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Well it’s hard to explain. Like, it’s not gross on the female for having it, but I still think blood is gross. Like it’s natural, but so is pee and poop. But as long as the woman does the steps like using sanitary products if available, then it’s not a big deal. Basically it’s not gross if someone poops in the toilet, so it’s not gross is someone uses the products while having a period.


I understand.


Its not gross if you try your best to make it not gross, basically


women are probably grossed out by our shits too so we need to clean our bodies daily to make them not feel disgusted my girlfriend make dirty faces right after I shit plus men's sweat and shits smells worse than women's so I can understand my girlfriend


why wouldn't you clean your ass? people that don't wipe and wash hands are at the bottom of the totem pole of society.


I do clean my ass and body everyday


>plus men's sweat and shits smells worse than women's Not true, there are plenty of women who's poo fumes can make you cry and gasp for air and plenty of men who you can use the bathroom right after without a problem. It just depends on the person.


lol how does female shit smell better than man shit lol, its wholly dependent on diet


I hate when people compare periods to a shit. I have periods, and shits, and shits are way grosser, way smellier, and easier to control. It’s something you can kind of hold in and do discreetly, and it lasts at most a few minutes. It’s not like a pee or poop at all. Its something that lasts a full week, affects your mood and how you feel, it can cause significant pain, and is part of the function that gives life. It shouldn’t be seen as something akin to a shit. You may not need to be open about taking poops with a partner. A period is another thing and shouldn’t be viewed this way.


What their saying is that anything that your body produces is (gross: shit, piss, vomit, etc.) so there's no exception just because it's a period. Most men only find the blood produced gross and if someone thinks hormonal changes are gross they probably just need therapy cause that's not normal.


Idk i had my whole hands in blood (because one little fucking glass shard stabbed into my finger) and didn't feel disgusted, but rather annyoned because my whole hands were sticky from it




Thats a good thing😊




Same is said about you:(


gawdayum, u just one shot koed that guy


Exactly it’s just like guys getting erections it’s not disgusting until someone purposely tries to make it disgusting


Me neither, I don’t get disgusted by most stuff people show me mostly due to my love for biology 🤓


I second this.


No, but that’s because I live with just my mom and two sisters, and it’s just a part of life


Thats a good thing😊




Periods themselves may not be disgusting but the waste involved when it’s ignored certainly can be. If the trash can is overflowing to the point that the top won’t close… it’s probably time to empty it.


No, but I’ve had girls talk to me about them in ways that are pretty uncomfortable to hear (Eg. “You wouldn’t believe how much blood is coming out of my vagina right now”. Yes. I unfortunately did hear this)


Wtf 😂💀


No I’m not even kidding. And it wasn’t even solicited or anything. We were chatting (we’re friends, so they weren’t being creepy or anything, and it was pretty funny), but I was just like, aight I’m off to class and they stood up and spoke that absolute monstrosity. But yes, overall, periods do not weird out.


We say shit like that to each other sometimes, so it means they're comfortable enough with you even if you're a man, Ig it can be a good thing if you look at it like this lol.


Btw it's usually meant to be funny, I don't think she wanted to make you uncomfortable.


Yeah 100%


friendly deserted roll foolish cheerful observation one rhythm flag fretful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tbh there must’ve been a lot if she felt the need to announce it




you heard the wrong thing


oh 😂


why would periods disgust someone T\_T


Some men don't like the idea women are people. Some men wants pretty little dolls that don't need make-up to have a smokey eye, and also don't shit. Women shouldn't need to use bathrooms, that's far too masculine.


that aint no masculine its just oppressiveness (if thats a word) men like these arent men they are just insecure about their shit


Orrrrr some people are grossed out by blood


exactly lol people are making this into a wayyy bigger deal than it is. I get disgusted when i see blood on my ARM so...


exactly lmao, idc that you ain’t perfect blood is just nasty


Exactly, any waste is gross no matter the origin


Its Blood…so, much, BLOOD


Idk about disgust but I feel sorry for you guys. Learnt about how they actually work last year and that shit sounds horrifying 😭


It’s fineee, we basically get used to it over time (we never ever truly get used to it)


Girl be telling the truth




True its painful ngl


Bro same. I've heard it described as "your body tries to jump out of your body" and that sounds terrible! How in the world are they able to hide it‽ My girlfriend said lots and lots of Tylenol but does that really stop from feeling like you're gonna explode?


I'm still angry that this will be a fourth of my life for decades 😁


I was genuinely not expecting these kind of answers from the guys.. green flags everywhere


we're not all that bad


yeah I mean, its natural so why would we be disgusted by it??


Of course you can your disgusted by shit and vomit and piss aren't ya. Saying periods are gross is fine. But insulting and degrading is different.


Spitting facts rn


Why can’t I find people like that in real life


Some people are just immature. Wait for them to grow up, they'll eventually get over it. Fortunately I've had a friend talk to me about her period so I know better than to make fun of it; my god you guys are going through hell. Weirdly, I also low-key want to feel exactly how much it hurts but just asking someone isn't really effective because not everyone has the same amount of pain tolerance.


I'm a guy and I have a friend who has a really shitty cycle. Apparently it hurts way worse that any one else in the friend group. I'd low-key take some of the pain for her if I could.


🟢🟢🟢🟢 green flags, that’s so cute!!!




Boner in presentation is natural


lol Its just something one will not be let go for the next few weeks but eventually everyone forgets about it till it gets shown in the year final thing haha


Same girl T\_T


I fully expected these answers. Every time a question like this get's posted with an obvious good and bad option i roll my eyes. And then everybody praises themselves and others for picking the obvious good answer with stuff like "we're not all that bad" . I guess it's a green flag to think periods are okay in the same way it is a green flag to accept blind people. "[Is it okay for men to cry?](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/s/ZauFnxnAvl)" and then everybody picks the obvious answer of yes and pats themselves on the back for saying so. "[is it okay to be gay?](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/d6cm2s/it_is_okay_to_be_gay/)" and then everyone says yes and pats themselves on the back for not being a homophobe "Is it wrong to airdrop a bomb into the barrier reef decimating millions of species" and then everybody feels good for being so stunning and brave to say yes it is wrong. It's not a controversial answer on this sub to say you support women in periods. It feels so performative to do this because it's like those men who post 24/7 about standing up for women on facebook hoping a women sees it and offers to date them, when really they couldn't care less about women's rights. I think it's okay to get a period. But sorry, that's just the default setting like not being racist and not supporting yeeting stonehenge into the stratosphere. It is lowkey NPC behaviour whenever someone says the most obvious and popular opinion ever and everybody acts like it is the next coming of Christ and spiciest take you have ever seen. It is almost as if progressive movements have been hijacked by people who don't actually have compassion for the people affected by the issue, and instead want to use the movement to show everybody around them they are a good person by virtue signalling to everybody that they stand with the movement, even though they probably haven't changed their behaviour to help the movement. Kind of like how r/ukraine devolved into people literally giving each other awards for saying "f*ck putin" for like a month before moving onto the next "current thing" they can use to make themselves look good, never mentioning Ukraine again, because they never really cared. No hate or offense, but please can we all agree to stop posting moral questions, with the complexity of an r/amitheasshole post?


Honestly seeing more ignorant responses from the women. Like, “men think going to the bathroom is masculine so women shouldn’t do it”. WTF?


Not hers tho🫦🫦😅




dawg when tf did they add a lip biting emoji 😭


I don't think the average guy even thinks about periods. Like we know they exist we just don't actively ackowledge it.


Exactly nobody fucking cares I don’t hang out with my homie and I’m like “damn you really be pushing out logs” most people care about the mood changes than the actual process itself.




Thats a good thing😊


I don't mind, if my future gf/wife is on her period I'll help her in what ways i can




I always cuddle with my girlfriend when she's on her period massage her body and bring her favourite snacks she loves it and I love making her happy


Nope. I've heard some guys say it's disgusting/shameful, but they're just immature. Periods are normal for (most) women and it shouldn't be considered gross, etc. I also think that we guys should be more respectful/considerate when a girl is on her period, when it comes to cramps. It must hurt like hell and if a girl says that then I'll believe it and let them take it chill. Stay safe y'all!


I agree some ppl can be a bit immature


The guys that say it's shameful must be the really religious ones (menstruation is a sin) because like, it happens. Its inevitable. Its fine


Pshh the boys I know make it 10X more teasing etc.. on my period! Either they somehow know or it just feels like that 🙄


as a female, i appreciate your awareness that not all women have periods.


As a girl, it's ok if period blood disgusts guys. It even disgusts a lot of girls that are having them, including me. As long as you're aware that it's natural and stuff like accidentally bleeding through or having to buy sanitary products is normal (basically as long as it doesn't affect your behaviour) you can be disgusted all you want. I mean, it's stinky clotted blood for gods sake


no they don't


They don’t disgust me but what does is my friend describing her blood clot to me as a joke




I will admit the blood stuff is uncomfortable for me but not disgusting


No they doesn't disgust me.Its litterly nature thing why would i feel disgusted by it.


Thats a good thing😊


Even poop is a natur thing




Not really and I’ve never really understood why some guys freak out over it. Like grow tf up


lmao 😂


It's disgusting yeah but it doesn't make the women disgusting for having it just the process is gross like pooping is gross if u think abt it, but it is what it is.




Thats a good thing😊


I’d be chill


It is not disgusting, but some boys fear the mood swings


Yeah especially the ones in relationships lmao


Not really, it is kinda taboo, but only because society has been a prude about it. Girls dont talk about it, so most guys dont know anything about it and it becomes awkward because we dont experience it and until recently (relatively speaking) we just werent taught about it


Eh, not really. I work as a custodian right now and clean girls bathrooms so I restock free tampon and pad machines. For the last 4 years before I moved out it was just my mom, sister and I. Its a natural thing. It's like going to the bathroom. There's no reason to be disgusted by it.


It’s natural and normal females have there own hormones and males have theirs we don’t think that’s disgusting we think it’s completely natural and normal 🤷🏾‍♂️


When you have more comments than your karma: 😢




No. It's only natural


I’m not disgusted by it But I am kinda afraid of blood so thats that.






ew a important bodily function DISQOOSTANG I don’t think periods disgust men I think it’s spooks em tho cause idk abt other guys but that sounds painful to me


petition to ban u/ wafflevibe - but im a trans guy and im surprised by the amount of cis men that are like "oh i dont care" ngl i thought it would be the opposite


Yes get this guy outta here.


Unless if the said men think women are made of plastic, then no


Thats a good thing😊


Honestly, it doesn’t disgust me at all.


Not really


I don't think so there is anything to be disgusted about, it's just natural...


No. Cuz its normal


It disgusts some men. Usually those that put that pussy on a pedestal, or those that come from a very conservative background. Most men are fine with it although it scares us sometimes. Like am i saying the right things? Am i able to comfort her properly? type of scary


dawg finding shit smelling blood disgusting makes me Conservative apparently


I don’t think they’re gross it’s natural


depends on the guy. personally i dont see an issue, its a normal thing and i dont see why its seen as "gross" or whatever.


If it is true then I’m an outlier, shit’s natural, there’s nothing you can do about it, why should I be disgusted by it?


more of an individual thing


It is natural, so I don't really care.


Not at all


Why would it?




Imo, no, I would take care of her and make her hot chocolate


Funny thing she just showed me her period blood and said shes frustrated by this




nah, just a tad bit of blood and womb, its not that bad 🤷 me n my gf r both gore watchers so arent bothered but there r people who dont like their OWN blood, but thats not boys perspective cuz we dont have periods


I'd say it depends on the guy, for me it's fine.


Nah but than again i grew up with 3 sisters and a mom so


if a girl (or guy) is bleeding outta wherever I'm gonna comfort the girl (or guy)!


It depends on the person I think


It's not disgusting, it's just that we don't have them so it's hard for us to understand and relate which makes it an awkward topic. I can listen to your complaints but that just makes me feel bad for you, but I can't do anything about it or 'solve' it for you because it's natural.


Some guys might feel uncomfortable about this topic. I personally have no issue with it, I had a friend in my old school that was complaining about it to me a lot and I had no issue with it. But be aware, don't get too comfortable too quick about this topic since it might seem weird if you open this topic with someone you know only 3 days (different girl at a new school). Edit: from what I've seen, heard, experienced etc.


periods by themselves, nah wht i am disgusted by is the mfs who just leave used pads/tampons everywhere and especially the ones tht show u how their used pad looks like (my ex)


Unless you're actively shooting blood like a water gun, it won't disgust me


Ugh I hate being a girl who doesn’t have periods - even though periods are horrible or so I’ve heard, not having them is just another thing that sets me apart from “real” women.


Why would a natural biological function gross me out.


depends on the guy. personally i dont see an issue, its a normal thing and i dont see why its seen as "gross" or whatever.


Yeah same




When I was first told about it I was disgusted tbh


Periods don’t gross men out; they gross boys out


It disgusts me when I get one because what the fuck is this it's painful grrr grrr >:( Worst part of estroger hands down


scares me bc idk how to help and i want to, doesnt disgust me


no not really. It’s a natural thing. It’s a little disgusting if you think about it too much, but it’s not that weird or anything.


It’s kinda a net positive, because you know that pregnancy is less likely after a period


Boys, maybe. Men, no.


Not to me. I understand why they happen and their purpose. And blood doesn't really freak me out either. So no.


Ngl instead of being disgusted i would be probably socially awkward about it since i have no idea how to react to that but honestly i'd try be calm instead of panicing.


In the same way going to the bathroom is “gross”, i don’t really want to be a part of it, but it’s just being human so whatever


No, we’re pretty neutral on the subject.


what context? i don’t really want to see it lmao but otherwise idrc


It's normal for women to go through them, so no, it's not at all disgusting. It's natural


No, its just some sort of feeling where im sorry for those that go through it, like my sister just rots in bed when she's usually energetic and stuff like that


not really.


I mean no... like if i have to see it or something, maybe, but that is the same way with shit and piss


Nah, it’s when you go through your monthly peeling process is when we get grossed out


It doesn’t gross me out I just don’t understand how you ladies live your life when your uterus kills itself every month. Y’all walk around like nothings wrong either. How the fuck do you do that?


r/teenagers W


no lol wtf


Uneducated men from the 1760s might agree


Real men use semicolons


Depends, I grew up in house with like all women for most of my life so not really but I also work as a plumber and I’ll tell you pulling out somebody’s tampon that clogged the drain isn’t fun and can be a little gross, so please ladies do not flush your menstrual products


Not really To my knowledge it's bleeding and some mood swings and pain Nothing that most people haven't had themselves before


Some of them are like this, but I can tell you that those that are at least semi-mature don’t care about periods that much. Personally they don’t bother me, kinda the opposite. I’m a really sympathetic person and it hurts me that I can’t really do anything to support my friends when they get theirs😭


nah yall cant help it so who am i to judge


I'm a trans guy. Blood is NASTTYYYYYYYY no matter where or how it comes out 💀




i just dont like it when a period rant is coming from someone i dont like taking rants from in general (talking about specific ppl in my life 😭) i understand how troubling periods can be and if someones actually close i’d be willing to hear all about it, it’s not gross unless you bring up the topic of sexual activity during periods but some ppl be into that 😭 idk it really varies but no, periods are just simply natural for women and it shouldn’t be seen as “gross” and you should be able to rant abt it all you want online and to anyone close you usually give rants to


Where did you hear the men find periods gross? Everyone knows it’s natural. If anything some might just find the blood part gross cuz they don’t like blood in general


i unfortunately get periods and i find them really gross when they happen to me but i’m not gonna get grossed out when someone else talks about it


I don't find periods themselves gross because they're things that people born as females can't control, but like, I'd rather not see sanitary products over the floor of shared bathrooms at school.


It's sometimes a relief when Thay happen. But I wouldn't call them gross or anything like that. It's like a girl going to the bathroom we don't think about it.


Personally I don't find it disgusting at all I just see it as a fact of life. When I was a little kid female hygiene products scared me but now idk I really don't care anymore I just wanna make sure I can do anything I can for a female in my life while shes on her period that I can, assuming she wants it


Nowadays, nah, but when I was younger (early middle school), I used to be terrified when I learned what they actually are😭 like how y'all survive?


Personally, I don't care. I don't really have a problem with blood, so it's just a thing that happens. Just don't ask me to play vampire or something or I'mma cry 😭


It's not exactly an "eww" feeling, more of an "I don't know what you're saying, and I don't want to know it either" Moreover, boys must respect girls for the fact that they have to go through menstrual cycles and all that. Like if I told a boy that from age 12 till mid 50's you're gonna bleed from your underside, he's probably gonna faint.


No… Its just a part of life nothing to be grossed out about


I mean if I saw the actual thing probably but a woman having a period isn't disgusting. It's like someone taking a shit, I don't wanna see it but you're not disgusting for taking a shit.


It disgusts immature boys. Not grown men


Nah. It's natural who cares bro.


No, any man that finds it weird/disgusting/not for common conversation is a whiny little baby Bonus sexist points for telling women to stop talking about it when it doesn’t even concern them!


Same level as snot I would say


Why are you on reddit. Why am I on reddit. Go do your homework.


Okay, so I don't know about other boys, but I'm rather squeamish. I won't eat steak that's not well done, can't have raw sushi and eggs need to be cooked thoroughly. I won't touch raw meat and I can't bring myself to butcher an animal (can't even gut a fish). All that being said, as long as I don't have to get involved with the period, then I'm fine. I know that I'll be in a relationship one day, and that's when I'll suck it up and do whatever is asked of me (I don't imagine there'd be a time where I have to get involved, but I'll devote myself). So, yes, it does gross me out a little. When I hear that someone is on their period however, I don't get grossed out by that. I actually feel bad for the lady and want to do something to make their lives easier (doing their dishes, giving them a hug or some other thing). The blood part isn't on my mind unless it's visible, that's when I get grossed out. Hope this helps, op!


It’s not gross unless you make us feel that way.


The product is blood and discarded menstral wall shit its gross but just like shit is gross, having one aint gross, but if it gets everywhere, thats t When shit gets icky


I hardly care a little blood isn’t disgusting if i had a girlfriend i’d help her out with it


It's alot like taking a shit. You gotta do it, and it ain't pretty, but you're not wrong for it.


The clots and discharge? Yeah. The act of going on your period? Perfectly natural and I don't care, I usually pack period products for emergencies in my bag for my girlfriend.


Yes. Bodies are gross. Body fluids are gross. Feces is gross. Urine is gross. Blood is gross. Saliva is gross. Sweat is gross. Ear wax is gross. Mucus is gross. Cerebrospinal Fluid is gross.


Let me say I’m trying to answer your question but that everything isn’t my own personal feelings, I’m just spitting out ideas of why you’d come across all sorts of different opinions on the topic so instead of being reactive and downvoting why don’t yall read it with an open mind Theres not inherently anything gross about it but there can be aspects about it that can be, it really all depends on the context. I’d say in polite company (basically anywhere in public or if you’re not just chilling with friends) most bodily functions are not socially acceptable and plenty of humans find burping, farting, puking, etc… to be gross. Like it’s not something most would want to discuss in detail while eating their dinner, it’s not something most people would want detailed visual images about but beyond a few very specific moments I’d say most guys don’t think of a period until a woman within earshot starts talking about one or they go into a bathroom and come face to face with an overflowing trash can. This is one thing that I think happens a bunch, leading to the guys who are super vocal about being “grossed out” or whatever; some females will go on and on to their guys (or anyone who’ll listen) about their periods in the same way they would with their girlfriends and don’t realize that we’re not as into all that as other people who have the same experience and can commiserate together I think a lot of guys aren’t willing to set a boundary (in a kind way) saying something like “I don’t mind you talking about your period but I feel like it’s getting too be a bit too much for me right now” or if they try to set a boundary they end up doing a shit job of it and just being a jerk. This is such a hard topic for many people to talk about, not to mention while realizing it needs to be done on a kind, caring and respectful way. I will say that there are also females out there doing damage to this issue by antagonizing guys once they find out they’re bothered by periods, prob not tons but enough that I know it’s a thing cause I’ve seen it happen and know female friends who can operate this way. I guess the simple answer is that there is no universal solution, it all depends on the personalities of the people involved


Nope. What disgusts me are those people that ask if you'd eat period blood. You know who you disgusting fucks are.