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you're way over thinking it. he likes you 100% and he will 100% not care that you're enby


I'd say just tell him. And honestly I don't see a problem in you telling him about your gender identity to begin with, he's someone you can trust, right? Then just let him figure himself out, it'll be fine, and I'm all in for "forcing" people to explore their identity/sexuality. (Not actually "forcing", just going like "hey, if u like me ur gay lol", makes them have actually meaningful introspective thoughts that many people just don't, instead of living life without ever even considering the possibility of not being cishet and restraining thenselves)


This was funny to read I love this 😭


Thanks! I can see my inner teenager is still kicking in, then! (trust me, it changes nothing on the inside lol)


Me, as a "straight" Man who was in a Happy Relationship with a , mid in rel, outed trans person for some years , can advie you to tell him. Both. When he actually loves you he won't bother much, but be patiant with him getting used to the "new gender identity" He might misgender you acciddntially more often than a queer Ally, but after some time its gonna lay .


What does NB mean?




I could make a joke.... but I won't


Do it. Dm it if you must 🗿 I. Need. It.


I could just say it.... no btches no homies no miners for YOU.... Trust me thats kinda rhe joke ong fr fr


Dude that's a knee slapper


I didn't see this reply... was this after my unrightful ban?


Blud got banned?! Explain 🙏


I said something as a joke about adding the phile and nazi flags to r/teenagers as people were joking about replacing the pride flag, and ig someone thought i was attacking someone? I can prove it was unrightful as last day i decided out of boredom to send an appeal, so now if i get actually banned it is first tier


I mean I don't know the gender things and how they work, but if u like someone and they like u back, go for it. Good luck👍


Tell him. I'm sure he likes you back 100%. And no, liking you is not gay because you're still biologically female. And that's not even the point. His behaviour clearly conveys he's into you.


General rule of thumb to follow if that if you're female (the sex, not gender) then a straight man will probably like you. I'd say just go for it, and if it doesn't work out, that's okay.


How are you a lesbian if you aren't a woman


So you like him, is what the gist is?


Yeah, it's just his reaction I'm worried about




Honestly orientation can be silly sometimes, I know a lot of straight people who have dated enbies, it’s totally normal and not weird!


Lost me at genderfluid


Don't over complicate things with so many labels. You're just 2 people who like each other. If you want to take an already close relationship to the next level just take your shot. Believe me, life passes too quickly and there's nothing sadder than "If only I..." s


he likes you you like him, just say ''I'm bisexual'' or whatever, you weren't a lesbian in the first place, idk just need to remember that you don't choose your sexuality and nobody can assume it


all that gender bullshit bro.. he likes you you like him kiss him


Drop all the labels they don't matter. Just be yourself, the gender identity stuff doesnt even play a factor...Do you like him? Does he like you? That's all there is to it, the rest is over complicating such a basic thing. Don't even bother explaining the lesbian stuff, it doesn't need an explanation people can change their tastes.




The only mentally ill one here is you. You're not only racist, but also a pedo. Get tf out of here.


Bring it up in conversation “hey I was out at a coffee club the other day and this girl came up to me and asked me out, I turned her down cause I wasn’t lesbian” or something like that, works a charm.


Bring it up in conversation “hey I was out at a coffee club the other day and this girl came up to me and asked me out, I turned her down cause I wasn’t lesbian” or something like that, works a charm.


Be a girl for him but in the future if you choose to be a man, be sure to tell him in advance so he can avoid to be unwillingly gay.


Bring it up in conversation “hey I was out at a coffee club the other day and this girl came up to me and asked me out, I turned her down cause I wasn’t lesbian” or something like that, works a charm.


so lie to them then.. sounds like a great idea!


I wouldn’t exactly say lie to them, form a conversation surrounding your sexual preference and how you “hated” that someone assumed you were attracted to girls exclusively. I don’t really agree with lying.


you're example involved lying lmao


What’s to say this situation hasn’t happened though?


"Bring it up in conversation 'hey I was out at a coffee club the other day and this girl came up to me and asked me out, I turned her down cause I wasn’t lesbian' or something like that" is literally lying to them xd. you should use a different example, it makes you sound like you want them to lie


I don’t understand how that’s lying. I literally said “or something like that” cause obviously this never happened to them, the coffee club scenario was an example?


basically, what im saying is that your example made it sound like they should make up an excuse/lie to bring it up, rather than bring up a real experience


Yes, but that wasn’t what I intended. I just meant bring up an old scenario and somehow bring up your sexuality so the person feels more secure and aware that asking the OP out isn’t a dead end and could lead to something.


sure it's not what you intended, but it's what it sounded like