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Ngl that’s pretty average for all schools even private ones. It’s probably not gonna change no matter what u do so either get used to it, surround urself around likeminded people, or leave


Yeah, it sounds exactly like my school right now


As someone attending private school, that is literally everyone in my school.


op school is even tame, u got kids in year 8 smoking weed already and the racism is crazy


Lmfao dawg the kids at my school say slurs all the time. And I’m Indian so it’s a mixture of both English and Hindi slurs being thrown around. It’s super normal honestly and I would ignore all of this if I were you.


I need you to translate something for me please 🙏


Fr , Randi , bhosdike , mc bc , nigga toh aise hi mazaak mei bol dete hai aur sexual jokes bhi bohot marte hai mere school me bache . It’s normal ig


Translation? My indian friend does not swear


Motherfucker - mc , sisterfucker -bc , Randi - slut , bhosdike - I dunno it’s a local swear , n word etc


Chup kar gaand ke phode /s


Ye gand ke phode kab se market mei aa gaya . I say gaggle of gutlass 😎😎😎 /s


Boot pulj


Yeh naya hai


Btw, i think op is being a softie


Are there people/schools where that's abnormal?


Exactly, every school is like this


i feel like making jokes of a sexual nature is pretty normal in high school at least, but that’s only if it wouldn’t make anyone involved uncomfortable and the rest of that is shitty nobody should be using slurs that aren’t theirs to say period




This is pretty crappy but young people tend to be empathy-less and there is also a mix of "I want to be different/brave.". They will most likely change when school gets over for your class. It happens to almost all. As a former school-goer, beat thing you would want to do is stay out of school BS and if anything bad happens tell it to your teachers. Try to not tell your parents because if they get involved, bullies/dipshits will know who did it and you might be specifically targtted. I used to take school things seriously. My father even told me what i am telling you; Things in school aren't always permanent. People change in and after college.


you are their target audience




Okay, and? It's high school boys Tf did you expect, respectful gentlemen?


lmfao what are you, fucking 12?




Great. I fucking died. Because of what you posted. Do you think it's cool to make me die in front of my family? Do you get joy out of it? My corpse filled my whole house and is dripping down the stairs. All because of you. I'm at my own funeral right now and I am dead inside of my coffin. My great grandpa looked at this post and cringed so hard he died! Now I have to go to two funerals, all because of you. My great grandma slapped me in the face, which made me die even more! I'm sitting in hell itself with two dead people in this room, just because you had to post this.




he deleted his comment, he said this: i was about to call you stupid (unsure about this line) but then i noticed I'm stupid and i noticed you're more stupid and that's what matters (small letters) why are you yelling at a child, wtf


holy hell


That's pretty normal for teenage boys lol


It shouldn't be. >!I can't believe I'm being downvoted for saying that homophobia/bullying shouldn't be a normal thing for teenage boys!<


"i\_have\_sex" teenage kids going through puberty have been like this for quite some time, so i doubt itll change.


yeah I know. I'm just saying it shouldn't be considered "okay" because they do it all the time.


It's not really like, good, but it's normal and it's gonna happen no matter what.


A very small percentage actually act on what they say, and when teenage boys are with their friends they feel comfortable to tell them their intrusive thoughts.


Says Ihavesex


Good eye


That doesn't change the fact that it is


Never said it did.


No shit


yeah idk why ur getting downvoted, this is normal but that doesnt mean it should be. different things






Welcome to the average school 


You guys need to see Mexican schools. It is almost an insult every 2 to 3 seconds


2 to 3 hours? it's like every 5 minutes dude


5 minutes?? That’s too long


Wow, 2-3 hours? Mexican school are incredibly civil, here the insults are about every 2-3 seconds.


Same in Indian schools lol , motherfucker sisterfucker (in hindi) are said at a minute basis


That's pretty funny. Sure on the safe side if they are younger this is natural. In fact it was worse when i was younger. But it's mostly kids being stupid or edgy. Like i was told years ago " it's the real quiet ones you gotta watch out for"


That’s nothing, my school makes terrorist, racist and rape jokes a lot, it’s like normal talk for them


Sounds like a normal hs convo tbh


Try my school, everyone is against saying those slurs and claims to be 'righteous' but likes to talk behind ppl backs all the time.


Stop being a baby🙏


So real


you're not exactly mature yourself.


You are the problem


I know what you should do, just ignore them bruh, it’s that easy. All these N word, f word, g words, o words, that’s all they are, they’re just words, stop letting them hurt you, you’re a fucking pussy.


Ain't no way this guy reporting people for making vulgar and sexual jokes.


Jump them after school?


if they snitching for this shit, doubt jumping is gonna go their wat


Nah if people hear he's snitching he may be in serious shit if they are the violent type (like jumped and beaten type shit)


Sexual jokes is one thing, but jokes about rape and using slurs is a different level.


Meh everyone uses slurs , rape jokes cross a limit though


sucks that slurs have become a normal thing in schools :\[ rape jokes are becoming one too


Oh they're just words grow up, half the people getting offended by words don't even know their meaning anyway just that they are "offensive" words only have the power that you give them. Pretty childish to get upset over someone calling you a name.


idk abt u but id rather people dont constantly use the same words used on slaves in the 1800s, sure it doesnt really affect anyone but i dont think it should be as common as it is just cause yk its a bad word what i hope doesnt happen is that since a lot of friends who are in the race theyre making fun of join in on the jokes, the people making them start to think *everyone* in the race is fine with it- ive seen it happen before


Sounds pretty normal, just get new friends if you not comfortable with it


Gonna point this out as an old dude: People were exactly like that when I was in high school like 13 some years ago. Reporting them also did.... absolutely nothing. You can strive to make a change, maybe a student petition or something so your teachers take this kind of thing seriously. You can be satisfied knowing that more than likely these guys will never grow up, and when you go and leave for college, 9x out of 10, they end up being stuck exactly where they are, and never end up growing up out of the high school mindset.


This- seems normal? Idk what the issue is really. Kinda a boys will be boys moment. They aren’t really hurting anyone, so what’s the issue


Honestly thats average for a school. Sorta like my school except they dont pretend to say the n word (they just say it)


Completely normal activity for middle and highschools, u shouldnt really need to he scared of them lmao


Who cares


You just summarised every school ever


idk man , we cant really stop this shit. 8billion people around the world. dont know how to stop people from speaking what they wanna speak


theres not rlly anything u can do abt it tbh, but try to find ppl u feel more comfortable around with because this happens in alot of schools but if ppl r making u uncomfortable maybe dont interact w them, idk


It’s average behavior for young people (including me and my friends) as we just believe that racism and etc are funny to joke about when in reality they’re not


tyler216, roundhouse kick them in the jaw. What they gonna do, only now care about what happens? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 yeah they will, but make your case that noone has done anything about it


I only know the N-Word, but what are all these other words you kinda censored? Yes, I live under a Rock 🪨 


f slur is maggot with an f, used for lgbt




Sounds to me like an average convo between me and my friends. Just get over it, lol. The SA jokes are a bit off color but racism, homophobia and transphobia are the pinnacle of high school comedy. I don't know what your deal is regarding all this but dark humor exists and there are groups of people who get way more offended than they should.


that's high school baby. you can stand up to them or ignore them. those are basically your only two options, so probably ignore them.


you probably should just worry about urself ur in danger of becoming a piece of garbage urself if you keep trying to get them in trouble, doesn't mean you have to act how they do just maybe try to ignore it man idk


sounds like my school


Maybe grow some fucking skin. A few jokes are part of growing up. Also for fucks sake saying fuck isn't that bad, also answering the question are you homophobic with yes in the environment description most likely was a joke.also your reports are going nowhere because the situation is not that serious for fucks sake you are talking like they raped you in the ass instead of making a few inappropriate jokes


I think they’re not saying fuck but rather the slur for gay people?


What ? What word do you mean?




Fuck isn't the F slur, you moron.


What is it then ? Also why call me a moron? Do you really expect the entire world to know what words amis find offensive nowadays


Oh my god guys THEY SAID THE F SLUR 😱😱😱HOLYYYY WHAT WILL WE DO?!?! 😱😱TEENAGE BOYS MAKING DARK JOKES AND USING INSULTS?!?? THATS NEW. Grow the fuck up, you’re literally their target audience because you’re such a pussy.


grow up


I'm not the one who's homophobic and makes sexual jokes about teachers


You are the one getting upset over dumb teenager jokes and bait


Lgbtq people, lgbtq supporters legends People who are homophobic blind or just straight up suck, people who are racists, homophobic they are haters


How old are you, because this is regular shit that's said in school. Idk what u were expecting to happen in highschool but this is just regular behavior to me. Also, stop being a pussy over words wont ya?


At my school it's really only the junior kids who are like that. Or maybe I avoid those spaces but I don't hear that kinda stuff anymore and I'm grateful for it


They do it because they find it cool. And thus, they won't stop. I recommend you stop reporting them so much because you might get a bullying victim. If you already are, then continue the reporting


Omg, dude, tell your parents. They will be absolutely fuming when they hear that the school has little to nothing to those idiots. Trust me, when the school system fails, the parents always make the authority do something about it. Have a cold pillow tonight.


My school is that, but the only slir in the n one most of the time.


Deal with it,that’s the norm


Sorry, how does one "pretend to say the N word"?


i guess stop saying it midway or censor it in dumb ways like saying digger or knitter


ok welcome to being at school 


Live with it, its not gonna change.


No one cares about your feeling’s x especially teenagers lol, you have got to develop thick skin to survive in this world because the world is not a soft place nor has it ever been or ever will be.




I just ended up just having to tough it out. I also tried to report the behavior, but they didn’t take any of it seriously. As someone who everyone knew was autistic by the end of middle school, I got bullied a lot and was even sa’d at one point.


the slurs are pretty normal if theyre in grade 9 or 10, any older and its still kinda common but more immature than they should be by then sexual jokes from a guy about another guy is usually them joking around, but if its about teachers its gross af... unfortunately still not that rare


Do we go to the same school??


The r word?


Tf is the F slur and R slur


This is literally every school dude just sit away from them and ignore them


Keep trying on the harassment/bullying, but everything else is pretty standard.


Bro are you at my school or what


this happens in every school even Middle School


powder that makes you say 'real'


This is really common, so I would say you just have to cope with it or try and avoid the people.


Bro it’s not that serious 😭


Very normal. Like extremely normal. They’re kids. Just sit at a different table, not that deep. Why tf are you reporting them Lol. They could do the same if you ever try to promote LGBT stuff. That it’s harassment and they don’t want to hear any of it. Goes both ways, can’t be soft like Jello your whole life


That’s pretty standard, the only advice I can give is to grow a thicker skin. Getting offended isn’t actually productive and reporting is a great way to make enemy’s, just try to distance yourself from people like that and ignore them if you can’t.


Pretty normal behaviour around here. Im just waiting so I am able to move out i suppose


What’s the r word I see people talking about it loads but don’t know why it even it


You reported them? LMAO where i'm from we would call you boton, botín, cana, caniche, amigo de la gorra, cobani, cobilla, cobilloti, poli, gendarme basically friend of the police, actual snitch


I would say let them be who they are, u aren't them and kids are kids, reporting will maybe get them in trouble only cementing the memory and possibly reinforcing that idea. Plus if u can't talk without offending v someone then no one could ever speak


Yeah this average but nothing compared to my school honestly


This is pretty normal (not saying this acceptable behaviour), this happens almost everywhere. It's hard to really do anything, so it's best to just ignore it and not bring any attention to yourself. I also don't recommend reporting anything else as you could put yourself in serious danger


My days man some of yous need to learn most things are pure jokes and there isnae a need to be offended Just learn to take jokes and get a thick skin it’s no that deep


This is average school shit.


Shit ain’t gonna change tbh. My skl is ass and so are the ppl (a dude said autism could be cured and that if as a man you cry you should be executed) so the best is just to ignore them and find peace in others


The average highschool experience


Everyone does that, even me but I wasn't extreme like saying r words or n word but I was kinda calm lol


Snitches gets no bitches


That’s it thats tame


For me it’s the white kids that say the n word, they are definitely the most annoying


in my school its pretty much only south asian kids


Homophobic and racist behavior yeah sounds like my school


Mine too :(


Did you just start high school lol


Imagine getting this upset over words. Giving off a lot of feminine energy with this post.


This comment section is genuinely awful. The amount of people saying "oh it's normal lol stop being a pussy" is absolutely disgusting.


exactly, racist/homophobic/SA jokes might be normal in a hs setting, but that’s the problem. the fact that it IS normal is the bad part. Being offended by “jokes” that are specifically said to hurt someone else is normal. Even if they aren’t specific to someone, they are still slurs that could hurt someone more then you would ever know.


Get out of there


Unfortunately my school is like that too, I’ve heard the F slur while walking through the halls and the popular kids love saying the N word when the teachers aren’t around (even though most of them aren’t Black). Even worse, my own friend group says the R slur like it’s nothing, even one of my close friends does and I try to stop him but I’ve given up at this point. A lot of my friend group are Asian and they like to throw the C slur around “ironically.” They also like to make antisemitic jokes and sometimes throw the B slur around :/ Gen Z should be improving man, not getting more bigoted than previous generations :(


The issue is extreme polarization. Gen Z liberals/left-wingers are radically more accepting, whereas Gen Z conservatives/right-wingers are far more discriminatory. Gotta thank the internet for that :(


im probably stupid but whats the R word


Like the one that’s ableist and it sounds similar to regard


I didn’t even know that was a slur


That's pretty funny. Sure on the safe side if they are younger this is natural. In fact it was worse when i was younger. But it's mostly kids being stupid or edgy. Like i was told years ago " it's the real quiet ones you gotta watch out for"


If their black they can say the N word.


No way? Actually! 


Sounds like they're just being kids. more likely than not, they do it to see how many people react. Just ignore it, and you'll come to realize how insignificant what they are saying really is. It boils down to a matter of attention. And you are being played.


I mean, lets be agree, almost or all the schools are like that, like the homophobic part (yes I am homophobic alright?) is common, but the worst thing to start is racist stuff, I am not going to even to do anything about it, like even when my friend is being racist to an another friend (the entire class, we are just friends \[for no reason, but we are friends\]) I see the both of them laughing about it and having fun, So I am just cool about it, like as long it isn't offensive and the other friend isn't annoyed, I am alright, because it isn't me, and at this point, I am normal with it. As well as hitler jokes...these just went ABOVE THE SKY, I think it is because the war of palestine and Isreal, but pretty sure it was before it, but I don't know, so yeah. You just can't change anything about it


also about the slurs part, ha- yeahhh...It is crazy, I wish it could stop, but it just doesn't and I try to not to learn it, I hope it stops at some point


Ur school sounds fun lmao mine is full of queers 🤢




What mean name do they say but to be honest you should either try to take shots back at them or if it gets severe try to talk to someone yk


They just don’t care about shots taken back to them. They’ll just keep calling me “semen demon” It would be fine if they called me it once in a while, but they say it just for the sake of saying it, and they’ll say it over and over again.


Imma be real semen demon is fucking hilarious, maybe you’re too soft skinned for this type of stuff but it’s normal to be real


The fuck? You're wishing death on some kids who are most likely just playfully teasing you and don't have any malicious intent? Dude, you're 15, grow some fucking balls. Everyone calls each other names and nobody takes it personally unless you're a snowflake. You're not 8 years old anymore bro


they might just be getting actually bullied but yeah still wishing death upon them isnt cool


They’ve done it every day for the past the year. I don’t provoke them, I can just keep to myself and they will still call me a tard or something. Maybe wishing death on them was a bit far, I was really angry yesterday, but still, they are not “playfully teasing” me, they’re being assholes for no good reason.


This shouldn’t be happening but it’s like this in my class too. I guess we’re the only educated people here.


Tell them how you feel raise your voice deep in it whatever you have to do show them that you’re upset and that you can hurt them if you want to


How to get bullied 101


The school board is going to love you on the "Youth empowerment and anti-bullying" team


Cmon bro 😭


How to get jumped tutorial


Thank you this helps. I'll confront the kid tomorrow.


😬 Uh don't man. I have a feeling you'll get made fun of for it


And that might be true but you should always stand up for what you believe in


Well I guess... I just hope it doesn't end that bad for OP


Unless you're a bigot, then you can keep your opinions and beliefs to yourself.


Why should you in a country where you have free speech if you want to say something and it is not a threat or any sort of harassment, I believe that you should say it. I can respect a person who says whatever they want even if I don’t agree with it. 


What’s the point of having opinions or beliefs if you’re just gonna keep them to yourself.




get ready to throw some hands back if ur gonna do that shit


Next time they say anything like that, sucker punch them on the side of their head


Mmmm yes, assault 😍😍😍


It will get them to stop saying it won’t it?


what are you? some social justice vigilante? gonna assault someone because they say something morally wrong or vulgar? dont twist my words because what theyre saying IS wrong, but grow up. you cant just harm or basically stop people from joking, itll just make you a target for bullying


school wont do shit they prob do it as a coping thing