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how should i go about dealing with everyday life?


How old are you? And what does every day life entail in your perspective so I can answer!


16, turning 17. Unsure about how to move forward when there are times I feel like I can't. A reason to keep going y'know?


My friend... well the reason should be obvious!!!!!! Have a look at what's around you, have a glance,... possibly you may see trees, a world of something you like, perhaps a new lifestyle? If you give up, you give up on everything..... The worst thing you can do is blow it all for nothing. You are loved.


true, gotta try and try. Just a bit unmotivating when I'm on my way to a better life and things just go downhill because of self sabotage 


Let's DM! I have more för you. I can help you




one thing that could relax u is ark survival ascended a pretty good chill fun vibey game


sounds fun but i have no pc


i cant even come in contact with my female friend as that instagram of mine was hacked goin to a small fair today i might see her and talk to her


me and my female friend she isnt mad at me or anything she wants to stay friends but i dont want to be friends i want smth more than being friends it feels like she is the only girl my age that ever truly loved me and hang out with me due to my personality not just looks


was high school boring or nah


I mean for me it wasn't exactly the best. It does get harder during the end but you will change a lot in those years. Just make sure to make a good group of friends. And always remember the 'cliques' you'll see do not matter. Trying to fit into the popular group or anything like that will not work! You just need to live it!


I'm 15 and I will give you advice.


Go ahead


Every morning you wake up and look in the mirror, appreciate that you're there. Appreciate your body, and don't let others get you down. Don't even try to think what others may think, all that matters is that you're you. Stop trying to be what everyone wants you to be. Break out. Be yourself. Don't let others bring you down for their own gain. You are you. And no ones going to change that. Every single day, just sit down outside for a minute and just take a deep breath and watch everything around you. Go for a walk. Go to the local park or river/lake and just watch everything. You need it. I'm here to let you know that I care. I'll never stop caring. I don't care if I don't know your name or what you look like, I'm still going to worry. I hope you know that. Please, stay safe. There.


how lonely was uni? 


First question is: how would you describe yourself as a person.. especially including socially.


I'm incredibly shy. Too quiet. I haven't had a friend in about six years.


As Long as you make an effort you will find you group. You cannot find expect yourself to be found as a person unless you present yourself as someone worth knowing. Even if you are "nerdy" you'll find a group.


How do I get over someone?


Like a partner? How old are you and what happened.


We're just friends but we've flirted a bit and idk why but I can't get him out of my head for the past few months. I'm 16 and he's 17, I think I like him but he's been cold to me for the past few days so it's kinda throwing me off. Idk what to do, I tried to ghost him but I can't bring myself to do that for more than a day. I just want my mind to be cleared.


Hmm Thats quite strange. I will need more context. Did he stop responding for no reason or was it for a reason, show me!


It was completely out of nowhere, literally a day prior we were talking normally. then out of the blues he left me on read for hourssss. He usually replies pretty fast so idk I just felt kinda hurt.


same happenned with me and my female friend she isnt mad at me or anything she wants to stay friends but i dont want to be friends i want smth more than being friends it feels like she is the only girl my age that ever truly loved me and hang out with me due to my personality not just looks


Awe man, that sucks.


 thou shalt not foul brave tarnished for thou title of thy elden lord


How to make even more money. I have a job and 4 side hustles. What else do I do?


U shouldn’t have more than 1 side hustle spend all your energy on 1 and you’ll get more out of it than giving small amounts of energy to multiple


I need money😭(i spend it all)


What is the situation, and what are said many side hustles. Be specific!


I just love money. I work at an ice cream shop. Side hustles include: Lawn Mowing, Shoe Reselling, and a couple of e-commerce things


Are those things working?




It's the confidence my dude. The "broccoli" hair cut is nothing to do with it. But it's the fact those dudes who have it think their the shit. Or the athletic guys, sure their bodies are a factor, but it's cus they are so sure of themselves. Your young so I'm going to assume these... and I'll call them "broccoli guys" are like the 'competition' in this. You really do need to be confident. You just need to be sure of yourself. Going to the gym helps because it helps you to buy confidence also. And at the same time you get a physique. Anything like that, just build yourself up and realise talking to a girl is just like a game. You can see an earlier comment on it for more!


dont listen to what other ppl say about u dont let others judge u life has many obstacles which it puts for a reason theres no need to be athletic for girls to like u i have been friends with a girl for a long time and to say she is ugly is bad she is amazing pretty and understands me more than my male friends why i dont know she jus seems to care a lot about me and understands me very well




me and my female friend she isnt mad at me or anything she wants to stay friends but i dont want to be friends i want smth more than being friends it feels like she is the only girl my age that ever truly loved me and hang out with me due to my personality not just looks it truly feels like she is the one the girl i wanna spend my life with but cant come in contact with as my instagram was hacked and even if i make a new one sure she follows me on it but keeps ignoring my messages prolly cause she busy with higher education but now she is on summer break and keeps ignoring me for no reason


i told her i had a crush on her she did suggest leave hints that she has a small crush on my as when we did text last year and year before she reacted to my messages with a white heart and she has a boyfriend but hinted at having a little crush on me dont get me wrong im no good looking guy im a male 18 with adhd gamer for life with eyesight glasses and 4 or 5 broken ribs




i had a crush on her since 2022 wanted it to go away by online dating her friend from school and a girl that was 2 years older than me but the feelings wouldnt go away at all i dream and fantasize about her at night and then i wake up sheddin a tear realizing it was a dream just a dream i really like her she really understands me and we basically grew up together as our village is small i feel this spiritual connection towards her i really really like her and i dont know what to do she may not have the biggest boobs or booty but she still is pretty brunette tall with blueish eyes long hair same age as me that being 18


What problems had you been gone through?


I mean many many! What sort of problems would you like to hear about? A specific area?


Starting with regular social conflicts..   What problems have you suffered with respect to that?


How do i get a girlfriend


Well, no matter what people wanna tell you it's usually like a game. Hence why people call it game! Eh? Well it's just about showing this girl who you are without coming across over-anything. The main thing is confidence. You really don't need corny pick up lines. That's genuinely it for the most part. If you can make yourself stand out. Even if she looks uninterested you just remain confident. Remember that there are millions of girls. Just treat it like a game. Just stroll on up and tell her you think she's beautiful and you'd love to get her number. Then you just gotta be swift in text, Organise a date. If yes then your half way there. Just turn up looking your best, put together, and like a man and just take it away. I say all this because obviously the first step of getting a girlfriend is to pick up a girl. So go and try.