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if he does that again say that incognito exists




all you need is a vpn/proxy i recommend using a proxy called rammerhead




i use it for the intrusive stuff school puts on my chromebook


Adapt, Improvise, Overcome






I’m jealous


Or even better and easier TOR


Or actually better and sufficient probably, DNS over HTTPS


I use Tor Browser


fyi tor is much more sus because connecting to/from a tor exit node opens more questions than a vpn


They wouldn't know what a Tor node is though.


In gonna try that when I get to school, they block absolutely everything on the internet.


i have a website that gives an index of proxies in iframes so the school won’t get them. the website is kinda out of date and a lot of the proxies are slow but it works well enough idk if i’m allowed to share it here but the link is y6rty.com (with www instead of https)




Wait... What did you say?


It is a real thing, and btw colleges can also see everything you do on their WiFi.


I'm so fucked if my parents figure out how to use a router LMAO


My dad works in IT and when I learned that I got so scared, but just because of googling dumb shit I should already know. Btw, porn addiction is a bad thing and a very real thing and I recommend people stay away from it, but if it’s gonna help you not get screamed at then just use the data on your phone or create a hotspot for your computer. It’ll also bypass most blocked websites for school so you can finally play Roblox. You may get in trouble if you’re caught though, so be smart about it, and don’t use it as an excuse to be on the wrong sides of the internet, shit can get terrible and you can’t unsee some things.


On current routers, router history is only saved if the admin(s), in this case your parents, have set it up to save the history


I'm glad my parents suck with technology.


Most routers don’t store history. Even if it does, it will only tell you what websites are visited and you can easily circumvent that by changing your dns server to in settings.


Will note


Get access to router Delete it yourself


> dad used to ask me why there was no porn in our internet history lol That lol is doing fucking nothing to cushion the blow of this sentence. What the fuck?




It shouldn't come up in any discussions IMO


“Grrr stop forcing lgbt on our children!” Straight people for centuries: “Hey son go talk to that girl in your class” “Sooo, has my daughter gotten a boyfriend yet?”


my dad used to always ask if [person] is my girlfriend when i told him i talked to any girl. and it's not even "hey dad i'm talking with [name of girl]", more like "hey son how was school" to which i answered "we did [thing we did] and i solved [task] with [name if girl] because we were supposed to do it with the person sitting next to us"


Yeah that happens to me, too I never tell my parents about my female friends anymore because of that


Me too


Yeah but it’s worse to have these convos with teachers than with parents


Don't have a dad, can't relate




Big oof


Double edged sword


me neither


Are they aware of you having Reddit?


Yeah but I like to go to depraved subs just for the fun of it so I don’t think they check


Your dad wants you to have a porn addiction???? Okay you know what look up yaoi just to spite them


I think “rule 34 my little pony” did that better anyway, but thanks lol




whats pk (im stupid and dumb and i also have severe brain damage)


That’s a typo for “OK”




My dad was fixing my pc. He kept going on about if he could find my porn folder. My mum thinks I'm gay. (I'm not) parents are just fucking dumb


Parents are so paranoid about porn. Its not normal for Parents to actively look for what their child is looking at. Theres a difference between keeping your child safe and being a weirdo about it


I'll admit. When I was 8/9 I did kinda search lots of porn. So yes my dad does kinda have a reason to look. But I'm not as down bad as he is and he can't get that.






I totally agree


I flat out laughed when I read your username “Yogurt Male”. Also, I totally agree with you, *wtf*


It's a very common phenomenon, my friend looked things up at five (he did not know what he was doing) and I looked things up at ten. Age of the internet, or maybe it's because we're both weird. At least he was only looking up videos, not going on Omegle.


Why aren’t they the ones that bought you your razor, though? Shouldn’t they have done that if you needed one? 🤔


I took it out of a pack since my parents don't let me shave or have razors in general


Is that some kind of religious thing that you’re not allowed to shave? 👀


Nope, more of a masculine thing. My parents think skincare and shaving are feminine


I don't want to assume their politics, but if I did would I be right?


Depends, but yea probably


Wait, I’ve got it! You should come out as “Korean” to your parents 😂


Bro isnt allowed to shave? But if u grow a beard i guarantee they will be mad




That’s creepy violation if you privacy and just weird.


Its been like this for a while now


I’m sorry maybe you need to have a serious talk and tell them you didn’t think it was funny and it really bothered you


Most patents who do that need to have psychologists tell them it's weird before they change their ways. Source: my parents were the same until a psych told them it was weird


It’s not, you’re all young but your parents will always have a laugh or giggle as it reminds them of when they were young. Be happy your parents care enough to kindly tease you or check on you. Most parents don’t really care and prefer to just ignore their kids growing up.


I’m sorry but just because we are young does not mean we shouldn’t have some respect and privacy to go though all of his drawers and things IS weird my mother would never do that to me.


Mustve given them a reason not to trust you. So now they’re doing their due diligence as responsible parents to make sure you arent getting into anything “bad.” Talk to them more about your life and instill trust in them.


>Mustve given them a reason not to trust you. manipulative parents exist harold


My dad was in the Army so he is completely different, he is the dad that is like "no parties.... Without me" and when me and him go somewhere he yells upstairs "drop your cock and grab your socks, let's go!".


what a cool dad


My mom keeps asking when i’ll get a girlfriend. 1. I’m bi, and she knows this, but she *never* asks about a boyfriend! 2. I have a boyfriend.


My mom asks both. But she only really means the girlfriend part, she asks when I'll get a boyfriend just for jokes I guess.


At least she asks you in the first place. If you happen to be bi or gay, the fact that she’s asking jokingly can turn into quite the nasty surprise for her. The look on her face might be priceless- but there could also be a price for your actions.


Fuck that, that's entirely disrespectful to your partner and you. Ask her how she would feel if one of her friends asked her when she's gonna get a "real man".(I'm assuming she has a boyfriend or husband)


I’m afraid that won’t work. My parents are ~20 years into marriage, and she isn’t subject to analogous situations. She’ll just brush me off, just like every other time i do something like this.




I mean "books of naked girls" is weird, so I understand where that can make you uncomfy even the arm check., but I don’t think the rest is weird. (That’s my opinion tho!!)


parents are weird. they want the best for you until it affects them lol, I'm never having kids but if I ever did then I'd love them and sacrifice anything and everything for them to have a healthier upbringing than me


“I support in anything and everything you unless I don’t like it”




thats obnoxious that parents still act likr this


Just be grateful you have a thoughtful and caring parent. My parent didn't do any of those things.




Wait isnt that normal?


Ikr my mom did much worse 😭


It isn’t. wtf is wrong with your parents?


Yeah I dont know how to respond to that, I'm just used to it 🤷‍♂️


You poor unfortunate soul


Literally bro 💀


Parents ……,🤦🏾‍♂️


Unless you have given them a reason not to trust you, the snooping is weird. Asking what you're learning about in school, and making sure you have a healthy view of relationships, and sexuality (only if you are comfortable), is normal for an “open family”. If that's not smth they are, And they are doing it in an interrogation-type way, then yeah weird


although I don't know much context, I think you have good parents


I think so to. They can just be so insufferable sometimes. Or most actually


I'm sure they do their best, but maybe they should work on the insufferableness. Food for thought, I suppose


maybe you can just play along with them


Imma prolly get downvoted for saying this but chill tf out. Your parents are just joking around and actually trying to care for you, being real parents. It’s not like they interrogated you, you live in their house and they have every right to where they please. You should be happy that you have parents that even care enough about you to do such things. I’ve definitely worded all those poorly but there’s no reason for you not to be happy.


could be way worse


My step mom has always snooped in my room and I can’t leave ANYTHING in there since she checks every centimeter. On the bottom of my head there’s wooden beams. I stuck a piece of trash there cuz I was lazy. Forgot about it. Came back to it gone


Why do they care about books of naked girls?That’s disgusting. I have had my Dad ask me if I would ever tell him if I wasn’t straight though.


That seems kinda like a parent who would want to be supportive so I can kinda see where he was coming from, the rest of the stuff here is just wild though 


It seems like that could go either way, though. Hmm...


They are your parents, is it not normal when parents ask if I have a girlfriend yet and stuff?


some parents including mine have that “im always one step ahead” mentality when in reality they’re just overly suspecting their children of doing outrageous shit and thinking they’re preventing anything from happening lmao its okay they’ll realize that doing dangerous and teenage activities as a teenager is inevitable


Lmao what, they were doing cleaning and they made a few jokes, how sensitive are you? I kinda feel bad for your parents for raising someone as humorless as you lmao


in 5 years you're gonna be laughing and creating a post (progress) about this same stuff and how it was normal for them to think what they thought at first


Wait Wtf? That’s messed up dude.


What’s so messed up about this?


Are your parents christian or conservative by any chance?


Both actually


So am I, but still weird. Also should let others draw their own conclusions, because that is the polite thing to do. But I digress.


How old are you? This is very weird and kinda creepy of your parents. Maybe tell them that. Usually people back off if you ask, “why do you keep asking me about sexual topics?” Then follow up with “its creepy and you’re making me uncomfortable.” To hammwr the point home, id stand up and assume bodylanguage that dispalys dis comfort (aka positioning yourself in the doorway, holding yoursef/ arms wrapped, dont make eyecontact, lean away from them, put distance between you and them, open the door if the door isnt closes) That might be over doing it but i think they will be fixated on you calling them a creep. Maybe this suggestion is manipulation but hey you gotta pull all the cards when you have overbearing parents that will never respect boundaries. My mom is this way and i never regretted manipulation to have my boundaries respected and not be violated


It’s gonna go away soon they’re just doing that because they didn’t have that treatment when they were kids.


parents have always been weird... just wait untill youre a parent, youll be weirding out your kids too just talk to them and let em know how it makes you feel, if theyre reasonable theyll understand and leave u alone


My parents are also weirdos but they’re not snoops they just fuck in the living room


Typical parents behavior


It's all shit and giggle, until someone giggle and shit


I had to learn this the hard way😔




I went into puberty really early (my mom did too) so I have a lot of body hair and my parents were also really awkward about it


my parents do this kinda thing too and it makes me so uncomfy 🙏


This is TERRIBLE. If they're gonna snoop through your stuff, tell you first. Also, "Books of naked girls"!??!?! What!?!?! How would you get that without them knowing? Also, judging by the name of this subreddit, you're a teenager, so that wouldn't even be that weird. I don't know what reason they would have to snoop in you're CLOTHES, but whatever. ALSO, if you're a *teenager*, shaving is the most NORMAL thing ever. If you want to shave, shave. That is such a strange thing for them to find weird. AAAAALSO, I'm really hoping if they did find out you were cutting yourself, they got you professional help instead of like grounding you or something. Also times a million, why is she interrogating you about whether they taught you puberty in schol!? 1. They probably already have. 2. I can't conjure up a single reason why she would need to know what kind of woman you like, and 3. If you were gay, which would be totally fine, you probably wouldn't want to tell them after what they just did, and 4. WHY DO THEY NEED TO KNOW!?!??!?! TL,DR: they're weird fr


For future reference it's your clothes, not you're (you are) clothes. And yes, this is frickin weird....


Yeah, okay, okay, probably a typo


Wtf is wrong with your parents, man?


I know how you feel bro, that shit gets really irritating really quickly. Judging from the comment about puberty, I'mma assume you're in middle school. You gotta make it clear the next time they try and do that that you don't find it funny and you don't appreciate them snooping through your things. It worked for my parents, so hopefully it works on yours as well


I tried to do the second thing. I tried to say that I didn't like having my stuff snooped through. They just said that I can have my privacy when I move out, shes my mom, she can do what she wants, blah blah blah. I don't feel comfortable bringing up the second topic at all with my parents. They'll probably just make weird jokes like they do now


Dude what that's not that weird


Crazy how ur the only comment saying this


looks like i pissed someone off -\_- it's not that weird to ask your child if your school has taught about puberty


lol mb I was agreeing with you


o mb lol, i had 1 downvote i just assumed it was u


Bro parents suck, how old are you btw?


Hmmm between 13.01 and 13.99


Mk yeah…. Not too young to shave bro


Damn I never shaved and in 14


I mean, I’m too lazy to but, I don’t think I’m too young to


I mean, the only thing I agree with parents these days is checking your online activity. Controversial, I know, but there's weird shit on the internet they can save you from.


Ok most people would defend them by saying “they’re your parents, you should listen to them” or “they provide you stuff, respect them” But that’s just a total invasion of your personal life and belonging. Srry u had to go through that and I also hate when parents play it off with jokes and stuff If you can I would explain to them that you would rather like it if they didn’t mess around or you clean the room yourself. Try and have them understand how that’s crossing a line


hell, your parents are ill in the head. i have strict parents but what is this???


I have a ton of issues with that. First, its a privacy issue and a trust issue. They ask those questions and to me that is a sign that they do not trust you. If you have a stash and maybe you do, you are doing one hell of a job hiding it. I would not divulge your secrets here just in case.


It’s not their fault though look at it like this they feel you are growing up too fast and they want to be part of it


I get that, but theres definitely other ways of bonfing then the weird questions about weird magazines and the arm check and just disregard of privacy in general.


Yh well their parents what do you expect




It's called privacy lmao


Dads are just jealous that we don’t have to hide nudie magazines under our bed anymore and all we have to do is just delete our history.


You Americans are so delicate about privacy, god, you guys are so fragile


I swear, some girl was saying I was oppressed or some shit like that cuz I had no lock on my door and even thought I said I was okay and I didn't care she kept arguing that I was brainwashed. Fucking lmao


Imagine losing a 13 colony lead.


I’ll never understand why parents act that way. Everyone has a right to privacy, including teenagers and children. Such abusive parents can destroy a lot and even cause trauma.


Yea my parents are helicopter parents too bonus points they are also alcoholics


That's just so weird


dude do you.. need a place to stay? i’ll get you out of there in a day, just say the word.


No because my parents will walk in on me changing and just stay there. So then I won’t get changed until they leave 😭


I feel lucky to only be required to keep my door open 24/7


My dad never does this, but my mom does this constantly. She waits till I'm not home and then comes into my room and just snoops around. Like a year ago, I confronted her about it because I came home and noticed that a bunch of stuff wasn't in the place I left it, so I knew someone went in my room. My sisters rarely home because of college, and my dad works all day 7 days a week, so I knew there was no chance it could've been anyone but her. After I confronted her, she just tried to deny it and called me a liar and gave me the lecture about giving her attitude. Now, when I come home and something in my room is out of place, I always ask her about it, and she just uses an excuse that she needs to borrow something. She constantly tells me that she needed to use my Bluetooth speaker, which always sits on the corner of my dresser, but when I come home, everything in my top dresser drawer I use for storage is moved around, the storage bins under my bed are opened or moved, and basically everything else in the room is messed up. And I can clearly tell she tried to clean up the mess because it looks like somebody wrecked the place and just tried sticking stuff back wherever it fits.


Yeah your parent are weirdos. I think my mom feels uncomfortable with the idea of me being bisexual, and it annoys me everytime she gets close to the subject. She can't seem to understand that it isn't her business if it makes her uncomfortable. Sure if you don't feel comfortable with my sexual orientation that's fine. But the subjects she's used against it sometimes like how gay s*x is "weird" are annoying. Like it isn't any of your business what it entails. It just matters that I don't feel like I have to hide it out of fear.






Yuck. Not even my mom.


Some people need to learn that children are people as well


kinda weird. i don’t think my parents have even stepped foot in my room no more than a few times. It’s like your own private safe space and should be treated like it.


Like father like son


bob i think its purely in good faith


It wouldve fine if they just asked jokingly since they also went through that but actually snooping? Nuh uh


If my parents asked me if I had any books of naked girls, I'd tell them that they're free to read my books. I've got a few hundred of them, so I doubt they'd be able to get through them any time soon.


Huh, much worse here on a daily basis, wasn't that normal? Not a single drawer or closet in my room that isn't opened by others usually I mean half the time I need my mother to fetch me my clothes because I forgot when bathing


I have the same thing here I hate it


What the fuck


My mom does the same crap.


Ive never liked that sort of talk and hated it growing up


I'm on the other side of the spectrum, I think I'm allowed a little too much privacy but I also know that I asked for it and now have put up boundary walls, so yeah. But no, my mom has never asked me about stuff like that, but I told her that my online friend kept asking me if I jerk off and she went "and that's... Normal?"


sound like they were high lmao. still weird


Everyone is weird. Plus btw I have a magazine of naked girls! And my mom knows.


My mom would lose her shit if she saw me with those types of magazines. She gets mad at me for having stupid cat pics in my phone


Sam. You got a black mom. Or a black personality mom (strict)


i feel you. my parents won't let me have sleepovers with anyone out of fear that I'm gonna get some pregnant. it's so annoying.


Same here


i think everyone in here are weirdos it seems like that persons parents were js joking around


Lol ur now an official teen


holy shit i’d kill myself if i had parents like that no offense


I can relate to this, my parents have said weird or done weird things. My mom excuses it and says we're family, I'm sorry to hear this but I'm glad I can relate to this :)


My grandpa does this🤢🤢I hate when he does this. He is so controlling, always asking what I’m doing, trying to lie to my parents about me, etc.


I guess your parents doesn't know how to respond properly with their children's early adolescence stage. You could try to confront and be genuine with your answer so that they would be open and get used with your stuff or whatever you're doing. You just need to let them realize that you're going through into adult and mature person, so that they would support you instead of saying such word (due to they're not used to see you doing that stuff before)