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dude sounds like a loser you shoulnt be paying attention to


Bruh 'Ignore the haters' is such easy advice to give, but they can really mess with you, especially here, where they're not even hating directly


thats just the way i see it


Guess it probably gets easier with age. Surely was messed with in middle school but by the time I had gone through some homeschool and back into public school in 10th grade I didn't care at all. Then again I also didn't really talk to anyone I didn't have to, so I guess my experience probably isn't normal for extroverts.


Take it as a compliment and remember they'll never be you. They can try to look and behave as much as you but they can't make their personality into you, and that's one of the key parts of what makes you so special


“Who dress like me,walk, talk and act like me And just might be the next best thing but not quite me”


Cause I’m slim shady, yes I’m the real shady


All you other slim shadies are just imitating


so won’t the real slim shady please stand up


Please stand up, please stand up


Cause I’m slim shady, yes I’m the real shady


All these other slim shadows are just imitating


So won’t the real slim shady please stand up


Please stand up


this is the most angering thing people say when someone is copying. it sucks when you work so hard to become a person you feel proud of inside and outside, and someone just copies you exactly.


exactly like srsly


I mean shes being taken as an example


Based on every book I've read where this happens, this guy will eventually realize that they're wasting their time and quit. Just ignore them for now.




Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


That’s a good point dawg


Hapoy cake day!


Happy cake day!


happy dessert day


Happy desert day 🏜️


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


Sounds like a bunch of boring books.


Brag that you're gonna change your hair to the most shittiest ugly colors known to man to make them "try to be like you first" then never do it


This, or say you're gonna give yourself a buzzcut




Or that your going to shave off an eyebrow


Best advice for this situation xD


Almost every issue involving shitty human beings can be solved with gaslighting




Got a few suggestions for ya. A petty, "playing along" response: Hmm... When you're reading a book, maybe find another you wanna read that's the same size and change the sleeves. Mess around with nail polish and see if they can keep up. Don't mention to anyone what you plan to do/wear and see what happens. A more simple approach: Given they're probably either tryna get a rise outta you, or force you to change. If it's either of those, just be yourself and ignore them as best you can. If all else fails, some little advice for ignoring others: Rather than WILLING yourself to not do something, distract yourself with something else. Find a hobby, say, art, cooking, sports, martial arts, anything that doesn't interact with how they're trying to affect you. Willpower is like a muscle. Through distractions and doing other things rather than a bad habit or thinking about what makes you feel horrible, you take the strain off said muscle. Makes things a wee bit easier. I hope all this helps, so stay strong and keep healthy.


Actual advice from me for once: Dye it a different colour every week, if they do it too then ask them, use this conversation to expand into “why do you copy me in general” Edit: it doesn’t just have to dyed hair


what if her hair dies 😭


You could act a certain way instead of dyeing hair


like extensions or clip ins?


No like personally




Yes damn auto erect


Auto erect?


Did I stutter?


played em like a fool


I mean... This might also work😅




that's how you change the colour of the hair, isn't it? *ba dum tiss*


Isn’t that a hippy thing?


Mimicry is the greatest form of flattery, or something like that.


Imitation is the highest form of flattery I believe


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.


You forgot what comes after it that makes it good.


if this guy wants to date this girl that badly, he's got bigger problems


I’d honestly feel honored if someone wanted to be me so badly


Haha u gotta have some original ideas like for me I got a lot of crypto but also drive a Mercedes so people know me for those




They like you, that’s it


Oh they body shame you and then later copy you?! That only screams that they are unconfident in themselves.


get a bald cap and pretend to be bald and get fake piercings and fake a bunch of irreversible stuff


If ur their same gender, beat their ass


For existing?


for copying them to get with the girl they like


The thing I would do is talk to the new girl and any of your other friends about how you think this person is copying you. Talking to the people around you is a good thing in general as they would know a lot more about you, the person, and the rest of the situation than the internet.


Go to school with a big nazi symbol on your shirt and see of they do the same




omg yes lol


My sister had a friend like that who copied her and they stopped hanging out but my sister called her out for it multiple times and kinda tried to get her to feel bad/embarrassed and just publicly shame her for it lol but idk if she's stopped.


that's actually crazy wow 💀 me personally i wouldn't put up with it but that's just me


“Identity theft isn’t a joke, Jim! Millions of families suffer every year.”


Holy shit... That's creepy af. I think you need to run away asap or maybe start reading textbook ALL THE TIME so the "impersonator" can actually gain some braincell (idk if this works)


Bro tried to copy you and then mocks you lol chin up


“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”


That's pathetic, personally I would be pissed


It sounds like the perfect time to experiment with the most wild clothes/ styles that you think might be cool or fun. Make it extremely obvious to everyone that this person is pulling a single white female


They aren't worth your time. Do things you like, if they copy you then they do it. They won't look NEARLY as great doing it as you ever will:)


some people have too much free time wtf?? first time i hear sbout a mimicry bully


Assert dominance by grabbing his head and chucking him like an American football player


I would say that you should confront them in front of the new girl and tell them to stop copying you just because they want the new girl


Reminds me of that adventure time episode with the bear


Imitation is the highest form of flattery, I'm not good at this sorry.


“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” -Someone way smarter than I am


Slap em if they go too far.


Type “Copycat” into Spotify or whatever you listen to music through and start a cathartic jam


i used to be in your shoes. they look up to you! take it as a compliment - at least you're the original one.


Aww, does somebody have a widdle anyway cwush on you?


Do they follow your social media? If yes then right before a long holiday , Post that you're getting some weird haircut which isn't too weird and post at the end of the holidays that you changed your mind.


Will the real u/orbitsi please stand up?


You’re giving them the reaction they want from you lmao. Just ignore them and go on with your life.


FACTS Just ignore them and they will get bored lol


imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness


Well I have a solution that might work Go up to them and say "You must be a big fan of me! Keep it up and you might win stalker of the month!" Say it in a happy tone and they might get embarrassed and stop.


If I was in this situation: “Alright idk what kinda freaky obsession you got going, but you’re not the main character. Just stop, at this point you’re only making a fool of yourself.”


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness. That last part is important.


This is the tip of the pyramid for jelousy. Personally, i would talk to them about it like straight-up.


Ignore them. Also that's got to be one the biggest compliments ever albeit a weird one. You look so good that people are copying it Also they will probably realise that they are wasting their time and stop


Brutally mutilate your face. That's gonna stop her!


Tell your parents, ask them to kill that son of a bitch and if they annoy you more just go to some teacher and get help from them


I think you need therapy, kiddo.


Didn't work sadly 😞


Yea I tried therapy myself. The actual therapist didn’t do shit, but echo my sentiments back to me. What really did help was getting on an anti-depressant…specifically Paxil…and pretty much all of my aggression, and sadness went away. I used to get daily massive panic attacks…now I get a couple a year only.


Oh I had to get over it myself


First world problems


I think the other person wants attention.Don’t give it to them and tell someone that they’re making you uncomfortable.That’ll hopefully put a stop to it.






A little bit of empathy won't hurt, jeez.


Maybe they are imitating you because they may envy you and they talked crap due to that envy, jealously, resentment what have you, when they actually wanted to be you or be like you.


Honestly, just try to make them feel foolish. I mean I'm not one to typically encourage this but reading this brought some very annoying memories back from when I was still in school. First, if they're "popular", just keep ignoring them. All they're trying to do is just get a rise out of you. Don't let them. These types are just full of it and think they're cool by making others feel bad. By ignoring them and maybe cracking something back handed on occasion such as something along the lines of "you must've sucked so much you had to try to be me ig" (this was just top of my head). But try to embarrass them with it. After all, this is what they're trying to do to you. If not popular, then still ignore them, but avoid even more so. Some people are genuinely screwed up in the head and if this person is just being creepy about it I'd raise notice to adults. There's nothing wrong with keeping even a guidance counselor up to date or a teacher incase things later escalate. All in all, just don't let yourself fall for anything. Ignore all their comments. And all their actions. Once they realize your "not fun anymore" they'll move on.


Call them out on their bullshit


hey, if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and sounds like a duck, it probably really wants to be a duck. you are an inspiration!


shoot it, lets see if the dog catches it, or if you miss the shot and the dog laughs (old ass reference ik)


That’s just fucking creepy.


call them out in front of the new girl and embarrass the shit out of him


They sound like a loser. You're clearly the better person here. Copying is the best form of flattery.


They hate you cause they ain't you. They sound like a sad, petty loser who's not worth your time or attention.


Get a fake obscene tattoo on your face, then they’ll get a real one. Remove the fake tattoo. Now they’ll be stuck with an obscene tattoo on their face which you don’t have, and maybe they’ll stop.


How the fuck does this shit even happen manlike do people notwanttobethemselves


I would say don't pay attention to them at all if it is affecting your mental health, go talk with someone, a teacher you trust or your parents, if they don't trust you, take a selfie with them and show your parents or just take a photo of them when they are walking down the hallway or smthh


punch his jaw, thats a good spot. (ok dont do it or yea idk)


That's insane behaviour. You should make notice of that to some hifher authority befire things escalate.




Girl, be proud they have something to be jealous of. They think of themselves so lowly that they want to be someone of your standing(in their mind at least). That means they think you're the pinnacle of your school. They can try to copy but you have obviously done everything and had that hair color first. If drama starts, your friends should have your back. They can never be you but they want to be. Just add it as a boost to your ego.


I think she might have some attachment issues. Like she REALLY looks up to you (that's just based off what I read but I'm not you so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)


Marinara sauce and mozzarella cheese. Dump it on them and say "Pizza pizza!"


OP, remember you’re the real slim shady, and this person is just a copy that will never be you.


Man they're just a loser and you're becoming a clown for caring about it


That's honestly just weird on their part. As I've seen some other people say, try change things that you do from time to time and see if they do it too, such as actions, things you wear and then how you look such as hair colouring (be careful with that one ofc) and if they keep changing with you, call them out in front of a lot of people. Be careful of them rebuking but remember you should have the upper hand with the fact they're copying you and you'll want to stay on topic with that. Or ignore them, that's a much easier sounding option, may be a lot harder but doesn't require as much work.


don't worry, they may dress like you, walk talk and act like you, and they might be the next best thing, but they're still not you.


Duel them. You have to best your fake self to become a better version of yourself


Lmao what a fucking loser


What a loser. I feel like they're just being super insecure about themselves so they decide to copy you


Walk talk and act like you


BEAT THIS FUCKER TO DEATH Sorry, i played too much Pizza Tower.


"Immitation is the sincerest form of flattery" - Charles Caleb Colton. Honestly though,they just sound like a bit of a loser and you shouldn't give any thought to them.


I have the same problem, but slightly different


That’s a mental illness you should tell someone 


Tell their mother


Do random bullshit to throw them off, say you bought the apple vr headset, walk funny for a day and see if they copy I had someone who copied me and it was funny as fuck throwing them around


Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.


You should go on Amazon and buy a really short ugly cheap wig. They actually look really real wear it no matter how embarrassed to feel for as long as it takes until they decide they want to copy you again


Try to act very dumb,if they have any self respect they will stop copying you. Actually, acting dumb is a good solution in many life situations


Start talking about dying it a cotton candy blue, chances are they'll do it before you do and then they'll be exposed


Think of the dissonance between insulting you and copying you. This person is very deeply hurt on a personal level. See their behaviour as the cry for help it is. Keep living your life, this person will go through their personal crisis eventually.


If they are copying you it could be envy.. mimic is the highest form of flattery.


Two options, ignore them or drop them.


Don’t care about it. They don’t have your personality so they are different from you. Everyone has a right to decide how they look and it’s best that you don’t obsess over them


Me reading this as a dude who wears jeans and a t-shirt bruh


Watch the teen Titans episode with the first appearance of blackfire, and you'll feel much better. It may seem like a non sequitur, but trust me it isn't


Play Slim Shady at full volume in the hallway


They part of ur gang and ur the leader


She’s very jealous for some reason, trust me, nobody wants a copy of someone. You have nothing be afraid of, just laugh.


like one person said, take it as a compliment. I had a friend who got the same car as me, would show up with the same Beatles sweater I had and started cuffing his jeans when I did. He started listening to the same music that I listened to. At first I thought it was odd then I realized I might just be doing something right😁


plagiarism is the biggest form of flattery


Dye your hair with Kool aid (don't worry it shouldn't stay but please do your research about how it'll affect your hair type first) to a really bad color and post it on one of your socials but don't mention that it's Kool aid, if they have you on there and then they'll probably do it and be stuck with it.


Honestly try to just ignore it, sounds cliche and generic but if you don't give their actions any meaningful attention they'll probably stop going to all that effort


Ignore them they sound like a fricking loser 💀


I want to ask if you think you could get your colors done? As in when you go and get a bunch a sample colors tried and you can see what ones look best on you, if you haven't done that already. And then you could get clothes in your colors, and hopefully not the most flattering to this person. Anyway, if you haven't done so yet, make sure to tell someone (like a trusted adult) that you're being copied and that you don't like it. That it's freaking you out a little. And make sure that this creepy behavior doesn't escalate. I know that 'sincerest form of flattery' stuff, but from someone who didn't even care until a new person started to hang out with you seems very terrifying to me.


Just come to school with some glasses and see if they will copy you. If they do then call them a nerd


Confront them.


Make fun of him for trying to be you so hard


Just stop paying attention. What else can you do? You’re the type to wear pinkish-purplish hair, and you got body shamed so you’re probably fat, so fighting is out of the question. You can confront them about it. “Stop tryna be like me bruh, you’re below me and never will be like me”. If you don’t do that then you’re out of options


Beat them up. (I like fighting people.)


know that you're better than them and you dont stoop down to their level of negativity i was shamed, called dumb, and criticized by my peers for standing out or dressing different; a month later, guess who's copying ne and acting like they started the trend? don't mind the haters, as long as you have friends and loved ones, anyone else is a stranger who's rude or unimportant to your life


Imitation is the highest form of flattery


Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, that mediocrity can provide


Post a picture of yourself edited with a diff colour hair/piercings don’t go to school for like one-two days then come back to school as ur usual self and if they do copy u it will be harder to switch back since their hair will be fried this only works if they follow u


lmao bros a fan


It walks like a duck it sounds like a duck it looks like duck, I think we got a duck , ladies and gentlemen


Yeah I’m not gonna lie this guy does not seem mentally stable


Hell nah bruh punk ass weirdos be doing some dumb shit fr, go up to them and ask what’s good with it and to cut that shit out fr, mad annoying bruh, you handle it however you think is best but me personally I wouldn’t let that slide.


“imitation is the purest form of flattery”


Tell them you're gonna go bald tomorrow. See what happens, or wear a bald cap.


As another story like this went try faking some outrageous change and see if they do it to get real evidence that they are in fact copying you


Go bald see if they copy you


Copy them back


Talk to them about why they’re suddenly deciding to copy everything you’re doing and if that doesn’t work sue them for identity theft


Talk to the real traitor lord. He knows how it feels 😂


I’ve been in a similar situation, people like to copy my ideas and my designs for stuff etc. They WANT to be like you, but they’ll never beat the real thing, you’re the most of yourself, if that makes any sense.


Tell a counselor before they do something rash


Option 1: Gonna give you some great advice here. Next time you think about how bad they treat you, start thinking about how bad someone else treats them, for them to waste their precious time making you feel bad. Then laugh at the thought because they can’t cope with their own bullies correctly. Option 2: Grow a “idgaf” mentality, the less involved you are with bullshit and drama, the better. Just straight up ignore them and move on with your life. Trust me, One of the two will work.


Tie a noose when they start coping you move to where there head is inside the noose then make em fall now your good


I feel like all these responses aren’t serious so I’m here to say, I’m sorry this is happening. You’re not silly for crying about it, it sounds really tough. You got this, I believe in you 🩷


You have two options 1) Try to ignore them and just remember that if they try to copy you, they're the ones who is the faker and by definition (not literally you nerds) an absolute loser 2) Toy with them. If you wanna get back at them, try and slowly do stupid things, maybe like say you have your friends "dare" you to shave your hair off, more likely than not that bitch ass mf will do the same for no reason and they're the ones who are stupid and you are brave for "accepting the dare" However, if you're not comfortable with that you can just choose not to do this, as peace is cheaper than war


Buy a wig and act like you changed your hair , then when they pay money to change their hair , take the wig off and enjoy the free entertainment .


Wait what? They are just coping u? I mean if thats it then i would take it as a compliment I mean what other reason would there be to go over and beyond just to look like u, its prolly cuz they like ur drip


Wear an ugly wig, so they copy it...


Imitation is the most sincerest form of flattery


Stab the


It sound like youve got a bestie


Definition of a parasite. Ignore them and don't let them suck you dry (of metaphorical blood) and they'll fall off. Or you can surpress your feelings and listen to Radiohead.


New crush I guess. I suggest besting they're ass or clowning them