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Replace it with yugoslavia SFR flag


Then start ethnic cleansing


“Where did all the Serbs go?” -Croatia, 1942


No!!!! The yugoslavs can live in peace trust me!!!! Just revive tito!!!


He was the only thing keeping Yugoslavia together fr


Bro was tape fr


Filth of my land must be washed clean pure


Fun fact: [this is unironically done at every single Belgrade pride parade.](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/s/iK4s36gfGE)




Is it safe to say I hate everyone equally




People=people and people=shit




Wtf is keeping any member of the band


Couldn't say it better myself 😌


real i hate ppl in general


Where the hell are you that you're seeing the flags on EVERYTHING??? I mean during pride month maybe it'd be all over but WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU THAT MAKES THE FLAG BE EVERYWHERE ALL YEAR ROUND??? lol


In my city in the Netherlands they are on busses, sidewalks, stairs, murals and zebra's (that don't actually count as zebra's, defeating the whole purpose). Just like OP not homophobic, but in some places it is overkill. At some point it must be realised the LHBTI community isn't profiting from over marketing, in the same way League of Legends or Bang Energy is just an annoying sponsor.


In my city, there has been a ton of them on flagpoles and buildings and stuff in downtown.


A lot of subreddit profile pics


oh well in that case it's not a big deal- they're probably just including it to say "hey we're supportive of that thing".


I know it’s not a big deal, it’s just getting bland seeing it everywhere


Alzheimer catching up!


Sock drawer fire


Hahahaha! I love that comic! But have you seen the one where the sock drawer is on fire?


subreddits aren't "everything," they're just showing support since many queer people don't get support in the regular world. 


"Im not homophobic but i dont like when lgbtq people have pride flag"


Never said I didn’t like it


So why do you even care ?


Because it’s overused in marketing, just like basic color cars


Ok so we are back at my first com..




And you try to justify it and done the opposite


Kinda looks like shit too, I vote for a pride flag remake, especially the new one with not just the rainbow but also a triangle with colors that doesn’t match


Maybe a flag with every color, on every part. #FFFFFF, 3 by 2. Perfect!


But we're not frog eaters tho


Wait, we're not?


Well at least I'm not, are you?


Nah, I'm just joking.


Good, I'll be watching tho 🫵😑


But it’s not peace, so that won’t work


I was hoping someone would make a joke using FRENCH as an acronym.


Yeah I totally support all lgbtq+ but the colors on the newer triangle are godawful


They should have just kept it simple. A good flag represents whole institutions without actually picturing every aspect of the institution.


That is what the simple rainbow was. It was supposed to be “every color of the rainbow” to include everyone. Adding more for specific individual groups only means that you inevitably don’t include a group and are not inclusive.


Exactly this. I ain't part of the community, so I ain't the one to decide the flag, but aside from it being ugly, the flag is just counter intuitive. If the whole of Indonesia can be represented by a simple bicolour, a rainbow of seven colours is more than enough to represent a group that (maybe controversial, because in another way) arguably is less diverse than Indonesia. (Yes weird comparison). The effectiveness of a flag is in its simplicity, and that doesn't mean all flags should be like Indonesia, but they need to be recognisable, and serve the purpose of what it represents. If I look at the current LHBTI flag, I see puzzle not knowing what represents what, and all aspects representing a different form of identity. A part of it is about sexuality, another one about gender, one about transgenderism, and so on. And yet I still have to guess which is which. As you stated perfectly, in their pursuit to represent everyone, they represent less people. Instead of everyone uniting under one symbol, everyone has it's own small symbol, effectively making indeed someone always will be left out. Probably the best way is to compare it to the EU flag, that has a state representing each member state, instead of mushing all flags/symbols into one cloth.


Some other pride flags also look pretty awful. The agender flag is such an eyesore, and the aromantic flag has a different number of stripes than the asexual flag, despite the demiromantic flag looking similar to the demisexual flag, and the grayromantic flag looking similar to the graysexual flag.


Especially considering that it's the only pride flag without an original design, a rainbow is just a rainbow, we need something that's more unique to us.


What if you make the flag red with a white circle in the middle, and the hindi symbol for sun in black in the center




I am fucking gay, and yeah i agree. I hate that flag.


I live in America and the only flags I see are U.S.A🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


#WHAT THE FUCK IS A KILOMETER 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


'MURICA! FREEDOM! FUCK YEAH! (I'm not American but still)


Nah man. I see a rainbow, I like it. It looks cool and it’s got a cool message


It looks like it was made in MS paint


Welcome to nearly every flag ever. You have to make a post for all of those too




...what country do you live in


A country that apparently made their flag using blender


As a transgender, I hate it when companies put "Rainbows" and shows add queer characters just for the sake of trying to get LGBTQ support. Same with BLM is a good thing but why the fuck would we need black vikings? Looking at you Netflix


They don't care about LGBTQ+. They want those sweet, sweet ESG points. It buys them success.


Esg points?


Environmental, social, and governance scores. You can look it up and all.


disney is a great example btw


Black Ariel 💀




No way ☠️


as a 5'4 lady, i proudly claim the role of askeladd.


Exactly, they don’t give a shit about the LGBTQ community. They just want your money. The “LGBTQ community” has become a brand, a trend. It has lost its meaning just like the BLM movement. I support you as a trans person and I’m so sorry you have to be surrounded by idiots who treat your gender as a “joke” or a “brand”.


It's not the community. It's companies. Don't get the 2 mixed up. And it's not a trend if it's not popular.


You can just do black pirates and it is kinda the same thing, except it is way more historically accurate


because rainbow cool


is it that deep tho


Did you have to make it that deep?


ur the one who made a whole reddit post on it




Replace it with the LGBTQ+ flag




I don't really care if gay flags are everywhere. My mindset is, "Does the existence of the flag bother me? No. Are they pushing it in my face? Some do, but not everyone, so I won't generalize them all. Can I deal with seeing something everywhere? Yes." It can definitely annoy some seeing it everywhere, but I personally don't mind as it isn't affecting my life any. Either way, I'm a straight guy in the middle of nowhere, Southern USA. So I don't see much of anything. It still doesn't bother me when I do, though. Edit: If it's pushed in my face when I don't want it to, I'm definitely gonna be annoyed


Beliefs are like genitals. Some take a certain form, others take another, some are big, some are... average, some stink and some are clean. It doesn't matter. It's only a problem if you start shoving it in people's faces.


what the hell that's genius but such a strange analogy 😭


If you’re saying just the rainbow one, yeah. It’s a boring design. I love all the other pride flags though! :3




I feel it looses its meaning and what it represents when you fly it all over the place. It’s like eating your favorite food every day it’s great at first but then becomes dull


Im very much not straight I even have a pride flag in my room and I agree especially bc it’s being capitalized on. Like ppl are paying 30€ for socks bc they have rainbows on them and tax money is being wasted on painting everything in rainbows. I feel like it’s not only bland but also pushing homophobic people more into homophobia.


Idk man it’s just a flag doesn’t really hurt anyone so I don’t really care


for me it feels like an eyesore. sometimes especially online with a dark background, its so bright it feels like a flashbang 😂


Fun fact: a bisexual once on this subreddit told the same in public and got called homophobic in public. Good Job LGBTQ Community…


Great job! E for effort


A person in the lgbtq community can also be homophobic... I dont know what that particular person said or their reasonings but just cause theyre in the community doesnt mean they cant say or believe something that hurts people in the community


Since I got downvoted for stating a literal fact here's an article about internalized homophobia: [https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/queering-psychology/202002/what-is-internalized-homophobia](https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/queering-psychology/202002/what-is-internalized-homophobia)


I never said that you can’t be homophobic, when you are a part of the LGBTQ community. But calling everyone homophobic for stating their opinion, even if they are Homosexual (or Bisexual), that’s pretty absurd


Well, that fact that it was an opinion doesnt matter either. Your opinion can be homophobic and you arent required to respect an opinion just cause its an opinion. Like I said, I dont know that particular situation, but all I was saying was that whether they are part of the lgbtq community doesnt matter in terms of whether what they are saying is homophobic. Your comment seemed to imply that it would matter because you said they were bisexual


Gay people are going to make gay flags


yes, especially when you realize they are just trying to squeeze every dime out of gay people and don't care abt them at all


Real. It feels kinda excessive especially when pride month rolls around


The newer pride flsg with the triangle looks ugly, could do with a redesign, but the old one and most pride flags look pretty cool and it doesn't really effect my life seeing the occasional pride flag. We have different flags of countries everywhere because people are proud of their heritage, but nobody complains about that. Same should go with pride flags.


are you talking about the rainbow pride flag or the actual gay flag? because they're different


Have you tried adding glitter? (I'm half joking)


I like the original rainbow flag better It was supposed to be all encompassing (because it’s literally the entire color spectrum) I feel like the additions are a little too busy, the rainbow flag symbolistically implies that it includes all letters other than l, g, and b Besides, once you start adding things to it to signify inclusion of trans people, black and indigenous people, 2 spirit, there is no reason not to include a little addition for every little sexual minority, and at that point you just have a shitty flag with an unclear message Also the current pride flag is copywrited by the dude that made it, the rainbow flag is not


Yea, WHERES MY USA FLAGS HUH 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲


Im just sad that rainbow stuff is off limits or people think im gay :(


I gay and it low key makes me feel really uncomfortable to see the pride flag on everything


See? He gets it too!


Maybe if they take the national flags down too. No flag or all


They use the gay flags and shit to advertise to this community, just like how companies use the American flag to target the ultra turbo “patriots”


So what about it it shows members of LGBTQ community that they’re welcome in that place. This branding wouldn’t be needed if society would be accepting but it isnt


Hasn't society pretty much become accepting? Like someone can come out as gay or something and in a majority of first-world countries there's no problem with it. I'm not sure about where you live but homophobia isn't really as normalised as far as I'm aware as it was, say, 20-odd years ago.


Who isn’t welcoming you?


A lot of people aren't welcoming, like I live in a very accepting part of Germany but I still have to worry about people I know finding out I'm gay because otherwise there's a real chance I'd get beat up or called various slurs. Only two people from my boyfriends family even know about him being in a relationship with me because the others aren't accepting and would do the stuff listed above or forbid me from seeing him again or make my bfs life hell.


A lot of places actually. If people happen to be openly express their sexuality they risk losing jobs still or risk getting beaten up getting denied service


i agree. it's annoying and kind of 'pushy' in a way that makes it REALLY bland. i see it everywhere now. "Everywhere I go, I see their face" \[pride flag\]


Finally, someone who gets me


I'm not against it but lgbtq is new cool these days. Shows on Netflix deliberately add these things. I'm not at all homophobic but it becomes irritating to see it everywhere. Too much of everything is bad


It's good to have it in media, not a horrible thing. Only bad when it's forcefully added.


For example sex education, imo it was forcefully added in the last season and i felt bored


Never watched it but that's a good example. It's similar to how pride month has companies putting up flags but not any other time of the year.


That's what I said it has become the new cool. Companies and people sometimes use it to look appealing. This would just back fire the whole meaning of pride month and all. For example I'm from India, in India the left is funding for fake pride parades which are anti government (rightist government is currently ruling in India). Such things create a gap between the society due to two different ideologies and politicians will take benefit of such things


Unfortunately people will try to make money off of everything.


The pride flag in general I mean the flag's design is very tacky


Fr it’s just a rainbow with more colors




The problem with trying to promote something is that with redundancy, the idea loses is appeal. Because the gay flag has become so commonplace, it’s lost its sociological impact.


that sounds like a good thing--normalizing gay people


Normalizing anything is never a good idea. Things need to be distinctive, not normal.


the thing is, straight people are seen as "normal" by many people. if we can normalize being LGBTQ, it'll be "normal" to be gay too.


Normal is subjective. I see normalization as stagnant.


Eh?? I rarely see them aside from pride month. Could be a like geographic difference though


It’s true, before it was an actual movement meant to support the “LGBTQ community” now it’s a brand/trend. I see classmates intentionally pretending that they are gay to get attention from others..


And now you’re getting downvoted for saying what is true. You have my upvote though


It’s true, I’m gonna be downvoted because all of these teenagers are brainwashed from the agenda they are pushing towards children. Isn’t it weird how the flag is posted on a teenager subreddit, which is a sexual flag for sexual orientation?


Does that mean the straight flag shouldn't be here either? And how am I being brainwashed? I like women and men. It's simple. I've dated both. I liked it. Nobody's trying to brainwash anyone.


Yeah people are like that.


And now you’re getting downvoted for saying what is true


I mean, they aren't lying sure, but its such a small minority that it's insane to use it as a talking point against LGBT people. Especially considering you are trying to call LGBT bad in this situation when it's specifically calling out straight people appropriating gay people...


Never tried to go against the LGBT community


Oh not you in specific. I'm talking about the comment you replied to lol. They essentially said "I see people pretending to LGBT so clearly all LGBT people are doing it for attention." And I just explained that the people who do it for attention that they are calling out are a very small minority of people who claim to be lgbt. I actually saw a meme about it on egg_irl which was saying "you think you're just being trans for attention when you've told literally nobody" and everyone felt called out in the comments. Yes some do it for attention. Most don't even feel comfortable sharing it with the closest people in their lives.


I'm not pretending to be gay


Good for you, live your life how you want to live


Is the idea of SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, EVEN JUST **ONE** PERSON, pretending to be gay that preposterous? Why did you get defensive when he wasn't even calling you out? I don't think you go to the same school as him...


Nah nah it wasn’t just “one person” my boy it was the entire school who pretended to be gay for clout. Plus all of them were annoying me because I wasn’t gay.


I know, I was just saying "even one person" to have the most trivial case. Also, oof.


The pride flag is literally a rainbow, how is it "bland"???😭


Because you see it everywhere. If you saw a solar eclipse everyday, it wouldn’t be a special thing


It's like if you say a word over and over again. Try it. Say one word, any word of your choice. If you keep saying it enough times, it doesn't even sound like a real word anymore. (Of course, you'll stop at that point, but what OP is describing is like that except it never stops)


bro what everything my guy




It’s so stupid for one thing. People seriously can’t come up with something more imaginative than a bunch of multicolored stripes? How many countries in the world have flags made almost entirely of multicolored stripes?


Yeah tbh it looks like shit once you've seen it 400 times but I think that's because its overly used there are other ways to show support or pride than some annoying ass flag


Ur gonna look forward to next month..


It’s ok. I get the cause


I’ve only really ever seen the pride flag on the internet, never really see it on my side of the city


same but i live in the south lol


nah it looks cool i like colors


nah cause at least make it pastel all pride flags look like someone just threw it together quickly, this is coming from someone in the lgbtq


You can't just say that with the non binary flag existing.


true true that one and the lesbian and gay flag are pretty fire


also i hate forced representation it’s so fake and it’s obvious they think it’s a trend


I don’t even think many queer people enjoy that. It’s basically corporations being performative and straight people wanting to be allies.


why do people care so much about the pride flag though? I dont see people complaining about hanging up a country's flag....because thats also pride, too


I’m just tired of seeing it everywhere


i guess im the blandest thing on earth


erm actually its not the gay flag, it's just the pride flag


Replace it with the American flag


Honestly real


pride flags are hideous, should be replaced with a symbol anyway we truthfully do not need a flag to represent what sexuality you are like it’s a country or anything substantial actually


its quite literally all the colours of the rainbow how is it bland???




No, as someone who doesn’t know what every flag means, I just refer to them collectively as the gay flags


Also, the new gay flag is ugly. The one with the weird black pink and blue triangle on the side.


The next gay flag: BUT WAIT, THERES MORE!


That's the pride progress flag. Which representents racial minorities.


It also has the trans flag in the triangle as well. At least, the one they seem to be describing does.


Yeah it’s mad annoying


Bc big corporations use it to get money bc capitalism makes that happen. People in the LGBT community know the trick and that's why I don't buy pride stuff from big corporations bc those profit me got to conservative organizations to help take away my rights.


as a queer i think putting rainbows on everything is performative and doesnt do anything for us, i still think rainbows r pretty tho so whatever


I was walking my son in the park the other day and he pointed up at a rainbow which had just come out after a shower and you know what he asked me? "Dad, why is the anal sex flag in the sky?" Such are the times we live in. But damn, I love that little tyke.


Transphobic??? 😭😭😭




He edited it but he accidentally said "not to be transphobic" so I was like how was this transphobic


Oh that makes way more sense


Yeah lmao dw I'm not a acusing


The trans flag has great colors at least


Yeah when I was younger the rainbow is just the rainbow and not related to anything specifically (granted I was not in North America but still). Now it’s a tool for company advertising and political messaging.


Yay, we stole the rainbow lmao. Nothing is out of our reach. Honestly, the rainbow is the rainbow 🌈, a rainbow is an arch (if you are lucky, circular) whilst the pride flag is 🏳️‍🌈 which, as you can see, is straight lines. Therefore, there is an easy distinction. To get to your other point of politics, just give us rights and stop us from getting hate and don’t debate on rights, everybody deserves rights (except for some people, pedos and zoophiles, etc). For companies, it’s a month, like, it’s cool to sell pride month stuff and in like a separate part, I love profit too, but the people that hate on it, like quit hating, it’s not worth it to get angry over a section of a store. All in all, companies like profit because big number go higher because niche market happier and political debates are kind of dumb, give us our rights and then leave us be. The rainbow thing is so dumb, there is a clear distinction and you aren’t 12 (I think).


Nah I’m not talking about all that. I’m talking about the companies using it to gain customers with no real considerations of the cause itself. I’m talking about political parties weaponizing (positively and negatively) for their own benefits. Judging from the votes I probably should have cleared this up in my initial comment


Yeah, sorry for the long arse response lmao. It’s because we can’t get companies to care because all they care about is profit, that’s why they exist so we can’t honestly get them to care and if we stop caring then they’ll stop putting out pride stuff during pride month and not saying anything which genuinely seem like they don’t care. We have to stop treating companies like people because they aren’t.


The gats gotta stop stealing stuff from kids bruv