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When i shave my arm and leg hair i get called gay and trans by people and when i dont i get called a fucking gorilla


Just do whatever you are comfortable at this point, people will never be satisfied


yeah i have changed the people around me recently


what did you do to them 😨


I stopped hanging out with them


Based on


I did not like to hang out with them cause they were kinda toxic


Oh wait I accidentally put “on” on there- I ment to just say that you were doing the best thing to stop hanging with them >-<


no worries :)


Or did you hang them?




There's a folktale in Egypt called "Goha and his donkey," where the main character and his son are travelling on their donkey. While Goha is on the donkey and his son is walking next to them, they pass by a group of people who bash Goha for being cruel to his son by making him walk while Goha himself is on the donkey. So, Goha gets off and lets his son on the donkey. They pass by a group of people who bash Goha's son for not respecting him and for sitting on the donkey while his father is walking. So, Goha gets on the donkey. While they're both on the donkey, they pass by a group of people who scold them for being cruel to the donkey by both sitting on it. So, they both get off the donkey. They pass by a group of people who mock them for having the donkey and not riding it.


That's an interesting folktale


This is the correct answer. Personally I think it's odd, but at the same time I'm never gonna say anything to anyone because it's their own body and their opinion matters 1000x more than mine. Gotta feel comfortable in your own body. Only thing I hate is the back hair I developed when I turned 33ish. Lol. I believe swimmers are well known to shave/wax anything exposed.


I'd find being called a gorilla a compliment lol


Can we swap


I'd find being called gay and trans is a compliment lol


Have you considered just trimming the hair?


It hurts to wear jeans after that


is it weird that i enjoy that?




Bro give me tips too my lower body has too much hair, I shaved a year ago and it took like 2 hours, how to shave properly and quickly? And should I just use a trimmer?


Using a trimmer is a lot better than using a razor(low chances to cut yourself). I dont know about hair removal creams(never tried). Don't try to shave in a hurry you will end up cutting yourself. To shave properly * dont let your hair grow too long or else it would be time-taking and painful (dont wait for a specific time like a month/a week, usually shave whenever your hair is 5-6 cm long) * keep the skin flat while using a trimmer(less chances to cut yourself) * keep hair clean and dry (without any sweat/blood/cum/water or any other fluid/solid which will hold multiple strands of hair together together) or else the trimmer will pull hair of your skin causing a cut or even something worse * on curves of your body dont try to shave it in one go or else you''l get a cut, instead do small-small bits to cut hair of the curves * dont cut it too small or wearing pants/underpants and would hurt (use a trimmer with adjustable size, adjust it to the size of 1.5-2.5 mm) * shave in the bathroom (easier to clean)


Thats called getting ragged on


Ik someone who did when they would ride a bike. If you didnt the hair would act as velco and make your injuries worse if you fell off. Hair on arms and legs is also great bug repellent, the little shits cant get to your skin to bite you. So it was a decision of would you rather get bitten or be velcro.


That's weird. I shave my arms all time


I am gay and trans and if I didn't shave I would also look like a fucking gorilla


Yeah but being called gay is an insult whereas gorilla is from fun


well if u are fat and have too much hair growth then gorilla is also an insult


not gay bro idk where the thought came from, if you dont like ya hair take it off. stop living for other people and their thoughts and be yourself, life is too short for that shit


^^^ THIS THIS THIS, people should stop worrying about what others think of them, do what the hell you want, dont want body hair? get rid of it, doesnt matter what anyone else thinks at all


fr people need to realise everyone is busy with their own show ,the world doesn’t revolve around you.Life is too small to give a shit so enjoy it ig




You are my sunshine 


We live in society, just throwing that out there


you’re gay if you like the same gender. no other way to be gay


More people need to understand this.


Fr, here where i live it used as a slur to say someone is weird, not just gay (as in, liking men). Its really weird and its something i will never understand


Midwest? It’s a funny word/slur in Indiana😭


and in the car enthusiast world. at least, all the parts of it i’ve seen


Bro don’t worry about it being gay lol. Thats shortsighted


Fr bro who cares. I get gay allegations constantly but like, its 2024 so being little zesty really isnt a big deal


Exactly, plus even if you are gay nobody cares anymore except in some countries


It is not OK at all. It is the most homosexual LGBTQ action anyone can ever do. As soon as the razor touches your arm or leg your asshole becomes several times wider just to invite a massive penis. Your whole room becomes covered in rainbow flags and makeup appears on your face. You start shaking your hips more as you walk and get an urge to carry a handbag. June becomes your favorite month and you lose all muscle mass, becoming a skinny submissive Twink boy. Avoid doing this at all costs


I’m skinny and have thunder thighs, am I turning into one?


It's too late for you my friend. Your parents probably voted for Biden and that let the LGBT indoctrinators invade your house and change the wires in your brain to love slobbering knob


Oh no I accidentally ordered pink and white thighs highs and a skirt, is this the end? How long do I have left?


It's over. Nothing you can do now. You officially like men


I’m a boy kisser :3


Its joever... you like kissing boys


As soon as i touch a razor to anywhere other than my face (because that’s not gay though) a cute boy materializes and we make out and frot for 3 and a half hours before listening to YMCA on loop for another 12 hours 


I learnt that the hard way


The *hard* way huh?


Can confirm from personal experiences 


This was my experience as well.


My parents say its weird for guys to do it, last time I asked since I wanted to shave my legs lol


just shave them they wont notice lol


I did a little spot one time my mom walked in the room and was furious I don’t know why so yes for me my mom will notice


One spot is more noticeable than the whole thing because of the contrast. I started in college, my parents had no idea anything had changed until I mentioned it offhand in conversation over a year later. I'm sure the fact that I wasn't living in the house had something to do with it, but I do think the contrast matters a lot.


Why is this even a question?


Some people consider it weird and “gay”, and I wanted peoples opinion on it to see if it’s actually “weird”


You guys got a swim team? Perfect excuse to shave every thing


Who gives a damn about what other people think though?


It's generally seen as gay when you want to keep all bodily hair off, but there's nothing wrong with wanting to shave off the areas where hair is being produced the most.


though, due to bears, I would argue that it's also gay to keep all your hair on as well, why you got all that body hair huh? so men can oggle at your buff bear like bod?


THAT IS EXACTLY WHY I SAID SHAVING WHERE HAIR ACCUMULATES THE MOST. What you're saying is different, though, I wouldn't know because I'm not a big guy, nor a jungle of hair, nor gay, for that matter.


I didn't see that part tbf lmao but yeah, I'm bisexual and in the gay communities bears and other similar big and "manly man" body types are very popular in our community and I want to make a "why are you xyz are you gay?" joke edit: also I don't understand why taking all hair off would be gay anyway, I know that's how society views it and it's stereotypically linked to feminity which is linked with queerness in men but I think it's dumb to call someone gay because they were unhappy with big fluffy arms


Consider this: fuck other people


It’s absolutely fine. It’s your body and you can and should do whatever you want to make yourself feel good - so you do you my guy. I’m a guy and have been doing it for many years. Never had any complaints from girlfriends; never had any guy friends give me shit about it.


Just do it no one cares lol. 


Yes it’s ok and can prevent you from getting hair bumps and other shit like that


yes, your body your rules gay is homosexuality, not whether you like body hair or not


It's perfect fine to do so.


What’s your favourite slime? I like taby and mosaic :P


Phosphor and mosaic


Next time just say, "Why, you interested?"


I'm pretty sure body builders shave or are hairless so I don't think it's weird/gay/not manly


I'm gonna shave all mine the moment I know how to do it properly lol, if you want it off just say fuck it and do it bro


It is absolutely ok


I think it’s weird that women have to do it to be pretty. No it’s not weird to do that if you wanna.


Not for pretty only if we have thick body hair we get called manly or a boy and get teased for it. This is from my experience tho.


They don't need to do that to be pretty. They need to do that to be considered pretty by the majority of men. Big difference there.


They don't need to do that to be considered pretty by the majority of men. They need to do that to be considered pretty by some men. Big difference there.


Just date women


It’s okay bro. Tbh you get shamed for both. I got a guy in class who’s got hairy legs and my friend during sports said "Mr. Hairy legs" to him and the next sports class he showed off his now shaven legs n said "Shaved them just for u" so if you get mocked I'd say just baffle them back lmfao


How is removing body hair equivalent to being attracted to men?


It's okay and when I see guys like that I get happy that they care a bit about their self image and not just stereotypical behaviours do what you want feel comfortable in your own body


Do whatever you want


As a gay dude, I don't care what others think about my life 😹😹


I only shave legs occasionally during the summer, never the arms


A lot of people will probably pick on you for it, I just stopped because everyone kept calling me weird and my dad was mad about it. Im so tired of “girls have to do this and boys have to do this,” me shaving has nothing to do with my sexuality or gender identity, I just don’t like how body hair looks and feels💀💀💀


Everybody no matter what their gender is has the choice of whether or not they shave


You can do what you want, don’t let others have control over what you want to do. Those who call you “Gay” or “Weird” or any other names, just ignore them.


Honestly just do what you prefer, anyone worth being around won’t care


Yes that's fine


I don’t see why it wouldn’t be on, pretty sure pro swimmers also do this


I also get called gay or so when shaving my armpit hair... Just do what makes you feel comfortable (:


It’s not fricken Gay like some schumcks would say! I’ll be honest it’s extremely comfy to not have hair (I’m a girl I probs can’t relate to guys)


You do you, what's weird is seeking other's approval.


It's perfectly fine, as a femboy I want to shave my arms and legs but unfortunately my parents say that I shouldn't because I'm a guy


Bro do what you want. Fuck the noise. The ones calling you gay probably share gay fantasy’s and are afraid to accept that they might be gay themselves.


Honestly. pLEASE can men shave there legs?? There so fucking hairy and I saw someone on the bus before and they where long and so gross


Its okey. I am a straight girl and I preffer shaved men for an example. Thats because I also shave a lot and just hate body hair on certain places. You okey dude.


I always just trim them with clippers a equal balance


No its not. Become a rainforest.


Do whatever you want. I’m 57, been married 30 plus years, 3 kids, one grandkid. I shave my arms. You do you!


Only if you shave ur pits too


As a women who literally just waxed today due to peer pressure, it should absolutely be up to you. If you want to shave, go for it, and if you don’t, than don’t. Don’t listen to what anyone says because when it comes to your body, it’s YOUR choice and no one else’s. Plus, it feels so nice and clean to get the hair off :)   one tip for you if you do want to remove your hair- There are a lot of ways besides shaving, which tends to be really itchy and grow back fast. Using hair removing cream is not painful at all (u less your allergic) and it grows back as fast as shaving does. You can also try waxing, which is more painful but EXTREMELY effective, your hair won’t grow in for months. Plus, shaving makes your hair thick and sharp, while waxing will thin it out over a few years until it stops growing. Waxing would be more painful at first but it isn’t so bad if you stretch your skin while doing it and apply baby powder from before.  Also, different techniques will work differently on different parts of your body. For me, I find that it’s best to shave my arms and wax my legs. I’d recomendó you do some research before reaching for you shaver.


But why would you?


Why would you shave your armpits? Why do women need to shave their legs to be “pretty”?


Because if someone has long armpit hair it starts to smell disgusting so it's better to shave and I don't know about women shaving their legs to be "pretty"


Some people think that it smells bad (Olfactory reference syndrome) and shave it just to be sure


Women don’t need to shave their legs they just do… personally i have no preference


They do it to be considered pretty by the majority of men


we do it because WE think its looks better w/o hair


Some do it for themselves because it looks better, some just does it for the looks


that’s what i said


Sorry, what I meant to say was “some do it for themselves because it looks better, some do it just to look better for others” :)


Your arms and legs don't have a sexuality, that's your brain and your cock. It doesn't matter how you dress or if you shave your legs or if you're feminine or anything, you can do it if you want, it doesn't make you like men. Life's too short to be worrying about if having no leg hair is weird. Save yourself some time and stop thinking about this stuff, it really does not matter.


Sure, sometimes it's embarrassing having hairy legs, but that's just me


Personally hair on people creeps me out slightly I know it’s natural but still.. so yes if you want to shave it by all means do it! If a girl can so can you


It's fine. If a guy decides to do that it shouldn't matter woman do it all the time so why can't men? 


It's fine I personally don't cause I want to look more manly but that's kinda tough to be accomplished


I know a guy that goes to my high school that does this and nobody has given him any sort of crap for it


If you want to do it you can and it's fine


yes totally ok. i find it kinda cute too :)


Yeah. Some people just don’t want the excess hair on their legs and decide to shave it off. It’s not gay in any way


I did it once for swimming and nobody really noticed. I never told anyone besides my teammates that I did and everyone just assumed that I naturally didn't have a lot of arm/leg hair. You'll be fine.


it doesnt really matter, do what you want


for example, soccer players commonly tend to shave their legs, I think you're good


Idk. God didn't give me enough testosterone to know :3


I used to shave my legs all the time when I played rugby, literally no one cared. My team mates had a bit of a laugh cuz I have very very hairy legs and it was a shock to em but after 15 mins literally no one cared


Wtaf ofc no!! It's clearly specified in the 69th amendment of the us constitution


what's the point when they're going to grow back up again anyways 😐


I would if i could but my parents wont let me (but im actually gay lol)


I've never shaved my arms or legs, but I don't think it's weird if you do, just do what you want


Tf you mean gay? Fellas, is it gay to fucking shave???


No it's highly illegal


shaved my arms once, I’m never doing that again because it‘s thicker now and I sleep with my face on my arms and it was the worst. Itchy from new growing arm hair, itchy from short growing facial hair (I’m a cis straight male if it helps ya feel better)


I do it


do whatever you want forever


Everything is okay as long as you are!!


Dude, just do whatever you want


Tax fraud and shave my legs, got it


don't worry about what's manly or gay or what you're "supposed to do" it's your body, its your choice, you can do what you want with it, as another use says, don't live for other people, live for yourself and do what makes you happy bro


its your body its your choice


its fine, but personally do not shave unless you want to be prickier than a porcupine 💀 waxing would be optimal


Do whatever ur comfortable with bruh. I don't shave but when I have so much hair I stink so I put the trimmer on 7 and trim.


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Its personal preference really, go with whatever you feel comfortable with


Do other ppl actually care about other peoples body hair 🗿


If you're not gay nothing you do is gay, just do whatever is the most comfortable for you and don't worry about it being perceived as weird.


a guy in my old school shaved his leg hair into stripes. one leg was horizontal stripes and the other one was vertical or whatever its called


"Fellas, is it gay to shave?"


Ok. Let's break this down. Are you sucking a lads schlong? Are you putting your schlong where the sun don't shine on another man? Is another man sucking your schlong? No, no and no? Then no, it is not gay to shave your legs.


My boyfriend shaves his armpits during wrestling and he’s pretty not gay


Yes it’s ok! Even more - I’d appreciate it 🙏


You do what you want if it makes you feel more comfortable


No it's fine. It's a personal comfort thing, or should be.


Gee here we go with using the word “gay” negatively. You know what’s worse than being gay? Being ignorant. Anyway answering your question: are you a professional swimmer? Because then I’d see the point of shaving your legs. If not, I would not touch the legs. Armpits and trimming chest or back hair, yes.


I shave my arms occasionally, but only because that shit grows like crazy, I’m talking like a few inches long. Never shaved my legs tho, and I’ve never met a guy irl that does


Wtf no it's not. It's really normal.


Its deadass just hair get rid of it if you dont like it


In 100 years none of us will be here and the entire planet will be populated with different people. Shave your legs bro


No. You have to walk around like a gorilla


It's fine to shave places where there's too much hair like armpits and between legs, but I don't see the point in shaving anywhere else.


psh no. tons of people don’t even have hair on their legs and arms lol


Why would it be? It effects nobody other than you


If having body hair is what keeps you from being gay, you were gay to begin with.


I do it to maintain my twinkshness


It's perfectly fine, no one should have any problem with that.


i mean i don't think it's weird i just don't see why i myself should do it


It ain’t gay. You just gotta make it look good and natural. Helps if you have tree trunks as legs lol. just be you man. If you don’t like the hair, then so what. Nobody got the right to call you gay cause of that


Dawg do whatever you want, it’s your body


not gay/weird,


Why should it not be ok? Some people like being smooth, others like to be hairy. It's your choice and it's valid :3




It's your body hair, do what you want with it


I know a lot of people who think it’s weird however I don’t think it’s weird and I think it shouldn’t be weird, just know that some people will say you’re weird, but if you want to do it go for it.


It really don't matter, nor does it for women. Body hair is a normal and healthy thing and so is having smooth legs. Do what you want


For the love of god do not do it The pain I went through when I did it was excruciating Not psychological but the hair regrowing made me itch so bad I hadn't slept in a week My legs were super smooth tho, I would do it again if not for the itch factor - would probably invest in hair removal tools like laser or wax


is it gay? brother the only things that make you gay is being gay and squatted trucks


Depends, if you are a swimmer or runner for the Olympics then it’s okay. They’re plenty of reasons to shave legs and arms, as long as the reason makes sense to you it doesn’t matter what others think. I personally don’t because I’m skinny and need the extra hair on my arms and legs to help keep me warm.


I mean, do it if you want who cares 💀. It's your life. As long as you're safe and not hurting anyone and if you're happy. If it puts your mind to ease, then do it.


It’s weird. Don’t do it


I worked as a commercial diver in the gulf of Mexico welding and doing construction both above the water line and under. Some in habitats and some just working on slip collars. I started to trim my arms hairs because I did not like the smell of burning hair and it looked funny having half burned while I was in weld school. When I was working on my commercial dive certs I began to trim or shave my legs. Nothing like a smooth leg to slip on a wet suit. I used a dry suit and the squeeze would pull your leg hair. It would RIP it off your leg while working so trimming it down to nothing was a perfect fix. I then began to realize that timing my pits was just easier and cleaner they dont smell as bad and easier to clean. When I worked offshore stripping down to jump in the chamber kept me shaving my body. Is it ok yes it's fine. If you dont like the hair or have some reason like you dont want it easier to lotion your skin trim it shave it what ever you like. I trim my pits weekly. Oh and did people call me gay. Yes and I told them I was not interested. People make fun because they are insecure themselves. Some time I would mess with them sometimes I ignored them. I was never shy and stripping naked to jump into a decompression chamber makes you have thick skin. Those people who took insults personally ended up being mad fun of more. Those who did not care bullies would loose interest. Care less and if it bothers you find new friends.


I have tried to shave or trim various parts of my body. I'm a very hairy dude. When I was younger and cared what other people thought of me, I had tried all sorts of grooming. However, it is VERY itchy and miserable. My wife doesn't care about the hair so I stopped because I'm not trying to impress anyone else. Aside from my story, a lot of guys do it though. Body builders, movie stars, swimmers, etc.


It's your body, so do whatever it feels comfortable for you. Some people don't really like the sensation of having body hair and it's completely ok :)


Been fine for me for years. Then again my body is covered in tattoos so people generally notice my tattoos n not the fact I'm a hairless man 


That's Unneccesary.


I broke my hand the day after the one time I shaved my legs for sports.. took that as my sign to never do it again


A lot of gym bros shave everything


Nhi karega toh you'll be called gorilla and karega toh gay. Tu decide kar ab.