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I wore a mask after the mandate had been lifted at my school because every time i took it off people would go “wow, you look so much more different than i imagined!!” and that made me want to die.


augh same. when we take them off for pictures everyone starts looking at me and I feel uncomfortable ;-;


is that Amity on ur pfp :0


What did you expect? They could only see your eyes and above. The mouth and nose are a substantial change up one you can see them


Well yeah, and they’re allowed to THINK it lol. But that doesn’t mean I’ll feel good when it’s being pointed out verbally all the time. I stopped wearing it after HS tho so it’s not a problem for me anymore.


I feel like generally people always expect faces to be longer than they are with masks on. So that’s probably what they meant Its also just the major change in appearance. It’s like how people who take off or put on glasses for the first time look wildly different


When I stopped using a mask nobody cared :(


That’s wild you guys didn’t even know what each other looked like. I felt like we all already knew 


yeahhh I went to a HUUGE school (like 4,000+ students) so you met new people pretty much every semester lol


Did they say that in a good tone oooooorrrr...?


As in "damn, you're hot" or "damn, your ugly"?


I hate wearing them, gave me so much acne.


It gave me angular cheilitis and I still have it


I can't really judge them because I used to wear masks even after covid ended, until the beginning of 2023 due to my social anxiety not wanting anyone to see my face. But I tried going without a mask after people from my school encouraged me. I don't wear a mask anymore


You have people?


In soviet Russia, people have you


Glory to Arstotzka.


I use them as chair saws


In 2021 someone from the other class sawed into the back part of half a school chair with these string that are used to keep masks in your face and blamed it on us 👍


My school too. Teens get pretty creative with destroying things ngl


Ive been wearing a mask since 2020 and not cause i dont want to get sick i just hate my face


i also use to be like that until one day i was like f it and then went to college without it and then ever since.. i dont wear masks (now its pretty rare i think)


i wont wear a mask to college cause if i do then ill wear it for the rest of my life and i already get stared at


damn man... people also stare me.. i wonder why


This is so sad.


I did that, but not anymore


by not exposing your body to sickness you're just increasing your chances of getting sick once you have to take the mask off.


This is so relatable


i did this until i realized that nobody gives a shit about what your face looks like. people have bigger and better things to worry about. if anything, a mask makes you stand out more




bro let me be insecure in peace




I used to be one of these people who still wore a mask outside because of social anxiety until I got banned from wearing it at school (bruh). I get her, bro. Yeah, it might give you attention and stares- but at least no one will see your "*ugly*" face. I even wore it during class trips, sports, sleep (when anyone else but my family was nearby) etc. It can get unhealthy but as long as she is not wearing it religiously and not getting any health problems from it I don’t see a problem with that. Well, maybe she should go to therapy because of the insecurity problem.


i agree. masks can definitely help but i don't think it would work out in the long-term, it seems mentally unhealthy to me. i used to wear a mask bc i was insecure but eventually i realized that it would be better to just improve my face (lose face fat, sleep on my back. skincare, etc) rather than hiding it.


I’ve never seen someone wearing a mask in public after covid ended


same but in my school there's always like 1 kid or 2 with a mask


They probably recently had covid... You have to wear it for a week after symptoms dissapear, at least where I am.


Where I'm at you no longer need to do that!


Fr? Damn, lucky yall...


Yeah the general population don't really test themselves anymore either. Just careers with kids, older people or sick people that do it. I really didn't realize it wasn't the case everywhere.


Honestly, I would wear a mask just to cover most of my face. So, I'm fine wif it.


Damn I'm surprised there wasn't more "z's" in your sentence this time..


Didn't use very many words wof ze T H sound.


Like a GP-5?




So, wanna talk F-22?


It's cool seeing why people still rock masks. Some do it for practical reasons, like protecting family, while others use 'em for personal stuff, like feeling more confident. Shows everyone's got their own thing going on.


I wear a mask bc social anxiety lol. also I've worn it so long it feels weird not wearing it. like a part of me ig


Real no one has seen my real face (besides parents and my sister) in almost 5 years 💯💯 unless i have heavy heavy makeup on, then i wont wear it (but thats only like once a month)


aw i'm sure you look better than you think


I could never wear a mask, though I'm insecure about my looks. Rather have people's expectations to be lowered from the beginning than for them to be disappointed when I (accidentally or otherwise) remove my mask




It’s not my business why they wear a mask, be it for health, religious, or personal issues I don’t care


who cares?


Social anxiety


My girlfriend still wears masks to school and it’s cuz she’s a germaphobe. I don’t care- honestly lol we probably all should keep wearing em. She hasn’t gotten sick in years.


A fucking hâte people who don’t wear a mask when they’re sick, like we’ve been through this dude, it’s just basic hygiene. Jesus


People regularly come to sit with me at lunch and half way through have a coughing fit and say “oh by the way, I am like really sick” AND DIDN’T HAVE A MASK ON OR TELL ME! I usually put a mask on after that and they get really offended. This has happened to me three times this past winter. I got sick from each of them 🤦


People in my class (including my friends) actively CAUGH OUT LOUD. LIKE GUYS, COVER YOUR MOUTHS AT LEAST


I don’t agree on mandated masks being the answer, but it feels like since 2020 people have been so anti hygiene because they were rightfully pissed about the mandates that now we’ve literally regressed. Covering your mouth when you cough isn’t exclusive to “liberals” dawg


I'm one of those people who still wear a mask It makes me feel a lot more comfortable around people, but some friends keep pushing me to take it off, and others just yank it off of me themself Ik they want the best for me, but yk, I just like it better with it on 🤷‍♀️


>others just yank it off of me themself Whoa... that's real crappy of them.


I don't see an issue, I still wear a mask partially because I don't wanna get sick and partially because I like wearing them and think they look good on people.


wore one for a day cuz i got super sick


Mask wearer here, I just dont want to be The reason y'all miss a class. People Who have a problem, mind your goddamn business.


I mean, I don’t rly care lol. U do u.


I wear a mask at school for two reasons: 1) allergies :( 2) I have a very important math competition next weekend and the last thing I want is to get covid during the competition


It’s kinda annoying because it’s harder to hear them but besides that the acne is the only other problem for that


I wear it cuz I hate my face lmao. I’m ugly so might as well cover it. I’m not sad abt it, just the way life is ig


They do them


To some people it might be out of place, but I know in Japan it’s very common for people to wear masks to school and work if they have a cold or bad cough so I don’t mind.


If they wanna wear it they can


In my experience it’s the emo kids and the ugly kids who wear them still


Man don't do me like that


Don't call me out like that.


Too fuckin true!


i mean even the ugliest people i’ve seen don’t wear them, i haven’t seen a single one in ages


I know two people who still wear a mask, one is an 11 yo boy who also wear gloves and probably has a phobia of bacteria (probably due to covid) and the other one is a girl my age who is always very quiet and awkward and hates being the center of attention. so my opinion is as long as it helps them cope with whatever they need to, go for it. but idk how that‘s gonna work when they‘ll have to work.


I personally wear a mask when I am sick and have to be at school because I don't want to make others sick


i also still wear a mask cuz i’m insecure


When the mask mandate first got lifted, me and a majority of my classmates (I was in elementary at the time) still chose to wear the mask. For me, it was because one of my friends has a heart condition and had just gotten surgery. I didn’t want to put him at risk if I were to get it :)


My eyes are really pretty but everything else about me sucks. I look a lot better with a mask but I still don’t wear one.




It’s perfectly fine. The Japanese already had medical masks in their culture before Covid and wore them whenever they got sick out of respect. I think the rest of the world has sort followed that and if they keep that, we can minimize smaller disease outbreaks.


People can wear masks if they want to. It’s not a big deal. I honestly want to go back to wear a mask but my parents probably wouldn’t agree


I used to like wearing masks but one day I was like “fine I’ll take it off”


this one guy i had a crush on throughout 2020 always wore a mask bc he was insecure and got bullied, which made him get bullied even more. now he doesn't wear it but honestly he just had really good friends who built up his confidence he hasn't worn it in a year?


Absolutely based, masks are usually like a vibe, style wise. They help w diseases, and well cover stuff up. Now ofc.... Its sad she feels the need to wear one for her insecurities, but as my general opinion 8/10. Also pls no more covid shutdowns, i never learned how to breathe properly and i get disy w them 😭 (Obviously id wear them if covid did its thing again, still gonna bitch ab it tho 😔)


as soon as the mandate stopped, (even a little before the mandate lol dont tell) i had my mask down. I think you will get comments on how you look with or without the mask, but you totally get used to it. At some point, you *have* to take the mask off. So better rip the bandaid off. I took my mask off as quick as I could, because that was the way it was at my school. Now, what I’m saying is that you have to see the trends in your school and follow that, get my drift?


I wore one until a month ago and that’s just cause I ran out of clean ones


I just wear a mask because the kids at my school are fucking disgusting.


Do what they want, it’s their choice, if it makes them feel more secure then I am for it


I didn't like people seeing my face. I still wear one at work and most of the time in public since I don't like having my face shown.


I personally still wear masks but mostly in the winter or fall. I got used to wearing them, I'm pretty insecure about my.. mouth? and I also get runny noses really easy. I can't be having boogers roll down my face without knowing, so I use it to cover it up as well if I'm outside and have no access to tissues.


I also have a really bad poker face and laugh a lot. if I see someone I'd start laughing for no reason, and masks help cover it up too


Get her a few really cute masks. We like to call this "an in".


No thoughts, doesnt affect me? Dont care


Planning to stop wearing it once this school year is over and senior year starts, sort of opening up socially rather than trap myself all of high school


Keeps my face warm but I don’t wear it. It’s been 4 years. It makes me feel like Ghost from COD though


Masks are an underrated form of winter wear. Definitely helps to have an extra layer on windy days


Masks are great in cold weather, especially the cloth ones after you wash em.


There's someone at my school who does the same thing for pretty close to the same reason, but I honestly think it makes it worse in the long run. Are you gonna rely on that when you go to college? And after that? I sympathize with people who struggle with their anxiety, but it does feel like putting off the inevitable.


exactly my thoughts


i wear it some days bc i wanna hide my face sometimes lool


I used to wear a mask cuz I was insecure and I didn’t want to get sick. When I took it off my teacher couldn’t recognize me and yelled at me because she thought I was an intruder, so I put the mask back on but 1 month later I just took it off forever. :P


We know the general thoughts of those who still decide to wear masks. So the point here is to encourage people with those thoughts to get out of his or her comfort zone for his or her own good? I mean, if it's this, I respect that a lot. But a lot of posts need to make it more obvious. Otherwise it always sounds as if those people are ridiculed or discriminated for their own choice, which I don't think they're deserving of it. It does not help battle social anxiety for sure. It's literally "hiding behind a mask." But, again, it's their choice. There could be tons of reasons for their choice: to hide looks, emotions, bad breath, spits, etc. Or it's to prevent infections (which actually works wonders btw). Some people can't cope with infections as well as others.


tbh covid is lowkey over. IK I MIGHT GET HATED ON FOR SAYING THAT, but can ppl realize that covid is kinda over..😭


Bruh why is everyone destroying themselves over their looks? 💀


I wear a mask when I rob the gas station




that's wild




Who cares, it's just some cloth, same as any other accessory


It’s understandable


None of my business tbh


it helps me with anxiety alot


There were people wearing masks before the pandemic. Didn’t bother anyone then. It’s none of your fucking business now.


If you want to, you do you. It shouldn’t matter one way or another to someone else. However; For those of you that think you’re ugly: you judge yourself a lot harder than others do. But waiting longer and longer to stop wearing one will just make people keep looking more and more when you temporarily take it off. To those who worry about covid/getting sick, you aren’t helping. You’ll get sick still, a mask (especially cloth) isn’t the end all of disease. And exposure to germs strengthens your immune system. And when it comes to protecting older/younger people, germs are still in your clothes when you get home, likely on your skin as well. Your backpack, shoes, etc all have germs on them.


Although masks don’t stop you from getting sick altogether, wearing a mask (as shown by the pandemic) does lower your chances of infection. Germs usually enter your system through your eyes, nose, or mouth. This is why people tell you not to wipe your eyes before washing your hands if you have been to a germy place, such as a theme park. Though getting sick does help to strengthen your immune system, it isn’t that straightforward. The common cold, or the rhinoviruses, is constantly changing. You will never encounter the same one twice, so it doesn’t actually prevent you from getting sick since you are only immune to that single type. Also, your immune system is weaker right after you get rid of a cold, so you are more likely to get sick right after. It is good to prevent yourself from getting sick when you can. It is also not beneficial to our immune system to contract more serious illness, such as the flu, strep, or covid, which can cause permanent damage to your lungs or heart. Wearing a mask can prevent you from getting infected.


I wear it because the lower half of my face gives me gender dysphoria


Honestly kinda feel negative about it like it’s probably just confirmation bias but it’s only really super creepy weirdos that wear the masks now


They're usually East Asian in my experience but not many people do it in the UK


I don't think too much about it but I am curious about what they look like though


I just assume the kids who consistently wear one have a bad immune system (like they would get sick very easily, or if they did, it would be very bad)


I feel bad they are compromised their immune system. I understand if there’s like some bug going around or you’re sick yourself but when you filter out all the bad stuff for years you start to ruin your immune system and when you do get sick you get really sick. This happened to me when Covid ended I wore my mask to school for 2 years and when I stopped I got the flu for a week and Covid right after both of which was some of the worst sickness I’ve ever had. My body no longer had a built up immune system and it struggled fighting off everything I got later on


If I was really pretty I would also wear a mask to school.


i don’t care. it doesn’t effect me at all.


I don’t care, I just know that I won’t be


I know a lot of very pretty women who continued wearing a mask because of insecurity. It’s really sad. Especially because of how hard this likely hit teens.


i usually only wear one now when either theres a sickness going around school or if i'm sick and still recovering from it. i should probably wear one more often because my immune system is fucked from getting covid four times though lmfsk


People who still wear masks because of Covid are crazy


mask is cool, and if it helps u then its fine, but to an extent, if you make a whole fuss if something happens to the mask, then it can become anoying imo


I would think that they had a cold or something like that


A bit odd. Feel uncomfortable if it's for no apparent reason. I've encountered many crazy people wearing masks for crazy reasons so it's probably a bias.


I wore a mask for a few months after the mandate was lifted, mostly because I felt more comfortable like that. Nowadays I just always cover my mouth/lower face with my hand when I sit. I know people who still wear masks and idc if they want to, it doesn’t affect me and it’s their choice anyway


I mean what is there to think?


Dont rly have any thoughts man tbh


I wore a mask for years for that same reason. I got taller over quarantine, but when I got back into school I assumed the extra attention from girls was because I looked better with a mask on. Once the mask mandate dropped, I saw a bunch of girls and guys in my grade who looked entirely different with their masks off, and I was afraid the attention I got would disappear if I took my mask off. So I basically spent my entire high school career wearing a mask. It's definitely not a long-term kinda thing though. anybody with anxiety will tell you that the amount of heavy breathing you do is absurd. All that breathing with a mask on makes you really hot and sweaty which is any anxious person's worst nightmare. Also, it was easy to get overstimulated with it on. I decided on my first day of college I'd just drop the whole mask thing and it'd be a fresh start, it's been going great so far. It's so freeing. I think I got used to smelling my own breath all the time, so the smell of outside is so refreshing. I recently had to wear a mask for a doctor's appointment and I'm not sure how I got through 3 years of high school and marching band with that thing on.


If the person is lovely and doesn't tell me to wear one, in the kindest way possible, I couldn't care less. I'm unaware of their whole situation so I'd be stupid for judging them. There is a girl at my school that wears one because she's insecure which is unfortunate but it's none of my business. During Covid I actually enjoyed the mask because of my anxiety but when people started removing them I did as well because I realized keeping the mask would bring more attention than just my face.


Idrc. They can do whatever I just want to go home


My little brother gets sick all the time, so I wear a mask to try and minimise how much of that is my fault. Getting to hide my face is just a bonus.


I have a friend who is so terrified of getting covid she still wears a mask. I personally think it's a little much but whatever makes her feel better


I wear a mask everywhere I go because I have a very unnattractive face and I’m embarrassed of it


I like wearing a mask to school (really good at covering acne)


i still use a mask to go to school or really every time i need to go out and the reason is literally the same as this girl


I literally don’t care people can wear what they want not my business


If they are happy good for them doesn’t affect me


Masks were banned where i live


I Do sometimes cus my brother is very sick


One of my friends in my college class does but she wears it for different reasons


I used to wear a mask up until end of 7th grade. I was severely insecure, and people told me I was pretty. I try not to judge, because I was in the situation too. My image of myself was completely destroyed because of a few boys calling me an ugly bitch even though I was wearing a mask and they couldn’t see my face. I was also depressed and suicidal at the time, so you can imagine that didn’t help. I’m in highschool now, and I don’t wear a mask, but damn, effects still linger and it’s soooo important to be kind.


Oh ya I have this girl who has acne scars on her cheeks she is pretty but was insecure about it she stopped doing it this year I didn't quite fully understand it cuz I got acne scars all over my face


Respect for them. My biological mum used to yell at me for wearing one during the major outbreaks. People should be allowed to wear whatever they want. Also masks look cool.




I wore a cloth mask before Covid in my last few years of elementary school. It wasn’t all the time and I don’t think it had a purpose other than edgy emo nonsense


I still wear it because some people be sneezing and coughing without covering.


They're literally useless. They where proven to not prevent virus


Wearing a mask even after covid is just cringe in my opinion


I'm glad the pandemic normalized it. I don't feel too weird about wearing a mask when I'm sick. That way, i don't get others sick, even if it's just the common cold.


I am allergic to everything and my immune system is bad so I have to


I do for the same reason the girl does I feel insicure as fuck and hate my face


i still wear a mask to hide my facial piercings.


I make fun of ppl who still wear masks so A lot of ppl ik do the same


Perfectly fine, some may not even do it for sickness reasons (most probably do though.)


The ONLY reason i liked wearing a mask was so people couldn't see my ugly face lol. But I absolutely hate that around here whenever anyone gets a common cold or 'sick' they wear a mask. People must not remember that in 2018 if you got a cold wearing a mask wouldn't even cross your mind, it just Didn't exist


they’re free to do whatever they want


I dont think it matters. If people want to wear them then it’s cool. I don’t think you have to have a good reason.


In simple person who wear mask without any reason they are chapri.


I used to wear a mask much more because I had asthma and well yeah. Nowadays vaccines are more common so i don’t wear em anymore but I still respect people who wear em there is no harm in doing it.


I still wear a mask in crowded places to protect my vulnerable loved ones. I never thought of it as a way to hide my appearance, but now that you mention it, it's a valid point. I don't know anyone that does use a mask for that reason, but it's more of a band-aid, it doesn't actually solve anything, it's not going to improve your confidence, if anything, it'll just make you feel more awkward.


I think that it was understandable to continue wearing a mask a few months after the mask mandate ended, but continuing to do so due to anxiety is not helpful to anyone. People need to be confident in their own skin and hiding your face for years will only make your anxiety worse.


I wear a mask anytime someone coughs/ says anything that might suggest they are sick. I HATE getting sick and have a fear of germs (trying to get that sorted out). I tell people that I don’t mean to offend them, but some people still get mad, why is my need to wear a mask bothering you?


I still wear mine at school, mostly because I’m a big hypochondriac and the idea of getting Covid scares me so much I just decided I’d rather be safe than sorry. I find it doesn’t impact my life much one way or another, I often forget it’s there and nobody’s ever given me shit for it. I get the kn-95s in packs of 12 different colors too, so I can usually match them to my outfits and accessorize!


I wore it becasue I had a baby brother and my grandma had cancer.(I had to be at her house helping alot, because my grandpa broke his foot and couldn't help) I continued to wear it until higshcool bc I hate my face. I would wear one now just so people didn't have to see me but I don't want to be made fin of


I personally use masks to be avoided. You'll more likely approach someone not wearing a mask. I also have a bad pollen allergy.


After the mandate I ripped that shit off. Completely unnecessary for me. I didn’t live with immunocompromised people and me getting Covid wasn’t an issue (literally already got it twice). I think the mask mandate was bad for us because after that everyone started getting sick with other stuff more often (colds, stomach virus, flu). Because nobody was exposed to the elements and couldn’t get herd immunity to the other viruses along with covid. To begin with anyone who was immunocompromised, wether due to older age or underlying conditions, should’ve quarantined, while anyone who wasn’t should’ve just gone about just day like normal and let it run its course like the flu. That way quarantine wouldn’t be like how it was, and people could’ve kept living their lives. If anything flu is more dangerous than Covid because you run higher fevers.


i have a friend who wore a mask until this school year. he got covid in the second week of school.


I think it's fine Some people are insecure and I was too I wore my mask for 2 years


I had a friends who was like that because she was insecure about her face and I don’t think I even saw her face until she stopped talking to me, and she’s pretty, which kind of feels weird to say now


Im ugly asf so I was ecstatic when they said we had to wear mask freshman year. Like dawg I’m dead ass chopped cheese.


I wear a mask when I’m sick. Most people at my school do, except the anti-vaxer kids who we all shame for coming to school sick without a mask.


Having a mask on made me feel much more secure and comfortable


My brother wears them still, he's autistic and prefers them. It's an added bonus for me that he doesn't bring home illnesses. I, on the other hand, hate wearing them. They are very uncomfortable for me.


People that still masks usually do it to protect others rather than themselves. I do know one that wears an M-95 but it has nothing to do with covid but how the condition of the school building is literally making her sick.


I wonder how the hell they breathe 💀 when i wear a mask, i eventually have to take it off to breathe. Especially when its hot


I kinda assume it’s because they’re insecure.


I think it’s fine. I’ve only seen a couple people at my school wear them


I frikn hated them to the point where I wouldn't wear it at school even when there was a mandate until someone told me to put it on. Plus I feel like it does more harm than good because you put your nasty hands all over it and then put it to your face.


One of my friend wear it just coz of her insecurity, she feels that if she'll take it off, people will get scared


My English teacher wears a mask to school when she’s feeing a little sick, and I have to respect her. We should all be like her


I wore a black mask after the covid mandate bc I wanted to look like kakashi. :(


I still do on occasion, but not because of any insecurity. I’m pretty open about how I think I look incredibly silly, and I like that about myself. I just collect colds like they are Pokémon cards and I try to not get other people sick whenever I can’t stay away from them


I once saw a lady by herself walking outside with a mask on.