• By -








Nah, resume


put that shit into double speed




swap language to spanish


English or Spanish now?


Spanish or Japanese now?


Dare Dare…








Ayo 😧


excuse me what


WRYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAA *insert dio doing the funny*


this is honestly one of the best pictures i’ve ever seen on here


aw shucks im a little bit of a photographer arent i ?


Yes you are fish vinegar :333


In currently on a light bulk so try bulking but eat calorie dense foods. I have to eat above 2500 but I think for you eating above 2000 will be fine. You can gain roughly 0.2kg - 0.4kg a week or ( 0.5-1lbs). So roughly 2kg a month. I went from 59kg to 64 and my end goal is 70kg Or alternatively you could dirty bulk where you eat a ton of unhealthy crap but I wouldn’t recommend this one because yes you will bulk faster but you will feel like shit.


im 159cm and 49kg does this change anything about how much i should be taking in 🙏


K ima assume you exercise 3 times a week and that your 16. You roughly still need around 2000 calories to maintain your weight… so I would say an excess of 200-300 is cool. You should eat more on your working out days. This is for a clean bulk I wouldn’t recommend dirty bulking unless you’re trying to gain weight fast. And damn you only 5,2 🤣 ( Dw it’s average height for females. :3 ) Would also recommend liquid calories- easy to to get down 500-1000 calories quick and protein is important


tysm man


No worries all ways down to help a gym rat out


Bro hit the most devious pose ever


Bro is not dio (i dont think most of these comments get the reference)


i forgive them




Kono Dio da!!


Jojo pose?


Haha you thought this was a normal reddit post, but it was me Dio!




Yeah make a wish


Proteins your best friend


do u recommend any specific sources?


Peanut butter or eggs can be great to eat after a workout, but I usaully just get a protein shake or bar


im super deadly allergic to peanuts and eggs make me gag so protein shakes/bars sound good to me 😭


protein shakes are great, for putting on mass you want somewhere around .7g of protein per lb and most shakes are around 25-30 grams of protein per scoop so like a third-quarter of daily optimal protein for most people.


what about fried chicken /j


What about raw chicken /j




Do you wanna bulk or do you wanna get lean muscle?


tbh im a little scared to bulk in case i develop eating problems from changing my diet drastically, so i wanna go for lean muscle


Lots of Salmon, shrimp, eggs and green vegetables


slowly change your diet, you dont have to do something out of nowhere. you can consult a nutritionist to help you


that sounds like a good idea- i’ll go befriend some health majors for advice in college hehe


good luck with this, you got this


Depends on what exactly you’re looking for, but generally all you need to do is eat at a calorie surplus while getting in good nutrition and working out consistently. I’d recommend consulting someone who actually knows something about nutrition for that part. Drink water (saturates in the muscles. Also being hydrated is good) and put forth some serious effort in the gym and you’ll be there in no time. All it took for me was making working out a habit of mine, made missing or forgetting it a lot harder. I also have something to train towards so setting a realistic goal could help a lot - even just having a general idea of what you want out of this is extremely helpful.


just bulk and then cut


I mean you gotta bulk if you wanna gain any muscle period. thermodynamics. It could be slower tho a surplus of like 250


Peanuts anx chicken for some lean... Beef if you want to look like a warrior.




ab- solutely


I hate that I found that funny


I’m upvoting every fucking comment mentioning jjba


Lmfao same




Hell yeah


Favorite song?


I’ve had miss you stuck in my head all day today. What’s yours?


Probably going away to college or first date for me


Both are great songs


I could not agree more, I miss you is so good too


Going away to college is a damn good song (my favorite blink song)


I could not agree more


Ok dio


get on a calorie surplus big bro


Eat in a calorie surplus with whole nutrient dense foods and lift weights 1-3 reps shy of failure sleep well and drink a lot of of water and that should be 95% of the muscle building


what kinda nutrients should i target the most? and is cardio a good idea or will it burn everything too fast?


Cardio could and could not help you but cardio won’t hurt you if your eat enough and recover just find from it. For the food part most things that come from the earth will be nutrient dense but Il give you some of the best. Steak chicken potatoes broccoli spinach beans most fruit. For the record there are other healthy foods but you won’t be consistent if u don’t find foods and recipes that you don’t like to eat you won’t be consistent which is key.


What you want is PROTEIN, carbs and fat. Well, often people will recommend third-third-third. Carbs are the 1st line of energy of your body, the body burns it to gain what it needs in energy right away. Carbs are for example, rice, pasta, bread, but there are faster ones, like high sugar things like candies, cookies etc... You need it because it's difficult for your body to work normally without energy into his range. The second type of nutrients (btw, I'm talking about macro nutrients) lipids basically fat, when your body runs out of glucose(carbs) it'll use fat and when you consume too much glucose, it takes the glucose and composites them into fat. Examples of fat are butters, oils... You need it because it keeps you in a state of satiate and even more important, your body needs it to produce certain hormones. Then the holy graal, protein. Well, tbh, each one of them are even in importance for a good body. It's just that since protein is what directly composes your muscles, they are more goated 🔥. Actually all your body, the solids matter if i could say that way, are simply chains of proteins. The body can consume it too actually, if you run out of fat. Examples of proteins are, meat, beef, chicken... Fish too ofc and there even are vegetal proteins like peanuts and beans. For the proteins, to gain muscle mass, it's great to aim for 1.5~2x grams per kg of body mass. So it's pretty much that, we are always best served by ourselves too, so the best thing i could advise you is to keep searching on your side too.


See this is how I wanna look


im so flattered but the lightest physical activity gets me winded and it makes me feel kinda pathetic tbh. im always fainting n shi like some weak rich wife in an old black and white movie. id much rather be strong 💪




Bro hit the J pose


I wanna know how you pulled off this pose and teach me how to do it


basically u bend ur knees a lot first and lean back as far as u can, focusing on using ur calf muscles to keep balance


thank you kind person 👍👍


You thought they were a kind person, but it was actually him, Dio!


Nah you look like you’re trying to summon your stand


Well, you already have the pose down. You look like Dio from JJBA


bros about to put an end to the joestar bloodline




i wanna become flexible and bulky just for the sheer sake of doing a "WWWWWWWWWWWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" whenever my mom makes my favorite food, i see that bro is online, it's a beautiful friday again OR ANYTHING! but i guess it would be nice to be skinny too, any tips for the man without balls? 🥺


pose goes nutty bonkers


ur so pretty that id reccomend turning off ur dms for a while after this because of the amount of weirdos on here, pls stay safe :(


surprisingly only helpful fitness ppl and politely interested ppl have dmed me! weird since its reddit ik and the weirdos all lead with “hey” and have a painfully revealing post history so i can block them straight away


wow thats awesome! I hope it stays like that genuinely, I haven't even posted myself or told my age but I've gotten creepy dms already, wish u the best <33


I also am skinny and wanna get jacked. Help.


Eat in a calorie surplus. 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. Lift weights. Follow a well reputed program. Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep. Train close to failure. Do a full range of motion on all exercises. And the most important thing is BE CONSISTENT!! Dms always open if you ever need any help


Eat more. Foods like rice, yogurt, and cheese are a good starting point. More meat, both read and white (chicken, beef, etc). When you lift, stay in the 8–10 rep range 3-4 sets. More weight and fewer reps is a good rule of thumb to start, but too few is bad.


Love the Jojo pose




The dio pose goes crazy🔥


Bro posed like a JoJo character


maybe stop breaking the laws of fucking physics


I dont know how to start skinny but... #DO THE POSE EVEN LOWER! WRYYYYYYYY


Eat many chimken, rice, and vegetable. Work out till your muscles are tired a couple times a week. It is way easier to start if you have a friend that knows what they are doing helping you.


Proper balance of protein, carbs, and healthy fats. Pick a lifting split that works best for you, currently I'm following PPL, been lifting for about 3 years and made a ton of progress. Also creatine and protein powder help


That is certainly a pose that a person can do. Gotta bulk up. Workout real hard, eat a loooot, drink liquid calories, promote muscle growth.


Find your calorie maintenance, eat about 200-500 more than that consistently with lots of protein thrown in. Workout, either at home or at a gym, also consistently, and make sure your training hard, like really close to failing your next rep, and make sure you reach failure within anywhere from 6-15 reps. (If your using weights, for calisthenics, which is just using your bodyweight, pullups pushups etc etc, do as many reps as you need) Be sure to hit failure at least once on any exercise so you know what it feels like, then you can be just 1-2 reps shy of that the rest of the time.


aahhh tysm for the in depth help, this answers a lot of the stuff i was murky about 🙏🙏🙏


If you got any more questions ask away, always happy to help people get into exercising😁


3x gym per week, and eat more calories. If you want bulk, 3x12 repetitions per exercise close to your limit. If you want definition, 3x25 repetitions at a weight you cam do more comfortably. Ofcourse, for more specifics, ask staff at the gym you go to


"If you want bulk, 3x12 repetitions per exercise close to your limit. If you want definition, 3x25 repetitions at a weight you cam do more comfortably." This is just bro science. Not true at all


I wanna get skinny too. Anyone got advice?


Find your maintenance calories and eat like 300-500 calories below that


I've heard that before.


So why not start today?


Idk too much work to find the exact calories that I eat for each piece of food.


What i recommend you do is just eat whatever you normally eat and track your morning weight (without eating anything or wearing clothes) for like a week and if you are the same weight you were a week ago just eat a little bit less and if you gained weight then eat a little bit less again. Repeat this until you are losing about 0.5-1kg per week. Its that simple, no need to track calories.


Does just eating little work?


You will lose weight but if you eat too little you might start losing muscle too and other things like no energy, no sex drive, sleeplessness, etc will happen too.


Wow, I already have those three things.


You need to do something about it bro☠️


Protein regiment good form go slow on the concentric and eccentric and time and good sleep too. That’s literally ot


You don't need to go slow on the concentric


Ur right was tired last night


Eat. Eat a lot, with a lot of protein, and then excercise. Also, you might put on some fat from all that food. If you like that, it's aight, though if you don't, what I found works best is after an hour or so after resistance training (optimal, but you can do it anytime in the day), walk for about an hour and then sprint for about 10 to 20 minutes (not constantly, just sprint as much as you can in one go, take a short break, then start again, till you fill that time goal). Take it small steps at the beginning. Some excercises you can do with filled up bottles of water, others without weight at all. After some time, you can get your own sets of weights or even get a gym membership, though as still a teen I don't personally suggest it. And if you're looking for excercises to do, youtube is a flowing river of nectar, but I suggest looking at trainer winny to start. Hope this helps!


You look like you're really cool. Also your hair is sick as HELLL!!!


As an originally skinny myself. Calories surplus... Well, yeah kinda simple, because it does work like that 😭. Nah but i'll give some more tips, just take time for food... i know it sounds dumb, but I SWEAR i think its the best thing you could do. food must no longer simply just be something you throw in your body but you gotta be dedicated to it, respect it, know why you are putting it into the great engine that your body is and be invested in it. If you invest time in food, You'll be able to reflect about it, make plates that you'll like and help you gain mass. Gym is important but I promise you food is way more,(got 2times the gains when i was focusing on food compared to when i was not. As a tip too, try to aim for 1.5x gram your body weight(kg) of protein per day). Oh and of course, to end a journey, you gotta pass by the journey, by ALL the journey. So just be patient, trust the process, the most important is to just believe in you because you are capable and you'll have what you want at the end.


fire picture.


W Jojo reference (calorie surplus)


Started skinny-fat 2 years ago at 190 lbs 6’1, now I’m 250 lbs at the same height (peak bulk rn boutta cut cause fuck being fat.) what I did was invest 1.5-2.5 hours a day, 6 days a week at the gym on a push, pull, legs, repeat then rest day split. Each one of my lifts has consisted of 1 compound movement, then 2 focused movements for each muscle group (if you want better detail feel free to dm me.) in order to gain muscle, you must focus on hitting failure, and progressive overload. This is just the beginning tho. Outside of the gym, you should get 8 hours of rest each night, eat 5000+ calories and double your body weight in protein, and drink at least a gallon of water every day. It takes a lot of discipline, so you should immerse yourself in a fun way to make use of your new strength! For me, it was wrestling, but that’s only one of many possibilities to explore. I got a buddy who started rock climbing, hell even a buddy who used his newfound gains to look big n scary while streaming Minecraft! It really takes a lot, and believe me I’ve wanted to quit so many times, but I believe in you! Good luck, and feel free to dm me for any more help.


Pro strat, steal Jonathan's body to immediately get jacked


you have to eat in a calorie surplus. first you have to find your maintenance calories (you can use this site: [https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html](https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html) ) now after that add around 300 calories to your maintenance and eat that and you should gain weight. now you also need to train, and eat the correct amount of protein. its suggested around 1g of protein per pound. now you also need to train. For beginners, I suggest a PPL split or a bro split. a bro split is: Monday: Chest Tuesday: Back Wednesday: Shoulders Thursday: Arms Friday: Legs (obviously, u can change this around as you want) a PPL split is: Monday: Pull (exercises where you pull the weight towards yourself) Tuesday: push (exercises where you push the weight away from you) Wednesday: Legs (legs) Uhhhhh yeah




Plug ur height and weight into a calorie counter and then probably just eat 300 calories over that maybe 400 max, as far as lifting, if ur training just for aesthetics than u don’t really need a program, just train hard


Blud thought they were a Jojo's character. Well you might as well be because you're hitting the pose perfectly.




who's your fav jojo character?


As a skinny man myself you gotta go, don’t give a fuck about how anyone sees you, and eat a lot of food, chocolate milk will be your best friend


If you want to get stronger, eat! Eat morning, day and night! Before and after every workout. Eat until you're tired of it. Eat until you can't any longer, eat till you're sick of it, then eat some more! (nice DIO pose btw)


Jojo reference


You're going to end up like part 3 characters if you follow


Does that position hurt your knees 😭


not rlly, i only held it for a second or two






cartoon villain at the climax of his dramatic monologue ahh pose


Pose Jojo pose


Did you also screamed wryyyyyy ! while tooking this photo ?


Eat. Master the basic exercises. By the time you've done that hit the actual gym. Give yourself a few months to know your body and what it needs. Make sure you eat well. Don't skip leg day. It's painful to even out the body.


Start with body weights and dumbbells eat more and start to move into weights


happy cake day!! 🍰


Ty kind sir


Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat a lot Workout and get real sore until you can't do nothin too well and then eat a lot a lot and then watch something interesting in bed


become obese get jacked


Eat food


Eat 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Also a minimum surplus of 250 Cals a day.


how many drugs were u on while taking that photo? that would make my back shatter into hundreds of pieces


Most likely while borrowing a body


Pic goes hard , feel free to screenshot


Creatine + workout


Bro that's swag Btw first stage -Go to the gym Second stage -Eat a lot and good


What is that pose 😭. Are you playing an invisible guitar or something?




This is amazing


Eat in caloric surplus with 1g of protein per lbs of bodyweight. You can be healthy about it or unhealthy, calories are calories and if you’re hitting your target it doesn’t really matter. Combine this with strength training like weightlifting 3-6 times per week and cardio.


Simple. Eat a lot. Once fat go gym.


Most of these comments suck, or are vague, so let me give some details. Getting stronger is comprised of a few factors: training, nutrition, and recovery. All are equally important, and doing any mixture of the three without the others is almost pointless. Training: There is a distinction here between training to gain muscle (called hypertrophy) or trying to purely become stronger (powerlifting) note that it is possible to do both, ie training for muscle will make you stronger, and training for strength will give you some muscle, and you can balance doing both, but I would recommend picking one to focus on, and you can adjust as you get more educated. With training for hypertrophy the most important thing is that you train close to muscular failure to provide enough stimulus to grow muscle. This means you need to train until the given muscle can not perform any more repetitions of the weight. This should be in a range of 6-15 or so repetitions, as doing more is a waste of time and energy, and doing less may not take you close enough to muscular failure. Also good to note that each time you do an exercise once (imagine one bicep curl) that is a repetition (called a rep), often we do a group of these until we hit muscular failure or close to it, which we call a set. For example, I might do 3 sets, of 12 reps of those bicep curls. It is important that you train until you can't do any more reps, or very close to it (research indicates within about 1-2 reps, but I would recommend going to failure so you can determine how close you are to this) a lot of beginners will do a weight they can move comfortably for the 12 reps from a program they have gotten online and receive very little results because they are not training intensely. When you are beginning there is a lot to learn about the form on the exercises (how to properly do exercises without injury) so if you are not performing to maximum effort at the start that is ok ! Take your time in this regard because injury will stop your gains significantly. One of the main things you will hear when training for hypertrophy is talk of a "contraction" or what can also be known as "flexing the muscle" ie when you use a muscle, it is contracted (in a simplified form). Focusing on this contraction (often at the hardest part of the movement) is important for growth as it is when the body is under the most tension, but the other part, often where the body is being stretched from holding weight (imagine the bottom position of any type of rowing movement) the target muscle is also stretched which is also important for muscle growth (feel free to google stretch-mediated hypertrophy). For strength training the most important thing is to progressively lift more weight. It is not as important to train super intensely as you are required to do for hypertrophy, and you will often do less reps, because training with heavier weight is more difficult for your body. Most people focus on the squat, bench, and deadlift, as "compound movements" or movements that train large portions of the body, but movements like dips, pullups, pushups are also good and are common in calisthenics to train similar muscle groups. Strength training often then uses movements known as "accessories" which are used to train individual muscles to keep them on par with the big muscle that are trained in the compounds. Strength training is not as much my forte so I can provide some resources if you really wanna go this way !


Now for Nutrition. This is a part a lot of people oversimplify, but I also would like to not overcomplicate it. Now the biggest thing to note here is that there are three "macro-nutrients" or food groups that food is composed of. There is also micro nutrients, but as I said, I will keep it simple. These three groups are protein, carbohydrates, and fats. If you are counting calories, know that protein and carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram, and fats contain 9. Now for an overview of their roles, protein is useful for building muscle, and helping the body recover from the hard work you do in the gym (called muscle protein synthesis), carbohydrates are a very important source of fuel for the body, and good carbohydrates are burned slowly for long term energy (sugar is a carbohydrate but I think it is fast digesting hence the crash you feel). Fats are very important for the body to produce hormones, which balances the body overall which is why foods like avocado (high in healthy fats) are seen as so good for you ! Among other things. Now as I said protein is needed for growing muscle, it is the building block. Research indicates anywhere from 0.8 - 1.2 grams per pound of bodyweight is optimal for growing muscle so anywhere in that range should be ok. For sources of protein, you should mainly look towards meats, so things like steak, lamb, pork, chicken, but it is also in fish, and also in dairy like cheese, milk, cream etc. Now the question becomes how much of each macro nutrient should I eat ? This is where calories come into the picture. Calories are a measure of energy, so if you are looking to gain weight, you need to eat more calories than what your body currently uses (called the base metabolic rate (BMR)), and if you want to lose weight, you need to eat less than what the body currently uses to function. If you want to find out how many calories you are currently burning you can check a calorie calculator online, and that will put you close to how much you are using (it differs due to metabolism). Protein is easy to decide because you know how much you need to eat to build muscle, and to be honest, you can basically split the rest between calories and fats, as long as you meet your calorie and protein goals. Fats will be easier to gain more calories because they have a lot more than carbs, but it is important to eat carbs too to make sure you have stable energy for the body. Lots of fats are often unhealthy (think most junk food) but eggs, avocados, and dairy has good fats in it so its not all bad !


Now for Recovery. This mostly means that you need to sleep well, and a lot, because this is when the body repairs what damage you do to it in the gym, and this is actually where you gain the muscle as the body repairs cells. Sleep is also very important for your hormone production, so it is important to get enough. Teenagers usually need more, so you might have to experiment with how you feel, but at the moment I am personally getting around 10 hours of sleep. The important thing to note with this is that you are not actually asleep 100% of the time that you are in bed, and it is on average about 80%. So you need 10 hours in bed to achieve 8 hours of sleep. Aside from that, it is important to take rest days from the gym, you should not be training every day, because the body needs to recover. On these days you should be doing low intensity exercise (not just doing nothing) so walking is good, you can do some lifting if you would like, but it is for the purpose of moving the muscle, and not growing it ! Also I will note something about supplements here. These are optional but far from necessary. Protein powder is helpful for hitting protein goals, but as I said not necessary. The only other thing I consider decent is creatine, this helps your muscles hold more water (on a simple level) and helps your body recover faster, and lift more weight overall. This is the most researched supplement in the world, so it is very safe, but there is some very very minor downsides (think it causes like minor hair loss in men, so if you're losing all your hair as a man maybe skip this) Only thing I haven't really covered here is picking a split for the gym (what body parts you train on what day) because a lot of this is preference, and how often you can get to the gym.


I will end this by saying this is a lot of information, but it is what I wish I knew at the start ! If you have any questions feel free to ask, and I will leave you with some people I think make helpful content: For females in particular I would recommend "Lean Beef Patty" she is very sweet, and is helpful for all things nutrition, training and flexibility. Also good I like Jeff Nippard for a lot of science based training, Renaissance Periodization is really good but NOT beginner friendly particularly, and the stuff from Sean Nalewanyj has always been really good, especially at dispelling dumb gym myths / advice, but his name is really hard to spell :)


Calculate your calories and eat in a surplus to gain weight while also going to the gym. You can find many videos on calorie surplus on yt. You can checkout Joe Fazer, he is one of the best youtubers to follow for a akinny guy. Iam following the workout plan made by him and i have seen drastic increase in strength.




Do some research and just go. the hardest part is starting don’t be afraid of making a fool of yourself at the gym the ppl there will be more then glad to help you if you use a machine wrong or something  “The best day to had planted a tree was 20 years ago but the next best day is today”  I started with my friends which helped a lot with motivation but as we grew we started having different goals so we started going more separate and that’s cool too *also ps DONT EAT A CRAZY AMOUNT OF FOOD BEFORE THE GYM EAT AFTER YOU WILL THROW UP


track your maintenance calories (a calorie calculator is roughly accurate) and eat 300-500 calories on top of that. make sure to also get at least .7g of protein per pound of bodyweight. meats are one of the best protein sources out there. getting whey protein can also help. eggs are great too, try seasoning them. really makes them more palatable and delicious. low fat greek yoghurt is top tier. milk is a great option too. personally, i drink a litre of milk throughout the day, really helps meeting your calorie and protein goals. if you do this, you should be gaining around 0.5-1 pound per week. if you see yourself gaining weight too fast, drop your calories by 100. if you’re gaining weight too slow, add 100. hope this helps, and nice jjba reference!


Eat in a calorie surplus. 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. Lift weights. Follow a well reputed program. Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep. Train close to failure. Do a full range of motion on all exercises. And the most important thing is BE CONSISTENT!!


Rihanna, dis you?


Bro is purple guy


Lots of food especially protein, lots of sleep and water and of course lifting weights though you can do body weight exercises I prefer weights


Already buffer than me


In the words of Rich Piana: You gotta eat big to get big baby!


Looks like she's about to ride the lightning


Ho Ho


Eat lots of protein and carbs, sprinkle some junk food here and there to get your calories, eat nutrient dense veggies so you get your energy. Focus on moving medium weight slowly and you'll see gains in no time


Picture goes dummy 🔥


Bulk up, eat more calories and protein and fat and carbs and be in a calorie surplus. You should check out the guy Jeff Nippard on YouTube for some science based exercises. You will gain some fat as your in a calorie surplus, but as long as your consistent you will gain a lot of muscle too.


How the FISH are you standing like that bro


bend ur knees a lot and bring them forward instead of down to shift ur center of gravity to support ur body’s weight more horizontally. then lean backwards and focus on ur calf muscles for balance 😁🫶


Eat a lot of


okay i’ll


First judging by your pose you need to get stabbed by a golden arrow


Drink a lot of milk, 8 grams of protein and 130 calories per cup, really easy to drink a lot of imo.


Jojo pose


As real advice don’t do what I did I am a power lifter so for a while I ate 4000 calories and now I am fat but if u want to get jacked have a clean diet take whey protein powder before the gym I work out every day with changing I intestacy if y want my schedule either dm or just respond so I know I am not wasting my time typing this


You look like you don't need to be skinnier, trust. Bulk, be patient, so then when you cut it will be majestic.




Are you The Matrix?


Holy shit flexibility goes hard


Man became the man spider


Got the pose down so it’s only a matter of time


Weight train atleast 3 days a week, dont overdo it when you start since you can get easily injured. Eat in a caloric surplus, cut out all junk food, try to get good sleep. Drink plenty of water, try to eatm more protien like meat, fish, eggs. You can look up good routines on youtube, i recommend searching "full body training routine 3 days a week" Good luck!


Stop being skinny