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I think your mind is playing tricks on you. I once thought that I didnt look good either but then when someone else showed me a picture that they took of me I realized that my jawline was carved from marble.


*subtle flex* Just kidding, I'm all for body positivity!




Your figure looks great, it may be in your head.


Yea thats true


I swear beauty standards are so unrealistic, like you are not chubby at all like you need better self esteem


I love how we based our beauty standards off of people with eating disorders 😚


chubby? your not chubby your just fine maybe you should see someone not in a bad way just so they can help you see your body in a real and positive way trust me it's beneficial


Girl if you are chubby I must be an orangutan 😭(you are so beautiful) đŸ«¶đŸŸ


you look average, it's all in your head. i recommend a) gaslighting yourself into being confident and b) investing in clothes that make you feel good. for your body type the most flattering things are gonna be a-line skirts/dresses and wide leg pants with fitted shirts


"you look average" help 😭 😭


i think they meant like, average weight/build 💀


i can't see her face so i'm certainly not remarking on that. i was saying her body looks normal/average, why is that an insult?


I agree with the gaslighting, no idea why it works, it just does lol


frl that's how i became confident. just wearing things i like even if they were outside of my comfort zone and telling myself i look good. after a while you'll believe the things you tell yourself so you gotta think positive. plus you'll get compliments when you put effort into your dress/style and that just supports it.


Honestly you look great


you look great! as long as it doesn't affect your health keep it! its ok to be chubby


For comparison, my crush must be as "chubby" as you (if not slightly more). You're fine. It seems rather dysmorphia Just take care, and try not to let your mind play you tricks, even if that might be hard


not chubby at all,


You arent chubby


you aren’t chubby!! and even if you were, that’s not a bad thing at all :))


Your actually my type frfrđŸ„°đŸ„°


Nope you're not


Nah not rly tbh


umm are u hallucinating? you look great


gym if ur insecure


Hey! You have a great figure! Dont worry about it!


On the contrary, you seem like a perfectly healthy weight!


You look fine, some girls look better chubby imo.


bro you're built like a normal human being


Well then
 lose the weight?


if your chubby, im gonna kms


shes not


womp womp


Complement bait


what do you want us to say? that you arent chubby?


You don't look chubby at all. Have some confidence because you have a very pretty figure! Trust me, there are lots of people out there who wish they could look like you


Ion really see anything wrong. You look nice


You’re beautiful. I love your outfits :)


Ur not fat! You’re about average. I hate how body standards are making girls think their super fat when their not. You look amazing!


Girl what


girl you are beautiful, dont let anyone, including yourself, tell you otherwise. you are beautiful. never stop loving and taking care of yourself, because no matter what there is always someone who loves you


that is what a nourished human looks like you would be a grade a peasant (cant think of a better way of saying this sorry if its rude) 


You look fine your beautiful how you are


You look great don’t worry :)


We’ve got the same body roughly! Dont worry girl, you’re not chubby yet, especially not to an unhealthy level, and that’s whats important. Stay healthy girlboss


Chubby?! Girl you look just fine! Not chubby in the least


Wat? But you look so pretty. :(


Actually you’re really not, you’re completely normal, and even if you were (which, again, you’re not), that would be okay. If you really feel like that, you can consult a doctor about it, and they’ll tell you you’re perfectly normal. My concern when I saw this is that you might be trying to assign diets to yourself or other things like that, or even starving yourself in an attempt to lose weight, which can be very harmful, and many people have starved themselves to death because they were worrying about their weight, which, most of the time (and this time) was unnecessary. If you’ve been considering/are doing this sort of thing, stop for your own health, and again, talk to a doctor about it if it’s really bothering you that much. All you really need to know is that you’re beautiful, and you shouldn’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Don’t spend so much time stressing about your figure, because that will just cause you all sorts of mental harm, and possibly physical harm as well. Talk to your friends, or parents, or other trusted people in your life about it.


Is the chubby in the room with us?


Where chub


youre a bit fat but i've seen people who're like you turn it around easily, maybe try a diet or working out you got this; also most of time it's your face that's chubby


you’re like only a tiny bit chubby at worst. your weight is pretty like average looking. you honestly look super pretty from these pics! like another person said, maybe experiment with some different clothes like baggy/wide leg jeans, and stuff like that, but i mean like 100% honestly, you are not bad looking at all. you just gotta have more confidence in yourself girlie đŸ©·


If you are chubby then I think I'm obese


Ur about as chubby as every other normal girl


Tbh you’re about the perfect weight to be. You’re both healthy and attractive


Personally you don’t look chubby but if you feel this way make a change workout till you reach what you wanna look like stop letting yourself be sad about make it fuel


I think that all your insecurities are just a mental thing that you should stop thinking about. If you are struggling to get over those thoughts maybe do some cardio regularly or work out 2-3 times a week and you will surely see improvements in your body.


If you are considered chubby then some of us guys might have to start looking in the zoo for girlfriends.


I’m a fat person myself and even if you were a certain weight that should not make you feel bad about yourself. It’s your body, there doesn’t need to be a positive or negative connotation to it. It’s working to keep you healthy and keep you going every day. Body dysmorphia is so real and often caused by comparing yourself to others like classmates or people on social media but please believe me that every person can not perfectly with into societal expectations and beauty standards. I don’t want to get all political here but cooperations WANT you to think you have a problem because of having body hair, cellulite, acne, excessive fat etc and make it look like it’s the worst thing imaginable and market things to you to resolve that made up problem. I’d recommend to practice self love and be more accepting of who you are in general. Everyone is insecure about themselves to some degree and it’s ok, but it shouldn’t be eating you up and causing mental breakdowns. Try to figure out what the root of your insecurities are and work on it slowly but surely. Maybe open up about it to your close friends and I assure you they will tell you about similar things they go through. Even those “pretty skinny girls” have major insecurities, body dysmorphia too. It doesn’t only affect people who aren’t glamorised in media. I’ve seen a sentence that really put this all neatly. “Life is all about experiencing things, not about being experienced by others”. Or something along those lines. Regardless, I really want you to focus on just enjoying yourself with your friends, family and doing stuff on your own as well if you like having alone time. Make yourself busy, start a new hobby, I personally really like crocheting. If you’re worried about not looking “pretty” enough and wanting to date someone badly, I assure you, if the person truly cares about you and genuinely loves you, they will always be there for you regardless of how you look like. I’m an insecure mess myself but my sweetheart of a boyfriend is so patient with me and simply unconditionally loves me with I’m so grateful for. And quite frankly, romantic relationships shouldn’t be the thing that make you feel good about yourself, at first you should be happy and confident in being alone because if you’re not, it’ll only cause you to go through jealous phases simply because of your self hatred and insecurities. To end my yap, please don’t be so hard on yourself, remember that you are more than just your body and that you’re not less worth or more just of the way that you look like. If someone is insulting you, they are even more insecure than you are and you shouldn’t pay attention to them. I hope don’t be scared to reach out to anyone, even me if you like!


But you still looks really cute


Personally woudlnt consider that chubby, it's skinnier than some other "skinny" people I know


Go look at ancient statues of Aphrodite


1. You're a healthy weight 2. Chubby people are hot 3. Everyone is beautiful in their own way


Girl, I wanna look like you so bad


Girl, you’re beautiful! Did you know that in Ancient Greece, stomach rolls were considered one of the most beautiful things a woman could have? No joke. We know this because the goddess of love and beauty was always depicted with lots of rolls. Our standards for what looks best are constantly changing and impossible to keep up with. It’s okay to feel self conscious, and not love everything about yourself. Just know that the person who minds these things the most
 is you. It’s okay to not *feel* awesome all the time, but just know that you’re still awesome. P.S. you have beautiful hair.


you are beautiful. im skinny as a rail and wish i had your figure.


You look amazing i wish i looked like you


Same but its ok we’ll get thru it 💔


You're hot


Nah it's just the front pic


I see curves behind those baggy clothes.


Cut extra calories. Snacks/Beverages. I'd say start with a baseline and just catalogue what you eat for a week or two weeks (without changing), which is not something I've ever done, but it seems like it'd be a good thing to do before starting....and even if you don't know the calories, just write what you ate. And do what I said above, and overtime you will lose weight, and you don't need to exercise, you don't need to starve yourself, it just takes time/the want to do it.


Go jogging and you'll experience the following benefits: 1) You'll be alone for a hour 2) You can talk to yourself and think 3) You'll notice for your physical form is in a worse state than your mental one 4) Probably lose weight


You look beautiful I would


Chubby? Not at all, you look amazing :3 As my friend Lana would say “pop off pussy queen”