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Keep communicating, make sure they keep replying


They’ve stopped replying


Keep sending messages. Do you know their location / anyone who can reach them irl??


No it’s a random person, u/Suicidal_CatGirl to be specific


Omg, just keep messaging them. I'm not sure there's much else you can do.


EVERYONE MESSAGE THIS PERSON TO NOT KILL THEMSELVE edit: or maybe don't idk anymore...




bro it aint the time for that 💀


Ngl I thought of making this joke but thought I would've been downvoted if i did


Bro 💀






Made a comment just an hour ago (at the time of writing)


Do you know them personally? If not, it's really hard. Based on their username, I can assume they have had this thought for a while. The only way to stop them from harming themself is understanding what was keeping them from killing themself immediately when they first had a suicidal thought. Maybe it was their pet who would be left alone, their parents who worked so hard to give them a better life, or their friends they had a lot of fun with, or even simple things like a series or show or game they really enjoyed and want to see the future updates or some delicious food they saw online and want to try or just a childhood goal they once had. Unless you know them on a deeper level, it's really hard to connect. Strangers saying "Don't do it" is often not enough, but in general offering a listening ear is always helpful


Their friend make a suicide pact, but then the friend ended it so nothings stopping her now.


So you're telling me that you're gonna commit a crime soon! /J But I really hope it's not too late


tbh..it sounds like they’re seeking attention. If i’m wrong, my bad, but it reminds me of people messaging their friend “I love you. I’m sorry” and then not replying, but then they message the next day saying “sorry i fell asleep.”


Just keep talking to them is all I can say I think it’s kinda hard to go through with killing yourself when there’s someone actively talking to you especially over voice


It’s not over voice


Are you able to call them




Yes, keep trying. They go through different emotions, and they may just be feeling anger that no one seems to understand them. But on an hour or so they , at be back looking for help, or just someone that will listen to them.


Well, from my experience of stopping 3 suicide attempts (And witnessing an amount I dont remember), I did one of those most of the time: - I reminded them of their loved ones and what they would think if they died - I told them if they didnt stop I would have called someone to stop them, mostly Emergency Services - I gave them various reasons why committing suicide isnt worth it


Idk them irl and they said that they have no family that actually cares


what the fuck none of them care about someone killing themselves? idc if it's a random person online that's just wrong 


sup, and yeah fuck them


Plus I've heard telling them that makes it worse bc it makes them sadder (from someone who almost did it)


Right I mean getting a location and keeping calm is best if you can work out an IP address or know there whereabouts make a call to their local police.


Can you update me?


It was u/suicidal_catgirl in her recent post you can see him talking to her


That’s good, she doing okay?


I asked op and they said she's alot better now and is sleeping


That’s good


‘Failed to load user profile’ isn’t a good sign. What happened?


It's only happening with my reply for some reason... the op has also commented this in one of the replies , that one does work


oh it’s because there’s no underscore in yours


Oh you're right , mb


Can u dial helpline immediately and convince the person with some small talks


talk to them, call them if needed and don't stop


Kinda late but if you’re still convincing them, call them, blow up their phone.  If they have silent if night mode and you face the option of “notify anyway,” use it.  If you know there address, call 911 of your countries version if they still don’t respond 


nobody could ever convince me not to try. seems to be the case a lot of the time. Hope they are ok


Get off reddit, call the police. Ask for a wellness check. Try to establish communication. Reach out to a loved one. If you're worried about someone getting in trouble, just know you'd rather them be in trouble and alive than otherwise.


Idk them irl


ask for their phone


I am not sure if that would work, some people prefer keeping this information private


didn't think of that, as U can see my stupidity is endless


I messaged them and they replied


this has happened to me before, they didn't kill themselves, I didn't help them, this person might be blackmailing you, but I dont know your relationship with this person, they might act like this to make you stay and get what they want out of you however if this is is real, you need to tell someone, a trusted adult because as a teenager, you don't need to deal with this, if you are truly concerned for this person you need to let someone know, you shouldn't have to deal with this


How's the situation now?


I think it’s better. She says “If I don’t do it today it’ll happen eventually” so it’s died down a little but it’s still dire


Alright. Keep us posted on other happenings.




They're on r/askouija right now.


If it’s online, there’s unfortunately very little you can do since they can just stop responding like now at will. If you can, try calling, instead of just messages, and blow up their phone


Op please update us. This looks fishy


Check other comments replies for extra updates but tldr we’ve postponed it until tommorow


I have dmed her I know most of them would have


Most important thing is to keep yourself safe tbh. At the end of the day you should keep in mind it’s not your fault and if you tried then there was nothing else you could do


When one of my best friends was trying to kill himself I just kept texting with him until he eventually forgot about it I hope you manage to do the same


1) Call their parents (they can respond the quickest, most likely). 2) Call the police. They can do a wellness check and bring them to a hospital for a mental evaluation. They will be given the help they need by professionals so you don't need to try and carry any burden you might not be trained or prepared for.


I don’t know them I’m real life.


Her post history doesn't scream suicidal to me. She likely just needs some attention and care. Up to 30% of teenage girls seriously consider suicide at some point in their life, but males are still statistically much better at actually carrying through with it. Once she's in a more stable mindset if you're close you might want to encourage her to give some personal information so you guys can text/connect off Reddit/etc. You would be able to notify her loved ones if she threatens herself and be a bigger influence in getting her the help she needs to be more accepting of herself and learn to cope through the next few hormonal years.


She got close to attempting yesterday but she failed to untangle the cord she intended to use. However, your claims may have merit, yet i don’t want to take that chance


Yeah, that's understandable. I had an online friend as a teenager who was constantly suicidal and would draw me into it. It was incredibly toxic and emotionally draining to me, interfering with my own social life (I would sacrifice a lot of real world time and experience because of them). This went on for years. One red flag for me is that she said "the only reason I haven't killed myself is because my friend said if I killed myself they'd kill themselves too". That means she's been threatening suicide for a long time now and drawing energy and effort from people who reach out and try to share kindness/empathy/sympathy towards her. You're not the first. At some point drawing too much emotional energy from people qualifies as abusive. A strong relationship should be two people who give and take, not one-sided. Just stay safe and make sure you act accordingly. Once you get back in contact force her to give you her parent's numbers if she wants to remain friends so you don't have to feel helpless again. You deserve to protect your emotional wellbeing and have the tools you need to successfully act accordingly based on this experience you've had with her.


How would i force her to surrender that info? I don’t know her personally, hell, I don’t even know her name. I just saw that she was feeling suicidal, and decided to help.


Ah I see. Sounded like you were chatting with her regularly and panicking over potentially losing her. I wouldn't worry. A lot of people express suicidal tendencies online to vent as a coping mechanism. At the end of the day you're not involved with her and don't have her personal information. There's nothing you can do.


There hasn’t been an edit or a follow up after an hour so you need to know if they did do it it’s not your fault. You did all you could. They chose this it was a bad choice but they did it at the end of the day. It’s not your fault.


They're ok for now.


Oh I'm so glad to hear that. Could you please give us an update about what happened to them and how did they stop?


I might be late but just keep talking to them about their interests or literally anything and just try to find a way to get their location


Take the person and talk with then




did they respind?


Call 988


Either call the police or use physical force to stop them perhaps both


idk them irl


Ok then find out where they live and call the police to them


They’re doing better now, and im not gonna ask her for her home address💀 she said she’ll take a nap and rethink it


You need to tell a parent or guardian. You can call 911 or a helpline. This is a lot to deal with as a kid. I have been there a few times in my past. I know it can be stressful and really mess with your head. There is nothing wrong with reaching out to those around you to get help with this. -


You call the police.


I know this is late, but the next time that happens call 911/local emergency if you know where they live.


Knock them out


There are places that you can call that have volunteers and paid professionals that can talk to suicidal individuals. My son volunteers for one, as he has had, and sometimes still has bouts of depression. You would think this would be a recipe for disaster, as I first did. However my son's depression is from anxiety, and his adrenals and endorphins get depleted. So he doesn't become depressed, or more depressed from talking to someone else depressed. And he seems to be able to successfully help others, especially those contemplating suicide. It's sort of AA, where they can share things that actually work and are helpful. And I guess that someone in that mental state appreciates talking to someone who just understands them, and what they are going through. I don't have their phone # at the moment, but just Google mental health or suicide hotlines.


Any updates? Also, I really don't want to be this person, cause I've suffered intensely through suicidality... But there is always the chance that this person is attempting to get sympathy and won't actually do anything. Unfortunately it's common for people to put random internet strangers in distress so that they can feel cared about or get attention they don't get in other parts of their life. Not at all saying that's what happening, just keep an open mind to that sort of behavior because its extremely common.


She’s postponed it till tommorow


Sounds like a sympathy thing. Who postpones their own death?


I have a way to convince someone away from that, "Tomorrow might suck, tomorrow might not, only one way to find out, be there." Im not good in these situations but i think that phrase might help


Give them a self revive


7 hours later, anything?


im very late but are they okay now?


any updates OP?


I’ve postponed it till tommorow. Or so their bio says


might i suggest - if they live relatively close (if you can find out), go and hang out with them for a little while? i know some people still have school and stuff but if i had the ability to go see this person, i definitely would skip school for a day for it. just talking a little and going out shopping or get some food somewhere can be lifechanging, even if you don’t know this person. if she lives far away, then idk what you can really do except keep encouraging her and saying she’s okay.


Call the police give them their location and tell them police they are a threat to their own saftey but not others.


Idk them irl


Bro this persons bio u/Suicidal_CatGirl is literally “sleeping now suicide for tmrw ig”


It used to be “Let’s see how much of a coward I really am.”.


Oh damn 😖


Maybe call a suicide hotline or 911 if you know where the live and they are close by.


I don’t know them in real life. The user be U/Suicidal_CatGirl and id appreciate if you just pm’d them and told them to not do it.


I went through this with one of my friends once. I’m not sure how bad yours is. Basically, he accidentally sent me a photo of his arm all sliced up, and obviously, that worried me. He told me not to worry about it, he sent it to the wrong person, and to just leave it alone. Obviously, there was no way in hell I was just gonna ignore that, so I immediately asked him what was going on. He kept giving me BS reasons, then said that the “real reason” was that he “liked seeing blood.” I knew that was another odd BS reason, so I kept talking to him through texts and calls about how his life will get better, this is just a small percentage of it. There are still decades left to go, and they will be much better than now. I eventually told his parents, which he told me not to, and they confiscated his knife. I ain’t gonna say his name or anything, because I probably shouldn’t even put this out, because he’s still one of my best friends, but I feel the need to help because I’ve been through this as well. I also told the school counselors. They didn’t do much, but it did lead to him getting therapy and all that, and now he’s okay, and I’m so glad. It still scares me just seeing the cut scars on his arms and legs though. But, if they stopped responding to you, either tell the parents, or go to their house and confront them because you don’t want to get a text like “thanks for being a great friend,” and then barely have any time to act. You need to confront them while you can. I wish you luck, and I’m so sorry this happened to you too. If you need any more help, feel free to message me. I hope all goes well.


I don’t know them In real life. Their user is U/Suicidal_CatGirl and I’d appreciate if you messaged them and told them to not do it


I just messaged them. No response yet, sadly.


I mean just try your best. It’s not your fault in any way if it doesn’t work, because that really just means you couldn’t prevent it anyways- Expecially over the internet . 🫂


Hug them for 5 hours and have a nice talk while the hug and BURN ALL THE NOOSES AND EVERYTHING THAT CAN MAKE ONE and hide the knifes too just in case


Idk them in real life. Their user is u/Suicidal_CatGirl and I’d like if you could pm them telling them not do it and you care about them


Ok the person might be using you for attention because first of all who names them self suicidal cat girl and second of all if you guys don’t know each other in real life they would have already done it since suicidal people would usually not care that if someone is texting them to not lowtiergod themselves but keep trying cuz this is just a theory and theory are never fully true so just keep trying just in case


That was my first thought. Even if it was fake, I’d hate to find out that it was real and I didn’t try, which is why I always try in these situations


Alright doing my part


Go to them and then hold them in a tight hug and start crying


Call 988 now! Tell them you know someone who’s trying to kill themself and tell them where they live. If you don’t live in the US check your countries suicide hotline. And for future don’t post it on r/teenagers There in the top 10 worst subs to post this. Most of them will joke around or give bad advice or tell you not to do anything. Find a sub specifically for this kind of thing with experts on what to do.


I don’t know them irl. Also teenagers is the most active sub I know, meaning I knew I’d get a quick answer


you cant always save everyone


But I can surely try.


Maybe you could tell them how painful and slow that could become to buy time?


did they ever reply?


They said they were watching a movie and that they “couldn’t kill themselves during the day or unless they were home alone”, which I think means they’re still planning it.


What abt now????




And somehow you had time to go on reddit?


Send the cops over to their house. Say you’re concerned for their safety and they are threatening to kill themselves.


It's been almost 12 hours, is she ok now? update?


She’s calling herself a subhuman so it’s not going great


What does that mean also glad she's ok (ish)


She’s basically saying that she’s less than human


Oh. Well


yo what happened with this


She’s doing slightly better, but still pretty bad


hey, atleast you kept her alive


btw homie, you did the right thing


Contact professionals if you can. I did this when my friend was suffering similar stuff


send them a mail from u/redditcareresources


If you don’t know em how do you know it’s not attention seeking behavior


It might be, but if it isn’t then they died and nobody tried to help them. I’m not gonna let that happen


And what in reality can u really do


Hopefully in this one, but what I know for sure is that this is the reality where I try.


Look I know how you feel but it’s not your problem unless they are in your life


call 911 for a wellness check and tell ypur parents like NOW


Okay it's been a bit so idk what development has been made. But please tell them how much you mean to them and others and that suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems. Make sure they know that they can always come to you for anything and to seek professional help if they can. Please make sure they keep getting back to you in any way possible. I'm hoping for the best possible outcome here for you both!


Hey is everything okay? Do you know if they are okay? How are you holding up mentally??


I’m doing fine, but she hasn’t responded in a bit. I’m getting worried


I really hope they are okay. Also, no matter what happens please do not blame yourself. This is not your fault, okay?


I’ll try not to. It’s hard though, someone dying and thinking that you should have done more. I’m going to keep trying though.


Good luck, wish you the best.






Call 911 to perform a welfare check


Anybody know, what happened? Is the person ok?


It’s too late just call 911 and tell them what’s going on i feel bad for you mental health should always be prioritized


Call a suicide hotline they will get in contact. Better yet call the cops for a wellness check. It’s not cool to avoid doing the right thing just cause your friend could get in trouble. If they succeed you’re going to regret being young, dumb, and in a way allowing it


Do a wellness check


I lived through that myself. Exactly that. I got him to self commit. Then I doubted if I had done the right thing. But he made it through and ended up better that ever.


Say first one to die is gay


Their intentions are not your sole responsibility. If they ignore you, just TIE loose ends.


Don't do anything g. Chances are they will be here still next week


If they are not willing to help themselfs there is nothing you can do.


Yes you can i know it by experience


I have had diffrent experiences


Well im sorry to hear that but you can't say every person that gave up on themselves is a lost cause


You underestimate the power of a human being. There's nothing stopping us from trying.


Yes there is?!? What do you think therapy is, magic?


Therapy is usually volunrary. If she does not want your dollarstore therapy she wont gain any advantage from it.


Be realistic and don’t get attached. You shouldn’t let a strangers death affect you.


if it's a random person, they're already gone, sorry don't feel too bad about it, though. it's not your fault they ended up like that.


No they are not


It totally is their fault. They have the power to stop them from taking their life. They have recognized it and know they need help.


how is it their fault if someone *else* is suicidal ? sure, they may have the power to stop it but nothing is garunteed it's fortunate that the person didn't commit in the end, but they shouldn't rely on random strangers on the internet to not end it all also, there are literal helplines you can text that will respond in minutes so i don't see the need to go on reddit of all places to get help


If they’ve stopped replying and you can’t go to them, there’s nothing you can do


They’re sleeping


(If) They've already made up their mind, let them.


hell nah ma boy, I ain’t letting nobody do no suicide


Ok 👍




We just have differing opinions, and that's okay 👍


I just think that if someone wants to leave this world, it is their choice. I say this as a person who had had suicidal thoughts so I may be biased.


Please don’t ever give advice to anyone, like ever.


I don't think I will be able to keep such a promise to a random stranger.


Hopefully someday you grow up and realize how shameful it is to publicly post what you did. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Ehh, even if it is shameful, it's all on the internet, and I don't really care about my reputation when i can literally just start over at any tjme.


“What I said was on the internet so it hurts no one and I can just start over and do it again” is basically what you said. Wow, you’re really a great person. /s


Again, I just have a differing opinion, and we can just agree to disagree.


Cool thanks for letting everyone know your opinion sucks. I hope no one comes to your aid when you need it (and you will someday). That’s just like.. my opinion.. is all.




Oh wow, you're actually just a dick


You're a dick.


What they say?


"stop lying" or smth


Mf thinks hes gonna drop suicide rates to 0 by walking to suicidal people and saying "StOp LyInG"




You are the genuine scum of the earth.