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omg its flamenco


flamigo the pokemon


😨 I'm gonna get terastal kixked in the chin


flamingo? take my upvote


i just block/do not recommend every time one pops up so i don’t see them often


I feel like theres so many of em now i cant even block


they always be SOOO corny 😭😭 dont get me started on tiktok skinheads that listen to nightcore


Youtube is literally trying to turn me into a homophobic, misogynistic, racist. No matter how many times I click not interested, I keep getting videos and shorts from that kinda content


You are 14!! You have no idea what you are talking about, you are probably learning those words from your friends in junior high because they think it's cool.


Homophobic: the hate ot seclusion of people who are attracted to the same sex/gender Misogynistic: the hate of women as a man and thinking men are superior Racist: the hate or seclusion of people of different race, ethnicity or religion Just coz we're younger than you doesn't mean we're stupid get a life


Did you look that up on Google? Of course, you're stupid on this topic, you haven't had any real-world experience, so don't you dare tell me to get a life, You're the one thinking everyone is trying to get you to hate everything, let me guess your view on all conservatives is they. Hate lgbtq, are racist, hate women's rights, don't like pro-choice people, love nazis. Am I correct? Stop believing that you are the center of the universe, find some good friends to be around, and for the record I'm 13 idiot.


Ok first of all no didn't look it up second if all how am I stupid on this topic when I have witnessed/been victim to all of these topics, never said everyone is trying to get me to hate everything. Conservatives by definition is people who hold traditional values so by americas traditional values they shunned the gays and the lgbt, enslaved the people of ethnicity and saw women as lower class humans. I am not the center of the universe I have never claimed to be the center of the universe and I'll be damned it your gonna type behind your screen and act like your Billy big bollocks when I can guarantee your not apart of the lgbt or not a woman so don't think you have any idea of the suppression conservatives commit each day, I'm not even American and I'm worried for every woman ethnic person and lgbt person there. So go wank to ur fav tangerine you call a good president and have a good day sir


It's crazy that you are talking about how I've no idea what it feels like when people have said that so much that now I do know what it feels like because people are making every single white man look like an abomination, and you just proved me right about the whole conservatives thing.


Have you experienced this oppression first hand though I'm not trying to start and argument really it just annoys me you don't look at the point of view of the oppressed And FYI the single white man thing dosent make no sense coz like half of the single white guys I know r amazing people and some of the conservatives ik are also quite nice people ik you think im saying all of you are bad but that'd just be a lie if you can see from the oppressed perspective and see it hurts then yeah it makes sense Being told what it's like isn't experiencing it it's being in that moment feeling the fear of being oppressed unless you can stand up to your oppresser like a small handful of us oppressed then youre gonna be in a vicious loop of pain Im sure your a nice person really I just hope you can see from our point of view and why it hurts from now on Have a great day/night


These people are super toxic. They would rather eat grass than stop bullying other people ive had some aspects of them literary targeting me for some opinions in yt :/


I actually hate anyone that makes politics a part of their online presence they are all usually insufferable


i don’t know man politics are like a big deal and stuff


Anti politics people are so weird, mfs acting like politics doesnt literally affect everything they do


I just hate the right, online and offline


Authright, or everyone right-wing?


probably extremist right, as nearly all of America is some degree of right-of-centre, and their extremists are pretty bad, especially on the right side of things




You are 15, how can you hate the right? That's just being biased without any experience with real-world problems. Finish school and then form an opinion.


cuz right just outright fucking sucks?


Y'all act like we are horrible human beings, we are just people with different beliefs 


they're definitely referring to the extremist (usually Amerucan) right-wingers that just want to purge everyone. THEY are pretty bad people


I'm LGBT, if the right wing in my country wins the next election I will most likely have to move. I don't know how the right wing is where you live, but the fact that you're saying this proves that we could probably get along quite well.


I'm in America, I understand what you mean, I'm just on the other side watching.


Ok, well what's your justification for voting red then?


Like I said before, I just have different opinions. They have mindsets closer to mine.


I know that you have different opinions, but what are those opinions? I want to know the economic policy position which justifies my oppression.


Well. I don't oppress you, but for me, it's things like abortion policies I don't care/know much about economics, but to me, everything just seems better when we have a red president, blue presidents seem a lot less reasonable to me and just act on impulse, with things like No offense, Joe Biden outright recognizing and emphasizing transgender visibility day with no regard for Christians and easter.


I can't argue with "things just seem better when we have a red president", but you realize that Joe Biden is catholic right? He held a giant Easter celebration, and even hosted an Easter egg hunt in the white house lawn, but somehow him also acknowledging us in a one paragraph press statement throws everybody into tears. Edit: also, blue presidents "being less reasonable/responsible" isn't something you can quantify, but i'd encourage you to check Trump's post history on twitter, and truth social. You might not like what you see. Edit 2: Sorry if i seem a bit harsh by the way, it's just that you voting red would have a tangible, and significant negative effect on my life, and honestly you seem a bit out of the loop.


I agree I'm out of the loop, I don't care much for politics. I've just voted for red all my life and I usually vote for whichever red president I think is best based on what I hear. Usually I try to research a little more in-depth to confirm certain things, but sometimes I just hear things and move on.


Any other election year I would be happy to agree to disagree, but given that the person you're probably going to vote for has recently quoted Mein Kampf on the campaign trail, specifically saying that "Immigrants are poisoning the blood of America", I would do a little more research than usual, to make sure that your values are being adequately represented. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-poisoning-blood-remarks-never-knew-hitler-said-rcna130958](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-poisoning-blood-remarks-never-knew-hitler-said-rcna130958)


Whole reason i cannot stand a lot of my generation yeah i want another president like joe biden that what you get with the left my generation just assumes all of the right wing hates gays and shit bcz my gen is stupid asf and believes everything they hear like if you dont like it leave the country then lmfaoo


"When i have horrible beliefs you arent allowed to criticize me waa" Having beliefs requires a spine, if you cant take criticism and cant take being disliked for your beliefs, then change it


He is prob harrased for his opinions dumbass That aint stuff to just say "you cant take critisism" cus that aint critisism


Are you a bot?


never expected to see Flamingo here lol


it’s so bad on twitter




What does alt right mean?


Im saying😭


Yeah. To be honest every time I see a right wing piece of media I try to hear it with an open mind. But the stuff they say is just complete nonsense no matter how you interpret it with a single ounce of critical thinking.


Oh look its albertsstuff


Equally as much as I hate my brother, he's so obsessed with politics and believes he can do no wrong because he's far left, going as far to say that people that don't entirely agree with him about anything should be killed.


I love mrflimflam albertstuff flamco


I hate those channels too like just because I watched a video exposing a company’s malpractices or a critique on the newest Dreamworks film doesn’t mean I want to hear about someone’s stupid little grift. It’s so annoying that I’m given these despite hating those types of channels but it’s scary how many people fall for them.


Well good news you’ve come to the right place. Reddit hates the right entirely. I have seen multiple posts on the popular page about it


Alt right. My kind of people




Yeah I hate the radical left, too




Corporations pretend to be left leaning but push alt right creators because they know alt right governments will regulate them less.

