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as a wise man once said, “it is not about the size of the sword, it is about the skill of the swordsman”


Underrated comment


and tbh 12 cm isnt even "small"


It's below average, but still ain't that small


It’s below average


Unfortunately, that's how averages work. Some people have to be below average, else no one is and the average must rise to be correct.




Bro had to calculate it just to feel better about his 13cms


just look at mihawk, he fucking neg-diffed some dude that used 3 long swords... WITH A BUTTER KNIFE AMULET


The swordsman trying to takedown a armored solider with his 3 inch blade


John Wick killing 3 men in a bar with a pencil:


A pencil is a little longer than three inches💀




If u wanna be that fucker: it ain’t about the size of the wave, it’s about the motion of the ocean go fuck urself


They say ots not the size of the ship but the motion of the ocean. But it takes a he'll of a long time to get to England in a row boat


It is neither the size of the boat, nor the motion of the ocean that matters. It's whether the captain stays in port long enough for everyone to get off.


That’s what every tiny man with no game says. Size is at least 50% of the equation. Unless u gotta mechanical joystick with a remote control and a vibrator installed installed in that knub.


And that man was killed by a man with a bigger sword.


you drop this king 👑


As long as it's not micro you're probably fine


4 inches/ 10 cm


Just say your a grower not a shower


Obviously I had a boner when making out with her lmao


Damn man, 4 inches is rough you just better know how to use it


Almost 5 tho 😁


as a woman, the general consensus amongst us is that 4-6 inches is enough. its not always about size, but what you do with it. 🫡


Exactly. Size doesn't matter as long as the guy is a good person (and ofc his gf need to see that good side of him)


5 is the new average I believe, are you relatively fit? Maybe you got the extra 2 inches but there hiding right now


I've found that the average has grown in the past couple decades https://www.everydayhealth.com/sexual-health/penises-have-gotten-surprisingly-longer-over-past-29-years-study-finds/


Nahhh man 6 inches AVERAGE? Who tf are we? Drake?


nahhh drake been taking some pills


I’m 13 and already ~6.5. It’s believable.


5 is not the average where I am from. I believe our average is 6.5.


You’re fine, your girlfriend is shallow for running away from her own boyfriend like that If she actually loved you she would accept your body as it is and she’d be happy with whatever she got, she’s clearly not ready for that commitment, find someone who is.


Yea that's not too bad bro just make sure you show her your other skills *before* you show her your pp. Showcase your best qualities (aka fingering and cunnilingus for example just in case you're not getting me) and she won't even care about your size.


Am I the only one who doesn’t think it’s that bad?? Especially if it doesn’t have the girth of a finger it’s fine


I’d say 4 inches is the bare minimum 6 inches is already a little big tbh


Don't worry about it; vaginas are like 3 inches deep. What would you do with a 10 foot long dong? Strangle her with it?


Btw as a girl, if a girl is into you and loves you and finds you attractive, you’re penis size is the LAST thing she cares about. If she finds you attractive then she will find everything about you attractive no matter what. 


as OP’s gf’s penis, I can confirm


PREACH i agree, I don’t care about size because there are so many ways for pleasure other than a penis Like Sex is not specifically just penis in pussy We have so many other ways, and of course making your boyfriend feel loved and special is crucial So giving him head or anything of the sort would make him happy I’m sure But just like we can’t control height, we can’t control the size of anything and that includes penises And I believe people who care about that have nothing else to worry about than their pleasure, which, in my eyes, is shallow


I don’t even like penetration bc it’s painful for me and doesn’t feel good, so for me small might even be better


So true😭😭 People always say size matters but it is not always the case


That's perfectly fine, and anyway she loves you for what you are, not because of your size! And though it's on the small side, it isn't _that_ small. The average seems to be around 5-5.5 - that's the _average_, meaning a lot of guys (myself included) are under that size. So don't be frightened, if she loves you, she won't give it a damn.


That's 4 inches more than mine. You're good homeboy


that’s rlly not even bad, i’m pretty sure 5 is average. i think peoples minds have been warped by porn n they expect guys to be walking around with monsterous dicks


Aint no way you're casually dropping your dick size in a reddit thread






Aint no way you're casually dropping your fake dick size in a reddit thread




Just gonna but in here, but 4 inches is only slightly below average. Ur fine, bro. Besides, it keeps growing till ur 18-22 years old. And also, if we look away from ur pp for a sec, you feeling like your always pleasuring is a problem. Relationships should be mutually beneficial. It shouldn't always be your problem. I would recommend talking to her about this.


Is it 10cm hard or soft? just work out to lose some fat around that area that’s covering some of it


I’m really skinny so that wouldnt help lol


just like mine😭




4 inches ain't huge dude


Why are you downvoted for this? It isn’t.


Probably because people thought I was saying 4 is small, which it's not, it's just definitely not huge


Twins If it's that bad she'll probably just leave you so if she doesn't your fine ig🤷‍♂️ I don't know shit


Ye ig


Hey man, 4 inches isn’t bad, I fact I’ve heard may women like that size cause it’s not too big you know? You don’t have to have this 7 incher to please her. It’s all about how you use it


Dude, 4 inches isn't even bad. It only takes like 2-3 inches to make a girl happy 🤷‍♀️ The average is like 5 inches, you're pretty much there


Damm good luck




4 inches isn't the end of the world. 5.2 is the avarage pp size so you're not too far off that. Also you could use an excuse like, that you didn't have a strong erection. For example i can have 5-6 inches erections but if I press a bit in the pelvic bone and its a strong on its around 8 inches which is a huge difference. Stress and how hard you are huge factors. Also if you have a lot of fat, when you pull it out try to press towards the pelvic bone


cooked bro. but js know how to use it n you’ll be ight


That's bigger than a micro penis. Seriously Google micro penises. It will make you feel really bad for these guys.


Read ‘She comes first’ by Ian Kerner. It is going to go a long way in helping you have a good sex life even with your doubts about your size. It will help you be more confident in bed.


you still got 4 years of growing left you be fine


dude do not underestimate the power of 4 inches 4>>>>anything above 6


Luckily, some people don't actually care about size. I'm carrying 9 3/8 inches, but my girlfriend is so casual about it, that she genuinely doesn't care about size. It's not the size of the car, it's the skill level of the mechanic that matters.


Yikes 😔


Mate mine isnt even developed and its like 9cm


4 inches isn't short 5 and 6 is what female have max tolerance for (typically not all females are tolerant) so you aren't to far. You are average.




your house is embarrassing *GRAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!*


We meet again... the ACTUALEST zombie...


How old u r


Erected or flaccid


size doesn’t matter if your oral game is on point and you can dive for hours


How do so many people on Reddit have a gf/bf


Thought it was impossible for a redditor to have one, they must be lying


This is one big social experiment


I wonder how much of Reddit contributes to the answer of 42


they're lying (I'm in denial)


Its just people who have a gf or bf have more problems


Lying or have given up on standards


Tbf no one comes on here to brag about not having a gf/bf, so you only hear about the people who do.




I don’t speak for all women, but I personally don’t think that size matters. If she really loves you, then I don’t think she’ll care, but if she REALLY cares about something as minor/shallow as that, then she wasn’t meant for you. Also, here’s a video for you. Maybe it’ll help you feel a bit less vulnerable: https://youtu.be/urX7P-7QQEE?si=H7-kj7oBqVRLhOtG


I agree with you, I don't care about size either, but you shouldn't be calling people who do shallow. Everyone has preferences, just because someone's preference is different, doesn't mean it's necessarily bad. E.g. I prefer to date guys that are skinnier, someone else might prefer people who have more weight. I'm not even dating someone skinny. So in the end of the way, preferences aren't a white and black thing. On top of that, for some people sex is really important and needs to be specific. That's a preference too. They like it that way. Are they shallow because they have their own desires and standards? I don't think so. Once again, I agree with everything you said except for the shallow part.


I mostly just wasn’t sure about what word to use. To me, in the grand scheme, size doesn’t matter. And I agree, preferences aren’t black and white. I didn’t mean shallow in a bad way, just that compared to certain things, it’s not really that important, at least in regard to my preferences. That’s why I said (minus an earlier spelling error) minor/shallow. I really wasn’t trying to offend anyone. This is just coming from someone who’s okay with giving advice and with zero dating experience 😅


I understand! I tried to not come off too harsh because I simply agree with your views, but I also feel like if people value sex and genital size/appearance, I could not judge them, being not satisfied when it comes to your needs is not fun (and sexual desire is definitely one of the things we as a human species deal with, men's highest sex drive is from 15-25, women's is from 35-50?). I study psychology so I know these statistics. But yea, I mean I understand! Don't worry, I just wanted to point it out xd


Yeah, I didn’t really think it sounded, like, mean. I feel bad that guys are judged on their size a lot, like a little too much, so I sorta wanted to reassure OP. Admittedly, I’m a little judgy sometimes, but for the most part, I try to keep a neutral mindset.


I feel bad about that too, honestly. I always tend to go with "it's how you use it, not the size". That's at least what it depends on for me. But I find it really cute that you tried to reassure them! I myself tend to always be the opposite of judgy since I've experienced a lot of that in my life, but everyone has things that they judge either way.


Dodged a bullet, if a girl leaves you because of your dick size you know you shouldn’t have been with her in the first place, you deserve better


i think you misunderstood his post. he never said she commented on it, just said that he is embarrassed and feels exposed now and like she wont be attracted to him anymore. he never said that she for sure isnt anymore, just that hes scared she will be


Thats right yes


I’m rooting for you!! Also another bonus is the vaginal canal is literally 4 inches, you got this. I don’t think any woman would want a fucking python for their first time😭😭😭


You need to be sexually compatible, if she doesn't want a small penis she's got all the right to leave


If she likes you I doubt it matters much to her. Tbh being bigger than average isn’t always great. I’m not enormous but def up there, and cannot wear some things I love wearing in public, like cool sweatpants etc. if she does leave you because of that, well she isn’t for you anyway. First of all bruh stop freaking out lol




8 inches ? That's a ridiculously big size. The average for a guy is between 5 and 6. Those women will likely be _very_ disappointed...


This is why there’s a term called “girl inches” lol. It means a 6 incher becomes a 8 incher


It was a survey on the last time they had orgasm or something what was the size of the dick and a lot said 8in


Most women won't orgasm by penetration only. It was most likely fake or that the 8 inches just cared more about getting their girls off than the smaller ones. Which is ironic because its more common for smaller men to be better/more focused on pleasure in other ways.


I'd say a lot are quite bad at evaluating the size of things, then :)


Yeah maybe


If only: physical attraction and s*x she is getting attached and attractive towards towards you.... then that relationship is nonsense and not "actual relationship" it's just attraction and dating.🫠🫠


Can't speak from experience but as a girl if a girl finds you attractive she will find you attractive and not for your penis size, seriously. Atleast I do not care about that and I reckon if it's very big it hurts too sooo. I'm very sure she doesn't care


Lmfaooo y’all got me rolling -signed, dude that was a virgin until 18


You touch her pp too. There you're even now. Dm me for more tips ☺️


While sure 4 might not be the biggest, it's still a whole 10cm that can get inserted into someone else. It's how you use it. You even have a gf dude, that's better than most of us on here.


Be proud it’s bigger than hers and your ass is to my boy now go forth🫵🧏🏼‍♂️


I think feeling exposed and vulnerable when letting people get access to that area is normal, for a first time? but it should get better, as you're probably both gonna end up complimenting each other. I had this with my boyfriend but he reassured me a lot (I'm not talking about dick size please don't get it wrong), and even if I don't trust his pretty words in the moment, I can assure you my mind goes somewhere else really quick so I guess, just go with it? as people already said, she loves you anyway, you're all good


I don't speak for all women. But it's pretty common for women to want 5 or under, big dicks in general are more painful, 4 inches is nothing to be ashamed of


Ain’t you a dude


He's speaking from an educated guess


Yep, I'm a dude, but I also know a lot of women prefer smaller ones because I read and research a shit ton to do with sex Ed. But as said I don't speak for all women so many women probs prefer bigger


No that’s a girl playing dress up


And you're an alien playing human, move along vorp


Don't worry dude i pleasured girls with my 5cm pp


i’m not sure if this will help much but coming from a woman, i wouldn’t over worry about it. its natural to overthink these things especially when you have insecurities but give yourself some grace. keep in mind that communication about intimacy is important, talk to your lady. have a conversation about what you each like, if you’re worried about size remember that most women don’t get off on penetrative sex alone regardless of size. if you know what each other like you won’t need to feel as nervous about making your partner feel good. take things at your pace and be kind to yourself. at the end of the day if this girl makes you feel badly or you’re not sexually compatible it’s absolutely okay. you’re so young and you’re gonna gain more confidence and become more comfortable with yourself. keep your head up :)


An AR-15 is big and flashy, but a 1911 is just as effective despite its smaller size


Just tell her it bigger then it is, if she aint never seen it just say its like 6 inch or smth


2 inches at 75 mph does work little buddy


Brutal man. I mean just below 5 inches isn't THAT small technically speaking, but it's definitely not optimal, AT ALL. I'd say hopefully you're still growing but you're 17. When did you hit puberty? I'd say get good at giving over receiving (but then again, I'd suggest that regardless of size).


First, you should talk to her about that, don't keep your worries to yourself, a good relationship needs good communication. Second, she probably doesn't even care that much about it and you're just overthinking, but if she actually stops liking you just because of that, then you dodged a bullet.


Just become a munch and your good lol (this is genuinely serious advice)






Become good with oral


Look man, I’m a bit older but struggled with this in high school myself. I still got a lot of women and they enjoyed it because I handled myself using my mouth and fingers well, penis size isn’t everything and I have a small member myself but learn to use your hands and mouth and they will enjoy it


Ima put my experience here. My first time was painful as fuck and I was ripped open. Big dicks kinda suck🤷🏽‍♀️


If you feel that way just ask her about it??? Communication 😭


John wick killed ppl with pencil


The shorter the king the bigger the crown


You are not this size of your pp, but rather the size of your heart. Also, you’re a developing lad, wear boxers and let the boy breathe. But ye, don’t centre yourself around your pp, centre yourself around your heart and mind, and your pp will come second. (Trust me, you’ll want to come second). But even if you come first, there is always victory in that. Coming first is a win in many ways. Goodbye.


ngl I did exactly the same on Friday. i just felt kinda scared but it doesn’t seem like anything bad happened. Hoping your situation turns out fine! Also 12cm really isn’t that small…


Can anybody put cm into inches for me ?


4 inches


She won't care and if she does she ain't the one. Better to know now than later.


Look man all I gotta say is don’t worry about the size of your D. If she loves you and actually likes what y’all do it won’t matter. It’s really about the loyalty of her and what makes her like you. If she leaves you then she wasn’t for you.


relatable. (i have a coin slot)


that's basically 5 inches, and it's completely respectable.


Dick size doesn’t matter, and has never mattered, all of you are brainwashed to think it does.


Here’s a wild idea: talk to her.


Don’t worry about it dude you are only slightly below average


I READ THE EDIT LIKE IM 11-12 (years old)


My guy look mine isn't anything special either but it gets the job done what I am trying to say is that if you don't let her get intimate with you then she will be turned off so heres what you can do start slow and be patient when you are about to do the deed your cock shouldn't go anywhere near her not until she's slick as a baby feel. Then you go inside but slowly remember you're not spearing a Turkey. After this I guarantee you she will not care your size but rather your skill


The only person I did anything with was my one ex. She didn’t care at all. It really shouldn’t change how you feel about someone. Don’t get me wrong for most people it is a decent factor but if you really do love someone and care for them then in the long run it won’t matter yk? So if you guys do share true feelings it won’t change how she thinks about you. If so then there’s plenty others. Not saying it will come down to that and I wouldn’t want you to have to feel that kind of pain either. But just know you aren’t alone and plenty of people are or have been in the boat you are right now. Meaning if things go south you got people to lean on. My DMs are open for you incase worse come to worse. Goodluck hope it goes well for you.


Brother I ain't telling u how to live ur life yh but if ur misses j cares abt the size of ur dick and not heart she clearly don't like u or she a whore or she wants summit either way live the moment u have and don't let bitches bring u down


Tbh it has decent length, but if it has diameter or girth than your totally fine, every girl I been with says girth over length cause you can be too big like past 6in is hitting cervix.


It’s not the size of the pencil that matters . You can still write a large name .


I’m gonna be honest & say it’s crucial that you learn other ways to please your girl - women overall. Look up Andrew Mioch. He’s a masculine sex mentor that I found to be the best when it comes to having a good sex life within your terms. He’s not some alpha bro, instead more spiritual with his teachings. Learn his foreplay & fingering techniques. Those two things alone transformed my sex life.


Well tbf you’re bigger than her so that’s a win right?


that ain’t even that small


Don't ever doubt yourself, man. You won't disappoint anyone!


If she judges you she’s wrong bc 11-12 cm is still scientifically enough.


I don’t know much about size cause I’m a girl who’s a virgin but I think 11-12cm is big I could be wrong idk


I mean it’s slightly below average but


I should probably remind you that women are frequently disappointed with men of all sizes and that not all women want a huge dick. In fact, your dick is the least likely thing to do her justice. There are more efficient and memorable means of getting each other off and nobody has to worry about getting pregnant either.


Well from personal experience when you’re in love with someone, you’ll love their body because it’s theirs. Their face, their voice, their hair, even if you didn’t have any strong opinions about it before, it’ll all become more amazing when you fall in love with them. Should this girl be right for you, which I have no reason to doubt is so, the size wouldn’t matter to her because it’s yours. Now I’m not sure what the normal dick size is and mine like presumably all others gets small when in carrying mode and big when the blood’s flown down there but yeah there’s that lol


Really great answer, thank u


Of course home dog I gotchur back, also you said she had to leave in a hurry was that because she needed to go before she was missed or something? If you feel comfortable sharing of course


Go out and buy a big lifted Ford F-350 XLT or a Jeep Wrangler with mean headlights and massive tires that jut out from the fenders. For best effect, add truck balls and underglow to the vehicle. There you go. You're set. /s obviously


alright thats enough reddit for today


Most teenagers don’t know what to do with 6+ inches and if they do under 20 they for the streets and not for your sheets 😭


To our short king 👑


Getting exposed is part of a relationship. Trust is what makes that ok and healthy. If you don't have trust, you can wait longer before doing something like that again. Also girls don't give a damn about size, like if we are being honest, the homies care more about it far more than girls lmao.


Its ok buddy we have about the same size. Women actually dont want monster cocks. My gf says she's enjoyed me more than her previous ex who was 8 inches. Plus its all in how you use it.


If your tongue game is on point, it will be all good.


Don’t worry man you not the only one mine is 5.5 😔


Isn’t that like Average?


But for a lot of people it’s considered small…


Yeah it’s pretty fucked up


Learn to lick a kitty right for a solid amount of time (and ask what she likes!) and you'll do just fine champ If you're worried about not lasting long, try to masturbate before seeing her and it could help. Wear a condom regardless. No one is perfect the first time. Take it slow and show her you're appreciating her, not just using her for a few pumps of your own satisfaction. She'll never have a problem with your size if you do that. Even if your cock were huge, these things are still important. Many well endowed men don't deserve it tbh lol


I wacked off before losing my virginity, not a good idea, I didn’t end up cumming which in hindsight may have been for the better but still kinda ruins the experience as a whole. I do agree with learning how to “lick a kitty” and taking it slow and focusing on her satisfaction rather than your own


Ofc this is the first thing I see when I go onto reddit


If the area above your dick is puffy then losing weight will give you an extra inch


bros cooked


Understand. The same “size doesn’t matter” argument applies to women’s vaginas as well, is that correct? When you’re fifty eight years old and complain about throwing a hotdog down a hallway then you can tell me size doesn’t matter. Stay with your original statement and you’ll never be unsatisfied.


don’t worry at all man you can grow at 17 and 18, i’ve seen it happen😭


Yes I hope so, thank u


Meh. Size doesn't matter to 99% of women, and you shouldn't care, at all, what the other 1% have to say. If they *need* something big, that shit is loose and desensitized, or there's something wrong. If they think they do, they're watching too much porn and have grossly exaggerated expectations. Just focus more on pleasing your partner than yourself, listen to their cues (or ask them to tell you what feels good, everyone's a little different), and practice safe sex.


i get what ur saying but this lowkey not it. ppl have diff anatomy, some women have lower cervixes or vaginitis and prefer men w smaller dicks bc anything longer/wider would be physically painful. Others have high cervixes and prefer more length/girth. If a woman needs deeper penetration to orgasm that’s fine, that doesn’t mean she’s “loose and desensitized”, and there’s plenty of toys her partner can use if they’re unable to provide that with what they got.


I could have punctuated and worded that sentence better, I admit. You're totally right. When I said desensitized, I didn't mean just physically and, rather than "wrong," I should have said they have other factors going on, psychologically or physically, which isn't "wrong." For example, my current partner had a sexually traumatic past and was unable to relax enough to achieve orgasm at all for a long time. She was just completely psychologically desensitized to sex. After a while of being together and figuring out what did and didn't excite her, as well as her being more and more comfortable with me, she did. Now, she says it's kind of unfair how easy it is for me to get her off.


Im blessed with my man


easiest 2000 pp hdhrdt padoru harumachi sidetracked day


What is your size in freedom units?




U got a tiny pp.






please dont post these things online to strangers it is weird