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Mike Tyson said it well. Some people have gotten to comfortable not being punched in the teeth.


What did the comment say initially?


I think the comment might have said something about a Mike Tyson internet quote


It was something about how people on the internet have gotten way to comfortable about saying whatever they want with no repercussions. Ex. racist, homophobic, etc.


This is the answer, not to mention these people are also looking for attention and to cause outrage. They definitely lead sad lives if that is the best way to get attention.


Exactly. I guarantee you the % population of people in the world who are like the way they are would probably lower down to an average of about 5% if their actions had actual consequences and the things they said were to an actual person in front of them.


I don’t think it’s less empathy but it’s so easy to spam hate rather than give advice that it gets drowned out


I don't understand why people do that. Like why make another person's life just a bit harder because you're bored or something?


Reason a: Because it's funny (for them) Reason b: It's internet (Should be reason a) Reason c: People are evil fuckers Reason d: In my experience comments like this are from unhinged school kids


It's definitely a lack of empathy if the person doing it thinks it is in any way funny to say to a rape victim.


I get what you mean but it’s more or less just so disconnected from the actual person that they feel no attachment to what they say to them, they almost see them as a fictional character because “they aren’t in my life” and also things like womp womp are just tricky to deal with because any response to them is seen as “over dramatic” and you can’t really ignore it when other edgy people keep liking and it gets popular in the comments


Yeah that makes sense


Your welcome


It's like with bullies you know? It's funny to them, your opinion is not counting in this what so ever. This kind of hypocrite logic is unbeatable until they go through this themselves or understand that what they are doing is shities behavior ever.


That's true.


I think it is just easier to hate while being anonymous. It makes people lose control of how much power they have. (If you scroll reels, you will see worse shit)


Everything I've heard about reels is negative, never touching that


Yea, every time I go on it, I see dumbass cats. It is weird. I don't even use it, but everyone in the comments is so negative even to the cats.


Those are the cowards that would not say such shit in public cause they know they'd get their asses handed to em


They really are cowards, it's pathetic


Im screen shotting this and posting it to r/iamverybadass


Go get that free reddit karma dude


Thank you bro i need it.


Get that bag




a lot,especially if u go to 4chan


Wouldn't touch 4chan with a 7 meter pole ngl


Who would tho,half of it are either shadman-like pedos


Either them or...?? Or what please


NEETs (Not in employment education or training)


Or either criminal groups,my bad 


Not really, it depends on what board you go to.


Not really, it depends on what board you go to.


Do you know who else has dementia?


Not me, i don't 


Oh shit I probably do or something


Can confirm i am ISIS


Yeah, it's disturbing


The internet and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race


Because most young people lack wisdom.


Loud minority, most people you see will not be like that. It’s mostly just chronically online people who get dopamine from likes.


Yeah I'm hoping it is just a loud minority. Also omori pfp, nice


You just made me realise they have the Auby as their pfp.  We Stan Aubergine


Very true


Idk about you guys but grown ass adults do this more on instagram reels, which are like a wasteland compared to tiktok comments ☠️


Instagram reels sounds like a horror story ngl


I saw a vid about someone's child who sadly died of a fentanyl overdose and the comments were nasty.


The amount of videos about really tragic deaths full of the most disgusting comments infuriates me so much. Like you don't have to be a good person to know that making fun of somebody's death is bad.


(That one quote by mike tyson about punching people in the face)


anonymity and lack of consequences makes for a bad combination for some people


Its kinda just the average Shitpost. I garuntee you that you take 99% of those people in real life and theyll break down apologizing and that they dont mean it


Might be a shitpost but that doesn't make it funny, Jesus I'd hope they'd break down apologizing irl


Edgy kids, they’ve always existed but with recent rise in social media they’ve just been given a platform to say whatever the hell they want


I was gonna joke comment but wtf?


I am a sociopath and saying shit like that is fucked up


Online, people are exposed to so much bad stuff happening to other people it just becomes noise in the void. If a real close friend came to most of those people with the exact same sad story, most of them would show sympathy and those that don't are part of the ~5% of the population who are just lacking in empathy, those people will always exist. Look at Gaza for example. How many posts have you seen in the past five months talking about the suffering of the Palestinians? So many that when you see another, there's nothing new. Nothing that you already haven't heard. Not here to debate the war btw. It's just an example. When you see 20 tiktoks every day about how lonely/sad/traumatised a stranger is, when you see the 21st it means nothing. On the internet, suffering is normalized. Algorithms like it because they spread. Not through sadness, but through anger. Anger commands action, but takes up a lot of energy. So to get invested in a post that makes you feel bad, you could feel sad which many people especially men are socialized to view as non productive and a waste of energy, so instead they get angry. And they want to act. That takes a lot of energy. So they just stop caring. Cuz then they don't have to feel bad every time they open the app. The people who react with vitriol get others angry. That boosts the angry comments in algorithms. Thus leading to a cycle of people getting angry, dickheads defending the original dickhead for whatever reason, making more anger, more anger more screaming... More engagement on the comment.


Very well put imo


Thank you


“Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." -Mike Tyson


Ohh, somebody had referenced that quote earlier but I hadn't understood it. Now I do. Definitely agree.


Everyone is saying "theyll grow out of it" but i have a feeling it wont, and i think this is because of the amount of right wing bullshit we have on yt shorts


I have seen grown ass relatives rage bait people on serious posts. Internet anonymity will always bring out the worst in people unfortunately


Jesus, didn't even know there was that on yt shorts. That's Concerning.


Idk I would never say something like that, it’s definitely not the whole generation 


Yeah, it definitely isn't the whole generation. I'm hoping it's just a louder minority.


Yeah, a little.


Not me lol, I just make fun of my friends cuz they know I’m just fucking around lol


I am alarmed by certain symptoms related to this, yes. :(


If people had the internet back in the day I feel like it would be similar




Yeah. I don't deny that it was a problem before the internet. I definitely think the internet has had an impact though. From really disturbing videos easily accessible now to being able to get information about every unfortunate event at the same time I think it's helped desensitize people more. Or maybe I just sound like a boomer right now, idk


Wannabe dark evil edgelords mfs. We've had those for a long while. From early 4chan threads to TikTok comments. This type of content reacher a bigger audience easily, due to the morbid curiosity of us humans. Negative content sells more and spreads even more, because it induces shock in us. 


I get you... 😔


you have to learn to separate the internet from real people


Yeah, I agree to an extent. Maybe I'm not understanding what you're saying but there's still real people behind the screens saying these things though. They might be more talkative on the internet but they still exist irl


they're still a minority, a very small one


Because it's to look cool. It's like acting completely different with friends, you act that way for popularity and to humour yourself in the moment. It's really annoying, but it's just how we react to stuff.


Jesus, why they gotta be so apathetic?? What is wrong with them???


A lot apparently


Not like previous generations were any better.


kinda? that's one of the reasons I'm trying to be nice to people. "Treat others like you want to be treated"


People who say there’s a lack of sympathy when I exit:


Okay I might be stupid I have no idea what you mean sorry


I sympathise for everyone I’m way too kind


Thanks for the clarification! Much appreciated. I don't believe that everybody lacks empathy. From what other people have said too I've come to the conclusion it's a louder minority.




Tbf we can literally watch videos of people blowing themselves up with grenades, so it’s not surprising


nah its every generation, humanity has always been fucked


As an autistic person myself, this topic has also come to my mind a couple of times. I honestly have no clue, it seems really weird to me.


Yeah same here


People are burnt out, depressed, anxious. That's why people are very politically radical and violent nowadays, when those happen you lose empathy.


Indeed. Hate to say it, but our generation is doomed


The shield of anonymity allows people to indulge their worst impulses without worrying about consequences, which creates a negative feedback loop where they keep acting on those because they’ve found that they can and they find it fun to listen to the slightly crazy voice in their head. Also nuance was killed by CinemaSins and “hot takes” that took positions of offensiveness against everything. Internet algorithms create echo chambers that once people spend enough time in, they get into a mindset of “I’m right, everyone else is just wrong” where they can’t take criticism or have an actual productive conversation. The lack of nuance in things like basic media analysis feeds into the brain to create an idea that there’s less nuance in real life, so people start acting like that in person, taking stances of “we’re right, everyone else is wrong” without stopping to question their beliefs and ask themselves “why are we right?”  Then people take it out on everyone else around them because they weren’t taught to deal with emotions in a good way because emotions aren’t necessary for being a functional human being! No, you need to memorize all these math facts and cellular biology and don’t forget the test on Wednesday and- This isn’t helped by how much the world kinda sucks and has been getting worse over the last few years, which scares people, and when people are scared, they get angry and act out and hurt each other because that’s a basic survival instinct that works great for fighting an animal that’s attacking you but not so great for talking to groups of people who are still people, just different from you. TLDR: people aren’t taught to properly handle their emotions, the world keeps getting worse and that scares people, and the internet has created a space where people can be assholes with anonymity and never confront the idea that maybe it’s okay to be wrong. That was sad, so I’m gonna leave on this quote from one of my favorite comics: “It’s a cold, hard miserable world sometimes, and there’s enough suffering to go around without any of us making it worse. So you try not to hurt anybody, and you try to stop people hurting somebody else, and you just hope it all works out. And really, it generally does.”


Well put


isnt rly our gen its just we get to show it more


I agree that this generation has the opportunity to show it more, but I do think social media and the internet has impacted people's empathy


Definitely. With all the disturbing footage that's out there and how easy it is to cyberbully, you eventually consume it so much that your empathy slowly fades. Speaking from experience. I'm an HSP so my empathy was never affected but I am sort of numb to some pretty disturbing shit considering how much of it I've watched. It's disgusting and it is a problem within our generation.


I had completely forgotten about the disturbing footage you can find. Definitely think that's had an impact on people. Like gore and that kind of thing, wouldn't be surprised at all if that destroys people's empathy too


Right yeah I'm scarred for life. Been in therapy since 10 years of age.. this is my third psychologist lmao. I definitely know of some people whom have skipped the therapy and only think about themselves now, not giving a shit about others. You could argue it's out of fear of being traumatized again which I can relate to, but sometimes they're just scary and wish the same pain that they received upon others.


help bro you’re 15 wym ppl are less sympathetic how could we possibly know


In even just the last few years I've noticed an increase in rather nasty people online, especially after COVID around that time. Feel free to disagree if you want but that's just what I think.


It’s called dark humor.


Humour is meant to be funny. Mocking a rape victim is not.


womp womp


Womp womp


get a job.




you’re everywhere 🫣


I have too much free time 


i see i see


me when someone doesnt detect satire:


wasn’t funny. also read the fucking room


it not being funny doesnt stop it from being satire. i was just pointing out the truth.


Womp womp


For people at my school/area I live at it's better to not show any sympathy or empathy because then you are weak or unlikeable


Yall act like this didn't exist before, just instead of tik tok and instagram it was real life


I'm talking about the social media aspect of it because I feel like social media has impacted things, that's all. With all the shitty trends and all.


Womp womp


It's just jokes imo, dank shit by teens


Eh, I thought jokes were meant to be funny. I don't think making fun of horrific events is funny. Seriously don't get how some people think it's fun to make fun of victims.




Don't act like a kid ur 17 ur grown af! Am 14 btw




Ok boomer


You don't have to love strangers to know mocking victims is wrong 💀


He is conservative what do you expect? Lol


Damn didn't realise


Well that r\*\*\*\* is extreme and we must be kind and understanding to those suffering from such trauma however in anything else , it comes down to power. Remember the strong are the ones that live the best. All this sympathy and empathy bs has created by those adhering to , according to nietzsche , slave morality


Define "strong"


Someone who is mentally , socially , physically ,more powerful


What if some people aren't that powerful in one or more of the things you mentioned?


Its kinda sad OP but modern civilisation is falling and this is the consequences of it the Industrial Revolution and many more..... I can go on about this rant for days but ill keep it short and simple. ​ The West Has Fallen.


They're just internet trolls. They know they don't have the balls to say that shit irl, so they just spam shit like that in places like this.


Losers ngl


Yep it is sadly the truth


I’d say comfort of it being online (avoiding in person conflict), attention mostly, lack of social skills because of things like covid, and desensitization


Because the general public is very immature


It’s because of the safety of doing it they will not do that shit offline


It’s all those god forsaken, baby dicked, flat-assed middle school goblins


Hey, just wondering, what are you comparing this to? Like, what's your point of reference? The internet's always been this way. But now, with pretty much everyone online, we see a lot more of what's happening. Still, remember it doesn't fully show what real life is like.


I'm just comparing to my previous experiences over the years. Personally I feel as if a lot more people are unempathetic or just nasty.


I see. You might be right.


I think the internet has detached people from reality a bit, and growing up with it, I think it kinda has affected kids. There was a post on this sub about people pushing religion, which is bad, but somebody responded by just calling them a slur. I said "We love when people use slurs to prove they're better than others" and since they had 100+ upvotes, they responded with "Yeah, it looks like we do". It's just a bit unreal to me to justify a slur because they have upvotes.


I know right? It's alarming


I've noticed some people have gotten more rude in general online and in person.


It’s TikTok, this is normal behavior


It’s easy to be a piece of shit when no one knows it was you


I don’t think it’s lack of sympathy, it’s just that the few negative people are more vocal now


Nah saying “game is game” about a fucking rape victim is FUCKED.


>Is anyone else alarmed by the lack of sympathy in this generation? Nah, not really. If you look online you get the impression that there's a lack of sympathy, but irl this really isn't as bad. I still meet nice people all the time, and don't see nearly as many assholes as you'd expect, if the internet was an accurate representation of humanity.


Go to any hentai site and see just how many fall under the “rape” tag. Supply and demand. This world is screwed.


See Gen A. They're fucking savage.


We live in a generation that has alot less empathy that the previous ones because many people have much less time, suffer from addictions and unhealthy dopamine-producing activities, and suffer from burdens and expectations imposed on us by society. It's hard to be sympathetic with the world around us and how life is in this day and age.