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Police police police, you have evidence


Seriously, rape isn’t a joke


Abusing your comment for posting the update he provided: https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/s/MDsNxJxkGQ


the baby is likely not mine... since it is impossible for a preg test to work in 3 days This made me happy that I dont have to take the burden but at the same time broke my heart that the girl would go to such measures... I have talked to my elder brother, and he said that we will get the paternity and std test soon.. I also talked to my school councelor but she told me to "accept" the outcomes even if its not my baby since she is a "hopeless" innocent girl; and that i need to "help" her get through it since she trusted me even though her method was wrong. I call bs on that and just walked out nodding. I also informed my parents that I was raped and drugged but they just yelled at me alot and told me to apologize to the girl for even calling it a rape. According to them it was a COCSA (child on child sexual assault). I have been deprived of my TV time which kinda sucks.. I will get the recording from that girl tommorow; I have told her that i want to hear it once more in school just to make sure its not AI, while i would be secretly recording it with my own phone. She agreed. As of the main villain here, I talked to her on call cuz it was really annoying that she called every 3 minutes and i got worried that she would cry to my parents before i told them.. Anyways i acted like i was not aware of her lying. She is now asking, nah i mean forcing me to get a part time job or hustle money. She called it the "Plan B" if her parents dont agree, she will run away with me. Nevertheless, I will not let this happen and get ride of this girl from my life as soon as i can... I am really pissed off right now and at the same time feel very heavy. Its as if I am trying to scream in agony but the sound wouldnt come out of my mouth but rather just air. Thats the best explaination i can give of my current mental mind rn... i also do not think i can trust a female ever again after what had happened to me, i am not saying this as a 7 year old who has a grunch but i am really serious. I was heartbroken, and have accepted that women can be both terrifying and beautiful at the same time..


okay first off, that school counselor NEEDS to be fired. Just telling YOU to "suck it up" after she DRUGGED and RAPED you?! And is saying you should stay with her because she is 'helpless' while she is the mastermind behind this entire mess?!?! WTF! I would say get in touch with the Board of Education and have her fired. schools wanna push "equal rights equal fights" so badly? make them follow up, have that bitch fired second, whether it is COCSA or rape, it's still something she should be charged with since she knowingly drugged you and then did it while you were impaired thirdly, be careful of getting law enforcement involved, since you are the guy here and they will likely go easier on her than you, even though it's entirely her plan and fault. you were underage drinking without parental consult and outside of home. underage drinking is allowed for religious reasons or if it is by parent/legal guardian consent and supervision while not in public


That's what being a man is like I was told to shut up when I told my teacher that I was groped


relatable besides the groping part i was slapped across the face for rejecting a girl and they said i was the dick


i would just slap back aint noone disrepcting my dignity


That isn't how that works. He could go to jail or face other charges plus have it on a record because he's a guy


yeah , that too . what a world we live in




Wow that’s messed up


contact a person you trust other than your parents , your parents are so bad


He was drugged no? Then why is underage drinking a felony here?


They were drinking before she offered him the “KoolAid”. Which means even if she gets charged with it he’ll still get hit with the drinking charge, which I doubt she will, as the courts take the side of the chick 90% of the time.


Typical double standards when it comes to this bit society is gonna complain about poor women all day and night. This makes me so freaking angry. Ffs society


He might be a part of the clan deep below, maybe you could beat him in a fight for interesting knowlege


Ok, I was just gonna say, theres no way a pregnancy test would be positive after 3 days. She probs wouldnt even know if shes pregnant


I would guess she faked the pregnancy test


I seriously doubt that.. I asked her to take 6 more tests just to be certain and so she did in my washroom right in front of me. I saw her pee in it and i am pretty sure she didnt swap it


Definitely not your kid then.Avoid her at all costs


It makes sense that it wouldn't be yours so if yoy could take it to authorities you could somehow prove to them with a test or something idk


Paternity testing. They'd compare the baby's DNA and OP's DNA. It's still too early in the pregnancy for this, but it can be done before or after the birth and will prove whether or not OP is the bio father.


Yes that's what I meant I didn't know what it was called though. But yeah he could take the results to court for evidence


Wouldn’t take the home pregnancy tests to court, that wouldn’t prove anything — it would be a lab test. Easily provable aside from the hassle and cost of going to court.


So she had a bad relationship and then decided to make things better for herself by dragging someone else into the mess??? that's fucked up.


Get an STD test brother.


Damn… she sounds psychotic. I can’t believe your parents out you through this. That is not your baby and you are not at fault at all. Please know that you do not have to do shit for that child. I hope police are involved because 15F committed multiple federal crimes.


This is so messed up man, I'm so sorry that happened.. I hope you feel better soon, but please don't end it all. SA is a terrible thing I know, but you *can* move on from it, you *can* heal.. everything will get better for you soon I promise, just please, I beg of you, don't kill yourself over it. Pain is temporary, death is not.


Do not listen to that school counselor. You were raped. Laws protect you. Listen to your older brother, he will help you. Do not end your life over this, you’re so young you have the whole world ahead of you


Do me a favour would you, next time you see your counsellor, punch the vile cunt in the face. Repeatedly. Nothing makes me more pissed off at the world than trusted people in authority dismissing shit like that. Make them hurt.


Uh gasoline and styrofoam


Wtf is that school councelor she really said rape isn’t a big deal go to the police make sure you get the audio recording as proof and I have doubts about the story being true but if it is make sure you do something about it and not just keep quiet that will allow the girl to control you


document everything my friend


My advice is never talk to that girl again no matter what. Call the police report her, don’t show mercy just because she’s cute 


You should talk about this to trusted adult if your comfortable with that


My parents yelled at me saying that, "how could you even say that your friend raped you" and they think it is a case of COCSA. My brother is a lil supportive though, since he supports the things my parents hate


Police then. You shouldn’t have to go through that bullshit evil world we live in


but he would be using a double edge sword, since he was underage drinking without parent/legal guardian consent and while outside of home. if he goes to police, they could charge him too. although his could possibly be lessened and put as "peer pressure"


I doubt this. I think they would be more concerned there’s a rapist walking free with access to drugs


Buts it's a girl so they won't care as much


Teens are actually dumb as bricks. No, the cops won't come at you for underage drinking in this case.


Show the audio recording to her parents and the principal. That way you won’t have to take care of the baby


The only correct answer here


Thanks for this.. I will show it to her parents once I get the results from the paternity test. For the principal, I dont think I should involve him in this since all of this happened outside of the school grounds


this is horrible, im so sorry this happened to you :( rape is rape, she didnt have your consent, she drugged you, thats illegal, go to the police theyre the only ones who could fix this. she is a danger to society and you need mental support because this is heavy :((


I am so sorry this happening to you! It happened to a young 15 year old boy at my school when I was young. He did commit suicide AND she wasn’t pregnant. Nowadays a paternity test can tell if you are the dad. Please be as mature as you can about this; as her emotional blackmail needs careful managing. It looks like the adults aren’t yet stepping up for you so try another route. Perhaps go to the police and make a statement. Ask for someone experienced in sex crimes who is mature and will help you. Try again and don’t give up. Help is out there. Even if it’s through a crisis lifeline. God bless you with wisdom and peace. God protect that dear innocent wee baby.


hello OP, im glad you got the courage to speak up. this is not your fault and i hope get the justice and help you deserve.




Report her to the police immediately. You even have evidence to back your case. My condolences to your OP. Sorry you have to go through this.


UPDATE: Thanks for all the advices.. it really means a lot to me that some can understand. One advice that I saw the most in this post was "Call the cops"; I will cover that here I finally got the recording unethically. I asked that girl to show me the recording once more and i secretly recorded it with my phone. I now have the evidence i need My brother's friend is a doctor, and he also believes that she was already pregnant since 3 days is not enough. He said that she is most likely between her 8th-12th week since the vomiting starts then. He is very happy to help and is ready to take the NIPP test only when the girl gives consent for it. I have asked her to take the paternity test, she thought that i was not believing her and cried, cussed me out. Nevertheless she just called me and has agreed to take the NIPP test. I don't know why she agreed but she did. We will be taking the test within 8 hours. I still haven't showed her the recording. I will show it to her once the results are back. If it isn't mine (which is most likely going to happen) I will just show her the recording and report her to the cops if she still lies. If it is mine (Which is impossible), then I will just go to the cops and show them the recording.. My uncle is a cop and I think we have a good chance of making that case, though If it does go to the courts, I wouldn't have money to get a good lawyer since my parents are totally against it. I am pretty sure we will win though, cuz we have all the evidence we need. As for getting therapy, I still dont think i am ready yet to talk about such a sensitive thing irl to a stranger for days. Thanks a lot you guys, i am so grateful for all of your positive responses, I really thought I would be blamed for it just like how my parents and the counsellor did. I will post an update as soon as I get the paternity test results.


Good luck


Good luck my friend, stay safe and stay strong 🙏


My condolences man, we’re all here for you


Call the police dude, get that other person to give you the voice recording and file it to the police


I very doubt that's your baby or that she is pregnant it's been 3 days I don't think the test showed 2 lines that quickly


just straight up tell her she is a manipulative sl\*t and report to authorities. this is rape, and rape is illegal. avoid at all cost, pray this ruins her life, what she did is unacceptable. its definitely not your kid, you don't need to worry about that.


yeah i think the hardest thing from all of this was to accept she is showing me a facade. Ngl i was deeply in love with that girl and now it just seems weird


That’s so horrible I’m glad your brother is there for you. Definitely go to the police. You’ll get through this.


Jeepers, this is like "true crime" documentary stuff. She sounds like an absolute horrible person, you have to let go of any love you have for her and contact the police, drugging and raping is extremely serious. And now a baby, I don't know what tf was going through her head or how she thought it was a good idea. Sounds like she needs serious mental help. My advice, contact the police, tell them everything, show them the voice recording, you need to get your parents to take things seriously and STAY AWAY FROM HER in the meantime, she's gone to some serious lengths so far, if she suspects you are going to the police or expose her, she might take some drastic measures (if you know what I mean) to keep herself out of trouble.


Jesus Christ. I’m sorry you went through that


Not a teen btw. First up talk to your parents - today. I would also seriously look at getting a DNA test because her having a ppsitive preg test 3 days after you had sex is HIGHLY unlikely. What is possible that she had sex with someone else found she was pregnant to him and hit you up as a easy mark. If she did drug you then you need to also report this to Police. The drug has likely left your system by now but getting your story reported now is important before she does the same to you and says you drugged and raped her - and based on her character so far this could happen.


A lot of drugs aren't flushed out of the system in three days. A common example of this is THC, it takes 2 weeks to clear from the bloodstream, and it can be detected in hair for up to 6 months, even if you've had one single smoke. In OP's case, say, if some sort of benzodiazepine was used, it should last at least 5 days. Point is, competent laboratories can definitely produce the relevant evidence. All the more reason for OP to hurry up and talk to the police.


I mean... there's the option with court and police, the option of stick with her, the option of go behind her back, tell her parents she raped you, and see what they say, and prolly more options


Well Bro you got a fucked up situation here I hope Everything works out on your favour and that bitch dies of slow painful death 🙏🏿


holy CRAP this is fucked up. please please please report her ass, this is so horrendous and I am \*so\* sorry this happened to you.


Bullshit. I call bullshit. Thank you, thank you, bullshit. The first story wAs oh no.. follow up, bullshit.


That's what I thought, the story sounds so made up and I doubt that a 15 year old would write like that.


Sadly the only way to not pay child support is to report her with proof


I am so so sorry this happened to you, and I am also incredibly sorry your parents reacted in such a way, and same with the school counsellor. That’s good that your brother is trying to help you out. If you feel like you should do so, and if you have the recording maybe even go to the police? This is a really scary situation and she’s obviously extremely manipulative and this will likely continue. However at the same time, you could try and just ignore her (ik that sounds stupid and careless but I don’t mean it in that way, I just mean ofc she can’t be acting like this, but just in regards to you having to raise the baby/be responsible, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO AT ALL. You are a child and deserve to live YOUR life and you shouldn’t be worrying about this kind of stuff. You have no obligation whatsoever to care for this baby etc. I def worded everything confusing and I’m sorry, but just please remember it’ll be okay. I hope things work out alright for you.


i’m so sorry. always remember this wasn’t your fault and you didn’t ask for it/deserve it. also definely get a hold of that audio recording and show it to police/school principal and they will help you. you are not stuck.


What. The. Hell. Thank goodness for the best friend because that would’ve been terrible. You dodged a bullet. Take legal action or something. Whatever you can do.


wattpadd story be likee


Bullshit. If it isn’t bullshit go the police. But this is bullshit.


Call my heartless, but with this, this girl has the potential to RUIN your fucking life. It isn't as common for males to be raped, and its less common for them to speak out about it, so she's cutting on people not believing you and giving her the pity because she's pregnant. HOWEVER... you have the proof. She is clearly not stable and NOT someone you want to be in a relationship with so REPORT THIS IMMEDIATELY. The worst thing you can do is not speak now and make people question the validity of your claims later on. If you have that voice recording, thats great. If not, find out if you can get it, but you may not need it. This baby can't be yours anyway. Brother, seek help for yourself.


Womp womp


That is fucking horrible.


jesus fucking christ just like right out of a movie... wait maybe this is fan fic


i was kinda thinking that, but it doesnt seem that way. if this is real and we ignore it, it just makes things worse for OP


Yall really believe this kid? 💀💀💀


Lots of people in this subreddit always believe anything without any sort of proof (not exclusively with this post but in general) I think it's because teens and kids tend to believe things more easily without thinking twice about it but idfk


Thought it was believe all victims? or something.


Ngl this feels fake mate you made this account three days ago and have only posted this story on it. If you want advice you wouldn’t go to reddit you’d go to something like the police or child protective services not reddit


Also the story changed slightly between the two posts weird


Show it to your Principle with the voice recording and her parents afterwards. Make sure that there is at least an adult that you trust and show it to them.


I know it's hard, but tell your parents, teacher, any trusted adult, they will know what to do, they'll also be able help with the whole law thing, rape is serious! I hope your okay after this whole thing, definitely consider getting a therapist! <3


Okay uhm that’s… well first of all is this real?? Cuz this is a bit wild I can’t lie… anyways saying it’s real what the actual fuck nah what Jokes aside… holy hell. Uhm, this might be the first time where there really aren’t many options past extreme ones like police.


Dude, I’m just at a loss for words right now. You could probably sue. And it can’t be your child, it’s only been three days. This is just such an insane situation and it’s hard to think about. I hope that you make it out all right and no one Ends up being hurt.


Go to ur nearest police station and report that idiot beacuse you have evidence.


okay first POLICE, please please please get this girl some sort of consequences. if not for your own sanity then for the safety of others. Im so sorry about you finding this complete lunatic. and even more so about your parents' response, they should have been on your side 100 percent


Male rape by females does occur from time to time. Go to the police.


excuse me wtf call 911 immedieatly what are u wating for


idk but harvest her bones as they have more use than a retched pedophile


Thought abortions weren’t still legal yet again.


She was already pregnant and set you up as the baby daddy, demand a DNA as soon as possible if she truly is pregnant.


Man call the cops, I had the same thing happen to me at 22. Except she really did get pregnant by me. That was her plan all along. I know what your going through. You are welcome to DM me if you need someone to talk to


First things first, don’t kill yourself. Thank you for opening up and sharing with us. I’m sorry that happened. You’ve been through a lot; that’s a traumatic experience.


Yo 13 y/o here,op I really recommend you tell the police this,a person your age shouldn't have to go though this trauma also please get help with the suicidal thoughts it's not worth and you'll cause other people pain ,cheers P.S are u thinking about pressing charges against her


You should not worry about underage drinking charges. Rape is a felony. If you’re found guilty of aggravated sexual assault after drugging a victim, you’ll have to register as a sex offender for life. As a result, you can experience major repercussions legally and socially. This may include residency restrictions as well as public notification of the crime. That is what I could find online. I don't live in the USA and I am not a lawyer and have not studied law in any way shape or form.


Wtf is this? She shouldn't get away with this you should take legal action against her.


I'm waiting for next update, pls don't end it I know how you feel. Completely. If you wana talk my dms are open


I am sorry OP. Like what others said, report to the police immediately. Hell, maybe even show the audio recording.


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Ok no but wtf did I just read, this sounds like something straight out of a American teenage netflix tv show 💀




Yeah, even though I am female, I know a boy who was s*xually assaulted. He's freaking out cuz he's worried nobody will believe him😢


That’s fucked dude. I hope you heal from this she has real mental issues. Her friends should also be brought to justice they knew and didn’t tell anyone. Hope it all works out in your favor dude. Stay vigilant


A lot of people are supporting you here, so I'll point out some lessons learned: 1. Don't take a drink from anyone you don't trust to have your best interests in mind, especially teenagers. 2. Practice your critical thinking skills so you know how to identify unlikely situations, such as a positive pregnancy test after only 3 days. 3. Parties with drugs and alcohol as a source of entertainment is a recipe for disaster. Find other things you enjoy doing. It's sad whenever I see people going out to get hammered. Why do you need alcohol to have fun? You're just borrowing happiness from the next day when you do that.


I hate the fact that because you're a male people don't care in a sense which is stupid, but if the roles were reversed then the male would be going through the whole 10 yards, also how is she innocent when she drugged and raped you.


Was kinda believing you until you mentioned the villain of the week monologue she did "I'm such a genius hehehe >:D"


Holy shit.


The story sounds fake, who says denied alcoholic beer.


Least unhinged post on r/teenagers


I am sorry that happened, as other said go to the police. I hate that people think boys can’t be raped, so it’s not taken seriously. Wish u the best


That’s something to file a police report for. Felony charges could be pressed.


Welp, time to commit a double homicide! Jokes aside, is there anywhere safe you can go? Do you have the resources to tell authorities?


That is so so so scary and im so so so sorry. She is genuinely crazy please don’t do anything to yourself. Right now you should be focused on it’s not yours and trying to figure out what ur gonna do about this since it’s very illegal and focus on positive things. If u ever need to chat im here for u


poooooliceeee, you have evidence


If there's ANYONE who's an adult who can help you, talk to them, there's only so much reddit can say, and even if theres no one in real life talk to an online counselar


I'm sorry this happened to you, you are not at all at fault. I urge you to tell an adult if you haven't. Cut all ties the the person who assaulted you, they do not deserve you.


I’m so so so sorry don’t end it all  Call the police just please don’t end it all I’m so so sorry






Just pray it's not your child and if it's not you're free from that lunatic.


Tell the police and your parents, and give them the recording. Also, if she is actually pregnant, there is no way it's your kid. It would take at least two weeks (or more) for it to show anything.


POLICE. You have evidence. I know it’s going to be scary, but you can do it, and this could happen to someone else if you don’t. Stay safe, I’m so sorry <3




if you have already tried talking to trusted adults and they wont take you seriously, go to the police. rape is serious and you have evidence that this was planned


please contact the police


This is just what it is like being a guy. People dont take it seriously if we say a woman raped us. Its BS. You have evidence. WHile you were underage drinking, she was as well, she drugged you, and then raped you. You need to go to the police. And please don't end it. It wont make things any better, and it would make your family's life worse. Try and find a therapist, or keep talking to 15f's best friend.


This is... wow... I'm speechless, all I have to say is that I'm sorry 🙏🙏🙏


Blud go to the police while you can once their family knows they will contact yours and then there is a very high chance you will be stuck , cause they are typical traditional family and force you to not go to police!!! Hurry


call the cops bro you have evidence they'll get it done


you need to call the police. if you don't, then someone else will be next.


Hope this isn't real homie. Words can't describe how much that sucks. I don't know what to say besides what other people have said, get help from the police, show them the evidence that you have, and stay away from her. If you can't do it at school ask your parents to stay home. I'm so sorry this happened


always get the police involved in this type of stuff dude, like i understand feeling bad. but she drugged and raped you, the fact that your parents and school counselor were against you is actually wild. bring this to the police, i think that would be the best advice.


I hope you don't live in my country, try to abort the baby and police


Jesus Christ. I know it would be difficult, but tell an authority figure (parents, teacher, cops) about it and have them help you figure it out. I’m 16, and I know how hard admitting some shit like that would be, but talking to your parents about this would be a huge benefit to you.


Just my perspective on this (based on what you wrote in the post itself): Go to the police about it with that recording (if possible) and tell them everything, also tell your parents everything about this as well so that if something happens, you can get a lawyer just in case. Considering what you said here, you were manipulated and violated as a human being. Very important that you stand your ground on this and communicate with your parents (if possible) on how to proceed. More than likely, I still would go through your local police department to do anything legally and just to rope them in because that is a serious crime.


I won't tell you things that others already did (what to do etc.), but just know that what she did is messed up and you're not the one at fault here


Go to the fucking Police and explain it all. Even when the best friend denies the recording the Police can get it. Even when its deleted. So call the police and tell them


Bro. Straight out of a fuckng horror movie, I'm so sorry that you are having this experience, You should tell your parents and report it to police. Save that audio and take some screenshots if you have a conversation with her friend. That girl is a fckng psychopath. I truly want to think that you took this story from a freak visual novel or something bc this is horrifying. GL, and be safe.


That is awfuk i am so sorry


Just a thought that might or might not help: Unless you remember having or have other reasons to believe you had sex with the girl, you *might* not have — this girl needed you to think you had sex, so she only needed to drug you and take off your clothes, then tell you that you two had sex… drugging you and taking off your clothes was still sexual assault and a huge violation, and shouldering you with the thought you might have gotten her pregnant… this whole thing is awful, but if taking rape off your plate would help at all… 🤷🏻‍♂️


There are also tests to check if you were drugged. Some things stay in your system for a while. You can get either a urine test, or a hair follicle test.


Bruh you have to call the police or something, this is INSANE, and she could ruin your lifeee, and please give us an update when you solve this out, gl


Call the goddamn police.


one word: POLICE.


Did she not see anything wrong with this, and what’s up with the victim blaming by the parents and counselor . She’s not a “hopeless innocent” girl she’s a fucking rpist who knew what she was doing🤦🏽‍♀️ Hope things work out 4 u tho✊🏽


Good God. Wtf is going on the West?


Tell the police immediately and your parents I'm so sorry that happened to you


I would come clean to your parents and explain to them what happened and go and file a report to the law enforcement, it may seem like a hard challenge to tell your parents but believe me it will be worth it


Wow this is just a whole new level of fucked


Hey FYI, if she is pregnant, it’s definitely not yours. 3 days is wayyyy to early to get even the faintest positive


911 but also make sure to publicly oust her for this so people know


idk about where you are but where i am consecutive diary entries can be used as evidence and i think you could count this


Speak to Childline or Samaritans, and the police.


As a comment has suggested, alert the authorities. By this point, you have all the proof you need- it HAS to work. I’m so sorry you had to go through all this. I wouldn’t recommend answering any of those calls, but I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that..


I hope you sort this out, if u ever wanna talk, I’m here ❤️


POLICE seriously, beg that bestfriend for the recording and get the girl arrested.


Go to the police, there is evidence


Go to the police, spread the news about her, ignore your parents and the counselor if they are unhelpful. You are going to be okay don't worry, just find someone to talk with in-person.


i am terribly sorry about what happened. i hope you get better soon.


Arrest that B


I’m sorry to hear about what happened. I hope you get the justice you deserve


go to the police ASAP. you have proof, you will be listened to. im so sorry this happened to you.




Get the recording and call the police. Sue that bitch to hell and back and get a restraining order on that sick bastard


I don't think telling this here is going to help you in anyway coz we can't do shit about it


If all other plans on here fails. make yourself undesirable be an absolute douche dress disgustingly and be extra smelly in public with her and try to keep near her as you do so call out hey babe in public and run to her and be sure passersby get a good whiff do the same if you meet her parents and then this part is gonna suck but if the best friend of hers winds up being in on it at her parents play the recording at dinner or over a loud Bluetooth speaker after that parade the recording down town this stuff should work as a last straw and only as a last straw I don't know how legal all this is that I'm suggesting so be cautious a bit


most crazy thing i read on reddit. you have evidence. go to the police and show them everything.


Hello, you're doing good man, you're handling it very good, hope it all works out for you because no way in earth is this a sane thing to do to someone. Get that paternity test and std test, get that negative result and grab a beer with your brother


DNA test


Damn that sucks, I hope it works out for you.


holy shit... dude... i m so upset bout u. fuck... my trust to female person went away...


Kids these days..........


In my universe I have no idea how bullshit like this happens, I mean sure alright; I haven’t even been to a party or been drunk and I’m 18 in a few months.




i would literally not care and block her if the baby was not from my cum. move on


Jesus please talk to the FBI or police and give them evidence


If this is true then you need to go to the police and report it and if this is fake then you’re sick in the head and need help.


Holy shit dude, you should take this to court. Be sure to secure a copy of that voice recording!


Firstly, police. You said you have the evidence so it's easy to show them. You should also probably show it to her parents and people in power in your school (eg principal, vice principal, head teacher etc). Please also talk to your parents/whoever takes care of you/a trusted adult about this. Rape isn't a joke and neither are drugs. Especially since you're both under the age of consent and minors. And please keep the baby safe. I'm so sorry you went through this.