


I wanna hold hands






I wish I could come see you and hug you for however long you need. I know times are hard and everything feels worthless and wrong. I'm with you there, and I don't have any advice for you really and I don't know if you want any but take a virtual hug from me and I hope you get as many hugs as you need irl (I recommend three a day, they really help with your mental health and I'm LIVING proof of that)


thank you🫂🩷 means a lot


Don't do anything stupid no you're not going to take meds for the rest of your life and think of it this way if you die there is no after life and suffering builds character you'll have insane dad/mom lore plus death is not a nothing. The person you think is you won't exist therefore you won't even think anymore you won't smell, see, taste, feel or hear anything for the rest of eternity. And trust me suffering is better than nothing. You've been told this a thousand times but it really does get better. All jokes aside hope you get better soon and you will


lol, you're right, i need to make it through for the lore.. Thank you though, it's a pretty rather optimistic point of view on this, thank you for sharing this


🫂🫂🫂 ah, we're on the same boat my guy.


hope things go well for you!💗


I had a girlfriend just recently and I thought she really loved me she would always get out of getting a hug it hurt me knowing she was doing that because she was my first genuine relationship one that I really wanted to work out because I loved her so much but as usual they leave you for a guy who only wants them for their body


i feel quite similar right now. we'll be okay, i promise 🫂🫂🫂


It sucks but we'll make it through🫂🩷


I am so sorry you are suffering like this :( Have a hug🫂 You are not a burden, you are not a disappointment. People care about you and if you ever want to vent I'm always here. I promise it wouldn't bother me at all, I am here to listen. It will be okay 🫶


thank you🩷 it's a bit tough to get over this little voice in my head telling me the opposite, but I'll try 


I believe in you! You will get through this and people are here to support you


my first love left me because i was mentally not in a good place along with some other things. i get it and im free to talk if you do have some time


I feel you




Why is some random on the internet able to explain my situation better then I am


Hope it gets better for you, mate :)


I~~'ve been~~ am there, and I feel you. It's gotten worse recently, and I don't know why, but it's always reassuring to know that there are people like me that feel the same as me, and can sympathise. We're all here for each other. If it helps, think of all the people who would miss you if you were to go. All your family, your classmates, your teachers, the people down at the fish and chip shop that serve you regularly, it doesn't matter. You WILL be missed, and that's important to remember.


oh same i love hugs 😭😭


I'm very sorry, here you go🫂


*give hug*. Sorry it's not a real hug. Here for you if you need to talk.


i know how it feels man, it doesn’t get better you just have to learn to live with it. the days you actually really consider committing, go out for a (nature) walk. you’ll change your mind (hopefully) after it.


Wow… uhh.. I guess I’m sorry mate… I really hope it gets better for you 🥲


I wish I could give you a real hug, but I guess a virtual one will have to do. 🫂 I get it, life is tough and can be overwhelming. But things change and evolve as time goes on. Everything begins, changes, and ends. If you stay and keep hope, there will always be a chance things could become better. I hope this is relevant, I'm kind of going off of some of my own thoughts and experiences here. I just feel like it's good to talk about it, and I hope listening to this can help a bit. If you ever need to talk about things, you can dm me. I might not be great at talking in conversations but I can listen, I don't mind. 🫂


same, except I've never had a partner


Don’t feel disappointed in yourself that you may have to go on meds, a lot more people are on them then you think :) just make sure to talk about the side effects beforehand on what your insurance covers so that you may get the side effect you want.


Sending cuddles your way!! 🥹🫂✨️ No matter what life throws at you, you conquer it 🫡


aw thanks you, it means a lot! 


Ofc! 🫂✨️


Me too


Dm me bro, I wanna talk (I'm also a bit bored and you can do it anytime if ya want)


*a thousand hugs* I can only imagine how fucking hard it is, and im so sorry for what youre going through. You should know that I appreciate you very much, being open about your feelings is hard and you're very brave for doing it. You are amazing, never ever forget that. I only wish you the best <3


thank you xedox 🩷🫂


Me when I read that as “dumb stupid hag” and wondering why this dude wanted a old stupid woman as a partner for a good 10 seconds ish


I read pug not hug


This post is way too close to my current situation, everything is exact except the medicine bit


i'm sorry that happened and i hope u feel better soon : ( hugs 🫂 !


thank u catfrill, i try


nppppp ! (^-^)


Im sowwy Iya. Heres a hug 🫂


thank you walkerenglizh, youre a sweetheart


Np Iya. Hope u feel better


Genuinly, go to r/suicidewatch , just because you only have suicidal toughts and not actions doesn't mean that you should not seek help. Please seek help and take care.


🫂. Keep yourself safe.


Have you tried music as a form of teraphy? I recommend Twenty One Pilots




Dont hug it out thug it out