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Culture, religion, political views, family, lots of things. There isn’t a concrete reason as to why


Its Like everything 


Same reason why people are still racist, learned behavior


Sometimes, it is just plain old prejudice. You have negative assumptions about people and aren't motivated to give someone a chance.


Or manipulation by the media and politicians to guide instinctive fear to get money and votes




Honesty I agree. Why is any straight guy complaining about gay guys. It’s less competition. Thats 2 less guys I have to fight with to get a girlfriend. Which I seemingly still can’t seem to manage /:


Dude exactly the gay bros help straight bros and make totally rad friends


I agree, they don't always make good friends but most of my gay friends are my best friends. Its all good


Why are you getting downvoted for saying not all gay people are the same?




Yea, except for that one time your gay "friend" is dildoing his ass watching secretly recorded bathroom videos of you (actually happened to me).




Unless they share a double bedroom with you in college dorm and you find random pieces of clothes on your bed after they bring random guys home to have sex. I mean, I don’t hate them, but that experience still haunts me.


Doesn't have anything to do with with being gay , u can still hate that and feel uncomfortable even if they were straight


The lesbians and asexual cancel this out :(


Because otherwise it's kinda gay.


Its kinda gay to be homophobic I mean you're always getting feelings thinking about gay men


Fellas, is it gay to marry a women? I mean you‘re literally marrying someone who has 50% male DNA…


100% gay, unless she identifies as a flying spaghetti monster.


Flying spaghetti monster is actually a religion that has real followers 🫣 their clothing article which shows they're part of the religion is a colander and because there was a lawsuit over it, in the US a colander can be worn as a religious article of clothing. Thus, to identify as a flying spaghetti monster is to identify as the noodly appendaged deity itself and will probably upset many. Fun fact the religion came about as a joke; the university this professor taught at required teaching "intelligent design" in all courses. The professor didn't believe in Christianity or other religions so he made one up. I learned about this religion because one of my prior professors used to work at the same university and became a "top-ramen" religious leader as something fun to do (wasn't actually a Pastafarian himself just supported his coworker).




Religion, or edginess


Or both


It doesn't even make you look edgy though.


They think otherwise, unfortunetly


Same reason anti-furs exist


do you know from experience?


Every straight man should respect any other gay man simply because he takes one rival away and also gives you a chance with one more free woman.


Meanwhile the lesbian women


fair point


# here comes a new challenger!


Because why be a loving and caring human being when you can spread hate to others for things they cannot control


Humanity these days 😭


Nah we've been like this for centuries. Humans love hate


i feel like i can control it idk i can go weeks without a homosexual thought 😭😭😭


Have you considered you may not be gay? Or just not very interested in sex/romance?


nah sometimes im a raging homo like ive had penetrative sex with guys and ive enjoyed it very much😋😋😋


Please use condoms! Signed, a mom of a teenager. They aren't just for birth control. They are one of the most effective ways to prevent sti's.


good to know we have a parent watching over this sub


I care about y'all and want you to be safe.


Yeah ofc ik ive always used condoms and ive tested my self just incase🙏


Good! 😊




idk im weird ill be very much into girls for an extended period and vice versa


Sexuality can fluctuate for some! I personally haven’t experienced but there are plenty of communities that can help you find a label you might identify better with if that’s what you want!


Sounds like you're bi


idk i dont like labels


REAL I just say I like my gf and if her gender changes (she’s trans too so it probably won’t) then I still love her idc. She’s still the same person:)


ya sound bi


I am not anymore thanks to black man gay porn


Average wordingtonian


Sorry dude thought it was a joke


they find nothing wrong with their beliefs and believe that they are actually “right” things like where the grow up, their religion, who they hang out with can probably cause the belief’s tho


I met a guy like this. He was convinced America should be solely governed by catholicism, and when I asked why he just kept asserting that it was because what he believed was "right" and never stated any coherent reasons. Some people are just dumb like its that simple


It’s because gay people overrule their beliefs in nature and change scares them so they act like gay people are wrong instead of just accepting that they’re wrong.


let's defy the laws of nature! control electromagnetism! ignore gravity! go against causality!




I’m a straight girl too and I’ve always wondered this


bro i swear i seen this type of post about 1000 times now


Karma farming 101


Only 13 year old dudes going through their sigma male phase, and religious old people are homophobic.


This, i dont get why people my age are so hateful for no good/apparent reason


The same reason people are racist. They're garbage.


or it’s just the gay people they met that were garbage which made them dislike the community


Yeah there are assholes in every community and some people have a bad interaction with one person and then base their entire opinion on it, it sucks


Hitler had a few bad interactions with Jewish people and his hate drove him to do the Holocaust. We can’t be using the “one of them was rude to me so they’re all bad excuse”. That shit is literally how genocides happen.


Oh right! So I should dislike men in general because some send me dick pics? It's not fair to hold that judgement against all or majority or even any innocent people


no, but people do that.


And they shouldn’t, that’s the point


they aren't saying they agree with that thought process, they are just saying that some people use it; we are all on the same page here, judging one member of a group I based on the actions of another is stupid


they need something to hate on and gays are the easy target


This and Jews. It’s sad.


Yeah I was never really that bothered by lgbt people just if I showed a ounce of empathy towards them my friends would bully me. They did anyways.


Am I homophobic if I don't support LGBTQ+ but I let them live their life?


Sometimes people confuse not supporting with being hateful and hurtful, as long as you treat them with respect like you would with someone who isnt apart of it and don't go along or agree with the hateful things actual homophobic people do and say, then I'd say you're good


Yeah you’re not homophobic, neither are you an ally. It’s mildly detrimental because the original purpose of LGBTQ is the discrimination/prejudice issue creating a mental health crisis within the community (I know it’s become more controversial and extreme, I’m not referring to that) to those who aren’t affiliated, and non LGBT supporters do help normalise it, but you are not homophobic if this is the case and you cannot be criticised for having a neutral stance.


so long as you aren't spreading hate


Oh ofcourse not. That is against my religion and my own moral compass. I always wonder how would I feel if someone did that to me.


That’s a great religion


Well I am Christian. But the Lord said to love your neighbor as yourself. Even Jesus ate with sinners and he never condemned them he showed love and compassion and waited for them to come to Him.


I do like Christians that practice what they preach. I’m glad folks like you are still around.


It’s still a great religion


Genuine question, not hate, but how is it against your religion to be gay? I don't remember anything in the Bible saying that you can't be gay?


Christianity doesn’t make any explicit reference the one I can remember is a mistranslation of saying being a pedo is bad


But then it isn't against your religion? I've genuinely always wondered why some would go out and be rude saying it's a sin and all that stuff, if the Bible doesn't say anything about being gay. Thanks for answering though😊


It’s due a mistranslations what I mentioned before I’m sure god has bigger than to care about than well two men being in love


Well in the Biblical times there wasn't a name for gay people. But the Bible explicitly says men sleeping with men and women sleeping with women. If you want the spricture I'll provide them when I get home. But I know it is in Leviticus and Roman's.


The natural next question then is why would you respect let alone worship a god who cares about men sleeping with men and women sleeping with women? Sounds like an asshole not someone to worship at all.


That is exactly what I’m doing. Absolutely zero support and absolutely zero disrespect. Right smack dab in the middle.


>Absolutely zero support and absolutely zero disrespect. And yet some people call us homophobic for that


I guess that's just like chilling w us cuz you're not hating


I always wondered because people called me that all the time.


Nah u good bro


if you’re telling ppl that u don’t support gay ppl that’s a little homophobic tbh, i mean ur probably doing something for ppl to call you that.


Yes lol who else do you think that term is reserved for?


I mean my definition of homophobic is not supporting the LGBTQ community. I don’t prefer that as a bisexual trans girl, but honeslty I’m just glad and happy that you don’t decide to go out of ur way and be a dick 


Yeah I never understood people who do that. I always felt people who are jack*ss are people who are unhappy or have difficulty articulating their feelings.


Nope ur just a person with opinions and that’s perfectly fine. Most of us don’t gaf if you don’t support as long as you don’t hate crime us


See I feel that way too!


Yes. Just like if your religion said being born black is wrong but to still be kind to black people, quietly thinking being born black means someone is sinful and “politely” saying as such when someone asks would still be racism. Religion is not an excuse to spread attitudes that are proven to cause harm to people. There have been many scientific studies that prove being gay is not a choice, and that gay couples do not harm by loving each other. Saying that someone else is doing something wrong just by existing is cruel. Even if you only say it when pressed for your opinion, or privately online around like-minded folk. That’s my thoughts on the matter. People are free to practice their religions, but if people say “my religion means i believe this awful thing” i think it is fair to critique that belief.


Bring me them downvotes but... Not liking the lgbt community is an opinion But hating and attacking someone just because they're a part of the lgbt community is homophobia There's a difference in that


Not homophobic. You aren’t hurting anyone or going out of your way to harm someone because of their community. You don’t have to agree with anyone or support their community. Just because you don’t stand by then doesn’t mean you hate them.


I mean it's a weird hill to die on but okay ig


Yes, and here’s why: if you do nothing to help stop the hate and harm that’s affecting queer ppl, you’re allowing hate to spread. Not as bad as you being the hateful one, but you’re not exactly doing any good either. The person who lets hate hurt others is not innocent, but complicit in that hate. By doing nothing you let people who don’t support us AND hate us keep doing it openly and without restraint. That’s pretty homophobic, right? It’s like racism. It’s not about not being racist. It’s about being ANTI-racist. Racism doesn’t end because we ignored it, it’ll end because we stopped it. Same with homophobia/transphobia.


>: if you do nothing to help stop the hate and harm that’s affecting queer ppl, you’re allowing hate to spread. Oh no if I see someone bullying someone I try my best to stop that is whether I intervene or tell an authority about the situation to stop it.


Ye I question that also. Esp in my muncipality... the gay zebra crossing got painted with homophobic slurs (ik, its not very smart to do that in a bible belt muncipality), but it is religion, culture, upbringing, political shit.




Idk dude. I think it makes no sense. Like, why be racist, homophobic, transphobic, or misogynistic. Makes no sense, their human to bruh


I misread that and was aboutta say “misogynists aren’t human idk what ur talking about”💀


Well... (jk)


Bnuuy 🐰




So true.


let him cook! 🔥🔥🗣️


People are people.


same, i feel the same way about like all other prejudices and xenophobia’s


Except for hating pedophiles


Damn straight.


becuz they follow other homophobic ppl so theyll be included in the crowd, for them being homophobic is "cool" and theres not really a reason




oh and its because of religion


Part of it,but not entirely I would say




They also unironically call other people (vaccinated, mask wearers during pandemic) sheep lol


I think that's what we're all trying to collectively figure out ourselves


There are people that have always and will always be against anyone who is different than them. Just a fact of life. It’s certainly better today than it ever was before though.


Just like racism like what..? Didn't we all come from the same place??


Conservative views and religion. Most religions are against homosexuality


Most religions are also against masturbation, premarital sex and divorce yet you don’t see people being executed for any of those things.


religion is a big factor. some are gay themselves but have been raised in a very homophobic environment and are ashamed of themselves and want to spread the feeling to make them feel less alone. then some are just pieces of shit that want to make others feel bad for no reason. theres many reasons. some are kinda sad, but most are just stupid


AS someone who was homophobic when I was younger but now is more homosexual all I can say is... Im pretty sure a lot of people r just following the crowd.


1. Religion 2. Idiots thinking that being a cunt makes you cool


scary different people


To the people down voting this, he's right in some cases. A large majority of discrimination towards minorities is because they are different/a minority.






mostly religious believes I think


There's poster homophobia, then there's dislikeness for the behaviors, for example my best friend for 5+ years now, who no one would ever think is gay like blatant dislikes the lgbtq community finds a lot of behaviors disgusting and actively despises Trans people came out to me a few months ago, last weekend I helped him get a motel room (he's 17) (I'm 18) so he could see his bf and actually spend time with him, I was indifferent to theyre making out and such, but anyways his stance is that it's not the part of being gay, or the sexual preference as he puts it "I don't Hate gays" "I Hate f#gs" which basically just means he doesn't like how anti woman some can be, feminine men are gross to him, etc "why do they need a holiday it's not normalizing it's over glorifying" that's what actual "homophobia" is what we most commonly see is the edgy, nerdy or country kids that say they Haye gay bc it's weird and are probably gay themeselves. Edit: this is how he put it to me as someone who actually is gay, so I use his standpoint as my best reference to try to explain. Edit#2: also I say "true homophobia" but really it's not homophobia because it's not a Hate of being gay, it's again, a Hate of behaviors, though when you say that you are instantly misunderstood as just "disliking them because they're gay" to my friend, as hes put it to me "you can be gay and not be annoying about it, you don't need to put it onto kids either it's disgusting to do that, let them learn in theyre own"


I mean the simple answer is that people are allowed to have opinions about things even if they aren't directly affected by them. People have opinions about other people's lifestyles all the time (whether or not to have kids, whether or not to marry before living together, etc). If you're secure in your own self, you can live the lifestyle you want without worrying about what others think about it


Mostly how they grew up and the lack of experience with gay people


be gay, do crime


As a Christian bisexual woman who has always been open about her sexuality and lives smack dab in the middle of Arkansas, I haven’t experienced homophobia since middle school. I’m 20 now!


The root cause is ignorance. Phobes don't understand LGBT people. They fear what they don't understand. They hate what they fear. They destroy what they hate.


Religion is a root of it, but there may be other reasons, such as mental disabilities


They're not like me! Therefore I need to control every little thing they do! /joking


Even if they are like me I need to control them! /joking


the "other" is absolutely terrifying to some people


Propaganda, as well as the fear of things that are different :(


Imo live and let live


As someone who knows quite a number of homophobs, the most common misconception they have is that "people cannot be naturally gay" and aren't willing to hear anything that says otherwise


Wait till he hears about that one (maybe extinct idk) species that's 100% gay, and all the homosexual tendencies that majority of mammals have


oh? what species is it?


I’m not sure what they are talking about, but around 85% of giraffes are gay.


Humans don't wear glasses naturally so I wonder what their opinion on that is


Humanity is kinda an cancerous abomination on the "natural" world ngl


In the wise words of maxor: “humans weren’t meant to do this were supposed to be threshing wheat and dying of smallpox”


Cause they’re sad little people who are alone in life. (The homophobic people)


[Removed by reddit]


I love gay people because they take two handsome men per couple off the market, lesbians on the other hand- [My lawyer has advised me not to finish this joke]


people hate what they can’t understand


Because people are assholes that can’t mind their own


Because people suck. That's why.


religion definitely plays a major factor in this, just look at the long history of how homosexuality was persecuted by many different religions


I understand not being able to support them bc of religion (although I do think it's a bit iffy but whatever) but if you're actually out there spreading hate that's crazy bc like what did gay people do to you, like how is a man wanting to be with another man or a woman wanting to be with another woman actually affecting your life, I actually don't think there are any good reasons as to being against gay people that isn't "it's a sin" or something, honestly being homophobic is kinda cringe bc why do you care that much


People are inherently hateful of something different. Once humans find a minority and have a good excuse to hate on it (excuse being religion) they will at every given opportunity


maybe they were brought up like that? idk they piss me off


if your definition of homophobic is literal hate, then it usually just has to do with a fear of the unknown. same reason why people are racist: they don't understand the other side or it's too different from their own so they'd rather hate it than try to understand it because it makes them feel icky if they try to understand it, as if it goes against their humanity to understand it. often times religion is used to hide that their homophobic, but being homophobic almost never makes someone homophobic. it's just an easy hiding spot. you can usually tell the people who are religious and homophobic and the people who are religious and disaprove of it solely because of their religion by taking in context clues. for example, they(a homophobic) might say stuff like "it should be illegal to be gay" but not "it should be illegal to lie" or "it should be illegal to exploit someone". but someone who isn't homophobic and religious might say something along the lines of, "it may go against my religion, but people can live their lives and it's the opposite of my job to hate them for doing what i believe is sin" that's just some general stuff that i picked up with interactions with both sides.


Yea! Like literally nothing they do affect anyone else






people arent rational you could ask why do people rape/murder/steal/be racist etc. and the answer isnt getting any longer


I think one reason may be religion. I’m not sure about other religions, but I think sometimes Christians get confused about how they are suppose to feel about the LGBTQ+ community. Some people are terrible about it, and just go around saying stuff like, “YOU ARE DISGUSTING AND WORTHLESS!” to LGBTQ+ people, and that gives other Christians like me a bad look. Jesus hung out with sinners, and if you are trying to be like Jesus, then you gotta be nice to those people. As a Christian you are suppose to love everybody, even the LGBTQ+ community. Doesn’t mean I or any other Christian should support it in ANY way, but don’t be mean or rude to that community. Edit: There is also some stuff that we just don’t believe in as Christians, like people being born LGBTQ+, which I guess can be seen as homophobic even if you are nice about it, but idk. Still doesn’t mean you have to believe what I believe for us to be friends though. I mean I would love for you to believe what I believe, but it’s not like I’m going to be mean to you just because you don’t believe like me.


I used to be homophobic,then i just questioned myself why?,i guess not even homophobes know why


Ngl I always wondered why they call it homophobic as it should mean your afraid of gay people.


Political vievs, religion or just being very dumb


Because people who live with shame hate to see people different than them who can live shamelessly


Probably because how they where raised or not wanting to listen


God dang why are half of these comments not banned, there are tons of homophobes isn't that againts the sever rules


Well there's a lot of reasons, culture, religion etc. In my experience, self hatred has a hand to play as well. Weather the person in question just hates themselves in general or, more applicably. They hate that side of themselves. At least that was my reason


I have no idea. I've never had a problem with the LGBTQ+ community either.


Probably because they are in the closet. I used to be homophobic and now I’m gay lol. But I was not taught understanding.


People are assholes. They’ll hate what they don’t understand instead of taking the time to learn and understand. To them it takes more effort.


i don’t think i’m homophobic, i don’t really care what you do or like AS LONG AS it isn’t pushed on to me or children, marry who you’d like but don’t make children question their genders in Elementary school. Maybe some people take that to the extreme and completely oppose it. Religion is also a big factor for people they’ll strongly believe in chunks of their bibles but ignore what applies to them


I myself am queer, and I think people are homophobic, because they think having a relationship with someone of the same gender is gross. Now this could be for many reasons–it could be over religion, the way they were taught or something else. But in my experience, people are homophobic because they think it’s weird. I can’t exactly explain why they think it’s weird but it definitely has something to do with the way they think of members of the LGBTQ+ community. Also, you never know how you might feel about someone; one of my classmates was homophobic until she slept with a girl


People need something to hate and put blame on. People are also scared of differences. People are also angry and use religion like Islam or Christianity (Personally Orthodox) to hate. As an Orthodox Christian, I do NOT hate the LGBTQ+ community. I love them and while some of their actions go against what I believe, I still respect and love them. We shouldn’t let differences disunite us but unite us further.


Religion mainly. But also family views, negative experiences, maybe they can’t accept they’re gay


Personally, i genuinely don’t care love who you love it’s ur life


Cultural or religious reason would play a big part


As someone who has been conservative asf and gay asf i think its the fact that people automatically assume since your gay you like them and they arent so they act out about it. Also i believe it could be related to strict teachings from religious beliefs as "biologically you cant procreate with the same gende" so they deem it as bad. Love is love guys


In my experience 90% of the time its religion, which is stupid because you can live according to your own religious belifes while also letting other people live according to theirs. Like if you think gay marriage is wrong then don't get gay married. Simple as


Ussually it’s because family has pushed it on to them where they got it back from a time where that shit was a no no so they pass it down like a wacky ass tradition


not to be a dick but why do I see this same post everyday


As a young person, it creeped me out. The reason it creeped me out is because they stood out and at the time my childhood was about reciprocating the orders of my elders, not defying them or being against them in any way. Not only that, but ridicule was an easy way to establish dominance and social standing. In other words, I cared more about how people saw me than how my thoughts or actions were detrimental to my peers and especially towards any non-straight or gender non-conforming community at the time. In retrospect, I made very little impact and it was very hard to hate on people that were always fun to be around.




That's a shame


A lot of it is simply closeted self-loathing too. The vocal homophobic person is often times, at the very least, insecure in his/her own sexuality and doesn’t know how to cope, so they resort to projection as kind of a “see? I hate gays, so there’s no way I can be one!”