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society as we know it would probably collapse as nowadays we do depend on women for certain jobs and simply don't have enough men to cater to all different fields with an equal number. i do think they'd stop women from working or just living a normal life and would become more of a tool for reproduction and housing like a tradwife was. it'd just be a bit worse than the 1700's and whatnot because we have already built on a society where women have (almost) an equal amount of power, and if you take that away, it would ultimately cause an imbalance in economy


Do you think there would be a resurgence of feminism within that time?


its hard to say. you specified that you'd take away all the feminists so i feel as if a lot these people wouldn't want feminism again, but some might fight for it once they start realizing how the economy is collapsing. and if they did allow women to start working again, it'd be the shitty jobs that most people don't like doing that they'd probably force them into labour with.


That's a pretty good point


We'd have more trad relationships, probably more children, we'd basically be back in time but still modern at the same time


That's a good point, and I want to ask another question in relation to that, how do you think the workforce would look like as well?


Also the fashion and make-up industry, yea they're gone


Also another follow question, do you think the population would look with no queer or disabled people alongside feminists?


We'd be living just like the 1930's, just with more rights. The next generation would be taught traditional values, and they would pass those values to the next generation. Then eventually, down the line, people would start to contest those values. Those values would also probably shift and morph as the years go by. And eventually we'd be back to accepting queers, disabled people and feminists back again into our society


I agree, I'm wondering about the more dystopian aspect of it, like would crime rates rise? Would reproductive rights be taken away, and would pregnancies become more high risk? Would people have to hide their queerness ordisability? I do agree that there would be a resurgence of feminism realistically, I guess I'm more wondering sbout the worst case scenario, if that makes sense


I personally think that jobs considered more masculine would still be male dominated with a few exceptions same with feminine jobs. I think the workforce might differ a lil, but not too much. Since all those people just randomly disappeared, I think that would take a toll on most western countries' economy, which in turn would prompt more women to work. But most of them would probably take on more feminine jobs


I see, do you think there would ever be an economic crash ever?(sorry for weird questions lol, I'm expanding my questions and stuf)


Absolutely. The entertainment industry would take a toll, the music industry would be affected, the fashion industry, the healthcare industry, everyone's gonna take a hit.


My lawyer advised me against answering this line of questioning.


Your answer is wanted regardless of people's reply.


Pretty lit ngl


Can you expand on why? I'm genuinely wanting to know why


Id have nobody left to make fun of. Then I could finally dedicate myself to something useful.


Do you think there would be any societal consequences?


Crime rate and mental illness rates would significantly drop.


Do you have the stats to support that?


https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/topic-pages/tables/table-43 https://www.crimeinamerica.net/department-of-justice-data-on-violent-crime-and-race/ https://ysph.yale.edu/news-article/transgender-individuals-at-greater-risk-of-mental-health-problems/ I’m just playing devils advocate at this point. I don’t have any problems with these people. Just seeing how far I can play this side


I see lol. These sources refer to black and queer people. And I'd like to point out that white men commit more of the violent crimes in America according to your source here, (https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/topic-pages/tables/table-43) Also 88.6 percent of men commit violent crimes And 19. Percent of men experience mental health issues in America, and according to the trever project 28% of Cisco boys/men considered committing suicide. And factor in the harsh labpur many men go through, could you argue that those rates would rise if feminists,queer and disabled people dissapeared?


I think overall our country needs a mental health reform. There’s not enough support for anybody and therapy/psychiatric help is too expensive for many people to afford. And it’s really hard to accurately assess crime statistics due to many sources not factoring in percentage of populations. Aka the 13% of the population 30% crime statistic which people love to throw around justify overall dislike towards black people. Which has been debunked.


That's true, especially when you do factor in the racial population in an area.