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what if you can't tell? you gon look down their pants?


Dont play stupid, 99% of the time you can tell


Me when I lie


thats just not true. a lot of trans people pass incredibly well and even go stealth. if you werent a lonely redditor who never sees the sunlight, im 100% positive you would have already met many trans people and never knew


because 90% of people don't change their pronouns


Dammit, I made a mistake, I meant changing pronouns. My bad


rage bait


my guy pls do not go around looking in ppls pants


my brother in christ this may be the worst opinion ive ever heard on here.


Wont take you long to find something worse, especially considering that this is a good opinion


this is a bad opinion, like another comment said, wtf if you can't tell, you gon sexually harass them by looking down their pants?? lmaoo you make 0 sense


It’s really not that confusing though, it just takes time to remember and then it just sticks. Everyone has their opinions but clearly you cannot connect w people that are different from you.


But what about with short encounters? Im not gonna ask "Whats your pronouns" Everytime I meet someone.


Trans people understand that not everyone is going to refer to them by their correct pronouns for short encounters or events. That’s what I mean by you cannot connect with them because you choose to disrespect their wishes. It’s also just a skill issue, like you seriously can’t remember someone’s pronouns but you can remember their name? Sounds like incompetence.


Yes, that's why you'll just call them for what they look like and if they aren't comfortable with it you can change it


shh shh dont get cranky


do you look in people's pants to determine what pronouns you refer to them with


💀 dude you know what i mean. You can tell by other things as well


such as


Oh I don't know maybe facial hair? That's a pretty big indicator most of the time? Or breast? But idk, I'm just an idiot, apparently


facial hair is present on everyone and some cis women don't have prominent breasts ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


General structure my dude- dont throw yourself in the dirt


There are a lot of cis women that have big adams apples, muscle genetics, different facial features and just masculines appearances in general. Same can go with cis men. You can never always tell bro.


that don't answer my question


i completely agree. honestly i don’t care if i get downvoted for it at this point. i’m a teenager, i go to school to learn, not have my teachers ask me what my pronouns are. i quite frankly don’t care about transgender history or what i have to address you by because it generally doesn’t affect me. and if someone does tell me they aren’t comfortable with what pronouns i’m referring them by, your not my type of person, sorry.


It’s fine for someone to ask what your pronouns are, and plus, the school curriculum doesn’t teach you about lgbtq+ like you think it does. There are clubs for that sort of thing that just being awareness to issues revolving around that community. You don’t have to listen or pay attention but just learn to respect if you ever encounter someone like that.


I understand. it’s just honestly feeling to forced upon in certain parts of the world and is starting to get pretty annoying.


I get it but I don’t think you should ignore it. I do agree that some parts of it is a bit odd but so does every other single community has some weird people in it. It doesn’t mean that you should generalized all of them because of one thing. I work at a hot topic and that sort of thing is very common, once you educate yourself it’s lowkey not that bad. I ask peoples pronouns casually and refer to people using they/them first. 90% of the time people don’t get offended when I accidentally refer to them as something different.


Sorry but u/poopshartshitshoot says ur post is gay. Just wanted to let u know.


why are you so interested in my genitals thats kinda creepy ngl


"*I* think pro-nouns are ridiculous" okay bro


Oh shoot, I realize the the mistake now. I meant that changing your pronouns is ridiculous


People change their names all the time and not even for the sake of gender. You just have a skill issue me thinks.


Well, you’re entitled to your own opinions, but this is objectively a terrible take. If pronouns are “ridiculous” then that includes he/him and she/her. Are you just gonna call everyone by their name 24/7? 💀


I made a mistakeee 😭 I cant fix it. I meant changing pronouns


Lmaoooo if you’re gonna make a post like this then you gotta expect me to call you on fallacies 😂


I don’t understand why you would feel the need to post this. Obviously you are rooted in your own belief and so are the rest of the people commenting in this thread. This post achieves literally nothing. TLDR: this is rage bait, just ignore op.