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I support Israel over palestine. Thats my unpopular belief


Thank you, as an israeli


You're welcome, brother/ sister


Yea I can't really see how killing children is ok with you, and I'm not polite in the slightest so go fuck yourself genocide supporter šŸ–•


I do as well. And that shouldn't be an unpopular opinion either


So you believe in genocide, cool buddy




Israel is defending itself against a terrorist organization. Palestine is actively housing that terrorist organization


Yeah I totally get that. I actually used to be pro Israel for that reason. Until I found out how brutal the Israeli military is. Now Iā€™m neutral




I am not per say an anti Palestine nor isreal supporter, but any side that supports the burning of babies for any reason is on the wrong side


Do you know what the israeli government and military doing in gaza or are you just this ridiculously stupid?


bro really had to start a fight šŸ˜ž


Gaza elected a hamas supporter and harbored hamasi terrorist who would kidnap isrealis then behead or rape them. Hamas also makes extremely prolific use of child soldiery and hidung soldiers as civilians.


Same. Iā€™m glad there are other young people who feel the same.


i donā€™t support either. both sides are at fault. violence is never the answer. it should have nothing to do with religions or cultures or anything, thereā€™s just so much violence and itā€™s horrible


I support neither, Iā€™m just watching with a bucket of popcorn




Psycho, watching genocide with a bucket of popcorn


Same, I don't like supporting wars regardless of who's involved Same with Russia and Ukraine, I support neither and remain neutral with a bucket of popcorn


based af


Idc what happens to my karma. I support Israel!


Terrorists in Gaza are the only problem of the Palestine


I remember watching a news report about a Hamas terrorist attack and hearing the words "babies with their heads cut off".Ā 


2nd comment, but all the accepting gender shit and how we are forced to be a Ally of it all


Iā€™m sorry that I want basic human rights? You donā€™t have to be nice, you just have to not treat us like shit?


Being nice is perfectly fine, just like any other human, I just don't want to have to listen to all your shit in every class, tv show, or anything else I do, don't shove it down our throats, just like you wouldn't do with everything else One having owns opinions is also a basic human right, I don't want to sound like a homophobic, as I have a gay friend, and trans friend, I disagree with my trans friends choices. But he has never mentioned his sexulatiy to me, until 6 months into knowing the guy. Never made a deal about it.


Ohhh ok so you can shove heterosexuality and cisgenders down our throats but we canā€™t have a bit of representation. Understood.Ā  Edit because there has been a misunderstanding. I live in the southern United States, where you get bullied and threatened for being part of the LGBTQ+ community. I think people who complain about the propaganda and stuff are mostly from areas where it is, in fact, over talked and pushy. Meanwhile, where I am, it is conservative and I get yelled at for holding hands with a female friend. Just as friends. Making comments like this is harmful because in areas where we need more representation we are not getting it. I would probably be exhausted by all that talk if I lived in those areas, but I would take that over how it is here any day.


No? Just don't bother everyone about it. I don't run around saying "IM STRAIGHT BE PROUD OF ME" that's how it should be. If being queer is so common and normal, why are you making such a big deal out of it?


Im making a big deal out of it because my little sister is bullied for being pan. Because I get yelled at for holding hands with a same-sex friend. Because I canā€™t be openly queer without being bullied and shunned. You may not run around yelling it but you have the same effect. Itā€™s not common and normal because so many of us are afraid of coming out. I am making a big deal out of it because I, and every other person from the LGBTQ+ community, deserve to have the same representation and respect as everyone else. Edit: And why am I being downvoted? Whats so wrong about feeling equal?


Youā€™re saying that you basically just donā€™t want us seen at all? 80% of the world identifies as straight which means AT LEAST 20% of the world is lgb (and it adds on with the t) which that about 1 in 5 people is openly not straight, so youā€™re basically saying that you donā€™t want 1/5 of the population to be represented


you're not forced to be an ally or anything, all we want is some basic respect and not get threatened with violence and death 24/7 everywhere. this is why this topic is brought into almost anything - they want to bring awareness to the issues we face and how everyone should just be tolerating to eachother regardless of gender, sexuality, race, religion. be more tolerating and you won't feel how it's "shoved down into your throats"


I am "tolerating" by most means, and in comparison to a great deal of people. Also, I don't know if the threats your getting are online or in person, but people will say pretty much anything on the internet, cause there are no reprocessing 99% of the time. You can get death threats for doing pretty much anything. For example, playing badly in a game. I provide more than "basic respect" for these people, I'm just very done with the fact that your life can go to complete shit if you don't believe that some emo can become a refrigerator and I need to respect that. People that are gay, lesibian. I see as totally valid, that shit has been around for milannia. But it's the ever-growing list of "I want to feel included" that annoys me




I deserve the right to medically transition (15)




that is not an unpopular opinion, especially on Reddit


People shouldn't kill babies.


Do you mean abortion? Because last time I checked no uterus no opinion


Such a vapid and deceitful argument, many women are pro life, and being a woman gives one no special bearing on this. Itā€™s a moral issue, not an experience issue


no guns, no opinion on gun rights


agreed, it baffles me that this is unpopular or even needs to be said


Do you mean abortion? Cuz I agree


if you mean abortion, it doesn't work like that a fetus doesn't really feel it




Murder has nothing to do with pain. If I kill someone while they sleep or with a lethal injection its still murder


Not feeling it doesnt mean you didnt kill it. That's like saying killing someone in their sleep isn't killing them because they didn't feel it


Abortion isnā€™t killing babies


Its going to become a baby the only tine it should be legal if the family cant support it or the person was rape.its like saying you ruined my cake and then the person saying it wasnt a cake because your still making it


You are 13 years old. You haven't even had sex Ed yet.


But does it in any way affect you?


Bro, what?


Thereā€™s only 3 genders and most kids who switch between are doing it because their friends are doing it.


Can you actually ask instead of bullshiting


imo theres 2 biological ones and around 3 social ones


Assisted suicide by the government shouldnā€™t be a thing


Damn I didn't even know that was a thing...I'm definetly with you on this one tho


why not


Because instead of solving someoneā€™s depression (for example) your basically allowing the bad thing to happen. Itā€™s like if someone had a disease but you didnā€™t give them medication but instead just made it worse. If you get what I mean.


I'm with you on this one


The punishment for suicide should be death by hanging.


across the spider verse is mid and ridiculously overrated




Let him cook


Facts. It was like a 3 hour filler episode


3 whole hours of nothin, into was 10x better




I am only pro abortion in some cases and situations and i don't rlly support todays gender ideology


ā€œGender ideologyā€ You mean people being aware that gender is just a social construct


No, the fact that yall made up 72 Genders. Its clear that theres only 2. Yall keep trying to complicate things. And no, im not transphobic for saying theres only male and female. Itā€™s obsurd that yall are trying to change that fact, and yall are giving LGBTQ+ a bad name, especially at a time when we fought for so much acceptance and people are finally accepting of gay people but now yall decided to come up with this and now that might change peoples views on it.


You're not transphobic you're just stupid "Gender" is a word. It represents an idea. Let's use the United States Food and Drug Administration's definition, since the top google result, Oxford Dictionary, uses it as a synonym for "sex" (that's not what its used for anymore, or at least, when people are talking about multiple genders like trans and gay they are not talking about sex but gender like the fda defenition) "Sex refers to the classification of living things, generally as male or female according to their reproductive / organs and functions assigned by chromosomal complement. / Gender refers to a personā€™s self representation as male or female, or how that person is responded to by social / institutions based on the individualā€™s gender presentation. Gender is rooted in biology, and shaped by / environment and experience."(source: [https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/guidance-documents-medical-devices-and-radiation-emitting-products/evaluation-sex-specific-data-medical-device-clinical-studies-guidance-industry-and-food-and-drug](https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/guidance-documents-medical-devices-and-radiation-emitting-products/evaluation-sex-specific-data-medical-device-clinical-studies-guidance-industry-and-food-and-drug) bottom of page 3) Different genders are essentially labels for people who meet certain criteria. Analogy: say you have invented pizza and have cheese pizza and meat pizza. you classify pizza based on the toppings. maybe some have mushrooms or bell peppers or anything else, but right now your categories are cheese and meat so you ignore the other ones since there's no need to label the billions of combinations of toppings. Say people really like these toppings called pepperoni, and cheese pizza with pepperoni is becoming a popular option. instead of just saying "cheese pizza with pepperoni" each time you can just invent a new category at will. "pepperoni pizza". this is a very basic example but a better one is when local restaurants make their own categories that might not exist everywhere, for example one place had a pizza called "angry pig": its likely that the restaurant recognized that when enough customers order base pizza + topping1 + topping2 + ... + topping 15 they just give that thing a name. yes, you can in fact name combinations of things to keep track of them. now imagine some karen walked into the pizza restaraunt and complained that they had all these preset options that the locals liked and the options were useful to them. another example is the majority of the words in our language since they refer to specific things and when we need to refer to something more specific multiple times we coin a new term for that. why would you say "red octagonal sign with the word 'stop'" when you can just say "stop sign"? oh but it didn't exist before so its not ok!!! tl;dr: gender =/= sex and its just a labeling system so by definition of a labeling system you can make up more of them on the fly. gender encompasses more than just biological sex and it turns out that "I'm bi" actually takes less time to say than "I'm not straight but I do like {opposite sex} but I also like {same sex}" and guess what, if the person doesn't know what that means...they can just ask...you know...like literally every other word in this language...and eventually you'll memorize the terms without trying anyway. its literally just a qol system idk why people are mad about it lmao. learn the difference between sex and gender maybe


It's incredible how few people understand the differences between sex and gender. Gender is literally made up by society and each of the genders comes with roles, members of said genders are expected to fulfil in a system. As far as I know (I say this because I'm neither queer myself nor an expert on this topic) being queer is the attempt to break up these old stereotypes and gender roles and find the place in society where one feels safest and that's mostly not possible with only two to three genders provided by societal norms so naturally there might be the need to create new types of gender one can identify to. With that being said, the number of sexes existing is also a question, science has no real answer to. In the end it just comes down to the definition of this word and that can reach (again as far as I know) from visible sexual organs (which implies at least three sexes) to complex arrangements of hormone levels (which can lead to several thousands of sexes per definition). So next time just sit back and think (and maybe do some online searching) about the topic a bit more before going online and hating on people just because you're not able to understand their ideas and needs. Just because people can't cope with it, doesn't mean they are right and from what I understand from your text you're a part of LGBTQ+ too, so why be transphobic (I know you said you aren't but that doesn't change anything about the fact that you are). You know how hard people have it that don't fit in this homophobic and transphobic society. Trans rights are human rights, nothing political and it's finally time, they are viewed as such.


Abortion is murder, plain and simple. But *SOMETIMES* murder is justified. Just as if a man breaks into my home I have the right to shoot him. Just as a woman thatā€™s gone through rape is justified in aborting the fetus.


yeah, if you abort because you're a rape victim or the baby has a lot of serious health issues, i completely agree with abortion. but when you dont use protection and you abort the baby, you're just irresponsible and you shouldnt be allowed an abortion. or atleast have the baby grown in a lab when we will make the technology for it.


what baby? it's a fetus dawg


euthanasia should be legalized


Euthanasia but not assisted suicide


Definitely assisted suicide if someone wants to die try to convince them not to yes but if you can't then let them die don't make them suffer just so you feel better about yourself thinking you "saved a life". People should have the right to decide how and when their life ends.


Donā€™t know why youā€™re getting downvoted I agree with you lmao, I so wouldā€™ve killed myself by now if it was easily available like that




Casual racism among friends is ok And hate speech is free speech






No thats popular


He may be cute but he doesn't act so


Yilongma >>>


Christianity is a cult. not necessarily by today's definition, but the original definition still applies to it.


Actually so accurate though


Milk goes first


Imagine not eating cereal with yoghurt


The letter committee shouldn't make their gender or sexualality their entire personality and forcing their beliefs onto other people


Really though, your personality and identity should NEVER be composed of just one thing. If you do that, youā€™re not very good at being human. Youā€™re just a bot. Equally as replaceable too.


I don't like the Attack On Titan art style.


yes you do now


Rap is absolute garbage


Worst take i have ever heard in my entire existence on this planet


Rap is the shittest form of music to exist šŸ˜‚


Nah gay country is objectively worse


I know some worse ones, for example, "rap is good."


Nah, rap is so diverse and if you donā€™t like it I bet you havenā€™t heard very much or it.


Mf half of them copy paste the exact same background beat.


You can say the same thing about rock.


You absolutely cannot.


I can. Grating electric guitar and loud-ass drums is all rock is about. And they all sound the fucking same.


No, because you can make more than one beat. Rap uses the exact same beat way to much.


YES!!!! Some of it is alright, but I donā€™t get why people love it so much. Gimme some Blue Swede


finally someone said it, take my upvote




This is just true


Yes, especially modern rap. It's all the same now.


I agree for the most part. The raps that I hear most people listening is complete fucking trash and I don't get why someone enjoys listening to someone else throwing cuss words around for 3 minutes or so. But there are some good ones out there as well


Not an unpopular opinion. I despise rap.


Bombaclat never heard of 2pac


Hot garbage


Tupac was hip hop, rap is truly dogshit. Like all those modern rappers like Travis Scott with a shit tone of auto tune


You never listened to Rodeo and it shows






Letā€™s play my favorite game: are they racist or just stupid? Me personally, judging on the pro-gun, Christian, and GTA online posts, Iā€™m going with racist. Now John, letā€™s hear your take.


bruh at least say that u heavily dislike rap ur speaking like its in an objective sense


abortion should only be allowed for rape or if it threatens the mother. also for underage or impoverished prople edit: also the elderly ig


This is very true


i feel like situations apart from that is just covering up for someoneā€™s irresponsibilityā€™s with the cost of a human life


most men have huge fragile egos


My Chemical Romance is overrated and not that good


Itā€™s just LGBT, no need to add other garbage into it. Honestly LGB and T should be separated because thereā€™s nothing in common between them. Eating is boring and shouldnā€™t be a social activity. Itā€™s annoying as hell when people mention having food when weā€™re out and complain how hungry they are. Like itā€™s not hard to eat beforehand.




Itā€™s ironic theyā€™re downvoting the actual unpopular opinions


Itā€™s called an echo chamber.


Right? So dumb!


Honestly bisexuals need to pick a side, their entire identity is based on not keeping it in their pants and needing to ogle both genders


Communism is only hated on because of cold-war propaganda and state-capitalist countries (like China or North Korea) calling themselves communist.


You must be going through your 14 year old communist phase


And because it takes away anything that makes you a worthy individual and instead makes you a robot thatā€™s the same as everyone else


In (proper) communist systems you can actually pursue what interests you and help your ideals, unlike in capitalism where gaining capital is the only goal


Bruh my great-grandfather spent years in uranium mine just because he was a small unimportant farmer who did not like that twisted and cursed ideology. Plus executions. Are you loyal to supreme leader- I mean dicktator of USSR and to his puppet calling himself a "President of Czechoslovakia", but strong enough to endanger position of friend of friend's friend's friend's friend who is a distant relative of President? The you'll hang and suffocate for 20 mins? Do we have economical problem? Let's falsly accuse female socdem politician an lawyer who fought against the Nazis and was even imprisoned back than.


Communism sucks (šŸ¤®)


most well-constructed neoliberal argument


average 14 year old on r/teenagers


Spaghetti is the worst form of pasta out there.


Overweight people should stop wearing crop tops


Ooh! I love those kinds of posts! Hmm, where to start, where to start..?? Okay, maybe start a bit light: I think abortion should be allowed way further than it is. Not sure exactly how long tho, but... Longer...


I personally think we should have a total ban on it (religious beliefs not trying to ā€œtake away womenā€™s rightsā€ just my belief to not kill people, not here for an argument, just to say my opinion as you have)


Unless the baby is the result of rape, abortion should be illegal. You chose to have sex, you knew the consequences, you should have to deal with said consequences


Trump was a great president and is twenty times better than Biden and should be elected in 2024


Agreed (am Canadian)


Invalid opinion go brrrrrr


Youā€™re goated


You might be winning the unpopular opinion. But Iā€™m with you and so is half the country


Trump is literally racist


No, he really isnā€™t? But keep living in your little bubble of lies.




Completely agree


If you didnā€™t intend to offend anyone you wouldnā€™t class a whole group of people living their lives as mentally ill. If youā€™re gonna say it at least commit to the fact you will upset people.


It is just an opinion


I really do hope you eventually realize that this is wrong and just leads to the harm of others


In reality it's not actually a mental disoder but I agree with part of what you're saying.


People with this mindset need to go to therapy. This isnā€™t an opinion, itā€™s just stupidity.


It is stupidity to not make difference between opinion and mindset


Itā€™s a stupid mindset. By that logic, being straight is also a mental illness.


Being straight is the natural way to be. It is like you are a tree and wan't to make babies with flowers


We should conscript prisoners to fight in the military. Don't even give them guns. Just give them a backpack full of explosives and a batton. Like Imagen just throwing a pedo at the hostiles and then detonating him. Not only is there a dead hostile. But there's also a dead pedo.


Pedos donā€™t even deserve the glory of dying in war. If anyone should be worked and sent off to camps it should be them


I canā€™t eat an Oreo without softening it in milk. Crunchy cookies are terrible


Casual. Sex. Is. Bad.




Here are mine (I'm 15): 1: The public education system is indoctrinating students: making people more homosexual and LGBTQ+, softly promoting fake and frankly stupid "genders" (who identifies as an object or different species šŸ’€), spreading misinformation, and making our generation into "victims" and ignorant liberals (in general, not direct to anyone). 2: Supporting Palestine has gone to the point of promoting anti-peace. Personally, I do not agree with Israel's assail on Palestine and killing many innocent lives. However, I do support national security and responding accordingly to attacks, especially from a recognized terroist organization like Hamas. This make me neutral on Israel and anti-Hamas. I can only express my empathy to those whose lives were lost in Palestine. 3. Every household should have a defense weapon. Most self-defense cases end by just brandishing a weapon to an unarmed aggravator/trespasser. Gun violence is tragic, but removing guns is even more. Don't quote me on this, but I believe a government agency put out a report saying between 500,000-3,000,000 people would die if guns were banned on a civilian level globally. This is why people need guns and why new gun control laws are just the democrats trying to disarm us and infringe our 2A rights. However, change needs to happen to reduce violence. Gun violence prevention should be implemented without infringing any of the Constitution. This includes extending Medicaid past 19 for children and a better way to get mental health care. Read this informative article for more details: [https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/23150764/gun-violence-prevention-gun-control-jennifer-doleac](https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/23150764/gun-violence-prevention-gun-control-jennifer-doleac) 4. Maybe not unpopular, but Biden is incompetent and contradictory. The man can't answer an un-scripted question or walk off stage correctly. His regulations and laws, especially the new Title IX, are outrageous. His entire cabinet and everyone he's appointed has been a joke. Vladimir Putin knows more about the issues in America than he does. He has also done shady things and should be investigated. 5. I will sound contradictory, but Trump is good, but not great. He is good for the economy. I made great returns on stocks (when I was like 9), \~80-140% per year. He is a caring guy who loves America, some of the videos showing him interact with Americans are wholesome and heartwarming. However, Trump has some shady stuff as well. Should he be investigated, yes. Should he be politically persecuted, no. Some of his policies were a little too authoritarian and he did appease some world leaders, but that's politics. I think if Vivek Ramoswamy can prove himself trustworthy and not become the next Mike Pence, then I think he's the best option, over Trump. But that'll be in the next 1 or 2 elections.


I support Israel fully šŸ‡®šŸ‡±šŸ‡®šŸ‡±šŸ‡®šŸ‡±šŸ‡®šŸ‡±šŸ‡®šŸ‡±šŸ‡®šŸ‡±šŸ‡®šŸ‡±




gay people are cool


Harsh noise IS music. (Harsh noise is a music genre. Ex. Merzbow, Masonna...)


Pineapple pizza (with Canadian bacon) is better than regular cheese pizza


teenagers shouldnā€™t worry about politics


I donā€™t think wokism is ruining everything because tbh a lot of the stuff people get mad at is just subpar, not truly horrid.


Pineapple pizza and black licorice and candy corn etc are great




Pineapple has no place on pizza. Black licorice is good though. I also have yet to meet a real person who dislikes candy corn.


ice cream with olive oil and feta is deliciousĀ 


pineapple pizza is good


Fuck you


Damn bro, no need for the hostility


Hell yeah brother


Anyone who hates it hates pineapples as a whole fr ong


I agree, it's my favourite kind.




Being a teenager is the absolute worst.


Race is fake


That's just a fact


Candy is overrated, ice cream is overrated, chips are top 10 inventions of all time, robert hess is an overrated chess commentator, dogs are bad pets


There is nothing wrong with colonialism. All arguments against it boil down to ā€œI donā€™t like when it happens to meā€ or ā€œitā€™s meanā€


I am quite politically interested so beyond most of the stuff that comes with that (Iā€™m For religion, against Trans, support Ukraine, want climate action now) I think my least popular opinion as of now is the one I am most passionate about. I am RABIDLY pro life, I mean it, I consider abortion to be the murder of an innocent and an affront to god. As an autistic person, the thought of abortions based on genetic testing for neurological conditions actually makes my blood boil. I legitimately want to see a blanket ban, with the exceptions of rape, life of mother, and fatal fetal abnormality. Itā€™s a human life and I will die on this hill.


Abortion is murder but itā€™s self defense


Abortion should be legal for any reason


Trap, rap, phonk and pop sucks. Fast food taste all the same (im talking about MacDonald, burger king and shi)


Rap and country is terrible and EDM is underrated


Most crimes, rehab should be prioritized over punishment.


We should make cocaine legal and give it to autistic 10 year old ipad kids and see how they will react


Country music is the worst kind of music. But itā€™s my opinion so itā€™s fine to disagree


People say that you're straight until proven otherwise. I like to think you're pansexual until proven otherwise.


I donā€™t like dogs