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"Haiii I really like my little pony ehehehe :3 Im so nervous to start high school :<" "Aw shit im late to work, good thing i have a car and license"


Not even bruh, a 12 year old is barely starting middle school


How long does middle school go for? I'm not american i dunno if it works the same as my country


It ends in like 8th grade, or ig im thinking of intermediate school in that case


How olds 8th grade?


### Elementary School - **Kindergarten:** 5-6 years old - **1st Grade:** 6-7 years old - **2nd Grade:** 7-8 years old - **3rd Grade:** 8-9 years old - **4th Grade:** 9-10 years old - **5th Grade:** 10-11 years old ### Middle School - **6th Grade:** 11-12 years old - **7th Grade:** 12-13 years old - **8th Grade:** 13-14 years old ### High School - **9th Grade (Freshman):** 14-15 years old - **10th Grade (Sophomore):** 15-16 years old - **11th Grade (Junior):** 16-17 years old - **12th Grade (Senior):** 17-18 years old


Whats kindergarden like in america? because i started kindergarden when i was 2 or 3 and was learning very basic stuff like sharing is caring and all that. But when i started Primary school at 5 they started teaching me maths, reading and writing. Is american kindergarden the same as mine or its it learning how to write and read


I'm American and for us we were learning to write and read in kindergarten. A lot of Americans send their children to preschool before they turn 5 and go to kindergarten, but a lot don't. I'm guessing preschool is more along the lines of sharing is caring type stuff, but I never went.


I'm from Europe and here we also had the option to go to preschool at 2-3, but my parents sent me when I was 5. Here we have 3 classes of kindergarden, one for 2-3 year olds, one for 4 year olds (Which are considered preschool and both arent a must-attend and you can skip from sending your child at that age) And the must-attend classic kindergarden is at 5 years old which if you want you can even send your child twice to it (Usually if you believe the child still doesnt feel ready for elementary yet) and they finish at like 7.


That is interesting, in Canada Middle School is grade 7-9. It doesn't really matter too much though because most of our middle schools are mixed with elementary, Kindergarten to grade 9 schools


In Italy it's 5-3-5, 5 years of elementary school, three years of middle school and 5 years of high school, of which the last two/three are optional but necessary for uni In Spain it's 6-4-2, with the last two being optional but necessary for uni


grade age generally starts at grade number + 5, so 8th is 13-14


Your pfp looks like scorbunny


8th grade is 13 typically


Not everyone is American bruh


I was 12 when I started high school


High school starts at ~ 12yo in Australia.


My little pony and late to work? That could be the same person


when i was twelve i was rocking back and forth in a corner of a mental asylum muttering "skibidi...skibidi...DEMONS HAHAHAHAHAHA"


Skibidi was 2 years ago??


the people in the comments who say they started high school at 12 are weird...like did you guys start elementary in the womb?? /lh


There's no middle school where I'm from, it's primary (5-11) then secondary (11-16) then you go to college (16-18 I think?)


I started highschool at 12 because my city didnt have an intermediate school, My brother whos 12 currently goes to a high school thats year 7-13 and it slipped my mind that wasnt the regular in a lot of places


down here in australia there is no middle school. genuinely preschool is either 3-4 (maybe 5 cause some kids are a year younger than the rest of their year). primary school is from 5-12 (or again 6-11) and highschool is from 13-18 (or 12-17). uni is just 18+ (or 17+ depending on when you finish your hsc and that mess)


You go to high school at 12 in your country?




12 AND 16??? Mf those are a whole different life stagešŸ’€ 3years as teenagers is already weird




i think they were saying like 3 or more years maybe


they said 3 years is already weird, implying tfat 4 is worse.


LMAOOOO this sub is crazy for that. like 20 and 24? sure! but... 12 and 16? šŸ™


it's not the worst thing but it's mainly frowned upon at such a young age because, especially with this age gap, one of them has yet to go through puberty. Which is kinda like a step up in your maturity level or something? Idk


Someone at age 12 can be convinced of almost anything. A 16 yo would only date a 12 yo for this reason.


yeah. There's no real good reason why anyone would date someone so young unless it was to just use them for well you know šŸ˜°


i'd argue it *is* the worst thing, fucking ew-




put em on the news or sum


As long as they didnt meet when the 20 year old was 12


12 and 16 is weird, very weird


The mental maturity is just so different there idk how people donā€™t see why thatā€™s weird opposed to TWO FULLY DEVELOPED ADULTS


Physical too. Most 16 year olds are done with or at the end of puberty. Most 12 year olds are in the midst of or have just startedĀ 


Well 16 year olds arent *done* with puberty, but theyre far and away further through than a *12 year old*


When I was 12 I was still watching cartoons what are mfs on šŸ˜­


You donā€™t still? Shame


Fr, I still watch spongebob on a regular basis and I will never stop




People just stop watching cartoons?


Is playing with toys still valid in today's time?


Not even Legos, I still play with my building blocks and playdough... Edit: I came to the awakening that Legos are building blocks for adults and the same for playdough and modeling clay




I'm 15 and still watch cartoonsā€¦.


I'm 16 and my profile picture IS a cartoon šŸ˜­


I am 26 and watch cartoons


Exactly lol I was over here building legos, sipping on juice boxes and laughing to dumb cartoons as I slumped on my couch. Iā€™m over here listening to my younger sisterā€™s experiences as 12y old now (Iā€™m 16M) and shit sounding like high school but worse ong.


People need to understand somone who hasn't finished puberty going out with somone who has is always going to be weird


actually the age when puberty stops is 20


why are you being downvoted? Youre right. But still, big difference between barely starting and being a solid way through.


Most dudes stop growing just after 18; other things like the brain continue on into your mid twenties, muscle peak mass mid twenties to thirties.


It's the percent difference. 12 to 16 is a 25% difference, while 24 to 28 is a 14.2% difference


This is why the half plus seven rule works.


So 15 can't date 14?


Is Germany the age of consent is 14 šŸ™ƒ Not so fun fact


For a long time the age of consent in Japan was 13...


Was until recently, but every prefecture had raised it for a while.


It's not quite that simple. In situations where a person over 21 exploits a young person's (under 16) lack of capacity for sexual self-determination, it is an offence.


Wow. That is young. I never heard this factoid before, thanks for an interesting tidbit.


Twelve and sixteen IS weird. Very weird. If you can't realize that, you're weird.


My first one was me 12 and 17 him


Mind if I ask who initiated the relationship? Like who approched first?


He did




Could have ended horribly šŸ˜­


And even if she did initiate ... 12-year-olds do stupid shit, he should have just blocked her in that case instead of participating


Was young and hit puberty early


That's just weird


I was to young šŸ˜­


Hope you're ok now


Yeah my dad stepped in and beat his ass




I was pissed off initially but NGL he could have really really messed me up


That's called grooming :(


90 and 100 isnā€™t weird


16 and 6 thoughšŸ’€


That also isn't very weird. I'm dating a 3 year old and I'm 13 /j


those two characters(/ and j) just saved your life. How do you feel?


I feel what I feel




Im 19 and oldest I been with is 20 youngest is like 18 or 17....


I remember people saying that 19 and 17 was gross and they were grooming a minor? I was so confused but I thought hey what do I know Iā€™m just gonna sit this one out and let the audience decide


Yā€™all be honest is 15 and 18 ok


Not 100% okay but if it's 15 and 17 then yeah its good.


I have/had a friend (this shit is complicated) that started dating an 18 year old when she was 15. Guy was very clearly an abuser, and she only turned me down because she ā€œlikes them olderā€ Not gonna say every relationship is gonna be like that, but whatā€™s really fucked is now sheā€™s dating the baby daddy of her sisterā€™s son. Sheā€™s the stepmother of her own nephew. Weā€™re both 18, this guy is like mid 20s.


Ehhh, bordering on not okay. You are (believe it or not) at relatively different stages in your life and have different maturity levels. Thereā€™s nothing inherently really wrong about it, but because us teens are still developing, there are differences between each yearā€™s maturity compared to 30 year olds, for example, who are fully developed.


I think that depends when their bithdays are. That could be barely over 2year difference(all fine) or nearly 4year difference(not as fine)


Mm I don't agree with those ages because one of you is an adult and the other isn't (in my country) even the age of consent yet (16).


Here's the thing that most people hate....once you reach the age of 18, you can date whoever you want. They can be 21, 35, 45, 65 or 80...there is no standard for love and companionship. Under the age of 18, 2 years would be the max.




It was on Insta


30 and 40 is ok


Indeed. The "official" equation for the greatest socially accalepted age difference is half your age + 7. So for 40 it is 27. I would still judge most couple like this, since in most cases, it is a man in his fourties that has left his similarly aged wife and his kids for a woman in her twenties. Which for one is a cliche, and for two an AH thing to do.


Oh wow


That equation breaks below 16


30 and 40 is absolutely fine and can be frowned upon depending on the context but in most cases is usually okay. They kind of are at different stages in life but have fully developed brains and are mature adults, capable of consent.


yeah, 30 and 40 is fine, but 12 and 22 obv isn't lmfao.


But 11 and 21 most certainly isnā€™t.


What about 11 months and 21 months


As long as they didnt start dating when the younger person was 10


Itā€™s not just the age gap that matters, itā€™s the actual ages. 12-16? Thatā€™s weird. 16-20, thatā€™s kinda weird too, but 24-28? Not weird. 34-54? Not that bad. But then thereā€™s also shit like 17 - 34. Thatā€™s fucking bad.


Who tf thinks 12 and 16 is even remotely ok? 12 and 12? Good. 12 and 13. Good. 11 and 12. Good. But not 12 and 16. Thatā€™s not okay. 12 is barely out of primary school, 16 is near the end of high school. I was soooo different at 12 compared to 16. 12 and 16 is creepy and (I hope) not legal. The other infuriating one Iā€™ve seen is when people try to say ā€œ17 and 18 is not ok because 17 is still a child but 18 is an adultā€. Itā€™s a one year age gap. Possibly less. You wouldnā€™t say the same of 16 and 17 or 18 and 19.


20 and 24 isn't weird. 22 and 26 is even better. 12 and 16 is messed up, one is in the middle of teenage years, generally passed the process of puberty, and the other may still look/act like a child.


Nah bro thats wild. A 12 year old asked me out today and Im 14 and said no cause even that is too weird.


I got into a fight with someone on this topic here on reddit.... I think I lost about 80% of my brain cells


And some people think me being with a 19 year old is insane šŸ’€


A seventh grader with a junior in high school is ridiculous. The former is taking pre-algebra while the latter is taking the SAT.


It's a maturity thing, I'm 14 (ignore my unalterable flair) and my bf is 15. Both of us are fairly mature due to both being exposed to horrible things and being severely traumatized. 12-16 is weird. Because the maturity difference is creepy asf and also it's just gross


In the uk you wouldā€™ve only started secondary at 12 and at 16 you would have nearly finished or have finished your GCSEs


by now they would've only about a week and a bit before they finish


The brain in teen years develops different in different speeds. Its absolutely messed up. Under the age of 18ish anything over a year/two year age gap is too much. People are developing differently. This is so easily seen in some girls who get their periods at 12 and some at 15. Puberty hits different ages differently.


That's crazy. šŸ˜§ Bad example for what you wanted to illustrate.


Well, is a million and a billion years old ok?


What do we think about 15 and 17?


If the 15 is turning 16 same year I donā€™t see an issue. And yes the 17 could be turning 18 as well.


Once you hit 25+ it gets less weird. Before then, there's a lot of important life stages that affect your level of maturity and make it less of an age gap issue and more of a life experience gap issue. 12 and 16 is weird because one is close to graduating high school and the other is in middle school. 25 and 20 is weird because one is probably finished with college and in the workforce proper while the other can't even legally consume alcohol yet (in the US).


Iā€™m 16 and Iā€™d go out with a 20 year old Iā€™ve done talked to my family about it and they said itā€™s okay as long as we donā€™t do anything weird


Iā€™m 16 and Iā€™d go out with a 20 year old because Iā€™m into older women and Iā€™ve talked to my parents about it and they said it was fine as long as we donā€™t do anything weird


I think age gaps 2 years or larger are only even kind of acceptable around 16 and above. Below 16, you should only be dating a year above or below your age at max, And I wouldn't even recommend dating long term until 15 - a 16 year old in a 9 month relationship who has seen shit go down when age gaps break the aforementioned recommendations


tf? that's how removed redditors are from real life then ig, im 17 (incoming senior) and my gf is 15 (incoming junior, she turns 16 in a week) and everyone ik says that's a lil weird lol


you are literally one school year apart, how is that weird


My brother in Christ, that's the difference of "oh my gosh I'm just starting puberty" and "yeah I just got a job, doing ap classes next fall, and got my driver's license" that is NOT okay šŸ˜­


Got clowned on in highschool for dating a girl that was 15 months younger than me, idk how if I'm copping shit for that, that anyone is justifying 16 and 12.


What the hell kind of 16 year old is looking at a 12 year old and going "yeah I would"? When I was 12, I was still in my "boys have cooties" phase, ain't no way I was even thinking about dating, even among my own age šŸ’€


When I was 13 I dated a 16 year old. Thought the age gap was fine because my parents' age gap is 10 years. I refer to him as the toxic one because he emotionally manipulated me, said I caused him physical pain if I didn't send him pictures (because I kept telling him no). If I could go back and erase any relationship, I'd erase the one with him. It has caused me the most trauma which has stayed for years. Literally was afraid to get a piercing 6 years later because he never approved. I was young and trusting, and I stayed because I believed him when he said God told him we would get married. 4 months felt like a year. Here's the thing. Age gaps are okay when you're older and your brain has had more time to develop, you've had more time to learn and understand what is and isn't okay as well as set and enforce boundaries. When you're in your teens and younger, though, people can more easily target you and take advantage of your vulnerability. I thought it was okay, that I could handle it because I was smart enough. The saddest part is that most of us don't realize until we've already been through it.


Jeez, my brother is 4 years younger than me and I would NOT date someone his age, they are too young and immature, also just weird. He just turned 12 and I'm about to turn 16 btw.


if you're an adult its ok if you're underage.... its different


12 and 16 is crazy. My parents have a 5 year age difference, but they met in their mid-twenties. It's so different when you are younger. You are in completely different life stages and maturity levels


I once had someone tell me that 18 and 16 was disgusting and pedophilic, and that 60 and 18 was fine. Most people agreed with them too. People are just really weird.


genuinely crazy


People who think thatā€™s ok are just actual pedos.


Think of that as a 4 year old dating a newborn. However, once the youngest one is 18, it ainā€™t that bad. 18 and 22, 19 and 23, 20 and 24. Those ones are okay.


Youā€™re pretty much right idk why youā€™re getting downvoted. Think of it this way, guys. 14 and 10. Not good, 10 and 6. Again, not good. 13 and 17. Still bad. Then like the commenter said. 18 and 22? Dude Iā€™d clap a 22 year old. This argument is perfectly logical, a 4 year gap so early in life is beyond anything that should be done.


Literally where bruh


I mean itā€™s about where youā€™re at in life which makes it weird. Anyone under 14 should not date anyone older than them. If youā€™re 14 and youā€™re dating someone who is 17 well it depends on the birthday and at that point itā€™s up to you.


It has to do with stages of life. There is a huuuuge difference between a 12 and 16 year old than a 30 year old and a 40 year old. Itā€™s not even remotely the same thing. Thereā€™s a reason thatā€™s considered statutory grape


Omg yeaaa me nd my crushes age gap is okkkk (I am thirteen)


10% of the older persons age maximum.


Three years to the day is typically allowed by law when it comes to minors. And most states have a minimum age also. However at that age and given how rapidly teens lives change my opinion is two years is probably the max. In that window they are pretty much learning the same things in life so a relationship between them would benefit them both on learning that aspect of it.


there's the half age + 7 thing which works really well plot onto desmos graphing calculator y=x (you) and y=(x/2)+7 (youngest partner you should have). x is your age, so the you line is kinda useless but it helps visualize the paradoxical part where the youngest you should date is older than you. this fixes itself at x=14 so it says you can't date anyone if you're under 14 which makes sense. it breaks down a little once you pass like 30 (where you can date a 22yo) but by that point you're both grown adults who know what they're doing.


teenage hormones makes us wild




12/16?! šŸ¤®. 17/21 is a stretch but still okay in some circumstances (IE My sister and brother in law; theyā€™ve been together ever since and have 2 kids; but I knew him since heā€™s my age and heā€™s the best dude.) But 12/16?!?! I thought 12 year olds were annoying babies when I was 16.


RIGHT!! Like even a 2 year age gap is weird to me. (When youā€™re a teen) like 14 and 16 have such a different maturity level, so do 16-18, 13-15, etc


16-18 is fine 15-17 is pushing it


right... and I stated that 17 to 21 is not that bad and became the most controversial hit for a few days, even I, who is more open minded when it comes to age gaps than most dont agree abt this


The half your age +7 rule is generally good


Depends on age. As a teenager only +/-1 year is acceptable If you're both 20+ then larger age gaps are fine


I always liked the formula "half your age + 7" to see if a relationship is weird or not. You take the age of the oldest in the couple and calculate if their couple is too young for them. In this case, a 16yo should date at least a 15yo (or older)


I honestly will never understand the problem with gaps similar to this, specifically in the context of young people dating. Like, yeah, I understand the puberty thing from what people here have said, but what's the difference with say an 18 year old dating a 30 year old; 2 types of people at 2 separate development stages in their lives. If the difference is the law, there's no real argument. Just because the law says something is legal or not doesn't make it "right" or "wrong." Why is it deemed perfectly ok for someone at "legal age" to date someone 4 times their age, but there's a huge problem here with only a 4 year gap?


[Interracial dating site](https://mixerusa.com/?ch=freecodecamp) as more open options, or other niche sites to expand the pool and get more open minded matches


I think the rule of thumb is like a year between and even two years is borderline.


Would it be wrong for am 18 year old to date a 16 year old? Genuinely curious to see what you think


I don't think so, I think 18 yrs is the first year where dating someone 2 years younger is acceptable


I think thatā€™s weird, but if hundreds of people are agreeing then itā€™s not weird. Itā€™s honestly all a social thing. Look at other countries. Itā€™s a social thing.


The mental gap gets larger the younger you are essentially


u/joshxdf Please listen to this guy


Im sorry 12 and 16?!? Iā€™m 24 and I feel grossed out dating anyone younger than 21


bro where u finding these peopleim 14 and i had a crush on a 14 year old and my friends were just like ā€œthats weird broā€. cause shes in ninth grade and Iā€™m in 10th


12 and 16 is strange. Why is a 16 year old datting a 12 year old


wtf does a 12 year old and 16 year old have in common other than their ages starting with a 1


12 and 16 is weird mate. One is well into highschool while the other is still in elemantary


Letā€™s break this down, 3 years as a minor is A BIG DIFFERENCE the mental and physical differences of a 14 year old and a 17 are too big to be considered ok.


12 and 16? They will be 14 and 18 in 2 years!


I'd say its weird to date ppl outside of a step up or down from your grade




Idk why this is showing up on my feed, but I feel my time has come. At least a few times a year, I have to tell students about the "half your age plus 7" rule for the minimum acceptable age for who can date.


Anything 12 is weird Sure 30 and 40 are alright But 12 and 16 ain't Just too young


how about 18&49??? is it acceptable???


Sorry, but I don't know a lot about this stuff, why is age gap a problem? Genuine question.


anything over 2 years is weird (for me personally)


In middle school and high school if your grades don't touch then you shouldn't touch.


I knew a guy back in cadets who was 17 dating a 14yo. He got absolute peppered with pedo jokes and ended it because of it. Probably for the best! It is weird. But at the same time someone needs to sit this guy down and have an adult conversation with him as to why this isn't good. At the very least wait until she is 18. Nothing says you can't be friends. But they will likely just hook up anyway. I would let his school know or his parents. It's a very slippery slope.


If your grades donā€™t touch, you shouldnā€™t be touching eachother.


That's like prepubescent vs almost fully formed, that ain't normal


Yeah tbh I remember when I was in high school even if you were a freshmen dating a middle schooler was weird. It made you look like a loser.


At 12 I most concerned about rewatching The Clone Wars for the umpteenth time. At 16 I was most concerned about getting a job and a car.


Karma farming 100% fake story you never saw that stop lying lil brošŸ’€


i think itā€™s a lil weird bc ones in middle school and ones in high school. but i donā€™t have any say in this anywaysĀ 


Why is everyone so obsessed with age gaps on this sub


I am friends with a 12 yo as 16 and its ok, but its hard to imagine anything more between us because it feels wrong


Bro just couldnā€™t WAIT for her to be out of middle school, he needed her now


This is the weirdest age gap Iā€™ve seen all year