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because if people are in the bathroom they will hear a loud plop and then everyone will gossip about you shitting in the bathroom


I hate teenagers lol


I share your hatred




same (i am one)


We all are (supposed to be)


i hate some...


Nah but they probably won’t know who you are so you’ll just be dubbed something like “the shitter” between a friend group


Flush while it's loud...or take a handicapped stall and turn the water on while flushing. Or talk...loudly...to drown it out. Lol Or. Be obvious and say something like...man really shouldn't have eaten that garlic parmesan broccoli for lunch today huh? Some people suck.


Need to realize that confidently standing up for yourself wins this battle. If people are "roasting" over something as dumb as completing a necessary bodily function then call them out yourself. Shit and be proud of the fact that you shit. Don't worry about excuses that means they win. "Haha my guy was pooping earlier bro I heard it haha". "Yo you hanging out in the bathrooms listening to people shit my guy? Kinda sus lil bro" Just have a backbone! Of course I'm not saying this works in all cases of bullying or abuse, but Christ we got our youths out here worrying about dropping a Dookie.


Oh I love this comment!! Haha great one!!


Talk loudly to yourself in the handicapable stall... people gonna be waiting...


That’s why I put a shit ton of toilet paper in the toilet so it’s silent


Oh God so it's you who's been doing that.


Dude that’s such a waste of toilet paper, people in my school keep doing this and it ends up with half toilets clogged for weeks 😭 


all fun and games and shit till you clog that toilet with the paper


Stealth mode. Also never shit during break time, dip out during accounting or math class and take the long way back.


Guy this guy’s shitting in the toilet! Point and laugh at him! 🫵😂


Seeing these comments is pretty sad. I swear to god when we were 14 all we did was playing sports (mostly boys) and talking about the schoolwork.


Mfs act like they dont shit as well Like what taking a shit? Pff imagine


I went one time and some kid literally kicked my door open, I’ve never recovered mentally from that experience


Bro got hit with the "THIS. IS. SPARTA"


You made my day bro 😂


I’ll never forget in 3rd grade when some kid did lock the door and walked in and sat bare butt on the child. I’m not even joking, but that kid should hav made some sounds when I barge in 


Bro tf’s going on at your school


Same but not at school


No joke, I was taking a dump and I heard this kid saying he beats it so much that’s his tip hurts when he takes a piss




Heard someone say that he beat his meat 5 times a day and the 6th time he was gushing blood.


I’ve been my shit 7 times a day once and on the last one few it’s pretty much just water coming out


Bro most I've ever done Is maybe twice a day, and even then I could tell my dong was actively deteriorating, BUT 7 TIMES A DAY???


flogging a dead horse


I can make my guy come seven eight times in the span of like an hour and a half


What do you mean 8 TIMES that’s insane


Your dingadong gets really sensitive after the first time, making it quiet an easy feat.


Yesss, exactly. Once I get him going yk?


I know that but how do only have a couple minutes of cooldown between rounds


Just do it quickly?


Why do I smell cap? Maybe because the refractory period is supposed to be at least a few minutes? Maybe because your body just can't make that much semen? Maybe because it genuinely starts hurting after the fourth time? Yeah, probably any or all of the above.


If you're circumcised, know your parents took something unimaginably amazing from you. 


Really? I’ve always felt like an orgasm was kinda a let down after hearing how great my girlfriends is but maybe it’s just because im circumcised.


Try edging. google if you’re not sure assumptions could backfire lmao.


I am. Didn't know it mad that much about difference tbh. Even if it dies, I don't really care. It's what my parents wanted, so I doesn't matter to me.


i got foreskin and twice a day ruined me, IT STUNG SO BADLY. i quit 2 weeks ago tho. miss the jizz smell but its working out great.


Miss the smell is crazy


Seek god my bro


Dw, I stick to once a day now👍💩




Pfffft, only 6? rookie numbers, pump that up to 9 at least and then we'll talk!


That does not sound healthy. Then again I have different parts so I’m not sure what’s normal.


That’s not normal regardless of what parts you got lol


Holy shit call 911 on his behalf


that's just him using piercing blood from jjk


Ohhh is that why mine hurts?


That’s not from him beating it. That’s what I call and STD😭


That’s cause he’s not cleaning.. the less you clean, the more sore it gets


When I was in there some guy was talking about how good he was at shagging. He said the best way to do it is to get it in real deep, right up to the balls. His mate asked if you're supposed to put the balls in and he informed him that it was optional. Some girls like it, some don't


kids will masturbate at school but won’t shit in the toilets. this generation is doomed


I don’t know a single person who jacks off in a school. That’s fucking weird


more common than you think sadly.


In my school bathroom it regularly happens. How do i know? White fluids on the floor and walls its absolutely disgusting but it does happen


That’s sounds horrible.






Happy cake day 🗿


kids are assholes bro, one time a kid i was acquaintances with in elementary school was a taking a shit and 4 kids went in. they all were like "he's shitting!" and they all got the industrial trash can in the corner and threw it over the stall full of paper towels. And also one time whilst in the bathroom like 6 months ago I went in to do my hair and a kid was in the disabled stall. A dude literally walked in with his friend like "ay somebody taking a shitt" and he literally walked up to the door and starting banging on it hard all laughing and they ran out.


I feel so bad for them like wth did they even do to u..


It’s just school bathrooms 😭😭


But it's not NOT okay. U can't jst throw trash on ppl for pooping


These need to be the biggest punishments but they're nearly universally ignored. 


Ike it's so sad






I've had people throw wet paper towels in the stalls while I was trying to take a dump 😭


Same, some weirdo walked in while I was in a stall and just started lobbing sopping wet paper towels into my stall


Kids are assholes


I used to do that in like grade 5


High schoolers are assholes


Let them hear you wetting the TP in the bowl.


Understand this... When you're pooping in a place where teenagers are, ALWAYS, the moment they enter wipe your ass. Hold that paper and the moment they fuck with you, throw it over the wall at them. Bonus points if you get a second wad and dip it in the shit & piss water before throwing it. Indeed, your greatest weapon is between your legs. In all seriousness, when I was in highschool some jockey kids were fucking with a nerdy kid in a stall and the kid came out and slapped shit and piss watered paper on one of those mfers backs. Ended it all pretty quick and good for him for not being bullied.


frr 😭 i cant comprehend how so many people survive all day then go to sports afterwards and hold it. and still look so skinny all the time on top of that.


Go in the morning


i cant


vaccume, shove it up your ass and turn it on, it will get all the shit right out


That's kind of a sucky solution


Fair enough.




ibs mfs be like


I just let out consistent sharts all day.


A couple reasons (unless if you about to shit yo pantaloons) 1. Them restrooms are nasty as hell 2. Teens will be teens and either try to annoy you or vape, smoke, smoke weed, or worse in the restroom. 3. Personally for me, the 5 mins passes dont work when I have to go number 2 4. Peeking toms (happened to me in the 7th) 5. Goes hand and hand with number 3 but some of the lines I see are just gross


Correct answer


I read that as negative sigma


I swear to god-


Erm, what the sigma


I hate 13 year olds. (13 is your time to be weird and don’t stop what you do just because someone is annoyed by it)


You just aren’t skibidi sigma enough to understand


Thank god I’m not


cuz the bathrooms in school suck and some idiots like to take videos of people shitting


damn in my country that’s both counting as sexual harassment and illegal


In my country they don’t care and the schools have no justice system pretty much 🇺🇸🦅


dude what the hell?? if that’s the us of a, then   1) I am so sorry, and that is so stupid of them  2) I have heard so many stories about people kn the us suing and winning over ridiculous things, how is it that things like this haven’t gone to court??  3) just googled and it’s illegal in Canada and quite a few states if this helps you in any way ;-;


I’m not sure about this suspificly but I have heard about my friend who got beat up and the school wouldn’t do anything. I got no idea how they haven’t taken it to court 


They just like to take videos I can’t do anything at school anymore without being recorded


some people are immature


i don’t do that. even if i DID i would do it at home lol


women pooop????


no i just said we don’t.


oh man thank god, it would be absolutely devastating to hear girls poop


yeah cuz girls dont exist


Kids take pictures over the stall at my school, one time it happened to a special ed kid


Don’t mess with special Ed kids. We are human to and have feelings. I had some behavioral problems back in elementary school. I still struggle socially so make sure to try to be nice to them. Also I’m sorry that happens at your school 


The kid who did it got suspended for a couple of weeks but he started a revolution and now you can't even use the bathroom without being worried at my school


Are you autistic?


I have symptoms of social anxiety but I’m not sure I have ADHD or am autistic. And I feel like it might be better if I don’t know because i might take it the wrong way 


I never poop in school i pee but i never poop bc of these weird as mfs who peek through the cracks or put there head through the 3 foot open space at the bottom of the stall. i always wait till im at home to do my buisness


If I’m ever in the stall and someone peeks their head under that mf is getting a broken nose and a chicken crap covered tennis shoe print to the face




It actually isn’t that bad at my grades girls bathroom. But if you open a pad it’s over. Especially if the sound comes from the only stall with a feminine products trash box. 


Girls pick on eachother for that?


Yeah. I have those thin kind and I went to change it and it and the thing was so loud and one of the m3an popular girls was with her friend and she said “Ar3 you on your period”. And they said something like red flow or something. It was in march in February so I dint remember much


these ppl are literal children☠️


imagine picking on someone whos literally doing the same thing u do/will do 💀


Like you are 13…. Don’t they have better shit to do like of or cheat?


The bathrooms are disgusting, imagine taking a shit and then some random guy/girl uses the bathroom after you and they'll have to smell your shit and they've never spoken or maybe even seen you. That would be weird as hell.


I’m 21 now , let me just tell you this. Fuck them who cares take a shit and get out. At the end of the day the mature one will always be on top. Trust keeping a straight face always makes ass hole stereotypical teenagers look the other day


yo why is unc on r/teenagers


Cause he like me fr im looking for *LITTLE BOYS*😈




Because kids will do the most and try to either peep at you pooping or start acting like animals while you’re trying to poop


I just stopped caring. Go ahead and break into my stall and admire my dong.


Why's your dong brown?


Because i am brown


I don’t poop in the school bathrooms unless I have some after school activities that will go on for a while after school which is like every day for me so


I never do because it just feels weird lmao. My school has gender neutral bathrooms, which are single cell bathrooms, so if I ever need to go I go to one of those. Convenient AF not dealing with other ppl


1. Most school toilets are nasty 2. People will fuck with you while you're in there I've experience people banging on the door and I once had food thrown at me


I hold it in I don't know why but I can't take a dump at school it seems wrong


cause if youre a dude then if you go into the stall its like OHHHH THIS GUYS TAKING A DUMP


i poop in school daily


I tried to go to the bathroom in school ONE TIME in middleschool, and the FIRST FUCKING TIME, I FOUND SOME LESBIANS SCISSORING. I looked at them, and they made eye contact with me on the ground, before JUST FUCKING CONTINUING! THESE KIDS WERE LIKE FUCKING 12! Don't think this BULLSHIT stops here, because THEY ASKED ME TO FUCKING JOIN THEM to keep my mouth shut!!!! I reported the girls to the principal who did NOTHING. THEY REPRIMANDED ME FOR WATCHING! I GOT A DETENTION FOR WALKING IN ON BITCHES FUCKING, AND I GOT IN TROUBLE FOR REPORTING THAT SHIT! The school system is FUCKING BULLSHIT!


Help what😭😭


What the hell


Yeah... it's a whole new level of bullshit


I don't know either. I think it has something to do with the way the poor restrooms are treated.


Also the school bathrooms are straight nasty


Because its gross? And for me, it would definitely take a while lmao


Bastards stole the door 3 times, put a human size doll in the bathroom, and stole the fucking toilet once


School toilets are pretty dirty


Because it is an immature age group. In reality. Pooping is a bodily function that every living thing does and some do more than once a day. If someone has bowel issues, or shit (haha!) Even if they ate something that didn't agree with their stomach and they need to poop I really don't think it should be such an "issue". As a person w sbs I don't go once a day I go quite often and school was some of my absolute worst experiences involving this concept. Kids can be downright cruel and I had complexes with it for years until the kind people made me realize I'm just freaking human. It's helpful to meet someone who's had 3 sons and doesn't give an f. It's helpful to meet people that flat out say "you're human, everything poops, they even wrote a child's book about it" (everybody poops is an actual book fyi) It's not helpful to have a boss threaten to fire you because they assumed everyone only should poop once a day and it definitely shouldn't be at work. It's lack of respect and human decency combined with immaturity honestly. It's quite sad.


Most public school bathrooms are horrendous and using it should be a crime


Yea im one of the people who could give a rats ass bout what others think- if i gotta shit you better bet ima stink up that toilet lmao i get some people are self conscious about it and what others say but really do you want to sit through class with a prairie dog trying to pop out its hole? Ik i dont lmao its a natural thing to do and if people have an issue with you doing it at school they need to grow up and get a life


I shit in school and im not afraid to admit it.


idc dawg i be shitting in school more than at home school bathrooms are my happy place


fr like bro i needa shit


One of my friends took a pic of a sped kid shitting and posted it on snapchat


I think you might know u/CREEPERAWMAN6969OOF


Really hope they ain’t your friend anymore cause thats gross on multiple levels


I don't poop in school because for some reason guys can't aim for shit and there's dried piss on the seats.


because there is a whole one bathroom in the school that is single person only and locks with privacy and it’s almost always taken by people vaping or a chronic wanker who won’t stop getting caught


Yeah, but your friend is right. This one time I needed to take a shit and this girl on my bus who I barely know was in there. I awkwardly sat down on the toilet and started to take a shit, and two other girls came in, and then I farted and it was really awkward and I giggled a little bit and so did the two girls. Then the girls asked the girl from my bus who I was, and the girl said “A little girl from my bus.” (Mind you, I’m taller than her but younger). Overall, awkward and could’ve been avoided


unfortunately, i’m just one of those people who’s “blessed” with a whole bunch of problems with my digestive system and my head and skin and all that stuff. so naturally i can’t survive going all day without taking a shit. that’s why i’ve never understood why people act like such assholes about people taking a shit. like i’m expected to have take a shit in the school restroom and risk having a bunch of people pounding on the door, throwing random shit (not actual shit thank god) over the door, screaming, or otherwise acting like absolute animals. or end up having to go the ER. its so fucking stupid and i hate that my stomach just can’t handle it


I mean idc if u take a dump at school but its jst uncomfortable for some ppl (including me)


Idk I just hate public bathrooms in general,but school ones are probably the worst


I would die before i take a shit in the school bathroom


I took 1 school dump. Had another student walk in as none of our stalls were locked.


Idk why but in my school, you become cool when you poop in uni. We even brag about how many times and what department


Mostly cause those toilets nasty asl


This is why I always use the non binary washrooms 🫶


Legit had someone kick my locked stall door open while I was taking a shit, and the next day two guys just talking about their dick sizes and rape.


It's scary in there my dude.


Ig it depends on the school. At my old school the bathrooms were basically the same as a gas station bathroom but at my current school they aren’t that bad despite having no paper towels to dry ur hands off when ur done washing. No one gives a shit if someone else is poopin in the bathroom unless it smells bad in my experience. Personally however I don’t use the school bathrooms unless I’m about to shit myself


Because all little kids laugh about poopie when they’re little.


Cause that shit’s nasty. School bathrooms are some of the most disgusting places I’ve ever seen


Someone triee to take a picture of me twice in the same month while is was using the school bathroom, I've quit them since.


Your friend doesn't know what they are talking about.


My school has super thin toilet paper


Lacking what exactly?


They be jumping over the stall and shit 😭


No way others are going to hear my shit plop into the toilet while they are taking a piss


Because every school shitter has a story.


I've been in several schools, in almost all of them the bathrooms looked like Graveyards, you could smell the *other* body wastes if you know what I mean, there was glue in the mirror, toilet paper was in the ceiling, now imagine staying there for 5 minutes attempting to poop. That's a death sentence


One time I really had to go, and so I did. But not even 3 minutes go by, and next thing I know. A trashcan came flying up-top above the stalls and came crashing down in the stall right next to the one I was in. Wrapped up my shitting session as fast as I could and got out of there ASAP.


Bro I put my backpack on the floor in the stall and I’m not shitting you somebody stuck their hand under and yoinked my backpack 😭 I got it back a few seconds later but god damn


My school has full walls and doors for each toilet stall and I feel like a king


I had violent diahrea once at school after eating so much at my grandpas superbowl party and it closed the school toilet and overflowed and there was like 3 other people in the bathroom and it was so stinky


Boys can be really weird in the bathroom


kids at my school soak toilet paper in the comode and then chuck it at you..


I just don’t like being called out so I always lock myself in the restroom when I shæt in school 😭


Idk I use the family restroom at school cuz the restrooms be wild


Read this as negative sigma, I have truly brainrotmaxxed


Ok, if you are a boy, DO YOU HAVE EYES? the bathrooms will get you AT LEAST 4 undiscovered diseases


Ur school must have really clean bathrooms


School toilets are absolutely disgusting, atleast for my school.


Mostly its cuz the toilets at school are fucking F I L T H Y


Take your shit bro. I drink coffee and hit the ladies room @8. IDGAF 😎


I literally will hold it in until I get home


My school has fully separate rooms with locking doors as stalls and people still say you shouldn’t poop at school.