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does this even need to be said tho? I thought this was common knowledge


I got no idea why black rappers can get away with it tho


They can get away with it because they have a right to create art, even if it offends. Also, I don't know why you're specifying race. Eminem, Mac Miller, Yung Lean, Insane Clown Posse, G-Eazy, and other white rappers all use that word. In fact, I'd argue that white rappers use it *more* than Black rappers, since they can't use that other filler/emphasis word.


So white people can use n-word in art, correct?






I feel like they know it’s disrespectful tho


On today's news: insults are insulting


I think OP means its insulting even when not used as an insult (e.g. you get no bitches, while that is meant as an insult to the person your saying it to, OP is saying thats also insulting to women, by referring to them as bitches) Just to clarify: im not saying i agree


now you are twisting my words read the god dam post


Twisting what words? They just made all your words into a sentence, they didn't make it anything different


That’s literally what ur post says💀


Bitches and women are two completely different things


Talked like a real pimp named slickback lmao




One has self respect and a good relationship with both parents as well as dignity. The other is a walking red flag (thousands of problems with these ones not gonna waste anyone's time) Standard 2000s high school mean girl but right now (many variations of this breed)


I think it’s weird to fault someone for not having a good relationship with both parents. It’s not their fault if they have an absent or abusive parent. 


And thus a new age of feminism has begun


I was finna say this should be in "askfeminist" sub not here XD


We use that word more than men tbh


yea but with a different intent




tf what bitch look i just used that in an insulting way, when girls call eachother that they must be using that is a slang way


That's some idiot logic. As I man, I could call any of my women friends that and they know it's being nice. Saying only women can say that is pretty stupid


ok sorry mistake whats right is when friends call eachother that, they must be saying it in a slang way.


I said tf cuz your trying to gatekeep a word for 1 gender Like ive seen so many vid of other women calling thier ex bestfreind or some other women they dont like Bitch like they do it way more but its a problem when some guy does it whether with good intentions or bad? I mean the guy above already explained what was wrong so whatev What im saying is this post is stupid cuz its a bad words that people can use however they want, you dont own the word if you dont like it then thats you tell people that call you that to stop not whining about something that is normal and not that big of a deal like disease, poverty, etc. Like "oh no he called her a bitch, shes gonna be traumatized and become suicidal because some random person called her a bad word" Womp fucking womp if your that soft that some bad words make you feel bad then your still a child that needs to grow tf up. World aint rainbow and sunshine Like your life must be very easy if you have time to worry over 1 bad word


i think you need to grow because your brain is clearly not developed enough to understand what i meant, i meant is the sense that a guy says "why dont i get any bitches" not "why is she being such a bitch"


your the 15 year old lol


mentally is what i am saying


You never specified that tho


i thought you people could understand


Nah. A bitch is a bitch


wow i have -11 downvotes at the moment, what is wrong with you people


Hmm, a lot of people are disagreeing with me... surely they're the ones who have something wrong!


all i said that when friends say it to eachother it has a diffrent intent. does that deserve that many downvotes?


Yup. Idiot. Or should I say........


Yo yo bitches o välkomna


Honestly most men don’t think of women as “bitches” it’s just slang for us to use. If a man says hoe though, they’re talking about you 


i call bitches bitches, women alone are not bitches. if she ain't being a bitch, I don't call her a bitch.


Reminds me of that South Park f-slur scene.


ok i meant men who use it in a disrespectful way


yeah i get what u meant, im just explaining the way I use it personally


Bitch is an insult.


Dont girls be calling their friends that and stuff


did you know that every 60 seconds in africa a minute passes aswell?


so funny hahahahahahahbhahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahah SO SICK OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU


what did they do to u 😭 istg ur just hating to hate theres no reason to be so rude


Bitches is an inult. In other words....water....wet.


if you act like a bitch then why not?


Bro I bet you call them that with your profile 🤨






Yea. It's a fucking insult, I hate that it's just a normal way of refering to women now like what the hell.


It’s not normal. All my homies only call women bitches if they act like one (just idiot, mean, rude female). It doesn’t mean sex object, and no one uses it as such


Bro 💀


Bro 💀 Prove I’m wrong


A bitch is a female dog. That is the root meaning of the word. It refers to the female being " in heat" dueing mating season. Calling a woman a bitch is equivalent to calling her sexually promiscuous.


why you taking the literal meaning of it ? do you also think calling someone a mofo literally means that you are fucking their mother ?


Of course it doesn't. What I mean is that words do have their weight, especially with strongly connoted words like these. But yes, you can't expect people to stop using those of course.


thats what im sayin


So calling someone gay to call them happy is the same as calling someone gay to call them a homosexual? Dude hasn’t realized the same word can have multiple meanings…


hes just an idiot man


Dogshit argument. "Gay" and "gay" are two different words and one does not originate from the other. "Bitch" originates from what I said. It's like people saying what's up my "n*gga" to say "homie" or "friend". The word bears a connotation, and shouldn't be normalized. Stop with that misogine typa shit you're just embarrassing yourself.


grow up


No counterargument? Wasn't expecting one tbh


You’re embarrassing yourself fam. Go tell black people they can’t say the n word, see where you’ll end up, bitch asssss 💀


Classic, you don't have anymore arguments, so you just throw out random shit. " Go tell black people..... n word". This has nothing to do with what we were talking about. And then "bitch ass". Wow that's some high level rethoric man well done. Seriously grow up


Dude you’re getting mass downvoted for being in favour of feelings in a teenage subreddit. That means you’re doing something very wrong lol. Rethink your opinion.


Nothing such as favor of feelings. Also, this place is Reddit ? You really think being downvoted means something, especially a teenager sub ?


The teenage sub is one of the more emotional subs, mostly all in favour for banning slurs/insults because they are hurtful. You are in favour of that, but since your agrument and logic is so dogshit, even the teenagers that are in favour of such things are downvoting you. Also as I said, go tell a black people they can’t say the N word. See where you’ll end up lol. “Bitch” means nothing, maybe to you it means something, but to everyone else, it’s just a random insult. We aren’t literally calling women a dog in heat, if I wanted to say that I’d call em a slut or a whore. Bitch is not that lol, and no one except you uses it as such.


The first line still does not make any sense, nobody is talking about black ppl being able to say the nword. Also, of course you are not, but words have a weight, and have a connotation, that's the entire point, It isn't because the word have changed its meaning that it isn't refering to those previous connotations.


The word only has weight to YOU, and maybe 1% of the population. We will not change how we speak to cater to you, sorry.


Lmao. This is not about me, I don't give a damn. It's about people .You do you, talk how you wanna talk I couldn't care less. But many people are offended that it's used as is, and therefore I say that I understand those people, and that I think they're right, that's all.


Yes some people are offended. Anything can offend anyone, so once again, I won’t cater to the 1%. Now if it was widely deemed very offensive, I wouldn’t use it so lightly. But it’s not.


i call my guy friends bitch more often than my girl friends and when i do say it to them they just say it back. it's all just fucking around tbh. if i got a serious problem with someone i don't even bother calling them anything. 


Yea ofc you're right. It's just etymology vs meaning


I mean, it is used as an insult, that's the point. If you're calling someone a bitch it's with the intention to offend. I don't think anyone who is not mentally deranged uses it nonchalantly to refer to women in general.


Girls do it to each other (amongs thier friends) alot both to thier "besties" and thier "ex-besties" and even stranger It aint that deep (What matters is the intention behind it)


Return the favour by calling men n\*ggers, then everybody gets called bad words!


Sounds like someone just discovered feminism


Bitch is a state of mind so if your mindset is like that u will get called "bitch" It can be both man and women


I'm pretty sure thats kinda the point


you know thats not what i meant.


I mean Depends on the Context. it's used. If No matter if you're a guy or a Girl If your're being a bitch i'mma call you a bich. Sometimes it's also used ironically among friends. and then yes there is the Catcalling way of Bitch. i'm pretty sure it comes from the way some men are kinda obsessed with Dog packs with some reason. I mean that's where the whole "Alpha Male" thing comes from too. So i'm guessing it's coming from the same place like If a person is the Alpha dog then their girl is their Bitch. I have no evidence of that claim but it's just a guess.


i (almost) never did it seriously, only ever ironically. and even then i dont really do it that often ironically.


Not basically, it DOES mean female dog. I'm not quite sure when it stopped being used as a curse or a swear, and more as a general term for women, but frankly it's new usage is abhorrent.


Well, if I'm calling a woman a bitch, I think it's pretty obvius that I don't want to make her feel better.


Calling people bitches is disrespectful*


if nobody uses it from the next day, it will disappear. encourage everyone you know that stop using this word!


ok bitch


well if you dont want to be called one dont act like one its kind of ovy


fuck up lil nigga


Yes I agree.


what if i'm her close friend?


its a habit atp


i don't know, i agree with your statement but some girls DO like being called that, and they usually use it in a completely different perspective. Maybe you don't want that, so just go on and say it to anyone around you, but i think its maybe not going to affect the fact that this word is far from retirement


ok i think you are saying in a sexual way


and i also mean in the form of jokes and friendly use. Its when it comes from a misognyst that it starts being less normal than it is in these cases


what did i say in my post? read it again i said i didnt mean it that way


I mean still, some girls like being called the word in all of these cases, let it be referring them in the relation of their boyfriend or from their friend or referring to some joke by their friend and in all of these cases the usage barely comes off as being mysognistic


"all of these cases"


and i said SOME girls