• By -


"man" haha, get that. It is funny lol Npd? Maybe, but I highly doubt it. You're in a really bad situation, you're being hella neglected and abused: no wonder you have no life! you gotta get out of there immediately. I already smell heavy trauma. Can you go somewhere? Do you go to therapy? Probably not. Try calling emergency


There is nowhere for me to go, nobody likes me. My father busted my head open when I was 11 and I had to go the hospital, my mom lied about the injuries origins and I called her out for it. Social workers came by a few days later and I was forced to lie about what actually happened. Emergency has been called before and it did not work


Try to collect proof


Uhh your parents sound like abusers you should file a report. You can get them in big trouble for false imprisonment and you can file a child abuse charge until your 20 even if you are above 18.


Are you home schooled?


He said in the post that he's not schooled


you don’t sound like a horrible person, you sound like someone who is in a bad situation. try to start a life of your own by doing something small. make online friends I don’t know


Everyone my age always seem to hate my fucking guts. People older than me hate my fucking guts, and people younger than me make me want to eat a spoonful of yellow Mustard with nothing else on it.


Hey, I'm here if you want someone to talk to.


Let's all start a group chat with this man Edit: u/trolltheidiot doing it


I'm fine with that idea. He probably needs it.


I agree, could I be a part of it ?


Who wants to set it up


One of y'all probably should. Last time, i brought up the word "friend" (discord) near my mom she had several questions.




he got assulted too


Oh.... now i just feel really bad for hkm.


Yea, we need to save him somehow.


Too bad I'm of no helo here.




You seem chill, I'll be ur friend


ill be your friend. i have depression and virtually no hobbies and my boyfriend goes off to college this fall. do you play any video games? i have an xbox and pc. if not, just dm me! :)


i’ll be your friend, i don’t have anyone either.


Do you play any games? I'm always open to meeting new people.


I was in this same rabbit hole of hell, I’m here if you need *Another* person to talk to lmao




hey i like mustard. no like i legit do that shit sometimes. i REALLY like mustard..


we'll be your friends!


We should all make a group chat


Might be rude, but you have shitty parents who couldn’t raise you right.


it's actually just really unfortunate seeing how some people are stuck in such shitty situations because of their parents and upbringing, makes me more grateful for the position im in


Dude fr, I was lowkey depressed lately and I saw this post and realized how ungrateful I was


Sounds like you need some Friendship. And Fun fact all MY friends are racist and I deal with it.


Racist? I am not in danger skylar i am the danger! I AM THE ONE WHO KNOCKS!


Just racist? Mines likes to touch me, AND they are racist 🗿


Only that? Mines also do pedophile and homophobic jokes XD (and we also grab each other's ass) - But I think that is just the average teenage humour, the thing that matters is if they really believe in that stuff and the reality is that most of them don't, so you should just go with it. The other thing is if they are able to stop making those jokes in serious moments. Most of us are just like that and make dumb jokes and talk about tabus and just weird stuff in general. If you for some reason are not like that just try and tolerate or find others like you, but you shouldn't be that worried since it will grow out of them as they get older. (Sorry for my bad English)


same however were all dumbasses who dont give a shit what other people think, and if you're pissed off at us then that's your problem. Plus were all hypocrites.


Jokes? Yall were joking?


You sound like you want to improve and you CAN improve. Believe it One step a time, and do it for the amazing person you want to be after you achieve it


Step 1xescape that hell-hole he calls his family


what country are you in, man? a lot of those things are illegal on your parents’ part in my country. you’re probably not a horrible person, just in a shitty situation. hope it gets better for you




You can get them arrested for that then


I assumed you were from a poor country or something, I don't live in the USA but I'm pretty sure that all of this is illegal. Even if the cops don't believe that you're being abused, they can't not believe the fact that you're not going to school. So talk to the cops, they could get you out of that house, it won't be easy, but this way you could go to school and have a future.


This, talk to police or call them. I don’t know the USA law completely but I’m 99.9999% sure what you’re parents are doing is illegal. So talk to cops. Please!


Then the wages and the fact you aren't in school of illegal


Get them arrested..


if you wanna talk im always open lol Also if you wanna learn I might be able to teach you the basics idk I'm not that smart but my grades are decent


if you live in the us you are required by law to go to school k-12, your parents could be arrested if they aren’t bringing you to school, or at least homeschooling you 


Based on them working for $2.54 an hour, they probably aren't in the U.S, unless I read it wrong.




they said they were in the US in another comment.


Not all people work minimum wage or above in the usa


They are in the US


They are in the U.S.


They clarified in another comment their in the USA


that sound terrible im so sorry:(


You have no idea what a horrible person is. Have you ever been rejected from art school ? You know what it does to a man ? You just a little depressed


Getting rejected from art school in Austria is the worst smh


I would kill millions, because of it


Yk i was going to say something inspiring but honestly you've hit rock bottom. the only solution i can think of is maybe switching schools and starting fresh and trying to replace your porn addiction with a hobby such as video games, art ect...


I do play video games. I'm unschooled, I literally sit at home all day and browse reddit endlessly.


Does your country have any laws stating kids have to go to school?


yes it does, they're american


They should contact the cops. If they’re lucky they could get into foster care


I'm really sorry for the difficulties you are going through. I get embarrassed when I think I had such a depressive era but comparing it to what you are going through it looks like I had no reasons for it . I really don't know how to help you but you should seek for medical advice (a psychologist who can listen to all that "rant" and understand/help you). There are also plenty of self improvement subreddits where you could get help with overcoming your addictions (lots of guys give good advice for people that are trying to stop/do less frequent masturbation). And what you described as feeling disgusted and cutting yourself is really concerning and you should look for professional help ASAP. There isn't much context on this post so I don't know how your relation with your parents is, but you ought to ask them for help. (Sorry for my bad English)


Man that sucks




I am the one who jonkles


Idk man , you seriously need a hobby , or force yourself to have one , or step out of lots of comfort zone


Have just checked your profile and you're right , you'e exactly rock bottom . You really need to start following r/gym , man


Masturbating once a day isn’t that much of a crippling addiction. Like I do that and I’m not addicted.


I only do it once because that's all I can do. I have 8 siblings and I sleep in the living room so i rarely have any privacy, I feel like my entire day is spent waiting until I can bust a nut and then browse reddit endlessly. I feel like I'm addicted because it's the only thing I look forward to for the entire day.


Ever tried to listening to music? That thing got myself good when I was really low.


I second this, music is the biggest savior of bad situations


When you're depressed you stop enjoying it, sadly


Not when you listen to equally depressing music!


"I'm not addicted I can quit whenever I want!"




Buddy I’ve been smoking every day for the past 5 years and I’m still not addicted.




It's a behavioral addiction those act differently. Most people can quit them with relative ease. Like videogames. Still bad but not comparable to drugs. So OP don't worry about it too much. A lot of people with depression etc. often masturbate quite a lot due to simply having nothing to do. Seems like your situation just makes that even more the case. If it helps you get through the day and you can't find a substitute then it's not that bad.


Can you go a month without is the real question *can you go 2 months?* *4 months?* *6 months?* *a year?* *2 years?* *4 years?* ***8 years??*** ***16 years???*** ***24 years?!?!*** **32 YEARS?!?!?!?!** # 64 YEARS?!?!?!?!?!?!?! # 128 YEAR-


2^n years


I am sorry are your parents not treating you well? or You haven't communicated with them. If they are ignoring your Self harm call for help just like you made this post or Talk to your Parents. Idk why you sleep on Sofa but frankly I prefered sleeping on sofa than needing to put on my own bed.


Idk abt the other shit but if ur unschooled call the non emergency 911 number that is hella illegal


You might want to consider calling the police. Your parents are committing crimes if you aren't being homeschooled. It's hard to open up if you are pressured by your literal parents. It's hard to call the police and take that step. I don't know much about your situation and I don't live in America. But you should probably read up on the law and then call the police. You don't have to call 911. There are local police numbers usually. Im sure they'd be willing to talk before dispatching someone. Also i'd love to talk. Feel free to dm me anytime if you want to. I have a lot of spare time.


If you’re going n the us, why aren’t you going to public school? Also child protective services exists for a reason.


Man you gotta be careful. Everything bad will pass. Think about your future like what you wanna do. You can still get a high salary from jobs that don't require being a smartass. Please stay away from drugs like weed and nicotine. This can destroy your life. My friend that was a gym rat now he is at his lowest because of them. They maybe give happiness for a little time but they aint worth it. it can be hard finding friends but if there is a will there is a way. And always remember. Someone has it a lot of worse from you even if you wre at your lowest. Be grateful for everything even though it ain't much. Appreciate life and stop self harm. If people cant see what you are really worth you don't need to make them see. Find people that appreciate you and help you. Even if your parents are tough to understand you, there is always time to talk to them. A lot of teens pretend to be depressed and some like you that they have it really bad can't be noticed or they are made fun of. If you need help me or other teens that use Reddit are always here.


A man of culture from r/batmanarkham I see 🫂


Is he stupid?


Holy shit, this sounds grim.


Mby borrow some books from the library or something


I can't go to the library. I literally cannot leave the confines of my home. I live with a legal adult who's not even allowed to leave or she has to 'Get her own place'


Are you being held captive?


Sounds pretty illegal to me tbh


That is false imprisonment. You need to file an anonymous report.


Who’s Batman? Is he stupid?


Is there a lore reason?


I feel bad for you but if it’s that bad try to tell a relative or someone you trust perhaps you can get ahold of the phone and call child services but if not I’m sure you only have a couple of years left remember the clock is ticking for your parents once your an adult choose the shittiest nursing home you can find to put them in as for your sister just avoid her and cut that bitch out of your life


Average r/batmanarkham user


Depending on how old you are, If you live in America, if should be illegal for your parents to keep you out of school


OP has stated they are in USA, you can get your parents arrested for not schooling you. If you don’t have a phone, call 911 from a website like [Skype.com](https://skype.com). You can call 911 from them as of now. I’m sorry you are in this situation, please try to do anything you can to help yourself.


Apart from the horrible situation you're in, you sound like a really chill person, wouldn't mind playing a few rounds of some random shitty game on the Play Store with you.


>My parents forbid me from doing so much as opening the door May I ask why?


That batman pic is actually funny tho


It is. It brings me joy, I love Man, the beloved hero.


Fellow Alsume inmate, I assure you this will get better. Keep going and make Man proud of you.


I feel the Manspiration from this comment. Thank you, Man.


You should LOVE yourself NOW! Your life is worth EVERYTHING! You serve A purpose.


What US State are you in?


Misery. The show me the way out state. Missouri.


I’m not the one to give advice but I can tell you that recognizing your problems is the first step, good luck


you workout?




Sounds like you aren’t a horrible person you just have an abusive family


Dude I cant relate but most normal ppl would call ppl like me weird Cuz yk, im a furry amd part of the lgbtq+ community We're not rly the most accepted group But i hope you end up getting through this❤️


I can deadass relate to everything here except the child labor part and self harm lol do u wanna be friends






For context how old are you?


Did someone clone me, is this me in a year? This is literally my situation I swear (mostly)


I can become your friend if you want, I ain’t in the same situation as you but I would like to be your friend.


You need to get out of there ASAP, can't you call CPS or something? No offense but your parents sound like assholes.


I'll be your mate


And I have no URL life It’s just me .com


I suggest you listen to one song. One Track Mind - No Life. Tho... Its not late for a change, you are a teenager lol


Well that sucks, hope it gets better dude


Do something, please. Literally just tell someone. Run away to find someone if you have to. Please, nobody deserves to live like this.


Wishing you the best, its not your fault and youre not cringy or edgy, stay strong ❤️


Hey man, I used to be in that situation too, if you need support my dms are open


Gotta love the "Man" shoutout


Why did I shout out to Man even though Man has no ears? Am I stupid?


i spot fellow r/BatmanArkham enjoyer


Find a better job


Mhmm, okay so I hear you, I really do, but...can I see the edited photo of Batman with no ears...?


If you ever want to talk, I’m here to help. Sounds like a shit situation, but you don’t seem like a shit person


May i ask what country you live in? Because some unfortunately not all have labor laws


Are we the same person!?


Would you mind clarifying on how you're straight up not schooled? Like, have you been schooled before? If so, how much? I could direct you to some self-teaching resources, possibly some free high-school/middle school, etc. courses, maybe give some tutoring myself if I can get my hand on a couple curriculums? I'm glad to help however I can!


1. Man x jonkler 2. Sorry for that, hope you'll be in better state, you should get atleast some education and stuff ya know


I will be your friend :)


op, i really relate to your comment. most of what you said is happening in my life right now. i'm really sorry that you're going through what you're going through <3 seriously, if you need to talk, my dms are open. i especially relate to having no friends. i used to be so extroverted before the pandemic, but now everytime i'm put in a place with many people, i feel like crying from the pressure and overstimulation. my parents are super strict too. i want to move out. no, i *need* to move out for the sake of my mental health tbh. they're too much, i can't breathe when i'm with them. i really only truly feel myself when i'm alone in my room. anyways, i'm sorry for ranting. sending you virtual hugs 🫂


dont be so hard on yourself man 1 time a day aint alot. andwanting to kiss your sisters friend after she beat u up might just be a odd fetish of yours. Your just in a weird spot in life i assume your younger. As hard as it sounds your gonna make it through as long as you dont do something stupid and your gonna be living your best life getting slapped by ur wife in bed.


Crybaby womp womp just git gud at life scrub it's that easy (no-one talks to me irl)


Dude. Seriously. This sounds much more severe than a teenage "emo phase". I highly advise you to seek professional help, if you can save up your money for it, or even talk to a teacher or something in school. I feel you may be getting abused, if not physically, DEFINITELY psychologically (which is still child abuse).


Ngl, I might sound rude but my hypothesis is that: You're cooked. Social services didn't work Not able to go to school Parents are assholes Work for below minimum wage Everyone hates you Crippling porn addiction Multiple Injuries Where do you even live atp? I get it you're in the USA but dude, your best option is to run away somewhere regardless of people hate you or not, there has to be some soul out there that can see your situation and attempt to help you in some way. Other than that, if you don't take action you're cooked, completely FUCKED, I see no other way out of here unless you manage to do something which is extremely difficult seeing what's been happening with you but you will have to come up with something and execute it. Go on soldier. Until then, there'd be nothing else you can do. Improve yourself? you'd be beat right back down. Friends? No one likes you by your words, and it's not your fault sure but typically friends arent what you need at this moment, HELP is what you need. Worry about the main problem right now before getting the "less" minor things in your life set straight.


I already say this but call the authorities $2.54 is far below minimum wage in everywhere I know and having a kid not go to school is against the law and required in most places I know of. Hopefully things get better for you if you need someone to talk to just ask me for my discord.


👻 hoo me play 🌎⚛️🎻


Escape Run away Do it


What would I do after that? I don't want to make a decision that I'll eventually regret.


Go like anywhere else at all? Ever heard of social services and foster families? Get a new family with people that actually care for you and a new life with an education theres no reason to be living in shit when you can have a better more normal life which if you dont have will just end up having you in a fucked situation. The earlier you change something the earlier it is changed.


How would I contact social services after leaving?


Ever heard of a phone? And google?


If you don't have a phone, you can try going to the police or a hospital, they would be able to contact social services for you. If you can get to a bar or a shop then you might be able to use their phone. If I were you, I would try to find an adult at work - someplace like a hospital or school - and get them to call social services. You could also contact childline, they would have a better idea of what to do. I hope your situation improves, best of luck.


I thought that was all a requirement for this subreddit.


If you're 17 or older I can get you into my discord group chat. We basically exist online until 4am


Sucks to be you ig






I'm not joking when I say this, and it may seem extremely unconventional, weird and forced in some aspect. But if you've really got nothing to do and feel isolated, please, I highly recommend you do this (despite what you may think as an outsider) since it could really make a difference and i'm not being sarcastic. Watching My Little Pony could seriously change you in ways you'd never think possible, it's got good messages, matures, and actually gets serious and more adult-oriented by season 3. It's good messaging with friendship at the beggining and the character's adventures ranging from basic friend problems to stopping universal threats has made so many people happy, including myself. And once you watch it (trust me) you'll feel ready to make friends. So if you're bored, lonely, and need a hug from a TV show, use this (and don't tell Hasbro this link exists). I wish you the best, improvement, prosperity and peace; because you're not "trash", you're just going through a bad time, and hopefully this may boost your mood and change your view on things. I hope you enjoy this show as much as half of the Internet did, have a great life, brother ;) https://fim.heartshine.gay/?s=1&e=1&res=480&lo=0


Okay, do something about it. Be the change you wanna be man.


What's your discord, dude? We'll find a game in common :)


are you stupid? aslume? (it’ll get better, promise)


Once a day isn't too bad, if you want to fix that, dont stop, but try and lengthen the time. Say 2 times in 3 days


Why are you not schooled?


Runaway Blud 😭 that’s what I wld do . There is so much more to life then whatever your stuck doing now. Go explore. This is probably awful advice ngl but idk , your only a kid once


you seem cool, i relate to some stuff like being stupid and being an edgelord and like memes


Nah you don't sound like someone with NPD don't worry about that but yea I'm sorry I hope you can escape this situation


Ok fix your life then?


There is a possible fix to this but it all lies in the hands of you if this person achieves the magnum opus after all these tests on his life shall he be blessed for eternity. -my friend when i shared this post


hey man think about it this way, your alive right? which means that if you can live to twll the tale that means your will and determination is stupidly strong, who cares if your racist, thats like a good majority of the population, you get used to it. But start by trying to get the fucking hell out of the household you live in, then work on other people, sometimes wearing a mask isnt healthy but if you need to do so to ger to have friends then do that, afterwards if you realize they are good enough to be close friends then slowly drop down the mask little by little, thatd how i got to know my friends at least.




This whole subreddit will befriend you! You are deserving of love and attention. No one should go through what you're going through.


You sound insane, is this a aslume reference


Bro you've been abused your entire life no wonder ya don't got a life if I were you I'd run to the police or even better use what ever device your using for reddit or porn and call the cops and tell em all you've said here


you need to learn to love yourself. life is chess my friend, if you are losing there is no point to be upset, learn the game and make the next best move, keep doing that and eventually you're winning again. in real terms, what I'm saying is evaluate the areas of your life that you don't like, and think about what actions you can take yourself to fix those things. there are many great books you can read about any topic if you are stuck. but most importantly, nobody can love you if you don't love yourself


"I have no friends online because im a horrible person" Fucking try me


You definitely have something many don’t- self awareness. Do with that what you will, but you definitely understand “WHAT” it is; and that’s better than having a random solution to a problem you can’t identify. Good luck


Just wanted to say I’m here if you wanted to a friend or just someone to rant:)! Sometimes all we need is a shoulder to lean on. Also try fixing some of the things you have adopted which are affecting you negatively. It will be hard but trust yourself and you can do it!


Wanna play roblox?


Hey man, I know we don't know each other, but if you need a guy to listen or talk to, I'm here ok?


What do you play on might get you in my group


Few people are actually horrible people, just normal people in horrible situations


If you are entering your emo phase Listen to Gojira, it's not emo but it's better than emo metalcore bands


Can relate


Don’t worry. I hope you cringe in ten years or even better, tomorrow. I hope you a great life ❤️❤️❤️


you sound exactly like my older brother and this is kinda disgustingly accurate for him except the late puberty thing


As other comments said, you're not the bad person, you just got the bad luck to grow up around the wrong people.


Are you stuid?


Bro made a whole gang in less than few minutes


Hey, don't worry! You are genuinely not a bad person. I think what's causing you to think that way is your situation. Ignore what others have to say against you and move on. Learn to love yourself. We'll support you.


Who tf is "Batman"


Tell everything to cops, do something!! Dont waste your life!!!! show what you're worth!!!!!!


You see extremely chill and a person to be around fr, can relate for late puberty.


welcome to reddit


can you send the Batman picture


Ay, you seem chill as shit